You and I have a big decision to make.
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Hi, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach. And welcome to the Weeniecast.
We've been on this journey for two years now, talking about ADHD and how it holds you back in your business.
But it's time for a transformation.
The Weeniecast isn't going anywhere, but we're shifting our focus.
Just like you, I've been navigating my own challenges and re-evaluating my goals.
One thing has become abundantly clear: the why behind your business success is crucial.
In this episode, "Nonprofits and New Beginnings," we're getting into the why behind wanting a successful business.
Believe it or not, it's not just about the money.
This episode will prepare you to elevate your business impact.
We’ll cover practical strategies and by the end of this episode, you won't just be inspired to take bigger actions; you'll have a clearer view of the steps you need to take.
Whether it's updating your business model to be more scalable, starting a nonprofit, engaging in political activism, or just understanding the why behind your goals, you'll be better equipped to make decisions that align with your deepest motivations.
Timestamp Summary:
00:00 Clients seek profit while positively impacting world.
05:17 Scaling business minimizes daily presence obligations.
06:54 Launching nonprofit Gay Birthday Club for LGBTQ support.
11:32 Building brand recognition, reputation, and revenue insight.
14:54 Changing your mind is normal and justified.
18:40 Embrace favorite self, unapologetically follow desires.
21:04 Start with what you have, take action.
25:43 Focus on one problem for a better world.
Mentioned in this episode:
February's FREE Pop Up Training - Manifestation that actually WORKS!
February 11th - 4pm ET - Free Pop up training
If you're a coach or consultant - find out how to attract your ideal clients
This is for your if you're working in the coaching and consulting space and want to attract your ideal clients, buying your higher ticket offers, so you can make more money, quickly, and will less time input, so you can focus on sharing your gifts with the world!
You and I have a big decision to make. Hi, I'm Katie McManus, business
Speaker:strategist and money mindset coach. And welcome to the
Speaker:Weeniecast. Hear
Speaker:ye, hear ye. Listeners of the Weeniecast, we need to
Speaker:talk. And I know that's like, no one wants to hear that. No one wants
Speaker:to hear the. We gotta talk. Okay. I swear I'm not breaking up with you.
Speaker:This isn't that kind of conversation, but it's kind of that
Speaker:conversation. We are solid. Two years into this
Speaker:relationship, we've been talking about ADHD and how it holds
Speaker:you back in your business and how to get over that, how to
Speaker:really work with how your brain works, to go and start a
Speaker:business and scale a business and do all the things in the business that
Speaker:are required for you to be massively successful. And
Speaker:it has been one of the deepest pleasures of my
Speaker:life to be able to do that for you. And also, I have
Speaker:ADHd. And my hyper fixation on talking
Speaker:about ADHD has come to an end.
Speaker:And the weenie cast isn't going anywhere. The weenie cast will always be here.
Speaker:But besides the fact that I'm feeling just complete with really
Speaker:focusing on ADHD, I realize I've been being a
Speaker:massive weenie in my own business, and I've
Speaker:been playing along with how I think you're being a weenie in your own life
Speaker:and your own business. Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel. What does it mean
Speaker:to not be a weenie? It doesn't mean that you're not afraid.
Speaker:It doesn't mean that you're not nervous about doing something outside of your comfort zone.
Speaker:It doesn't mean that you don't have doubts. It means you have
Speaker:all those things, they're still going on and you do it anyway.
Speaker:One of the things that I love about each and every one of my clients
Speaker:is that, yeah, they want to make a lot of money, but they want to
Speaker:do it while they're doing something good for the world. They want to have actual
Speaker:impact. And part of it is they want to have impact with the clients
Speaker:they work with. They want to genuinely help these. These people, these
Speaker:companies, whatever it is that they're up to, to be better
Speaker:in some way, shape or form, to have a better life,
Speaker:to get better results, and also
Speaker:they want to have a greater impact on the world around them.
