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SOS for Mom – Mirella Acebo pt 2
Episode 137927th October 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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SOS for the Mom

Mirella Acebo pt 2

Today, we are going to be talking about the most important person in our life (other than Jesus, of course).  That one person who is responsible for so many things, regardless of your age, your occupation – anything.  This one person alone is responsible for your life. Who would that be?


Now men, don’t switch us off right now… this is going to be a very needful episode for you to hear. I guarantee it!

And for you women out there – at any age – you definitely do not want to miss this discussion on today’s episode. Amen!

Our guest today is Mirella Acebo. She is a certified life coach and mom (which is where she derived here acronym the “Life Coach Mom,” praise God)! She has over ten years of experience leading and teaching women of all ages in the area of Spiritual growth and personal development.

Her passion is to help the everyday, busy woman, rediscover who she truly is (apart from being a wife and mom). She will help you to gain a fresh perspective about the many, many roles you play in life – on a daily basis. Amen! Using a little humor along the way, she will help bring some honesty, clarity and hope into your life.

Mirella is also an actress, producer and storyteller with over 15 years of experience in the television industry. She has appeared in numerous films, on television and in national commercials as well.

And she is the author of a fabulous book, which is what we will be discussing today, titled, “SOS for the MOM.” This book addresses 10 common emotions mom experience today and connects those experience to 10 Bible Moms who probably experienced those same emotions, too. Amen!

Let’s talk a bit about your book, “SOS for the MOM.”  Why did you write this book and why now?

 What is the difference between living a Spirt led life versus and Emotional led life?

Let’s go through some examples from your book, “SOS for the MOM.”  You have 10 examples of these emotions moms experience today and you relate them to 10 Biblical moms. What would they share with moms today, if given the chance?  Let’s start with the mother of us all – Eve?

1) Let’s start with Eve and how she must have felt knowing she allowed sin to come into her world?

2) What about “Mrs. Noah?” What can we learn from her? 3) Next is Sarah and her Impatience?

4) Hagar was abandoned in the wilderness by Abraham. What can we learn from here about being a single mom who has been abandoned by the husband and father of her child or children? 5) Then we have the mother of Moses, Jochebed about Worry? She released Moses into the river at 3-months-old. How difficult would that decision have been?

6) Then you discuss Rebekah as a “controlling mom?” How so? 7) Leah about Loneliness in Marriage? She married Jacob who was in love with Rachel. 8) You have Bathsheba listed here for a suffering mom? What can we learn from her? 9) Next you talk about Hannah being persistent in prayer? Share about that with us.

10) Mary about Suffering in motherhood? I could not imagine what it was like to stand there and watch your child be tortured and then crucified and you can’t do anything about it...

Mirella, this is so interesting. I’m so blessed to able to offer your book to our audience. How can someone obtain your book, “SOS for the MOM?” Is it available on Amazon?

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or possibly do an interview such as this…how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, “SOS for the MOM” is divided into 10 chapters which correspond to 10 Mom Emotions and 10 Bible Moms which you can learn from. Each chapter includes specific Bible verses to reflect on and insightful thoughts from the Life Coach Mom herself, Mirella Acebo.

In this book, Mirella helps you to navigate the emotional side of motherhood, and help you find strength in your faith. This book is a guide for moms of all ages and in all stages of parenting and it will be a blessing to you, no matter what stage of being a mom you are in. Men – you just may want to surprise you wife with this book, too. Let her know that you care (even just a little bit) about the challenges she faces on a daily basis. Amen! I urge you to drop down into the show notes, reach out to Mirella and ask your questions or get some information on her coaching program. But you definitely need to order her book, “SOS for the Mom.” Amen!  This book will be a blessing and encouragement to you, for sure. Mirella, thank you for taking the time to visit with us today and discuss this all important topic, “SOS for the Mom.” I do appreciate your time. Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Mirella Acebo and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




Book:  “SOS for the Mom” – on Amazon

YouTube:  LifeCoachingbyMirella7036

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