On today's episode of the Intuitive Parents Podcast Dr. Frances Malone chats with Pamela Barton about helping families achieve their goals in letting their family eat healthy. Pamela is a registered holistic nutritionist and her mission is to help people transition to a whole foods based diet for better health overall. She is helping families with meal planning, women with balancing hormones and auto-immune conditions and has recently launched a coaching program called Metabolic Energy Reboot (TM) to help people go from tired and exhausted to energetic and productive again.
To learn more about Pamela Barton make sure to check out her website
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The Intuitive Parents Podcast is a place for parents to go who are seeking holistic support on their journey of consciously raising naturally healthy kids. Hosted by Dr. Frances Malone ARNP, PhD founder of The Intuitive Parents Collective, Malone Pediatrics, DogFish Moon Sanctuary, and Chartreuse Skincare.
Dr. Frances Malone has dedicated her career towards serving her community through her research, study, and care. She believes that each family unit is unique and deserves personalized care.
Through this podcast it is Dr. Malones mission to educate and support parents. From solo episodes to magnificent conversations with expert guests- The Intuitive Parents Podcast will be the next favorite on your playlist!
To learn more about Dr. Frances Malone ARNP, PhD visit her website www.francesmalone.com
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired in your parenting journey? Then it is time for a shift, The 14 Day Shift that is! This is France's simple three step process to achieve more peace in your household today! Grab the free resources by going to www.mygiftfromfrances.com
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Are you a local resident to Bainbridge Island, WA or the Kitsap County area? Then you need to check out Malone Pediatrics and DogFish Moon Sanctuary! You can find them at the links below.
Looking for skincare that leaves you feeling vibrantly radiant? Then it is time for you to nourish your body from the outside in with Frances all natural skincare, Chartreuse. You can check out the products here www.vibrantlygreen.com
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Unknown Speaker 0:07
Hi, this is Dr. Francis Malone, founder of the intuitive parents collective. I've been working with children and their families to provide holistic relationship based medical care throughout my career. This podcast is for parents interested in consciously raising naturally Healthy Kids. Here we will dive into topics that spanned childhood, and parenting as well as hosting exciting guests. So whenever you find yourself at the end of her parenting rope, tune into the intuitive parents podcast to get new ideas about making parenting fun.
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Thank you for joining us today for the intuitive parents podcast. I'm Francis Malone. And I created the intuitive parents collective in this podcast to reach parents everywhere and to share creative ideas, hacks, and to provide support on your parenting journey. Today's guest is Pamela Barton. Hi, Pamela, welcome. Can you spell that? Oh, sorry. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and the work that you do to support parents?
Unknown Speaker 1:10
Yes, thank you so much for having me today. I'm a holistic nutritionist, and natural nutrition certified practitioner. And I'm located in Canada here in Ottawa. And I offer a variety of services. And especially for families, parents, kids, I help them eat healthy. And when I say that, I mean, our whole food based foods, and I help families, you know, achieve their goals by feeding the kids, a very wholesome, nourishing diet that will help them stay healthy. And also educate them on good foods versus not so good foods, and so on down the road. That is one, my work. And the other focus is helping actually the parents helping stressed out executive CEOs who feel like they can't give their A game because they feel tired, they feel exhausted. And they have a lot of responsibility and their role models. And they don't really like the way they're showing up. And they know there's room for improvement. And I help those people in one of my group coaching programs, help them get really grip on nutrition, on stress, and on sleep. And we combine all of this together, bring the puzzle pieces together so that they can feel their best and they can have lots of energy and feel vibrant.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
Great, thank you so much for being with us, Pamela. I love how you talked about the adults being aware of feeling burnt out feeling rundown, and stressed and exhausted. Because I see that in children who are not being fed. as robust, a whole foods diet, as I prefer. I see all families on trajet on a continuum of food, and no one is doing anything perfectly, because that's not our aim. But we're always trying to uplevel the game a little bit so that people could feel better. All the people in the family could feel better, especially the kiddos. So I wanted to ask you how important is the food that we serve children? Or that we eat ourselves? Can you talk a little bit about how nutrition is relevant to how we feel?