Speaker:You know, a lot of my clients want to make more money so that they
Speaker:can donate to causes that they deeply care about. Other clients
Speaker:want to have a really successful business that can kind of fund
Speaker:a nonprofit that they want to start while others want to use
Speaker:their influence in their business to impact their communities.
Speaker:You know, maybe by running for office or supporting people who are running for
Speaker:office. All things that I have been
Speaker:doing with my life in the last year. And guys, that's where it's
Speaker:at. Being successful in your business. Big whoop.
Speaker:A big piece. I feel like we've been missing in the weenie cast is
Speaker:the why you want to have a successful business. What's the
Speaker:reason? Right? Because knowing how to do something is only going to be so
Speaker:helpful if you really understand why you want it. Because if you don't know why
Speaker:you want it, you're never going to go and do it because you won't have
Speaker:the motivation to get started. You know, the cool thing about being
Speaker:me, if I'm going to say this, is thankfully I don't
Speaker:attract a whole lot of narcissists or sociopaths into my world. If
Speaker:you're listening to this, I pretty much can guarantee you're not a narcissist or a
Speaker:sociopath. At least I hope so. If you are, then stop
Speaker:listening now. Go away. Leave us alone. You're not welcome
Speaker:here. And because there aren't a whole lot of narcissists and
Speaker:sociopaths here, what are they driven by? They're driven for their
Speaker:own goals. They're driven for the things that they want, which, I mean, I'm not
Speaker:saying that that's wrong. I think we should all let go of the shame
Speaker:of going after what we want. And also, like,
Speaker:just because you want it is not going to be be enough
Speaker:of a motivation for the typical weenie cast listener to go after
Speaker:their big goals. The motivation is I want to create a better future
Speaker:for my children. Motivation is I want to be able to provide for my
Speaker:parents in their retirement. The motivation is I want to be able to give back
Speaker:to my community. I want to be able to support causes like women's
Speaker:rights, like racial equity, whatever it
Speaker:is that you are super passionate about, that's going to be the thing that's going
Speaker:to push you to be more successful in your business.
Speaker:So going forward, the weeniecast is really going to be focused on
Speaker:how can you have impact? What can you do
Speaker:in your own business as you're growing it to have impact in these
Speaker:areas. Another element of this is that we're no longer looking
Speaker:at the minute little things that you can do to get
Speaker:1% better each day. Not to say that those aren't important, but
Speaker:we've covered them. We have over 100 episodes teaching you how
Speaker:to do those things. What we're focused on going forward,
Speaker:elevating the business you already have.
Speaker:And it might mean scaling the business, which a lot of people don't even
Speaker:know what scaling means. It's not a skin
Speaker:condition. Scaling means you've designed a business
Speaker:that can make more money without you working more.
Speaker:You know, for my coaches out there, I know a lot of us have been
Speaker:sold this idea that scaling is like, oh, well, you work with clients one on
Speaker:one now run a group program. A group program still
Speaker:requires you to show up. It still requires you to show up and
Speaker:be present in that group. Teaching, coaching, whatever
Speaker:it is that you do, it's not scalable. And the longer you're
Speaker:chained to this business, needing to be present in it every
Speaker:single day to make sure that you can make more money is
Speaker:less time you can put to having an impact in the world.
Speaker:It's less time that you can donate to a good cause, less time that you
Speaker:can, you know, do other work that'll actually change
Speaker:the game. So we're gonna be talking about how you can actually scale
Speaker:a business, how you can take a business that's making a measly
Speaker:2000 a month and grow it to half a million a year
Speaker:and more. Not only that, we're going to be talking about how you can
Speaker:acquire other businesses, how you can
Speaker:become a fully fledged entrepreneur who
Speaker:isn't just a singular business owner. You know, what you can look
Speaker:at that will be complementary to what you already do.
Speaker:I'm really excited for this part because this is a journey that I'm on in
Speaker:this moment. And I want to show you behind the scenes as I'm
Speaker:scaling, as I am buying other businesses, as I am
Speaker:starting other businesses. Cause for me to sit here every week
Speaker:and tell you to stop being a weenie and do the thing that's outside your
Speaker:comfort zone. I better be doing that, too. And let me tell
Speaker:you, this is way outside my comfort zone. It's very uncomfortable.
