At the Bone Cave we get a lot of questions about BDC turrets. BDC stands for Bullet Drop Compensation, and BDC turrets offer the easiest way to dial number of clicks to compensate for bullet drop when shooting at longer distances. These turrets are usually found on hunting scopes for long-range hunting. We call RBO's system a range, dial-and-dump system (shout out to Jeff Sipe). You range your animal (say 600 yards) and use your dope card (RBO has done the homework for you on knowing your bullet, and it's velocity) and then you apply the number of clicks needed to compensate for the bullet's drop over that distance. If you're hunting out west, long range shots are the norm and having a good BDC turret will add greatly to your hunting success. Rolling Bones does have a package where we take your favorite rifle and turn it into a precision, long-range firearm with a scope and BDC turret (26:12). At 28:55 Brian and Brad give the top three things they like about a BDC turret.