Unknown Speaker 3:37
Yes, great question. Actually, I believe that nutrition or your nutritional status really determines how you feel. And if you become sick, if you get a chronic condition, anything down the road, right? I mean, kids are usually robust, they can handle a lot of maybe not so good food for a while. But it also accumulates. And if we are not taking care of this from an early age, we just kind of run into problems further down the road. And we see it as the parents and that's where the connection is. Because once you got to this age where you are the parent where you are working, and you have really been running on empty calories are not enough nutrients for a long, long time in your life, or even sometimes short term with a massive amount of stress. You're really running on an empty tank. And if you continue this route with your family and your kids, it creates several problems that creates the problem of they imitate your behavior, right they like they get used to our convenience foods because they taste yummy, and they don't see the relevance and they don't understand why it's important to feed or to eat nutritious food And so there are lots of problems that we create if we're not aware of how we eat. And if we are, if we are also not making a priority.
Unknown Speaker 5:12
Absolutely, I'm wondering if you could just go through for my audience. A little bit more detail about what is a whole foods diet when you when you and I, I think are on the same page about that. But I would love for people who have not yet had an opportunity to be in clinical space with me or with you to understand what we really mean by a whole food diet. And what does that look like? For a parent?
Unknown Speaker 5:39
Yes, great question. So usually, what I mean, when I talk about whole foods diet, is we want to reduce the processed foods as much as possible. So we don't need to be perfect. As you also alluded to earlier, it's not about perfection, but it's really about balance and awareness. And especially when we look at foods that get marketed to kids these days, and all packaged foods, and then their school safe snacks, right? That is packaged sugary foods, but then they say, well, it's safe to eat, because there are no nuts in it, you can take it to school. So whatever marketing there is around it, they, they, they target kids and tell them, Hey, this is healthy, you can eat this. And at the end of the day, we really have to look at how much processed foods are we actually eating on a daily basis. And so whole food is actually the opposite. So if you go shopping, and you browse the grocery aisle, it's the you find the whole foods on the outside, you find it in the vegetable aisle, you find it in the where the fruits are, it's all of the things that nature has provided in its original form that we have not taken and altered or you know, constructed in a different or fabricated into a different types of product. So that is what we mean by Whole Foods. So we want to make sure we eat as natural as possible whenever we can. And again, not to overwhelm anyone. It's not about perfection, but it's really trying to get the main meals off the day as natural as possible. Not a lot of processed foods, sugary foods, and sugary drinks, and all of the things that we call convenient foods. That is the opposite of Whole Foods.
Unknown Speaker 7:39
Right? And so could you elaborate on what does a Whole Foods breakfast look like? Because if someone is thinking that serving a waffle that came out of a package or cereal, those in my mind are not Whole Foods because they have been processed pretty robustly. And I think that we got to start let's get ourselves on like a ground where parents can understand what we mean by what is the whole food breakfast look like?
Unknown Speaker 8:12
Yes, yeah. Great. So yeah, waffle that comes out of the package was cereal is definitely not Whole Foods. It's been processed, it's been altered, it looks completely different than what nature grew. So I guess I always start out by asking you okay, how would you like to eat breakfast? Because there are some people say, you know, I prefer a warm breakfast. Others say no, it has to be quick. I don't want to spend any time on it. So that's always the first thing we need to figure out. How do we actually want to eat and then there are always better options. So if you say I need my waffle, like in the morning, that's what I want to eat. Then I will tell you or I would give you a recipe how you can make a waffle yourself with of course there will be maybe some flour in it, which is technically process, right. But again, we want to we don't want to get caught up on this perfection piece. They are better alternatives. They're better flowers you can buy, I will give you recipes that uses healthy fats, minimally processed sugars or, or even just a banana. You know, there are lots of things we can do to make this waffle a much healthier version and more nutrient rich than thing that comes out of the package. So that is always something where I said we can uplevel this right? If it has to be the waffle, we find a really good recipe that will give you nutrients and that will also make you feel full longer so you don't have to eat as fast again, it's often something that I find a kid get up off the breakfast table and then they eat again, half an hour later because they're hungry. So this is really something that I To draw attention to, and also, for example, cereal, then I prefer oatmeal, and you can make it yourself, you also don't have to buy the packaged oatmeal, you can just buy steel cut oats. And they don't really take a long time, if you put them in a pot with a little bit of hot water. And you you cook them for a few minutes. It's hearty and it's nourishing, and the kids will stay for longer. And, and it will be less sugar because you control what you put in it as a as a topping or an additive. Right.