Speaker:But I know doing this is going to be the key to me
Speaker:having the impact on the world that I want to have.
Speaker:And the impact I want to have is going to be different from yours. But
Speaker:let me share with you what I have envisioned in my vision
Speaker:going forward for my life and my business and the work I'm gonna
Speaker:do. One of the things that I'm gonna be sharing with
Speaker:you as I build it is this nonprofit that I'm launching
Speaker:this month called the Gay Birthday Club. Now, it sounds silly but
Speaker:there's a whole population of folks in the LGBTQ community
Speaker:who don't get a call from their parents on their birthday saying, happy birthday,
Speaker:I love you, or singing a cringy happy birthday song.
Speaker:And it's something that I saw someone on LinkedIn
Speaker:shared about how they no longer get a call from their dad on their birthday,
Speaker:and it's really made their birthday a hard day for them. And as
Speaker:someone who has taken for granted that I've always gotten a birthday call from my
Speaker:parents, both of them, and from other family members singing happy birthday and
Speaker:celebrating me, it's something that I realized would be so simple
Speaker:to fix in the world, to reach out to people on their day
Speaker:and say, hey, you're special. There are people thinking about you, and there's so much
Speaker:love coming your way. Part of this nonprofit will also be a huge
Speaker:fundraising arm where we're raising money not just for our operations,
Speaker:which I'm anticipating will be fairly minimal,
Speaker:but also raising money for organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and the
Speaker:Trevor Project and organizations that are doing far more serious work
Speaker:in the LGBTQ community. That's the nonprofit I'm
Speaker:launching. Whatever nonprofit you have wanted to start,
Speaker:I want the Weenie cast to not only be
Speaker:the battle cry for you to just go out and get started, but I
Speaker:also want it to be a resource for you to be able to turn to,
Speaker:to come up with the idea, to figure out what your first steps
Speaker:are going to be, to understand what kinds of
Speaker:people you need to call upon for help and to really
Speaker:see that because you have this idea, I
Speaker:want you to be able to see that because you're identifying this need in the
Speaker:world, that there is need, and that there is a way for you
Speaker:to become the change that is needed in whatever community you
Speaker:want to support and to see how that one thing that you do
Speaker:can have a ripple effect. It can have a greater
Speaker:impact on the world. You know, the other aspect of my work
Speaker:that I and really growing is doing some political
Speaker:consulting and working on political campaigns. You know, because
Speaker:right now we're coming up. If you're living in the United States, you're aware of
Speaker:this. We're coming up on a very serious election.
Speaker:Women's rights are at stake, where the safety
Speaker:and security of people of color, of the LGBTQ
Speaker:community, of folks who weren't born in the United States, they
Speaker:are literally on the line, along with a ton of other issues
Speaker:and, well, no, like, I'm probably not running for office. It's not an ambition
Speaker:of mine. I know I can have impact by using
Speaker:what I know as a business owner, what I know as a business strategist. What
Speaker:I know is someone who does a lot of marketing consulting. I know I can
Speaker:help. I know I can do work that will actually make
Speaker:voices stronger and make it far more likely that
Speaker:good people who have a sincere desire
Speaker:to protect the most vulnerable people in our society,
Speaker:I know I can help them get elected. And so I'm going to be doing
Speaker:more of that. And I will be sharing behind the scenes to show you how
Speaker:I'm doing that. So you can see how you can use your own
Speaker:skills to have similar impact. If you want to get
Speaker:involved in politics or in your local community along
Speaker:with all of this, that's a major aspect to elevating
Speaker:your business and taking things to that next level. Ooh, what am I
Speaker:gonna say next? Well, you'll have to keep listening to find out. But first, squirrel,
Speaker:squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel.
