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Episode 86: Mini Yoga Nidra | Mirage in the Desert
Episode 8613th March 2024 • The Meditation Well • Jess Haessly
00:00:00 00:09:20

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Meditation Script:

Settling into a comfortable place in your body, enjoy a few deep breaths in and out

through your nose. Set your intention. How do you want to show up in your next moments

after this practice? Perhaps with a sense of boldness, wisdom, trust, peace, love, safety.

Whatever your intention, set that here. Deep breath in, aware of how you want

to show up. As you take a deep breath out, let that intention fade from your


Direct your attention to the toes on your right foot, top of your right foot, bottom of

your right foot, ankle, lower part of your right leg, knee, right thigh, hip,

side, right armpit, shoulder, upper part of your right arm, elbow, forearm, wrist,

back of your right hand, front of your right hand, fingers. Shift your

attention to the fingers on your left hand, front of your left hand, back of

your left hand, wrist, left forearm, elbow, upper part of your left arm,

shoulder, armpit, side, your left hip, thigh, knee, lower part of your left

leg, ankle, top of your left foot, bottom of your left foot, all of the toes on

your left foot.

Bring awareness to your lower back, belly, chest, mid back, upper back, neck, jaw, lower

lip, upper lip, right nostril, left nostril, right cheek, left cheek, right

ear, left ear, tip of your nose, bridge of your nose, right eye, left eye,

forehead, back of your head, crown of your head.

Imagine standing in the middle of a desert late afternoon, the sun beginning to set

over the horizon, the sky shades of purple, pink, orange, and red. Feel the

heat carried on the wind shifting to an evening desert cool. Looking out across

the red and beige sand, green cactuses and desert bushes peppered throughout

the landscape. Imagine seeing in the horizon a large glistening fountain shooting

up into the air and pouring out onto the desert. Imagine feeling the cool spray

of water stretching across the desert as a gentle mist touching your face. Feel

the firm and gentle give of the ground beneath your feet. Bring awareness to

anywhere in your body you may be holding tension. Keeping your eyes on the

image of the fountain, imagine the mist calming your body and mind.

Deep breath in, deep breath out. See your intention in the image of the fountain,

imagining a reflection of yourself showing up with whatever intention you set, boldness,

wisdom, trust, peace, love, safety. Letting go of the image of the desert,

notice your body—shoulders, hips, face, fingers, toes. Breathe. Bringing gentle

movement to your body, blink open your eyes, and move through your day or into

rest with intention. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.




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