Unknown Speaker:Those are great suggestions. One of my favorite parenting hacks that I did not know early on is that you can make your own waffles First of all, you can make your own waffle mix so that it's easy and convenient to pull out of their frigerator. But then you can also make them ahead of time and freeze them. So you can tell them just like the Lego Lego or whatever the Lego package thing is, yes, do that yourself. Or your child can then toast it for themselves in the morning. I absolutely like children to be having a protein or lard, high fat content food along with any of these carbohydrates that they're receiving in the morning. Because I want them to have this beautiful long burning energy so that they are not hungry in a half an hour because they haven't just spiked their insulin and they had to drop their blood sugar and they haven't just gotten this big rush and then a drop. And it helps with our behavior management. It helps with rolling through our day getting out the door getting to school and being attentive there. If we have some protein or some fat, heavy breakfast that helps that carbohydrate move through in a more tempered manner.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, absolutely. I'm there with you. I also prefer protein and unhealthy fats. First thing in the morning and some fiber. And luckily, we have lots of ways to achieve this this day. But it's not the main stream breakfast that people grow accustomed to right, because it's not contained in a cereal box. And it's not contained necessarily in a waffle, although you can put protein in the waffle. But yeah, so we do want to maybe slightly changed the way we think about breakfast, and teach better and more consistent ways to feed our kids. Because also, if we don't have to buy 1 million snacks, because our kids are not that hungry, it also saves us money down the road. And me as a parent, I noticed quite a difference when I had to shop for a kid that stayed with us for a while because they they wanted to have four different snack bars and five different bags of Doritos and chips because they said they're getting so hungry all day. And I was like what's going on? I mean, why do you have to snack all day. And the reason why you have to snack all day is because you're you're not full laughter your meals you're not getting the nutrients. And and yeah, and you also alluded to the behavioral issues. And buying all these foods on a regular basis will will get quite costly. And it's not necessary if we really pay attention to to the meal aspect.
Unknown Speaker:Right. And I bet that you also find with adults that you have to help them really learn to eat a high protein or high fat breakfast so that they can feel better at work. And this is one of the things that I want children to feel better while they're at school. This is their primary job in life, because we've given it to them is to go to school and to be functional. And if we are trying to subsist on a muffin in the morning or cereal or only a waffle, then we set ourselves up for a crash an hour after we've just had our breakfast.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, absolutely. It always starts with the parents because the kids really they're looking they're looking up to us and they're imitating us and what we eat they want to eat most most kids are curious they want to at least try so mommy What are you eating? You know like what is it and and so if we are good role model and we set you know good meal time routine, then the kids are more likely to be successful with with solid and good nutrition. And in my house for example. That's one thing that's really important to me like we take the meals together in the morning and in the evening and at lunch we can't because we're not together. But so the morning we're all having breakfast together and even if it has to be a little earlier, then then you would maybe get up to make this happen. It's really worth it because getting a good source of breakfast in will already eliminate some of the sugary snacks at the Kids will have in school later on. And then again, dinner time is also something I'm very protective off. We eat together, we'll all sitting down together this time without phones. Without TV, we're having a conversation and we eat real foods. And I think this is something a habit and a lifestyle that can be implemented in everybody's life, you can always find ways to make make that happen.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, one of the favorite things that I like to do, especially if I'm transitioning a child from being quote unquote, a picky eater, to try and to expand, the foods that they will try is to create help the parent to create meals that allow a little flexibility in them, for example, presenting to the children a rice bowl, where they can add to it a variety of different topics. So they can basically make their own bowl of food based on a variety of different things that are in bowls around to you know, sort of create their own dinner, or to create their own dessert with yogurt. And then there's this berry or this topping, or these cinnamon sprinkles or. And that way, I'm inviting a child to experiment and to try and then add toppings and see how they like it. And I see that I get children's a little bit better buy in when I'm transitioning away from a processed food diet to something that's a little bit more Whole Foods based.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, I love that. And that's actually also how we do it, I have a picky eater myself. And what we always do is we let them choose their own what I call toppings and the toppings are often vegetables. And I always say well choose two toppings. And so then they have, they can choose what they want to try out. And yes, the rice bowl, like a Buddha bowl concept. It's it's that super convenient. And it also gives the kids the freedom of choice, but you give them healthy choices. And then they can choose which one they want to try. And I love that because it empowers them. And you also expose them to a variety of different foods, which will, which will be fun for them to discover new things. Once they get into the habit, once they get over this initial hump of I don't like all of this. You can make it really fun for them to try. It's like a discovery plate if you will.