Speaker:Along with all of this, a major aspect to
Speaker:elevating your business and taking things to that next level
Speaker:is demanding to be seen, being
Speaker:terrified to stand up on stage and loudly
Speaker:declare your beliefs, your
Speaker:expertise, and commanding that attention in
Speaker:the next year. I'm actually doing this really exciting partnership with two former clients
Speaker:of mine. One who does pr coaching, the other one who
Speaker:does branding coaching. And we're going to be leading a group of
Speaker:really brave business owners who don't just want to have a
Speaker:successful business, they want to be a household name. They want to
Speaker:be seen and known as the go to
Speaker:expert in their space. And in our program, we're going to be guiding
Speaker:them. Exactly how do they create a
Speaker:recognizable brand? We're going to be walking them through
Speaker:step by step. How do they have an ironclad
Speaker:reputation? By getting them featured in
Speaker:magazines, in news articles, on the news, on tv.
Speaker:My next guest is the host of the US top 5% rated
Speaker:podcast, the Weenie cast. We're gonna be showing them exactly how they
Speaker:can leverage themselves into getting featured
Speaker:for free. And I'll be personally guiding each and every one of
Speaker:these clients through how to create an offer that is truly
Speaker:scalable so that they don't have to work harder, work
Speaker:longer hours to make more money. And as we lead this
Speaker:group to the trifecta of recognition and
Speaker:reputation and revenue, I'll be sharing the behind the scenes with
Speaker:you. So that even if you're not at that point yet, you can
Speaker:understand what steps you need to take in your business right now to set you
Speaker:up to step center stage and finally,
Speaker:we're going to be talking about what it takes for you to actually believe that
Speaker:you can do this. You know, telling you tips and tricks on how to do
Speaker:something is great, but it's useless if you don't think it's
Speaker:possible for you. You know, you can read 17 books on how to
Speaker:run a marathon, but if you don't actually believe that you can run a
Speaker:marathon, are you actually going to successfully train for it? That's
Speaker:not how that works. If you don't believe you can do a handstand, you're not
Speaker:going to start training and learning how to do things to do a handstand.
Speaker:If you don't think you can act, you're not going to start auditioning.
Speaker:The business world and the manifestation world are
Speaker:kind of suspicious of each other, and rightly so,
Speaker:because there are a lot of manifestation coaches out there who talk
Speaker:about, I manifested $5,000 last week, and here's the
Speaker:mantra that got me there. Business people are looking at that and being like, you're
Speaker:a fucking nut job. What do you mean? Like? No,
Speaker:like, that's not how that works. You have to actually just go and make the
Speaker:money. And the manifestation world's like, cool, like, going and making the money.
Speaker:Like, how do you do that? Energetically? The manifestation
Speaker:world understands that there's an energetic and belief system that's
Speaker:required to make any of those business opportunities possible.
Speaker:You've been with me for a couple years now. You know,
Speaker:I see both sides of this, and one of the main focuses going
Speaker:forward is going to be how do you back up your
Speaker:belief system? How do you shift your
Speaker:own internal timeline so that when those business opportunities come your
Speaker:way, you're able to identify them and, well, not
Speaker:fearlessly, because we're still wheaties here, right? But how
Speaker:to be afraid of going for it and do it anyway? How do you face
Speaker:the risk of rejection? How do you make
Speaker:decisions that are difficult decisions
Speaker:to make and see them through? I'm doing it
Speaker:right now. You know, I'll show you behind the scenes in this
Speaker:moment. You know, there's absolutely a side of me that's like, oh,
Speaker:God, I put all this work, two whole years, over
Speaker:100 episodes, and really, like, reworked all of my
Speaker:branding to really cater to folks with ADHD. You
Speaker:know, that could absolutely be seen as, like, oh, my God, like, I
Speaker:failed. I failed. Like, I picked something that was the wrong
Speaker:niche. That would be a choice I could make in this moment, but it's
Speaker:not the choice I'm making because there's no shame in changing your
Speaker:mind. There's absolutely no shame in growing and
Speaker:evolving, in realizing that the focus
Speaker:you had for one period of your life or your business
Speaker:has kind of run its course for you. And there doesn't have to
Speaker:be any justification to change your mind. One of the biggest fears my
Speaker:clients have is like, what if I pick the wrong niche? What if I choose
Speaker:something that, you know, he, like, is successful
Speaker:and I like doing for a while, but then all of a sudden it loses
Speaker:its zhush for me. Like, the goose gets juiced and then there's
Speaker:nothing left.
