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EM010: Serving God’s Leaders Around the World with Rich Frazer of Spiritual Overseers Service, International
Episode 1028th May 2014 • Engaging Missions • Bryan Entzminger
00:00:00 00:32:16

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This week we're talking Rich Frazer, the president of Spiritual Overseers Service, International. Over the years, SOS International has provided training to thousands of leaders in 87 countries through more than 800 training assignments.

Their specific ministry style is to serve organizations who ask them to come and provide specific training for church leaders. They search for and send the most qualified people they can find to invest deeply in the local church, wherever they go. And while they are there, they serve the vision and agenda of the organization that invited them.

Rich has been providing this kind of training for indigenous leaders around the world for over 20 years and has seen the exponential value of investing in the global church in this way.

I'd also like to give our mutual friend, Mike Priebe of MemoryPeel a hat tip for connecting us.

Key Scriptures

  • 1 Timothy 2:3-5
  • Matthew 9:36-38
  • Ephesians 4:11-12
  • 2 Timothy 2:2

[bctt tweet=“Why not teach a man to TEACH a man to fish?”]


Rich points out that more than 100,000 people receive Christ every day and that more than 2,000 churches are planted every week. However, 90% of the pastors, whether volunteer, full-time, or bivocational, have little to no training. The challenge SOS International has is getting to those leaders to help them know how to study Scripture, show them what Christian leadership is all about, and to invite them to adopt a Christ-like model.


Rich shares the surprising story of one of his early prayers about whether he should go into missions.

[bctt tweet="Don't ask God if you should go. Ask God if you should stay." via="no"]

Current Ministry

Rich shares a little about the people SOS International is sending out over the course of this year to invest in the global church.

Level Up

Rich encourages us to consider our investments in missions based on the long-term impact of financial and prayerful impact.

Speed Round


[bctt tweet="The greatest among us is a servant. Not a partner or a patronizing visionary leader. A servant." via="no"]

Best Advice

  • Be flexible

Support and Encouragement

  • Many people encourage Rich

Personal Success Habit

[bctt tweet="Ask the question, 'What can I do for you?'" username="engagingmission"]

Internet Resource

Book Recommendation

New Place

  • Rich shares who he would go find and what he would offer them to support them.

Parting Advice

[bctt tweet="The fruit of a leader is not followers. It's another leader or an 'orchard' of leaders." username="engagingmission"]

Contact Info

SOS International



When we were discussing Rich's book recommendation, he also mentioned this video of Steve Saint ministering at a church. It's definitely worth 5 minutes to see this.



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