Unknown Speaker:Right. And every time you can make it different, or add some homemade dressing or a little bit not quite so processed or even add the process dressing I don't care to smother out the flavors of the things that you don't like just to make it something that you've created yourself.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, absolutely. And, and we have like in our house, we have a rule that you need to have vegetables for dinner, but I leave up the quantity up to them. So they say they only want one carrot, and that's fine. But they do have to have one vegetable at least. And then they can choose. And that works fairly well. There's no resistance. And then what actually happens over the course of the evening is that they're actually sneaking in more carrots because they forgot because they were talking or like telling him something and then they grab another and another and so the end of the dinner they have actually eaten more than they they thought they would. So that works very well. And we make these little fun rules and games around it.
Unknown Speaker:Right. I'd like to talk for a moment just about your favorite packable snacks. For the lunchbox. I know that not everybody packs a lunch for their children. But when we have the opportunity to be able to pack it, I like to suggest to parents that they can prepare the two or three days worth of packable snacks in the refrigerator so that in the morning, it's not a big deal to grab a few of those bags of carrots and other things and throw them in a lunchbox. What kind of ideas do you have Pamela about things that parents can
Unknown Speaker:pack? Yeah, that is actually a great idea. I prefer that too. Especially when there is no time in the morning. You have everything sort of like your concept is ready to go. And all you need to do is kind of pack it and put it in a lunchbox which only takes a few minutes so it's not a big deal. So I always say okay, think about it on the weekend or whenever you have time for the upcoming week that you have everything you want or need and and just sort of make a make a plan for you. How do you want to divide it like do you have a snack in the morning a lunch and then an afternoon snack? How's it in your school? How many different types of meals Do you need to bring, and then what you do is you can so for example, I always like to include fruit in in one of the snacks, so I just make a list of of my kids favorite foods and then I decide on one or two. And I would make sure I have those ready and for example, one of my daughter only eats apples. And so I try and and vary the apple, how I you know, sometimes they get apple slices some other times I will make some applesauce. So they will get it in a different form and they think that they will have a different type of lunch every day. So that for example is is a great way to get the food and you can also hide fruits, if you make little grab and go muffins, you can put food in there bin, Anna works very well, but also applesauce, or pears, you know, depending on what season were in, you can use seasonal foods, you can put vegetables in those as well. If they don't like the color green, you don't need to put spinach, but Spanish works very well. You can also make little egg muffins if they like that. And that would give you the protein. So you have an egg muffin that you put in the same tins, like a regular muffin and you can put some veggies in there as well you can chop them very small, if if they don't like the texture, you can hide it in there and make little egg muffins. So when you make like 12 or so all in one setting and you have basically the week covered and that can be part of lunch. And then as you said these little bags of carrots, that was super, super quick way and fun way the kids often likes a fingers finger food as well. And then you can pack a little bit of dressing or dip like a hummus dip or a ranch dressing or whatever they like, where they can dip it in, you know as as the vegetable component, and you can give them different vegetables, you can cut up some peppers and cucumbers, you know, you can just change that up. And you can plan all of this out ahead of time so that it's really just grab and go. And, and and yeah, so muffins is a quick way you can also have some if you if you prefer to give them a sandwich have just the bread ready and make it the evening before and put some like cheese or some ham or something on there. So they get a little bit more substance. And, and yeah, and then you don't necessarily need you know, sugary cookies or so for the third snack because most of the time they're actually full. And then you get bananas and you give little cherry tomatoes, you know that they can grab and eat quickly with their fingers. And and usually I find that's already enough because it's Whole Foods, it's dense and it makes it feel full longer and then the last till they come home.
Unknown Speaker:Great. One of my favorite I just want to mention this because lots of times when I suggest it, people have never thought about it. One of my favorite vehicles for peanut butter or any nut butter, parrot and loved carrots dipped in peanut butter. And it's actually a fairy filling lunch for me hack that I like to do is if I have a roast chicken or some chicken or steak or something that I make one evening, chopping up chicken or steak and putting it in a little box or a Tupperware container or a bag is a beautiful presentation for a child who is hungry at school. Sometimes we think oh we have to make a muffin. Well they don't need a muffin. If they also had carrots and they had a little bag of steak and they had the you know peanut butter to dip in. Then we're really filling up a person with nutritious foods and not having to lean so heavily on a snack but it's in a cute little container. It feels like I'm snacking on something but my body also feels really good after I've eaten.