Speaker:And if we're being real, you know, we're a club of people with
Speaker:ADHD, it's just not realistic for us to stick with the same thing
Speaker:forever. It's just not, you know, I'm
Speaker:going to change. I'm going to lean in and change when I feel like
Speaker:I'm done with something and I'm going to do it publicly
Speaker:and I'm going to show you behind the scenes of it, because I want you
Speaker:to know that you do not need to have a greater justification for changing your
Speaker:mind on something. You do not need to have a greater justification to
Speaker:say, you know what? This part of my business, I'm feeling complete here,
Speaker:feeling done. I'm going to mix it up. I'm going to change it. I'm going
Speaker:to move on to something else. Because guess what? Just because you want
Speaker:it is valid enough. That is a good enough reason.
Speaker:And if any of you who are listening right now
Speaker:have had this thought in the back of your mind that, you know, what I'm
Speaker:doing right now just doesn't feel like a fit anymore. Just doesn't. Doesn't
Speaker:scratch the same itch. I don't feel like I'm having the impact. I want to
Speaker:have full permission to change with me. It's
Speaker:hard. There's a lot of work, there's a lot of links I'm gonna have to
Speaker:be updating. There's a lot of branding that I'm gonna have to do.
Speaker:Like, I'm really happy I have a team that can help me with this, and
Speaker:maybe you don't have that yet, but let me tell you, it's easier to make
Speaker:these changes when you're in a group of people who are also making the change,
Speaker:even if you don't know who they are, even if you're just aware tangentially that
Speaker:they're doing it, too. I'm now, like, just imagining, like, my LinkedIn feed
Speaker:and my Instagram feed is all these people like changing their niche and changing their
Speaker:business over the coming. But you know what? Like,
Speaker:that's amazing, because what that actually means
Speaker:is that there are that many more people who are being true to themselves, who
Speaker:are realizing, you know what? I've been offering this gift to the world, and you
Speaker:know what? I'm tired. I'm done. I'm just not feeling it anymore. And
Speaker:I want to shift now to offer this gift to the world. Let's go.
Speaker:You know, in the last few months, I've been talking a fair bit about
Speaker:the favorite self and the difference between the
Speaker:favorite self and the ideal self, right? And if we talk about the ideal self,
Speaker:your ideal self is unattainable. It's a vision of perfection that
Speaker:we're never going to reach because perfect doesn't exist. Your
Speaker:ideal self has already done all the ideal things in their
Speaker:life that you like. There's no time machine that's going to make you go
Speaker:back and do it. And also, even if you did have a time machine, you
Speaker:have ADHD. It's not like you're going to be able to stick perfectly to a
Speaker:plan. Unrealistic. If I took a time machine back
Speaker:to being in high school, it's not like I'm gonna do all my homework perfectly.
Speaker:It's not like I'm gonna be the best student ever. It's not like I'm gonna
Speaker:get into Harvard and then be the perfect student there. No,
Speaker:of course not. I'm still gonna be me. I'm still gonna be
Speaker:slightly chaotic. Like off the wall, only
Speaker:wants to pay to, only pays attention to stuff that she's interested in. Katie. And
Speaker:you're gonna be the same you. Right. So ideal me, who has gone to
Speaker:Harvard, who has a high paying job, who does this, this, and this, and blah,
Speaker:blah, blah, and eats salads every day for lunch. Never going to be
Speaker:her even if science fiction stuff became real. Right? So
Speaker:me trying to channel her every day to do what I want to do, like,
Speaker:it's just going to hold me to a standard that doesn't work for me already
Speaker:versus my favorite self. My favorite self
Speaker:is chaotic Af. You know what? So, like, in big
Speaker:ways where she changes her business on a dime, and in small ways where sometimes
Speaker:she says as f, and sometimes she says Af, and you'll never know when it's
Speaker:coming. My favorite self doesn't apologize for making
Speaker:decisions. She actually sees it as a major strength that she can make
Speaker:decisions and change her mind. She sees it as a
Speaker:superpower to constantly be checking in with what do
Speaker:I want right now? And what do I want right now? And what do I
Speaker:want right now? And go with it simply because
Speaker:she wants it without needing to justify why it's needed.