Unknown Speaker:Yeah, that's a great suggestion. I love it. So if your kid will eat that it's some kind of chicken or some steak. Definitely go for it. It's so filling in and they don't need to eat a whole lot because they will they will be full. So that's that's a great suggestion and it's easy to do. As you say on the weekend you can roast a chicken or you can have a roast and cut it in little pieces and portion it. That's a great way to feed your kids as well.
Unknown Speaker:And then what one other thing I wanted to just touch on for a second is smoothies because parents have gotten better and better at making smoothies. What are some of your favorite things to put into smoothies so that your smoothie can pack a punch. I think a smoothie for breakfast is a great way to send children out the door because we can hit all the marks of protein, fat and other for In vegetable requirements, but why don't you tell me a few of your favorite things to put into a smoothie for child?
Unknown Speaker:Yeah, I love smoothies too, for me and my family, especially on those days, but we're times really running out. So I definitely I have some protein powders. And there are different ways, different protein powders and different philosophy fees around them. That that would be a whole other discussion. But I'm using a protein powder. And then I choose, I choose a fruit, I choose a vegetable that I have. And I choose a fat. So if we look at those components that I want to see in it. So for example, this morning, I had some frozen berries as my vegetables. And I had and that's another way, a really great way to use up vegetables that maybe are kind of getting getting there to be spoiled. So before you throw them out, you can still use them in smoothies. So I had a few berries, and I had a piece of cucumber left. And if you carrots, and then put them all in, and I put my protein powder in, and then I put some avocado oil in it to make it smoother. And also I love nut milk. So if you if you like nut milks, you can use those as well, I, I used a walnut milk, actually this morning that I really like, gives gives the creamy taste. And then you blend all of this up, you know, like really, really well that it makes us and it tastes fantastic. It It has very wholesome body, a great flavor, and it really makes you full. And my kids love that too. They often drink a smoothie. And then they say mom, I didn't even snack, it was fine. I lost all the way to lunch because I felt so full.
Unknown Speaker:Right, my children loved some of these two. And sometimes this movie would end up being like this really crazy black color or. And we would just call them monster smoothies. And I would allow them to put in a lot of the ingredients, right? So we could open up the fridge or the freezer together and choose what are the things that we should throw in our smoothie today. And then of course, when I have it over on the counter, I'm adding in a little extra kale or throwing in some of the other components that they didn't necessarily pick. But they wanted to dragon fruit smoothie. So I added other things too, that wouldn't show up in the smoothie color. Yes, because it gets this beautiful pink. And that way I am it's still in control of what's the ingredients that are in the smoothie, but the kids are also helping to make it and then they just are bought into drinking the thing and enjoying it.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, that's a great suggestion. I love that. And it also it's fun for the kids to if they feel in control to decide what gets in it. And it's the same here at our house. The smoothies look different every single day, depending on what we have. But that's the fun of it, I I don't really like to drink the same smoothie every single day, it gets boring after a while. So actually, the fun I find in smoothies is if you change it up every day, because you never know what you get at the end, it can be fun.
Unknown Speaker:So one last thing that I wanted us to touch on because getting our children to sleep is the last to probably have every day priority for parents, but there's often a way that we can lead up to bedtime with food. And I'd love to hear what some of your suggestions for I know that you work with adults on preparing themselves for sleep and what kinds of things can we use at our dinner table or as pre bed snacks to help prepare our children for a restful night's sleep?
Unknown Speaker:Yeah, that's, that's super important. And I, I really think it comes down to first of all, the way you eat all day long. And it started out with this yummy breakfast with protein and fats and fiber. Because that really sets the tone for the rest of the day. And believe it or not, it also sets the tone of how you sleep. So even though there's a long time between breakfast and dinner, it actually helps you you know give the right signals for getting tired and falling asleep because it's all connected. And so we want to make sure that we eat as balanced as possible during the day and that means protein, fat and fiber or carbohydrates in a balanced way. And if we eat a dinner, according to that principle as well. We're really helping the body to just stay calm and not be agitated because we Don't want to catch. We don't want kids to be agitated, and getting a second wind on and being too excited because then they can come down and then they can fall asleep. So getting a little bit mindful of sugary snacks, processed snacks, chips. I don't know, a very sugary desserts after dinner is probably a good idea because some kids do really get hyper and they get more energy when they eat a lot of sugar. And we don't want that around bedtime. We want to make sure they can really relax and calm. And you can only achieve that if the body gets balanced nutrition. And so we don't we do want to avoid, you know, sugary, processed, or even back chips type of foods just before bedtime.