Speaker:As we're talking about you making a greater impact, and as we're talking about
Speaker:resetting your mindset so that you actually believe that bigger things are possible
Speaker:for you, we're always going to be checking in with
Speaker:what does your favorite self have to say? What do they want?
Speaker:Who are they excited for you to be and who are they excited for you
Speaker:to show up as in the world. Because once we know that
Speaker:we have your motivation, there's nothing that's gonna stop
Speaker:you. Once you really understand what your deeper desire is.
Speaker:Because once you understand what your deep desire is, the thing that you want more
Speaker:than anything and why you want it, what makes it so appealing to
Speaker:you, what's the impact you want to have with it? Once you know that
Speaker:you can actually start making use of all the tips and the tricks that you're
Speaker:already listening to, you know the things that they're like, oh yeah, well that makes
Speaker:it sound so easy. I should just do that. Is just gonna be come.
Speaker:Oh cool. This is how I go from where I am right now to what
Speaker:I want. Awesome. Let's do it.
Speaker:With this shift in the weenie cast, I'm drawing a line in the sand.
Speaker:This podcast is no longer for those folks
Speaker:are the maybe someday crowd. Maybe someday I'm
Speaker:gonna start a business. Maybe someday I'm gonna change my
Speaker:life. Maybe someday I'll go out and do this really cool
Speaker:idea that I have that like meh, maybe someone else should do it because
Speaker:I'm pretty busy right now. You guys are not welcome along for the ride.
Speaker:This is the moment where I'm asking you to just fucking
Speaker:do it already. To put the bull aside.
Speaker:Whatever excuses you've had up until now that you're not doing it.
Speaker:Time, money, energy. Get real with
Speaker:yourself that you actually have the power here. If you don't have the
Speaker:money to start a business, guess what? It costs nothing to go to
Speaker:a neighborhood and go door to door and say, hey, I'm going to be power
Speaker:washing some of your neighbor's stuff this weekend. I have some
Speaker:availability on Saturday. Do you need anything power washed? Do you have any
Speaker:concrete or a porch or maybe the siding of your house? You
Speaker:know, I can come by, it's $200. And you get people to commit
Speaker:and you set appointments and you say, cool, you know, I'll be by this
Speaker:time to do this, renting a power washer from Lowe's
Speaker:or Home Depot is $100 to $250 a day. Once you
Speaker:have, you know, three or four people committed, you go to Home Depot,
Speaker:you rent a power washer for the day you come back, you
Speaker:do your work, you get paid five Saturdays, you have enough to get started with
Speaker:a business. You actually have more than enough. And you also
Speaker:kind of have a successful side hustle that you could also just continue
Speaker:doing to make more money so that when you do want to leave your full
Speaker:time job for your business, you already have some side
Speaker:cash coming in. It's pretty cool. So if you get two clients,
Speaker:you're making money.
Speaker:If you don't have time, I call bull. Because if you don't
Speaker:have time, that tells me that you're not asking for help. You're not
Speaker:demanding that the people in your life step up and take things off of
Speaker:your plate. Did you know that in hunter gatherer
Speaker:societies, women, mothers,
Speaker:grandmothers, do you know how much of their time is
Speaker:used towards leisure activities and not child
Speaker:rearing, not housekeeping, not feeding
Speaker:the rest of the group? Do you know how much time they
Speaker:have? 50 f percent.
Speaker:50% of their time is used for
Speaker:leisure because they ask for help, because it is built in.
Speaker:If you do not have time to start changing your
Speaker:life into what you want it to be, it's because you're going along
Speaker:with the bull society we've been handed, where you have to do it all on
Speaker:your own because you've bought into this myth that you should be
Speaker:independent and fully self sufficient.
Speaker:No, no, no, no. We're not going along
Speaker:with that anymore. You get to ask for help. You get to create community
Speaker:around you. And I'm sorry, but if the people in your life are not
Speaker:willing to create this,
Speaker:this all around beneficial community where everyone helps each other and
Speaker:has their back, they don't belong in your life. Adios.
Speaker:Bye bye, Felicia. And if you don't have the energy, and I
Speaker:understand this, I've worked in so many jobs that were soul sucking.
Speaker:I worked in so many jobs for so many bosses where at the end of
Speaker:the day, I felt like I just had dregs of myself left
Speaker:and I had nothing to offer anyone. And I know the job
Speaker:market right now sucks. I know, I know, I know.
Speaker:I get all the reasons, but there's always choice. When
Speaker:I was in that position, I was not interviewing for other
Speaker:jobs. I was choosing to stay in the
Speaker:job that paid enough for me to survive but didn't give
Speaker:me the ability to have a life where I was thriving. And I
Speaker:know it's hard. I'm not saying this like it's a simple or easy thing to
Speaker:do, but if you don't have the energy at the end of your
Speaker:workday to put towards setting things in motion
Speaker:that'll take you to the life that you actually want, you have a really difficult
Speaker:decision to make.
Speaker:If you're committed to any of those reasons being the obstacle
Speaker:that just makes it impossible for you to do this thing, then you're no longer
Speaker:welcome here. This is not going to be the podcast for you.
Speaker:I love you, and I want the best for you. And this podcast will always
Speaker:be here for you. When you choose to believe that what
Speaker:you want is possible for you and when you start acting like it's possible
Speaker:for you. But until then, I don't know how much this podcast is
Speaker:going to help you. We're not doing vision board sh t anymore.
Speaker:This is a community where your feet are going to be held to the fire
Speaker:so that you can do the thing that you already want to do, so that
Speaker:you can have the impact that you know you can have on the world.
Speaker:And so, yes, you can do it while you're ahead. Still scared less. We
Speaker:were considering calling it something like the Weenie cast 2.0, but it's
Speaker:not. It's still the Weenie cast. It's still the Weenie cast where you get
Speaker:to be afraid and still take action. But we're taking bigger action
Speaker:now. We're going for bigger dreams. We're going
Speaker:after the vision that we all have for a better
Speaker:world. And I have this deep belief, and I've had this for a really long
Speaker:time, that we don't all have to care about everything.
Speaker:We don't have to fix every single problem there is in the world.
Speaker:If each and every one of us picked one problem,
Speaker:picked one area where we get to fix even the
Speaker:smallest of issues, like people getting birthday
Speaker:calls, I am convinced we would have a much better
Speaker:world. So I hope with this shift, with this
Speaker:upgrade, you'll continue this journey with us. And I
Speaker:hope that with this upgrade and shift, you're
Speaker:gonna be upgrading and you're gonna be shifting some shit in your life, and I
Speaker:cannot wait to hear about it. So let's
Speaker:all just stop being a weenie and go for it.
Speaker:What if I. What if I choose something that, you know, I like,
Speaker:is successful and I like doing for a while, but then all of
Speaker:a sudden, it loses for me? Like the goose gets
Speaker:juiced and then there's nothing left. I love that term, by the way. I have
Speaker:one canadian person who joins my Friday calls sometimes, and she
Speaker:is always talking about juicing your goose. And I'm all about it. And
Speaker:I always love an excuse to use that term. I don't know if that's a
Speaker:canadian thing or just a her thing, you know, could be, I don't know,
Speaker:TBD, Canadians. Can you tell me, is that a canadian thing or is that just
Speaker:a random person who comes to my calls thing? Please tell me in the comments.
Speaker:Thank you very much. Squirrel, squirrel,
Speaker:squirrel, squirrel.