Unknown Speaker:Absolutely. So what are your favorite evening snacks? I'll tell you two of mine. Sometimes if dinner wasn't as big a hit as I wanted it to be or hoped it would be because my kiddos were pretty darn active. I would suggest that we have and present to the kiddos, oh, look, let's have another snack before bed. And they would have a bowl of yogurt and be able to pick whatever berries they wanted to put on top of it. And I'd also serve a sausage that I knew that they loved so that I am providing them with some really dense fat and protein food before they go to bed. Yeah, lots of people. It never occurred to them to prevent oh my gosh, you could cook a sausage because the Keene wha Buddha bowls didn't go over so well at dinner or we just they were busy and they were animated. And they didn't do a lot of actual eating. We did a lot of talking at dinner. And so I want to be sure that I'm adding some extra food later in the evening. So I don't have kids waking up hungry or unable to fall asleep because their stomach is still not quite full. So parents always look at me like what a sausage for dessert. Like, yes, I serve anything to balance out the day so that my kiddos can feel full and ready for sleep. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker:no, so too. It's the same in our house, we like to eat some my kids are really big on finger food, like anything that they can just grab. So I often put a bowl of mixed nuts on the table, right, so they can have some almonds or some walnuts. And so they can grab that because that contains protein and fats, and it makes you feel full. So my kids love to just snack on some nuts at in the evening. And sometimes we would whip up some eggs. So they either have some scrambled eggs, or they have soft boiled eggs, my daughter loves to eat soft boiled eggs. So that is also another way of you know, making them feel full longer. And actually, I find they get pretty tired after this. Like on their regular bedtime. They're there. They're ready for bed because they they have been eating well. And they are ready to sleep. So that helps.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, and I also will sometimes suggest that a parent add some passion flower tea at dinner time. Because the passion flower tea served with dinner helps us just to wind down and sort of settle into the idea of our bodies being relaxed and calm. In a couple hours when we're ready for bed.
Unknown Speaker:Now that's a nice idea. passion flower. Yeah, I love it. Yeah, we sometimes do lavender. But I love passion flower. So we try that out next.
Unknown Speaker:Great. Well, Pamela, thank you so much for joining us today and giving us these tips and ideas for parents, I would love you to just remind the parents what your website is and the name of your business so that they can reach out? Should they decide that they want your support in a different manner.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, yeah, I'd be happy to so you find more information about what I do on my website, and that is butterfly holistic nutrition.ca. So it's one long, long word butterfly, the animal holistic with H and then nutrition.ca. And there you will find my offer, for example from your planning because I help families with a meal planning so that they can transition to a whole food based diet. And I give them all the support they need to make this happen. They have all the recipes, grocery lists, and also the rationale behind the meals and how to change it up if there are foods in there that they absolutely don't like. So this is really a very practical, comprehensive way of transition. Turning more to a whole foods based diet, that also does not take a whole lot of time. So no worries, you don't have to spend your entire day in the kitchen to cook. So there's more information on there. If you are a busy parent, if you are a busy person who likes to have support for yourself, because you want to have more energy and you want to feel better, you can also watch my free webinar on the blueprint that I'm using to help people with that. And that is www metabolic energy solutions.com. That is a free screening that you can you can watch and get the idea of how I'm helping you with nutrition with stress and with sleep so that you can show up better and be a great role model for your kid.
Unknown Speaker:Great. Well thank you so much, Pamela, for being with us today and sharing your ideas.
Unknown Speaker:Yes, thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure talking to you.
Unknown Speaker:Hi, this is Francis. Thank you for tuning into today's episode of the intuitive parents podcast. We are thrilled to have you here and hope that you enjoyed it. Please share our podcast with others who may benefit and leave us a review. To receive a free gift of the 14 Day Challenge. bringing peace to your household. Go to my gift from francis.com. That's my gift from frances.com. Take care. I look forward to working with you