Amy Sikarskie, LVN, CHt, author of The Ultimate Guide to Channeling shares insights in this top ranking episode about the art of channeling: What it is, Different Styles, Benefits, Sources of Information and more.
The Ultimate Guide to Channeling: Practical Techniques to Connect With Your Spirit Guides
Q&A and 44:44 Minute Meditation - Tune in for a gentle cleansing of energy and space setting followed by an insightful conversation where Amy answers questions from participants on channeling.
Learn to Channel - Learn to Channel is the first course offered by Spirit School and is a consistent favorite amongst students. Join Amy & Nicole on location in Maui & Sedona as they share in an in-depth online course in channeling. Students will have access to 40 hours of course notes, audio, meditations, and instructional video content and more.
Courses, Channeled Messages, Free Guided Meditations
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Books Authored by Amy Sikarskie
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Mentioned in this episode:
welcome to the spirit and soul healing
podcast where we speak about all things
related to spirituality
soul level healing
intuitive guidance
frequencies and much more
i'm Amy Sikarskie, licensed vocational nurse, past life hypnotherapist, master
intuitive energy healer and a
clairvoyant physical channel
today's episode is brought to you in
part by spirit school online where we
offer courses and energy therapy
free guided meditations courses and
information around learning to connect
in with your spirit guides and much more
you can find me at
and offerings at
so happy to be here with you today and
to share a little bit about one of my
favorite subject
and i just smile a little i laugh a little to myself
when i state this is a favorite subject of mine and
it is
but it didn't always used to be
so i smiled a little because the word
channeling used to kind of catch me off
guard i didn't fully understand it i
thought it was way out there and
um is this socially acceptable
you know these are all of the thoughts
that i was going through
years ago when i was introduced to the
term channel
and channeling
and so it's just so funny today to look
back and think
you know and to really take in the fact
that i was channeling all along
and so that's what i'd like to share is
a little bit about the topic of
channeling forms of channeling and to
share with you a little bit
about my journey
so i feel like everybody is a channel we
Speaker::all have the abilities to bring through
Speaker::different frequencies of consciousness
Speaker::information that we pick up and receive
Speaker::from the worlds around us
Speaker::and whether it be information from the
Speaker::physical realm
Speaker::an astral realm um another
Speaker::interdimensional existence
Speaker::our higher soul light
Speaker::an angel a guide whomever or wherever
Speaker::this frequency may come from
Speaker::when we
Speaker::shine and share it and let it flow
Speaker::through us and amplify that vibration
Speaker::we are channeling
Speaker::as a channel you can enhance the
Speaker::vibration with your own unique essence
Speaker::and this is something that i feel is
Speaker::what we just do naturally throughout our
Speaker::day-to-day experiences
Speaker::as a professional channel and one who
Speaker::works with others to bring through
Speaker::readings and healing work
Speaker::it's very important i feel to share the
Speaker::channeling messages and energy
Speaker::from a space of neutrality
Speaker::peace and letting the frequencies of
Speaker::love flow through
Speaker::and when you have a message and you feel
Speaker::that you resonate with it and maybe
Speaker::there's a parallel or an experience that
Speaker::you've had that's similar
Speaker::share with the recipient that
Speaker::okay i'm sharing this information with
Speaker::you it parallels this and a little bit
Speaker::of it
Speaker::is my take and and how i'm analyzing
Speaker::interpreting transcribing the
Speaker::so there are different forms of
Speaker::channeling and some
Speaker::this makes a lot of sense
Speaker::and others you're really flowing
Speaker::and the words that come out
Speaker::really are not your own
Speaker::they are specifically for their
Speaker::recipient and their needs
Speaker::and the wording and verbage the cadence
Speaker::is nothing like how you speak or in your
Speaker::flowing into this experience of
Speaker::and i feel like i've just kind of
Speaker::dropped right into it
Speaker::so what i like to do is backtrack a
Speaker::and share with you some of the most
Speaker::common forms of channeling
Speaker::and just touch briefly on each aspect
Speaker::and share a little bit of experiences
Speaker::some insights and help you to understand
Speaker::the variety that we have here in the
Speaker::world of reading and energy work
Speaker::and also if this is something you're
Speaker::interested in to provide some deeper
Speaker::insights for you
Speaker::i think one of the most natural and well
Speaker::accepted forms of channeling
Speaker::that we experience as humans
Speaker::found in the arts and the creative arts
Speaker::so painting dancing singing poetry
Speaker::storytelling these can all be forms of
Speaker::channeling whether you're channeling an
Speaker::expression an emotion or you're tapping
Speaker::into another frequency that inspires and
Speaker::enhances this expression and emotion
Speaker::it is then shared to another person or
Speaker::shared with yourself for later
Speaker::reflection or healing
Speaker::and i really enjoy the aspect of music
Speaker::and art because in those experiences of
Speaker::absorbing and
Speaker::feeling the vibration of a piece of
Speaker::really taking in the essence of an art
Speaker::we can find the parts of us open
Speaker::and expand and it helps us to enhance
Speaker::ourself and go within to really discover
Speaker::who we are a little bit more and to work
Speaker::any situations that we might be having
Speaker::any emotions or challenging dilemmas
Speaker::that we are facing
Speaker::and there's this beautiful aspect too of
Speaker::enhancing the vibration of joy
Speaker::and happiness and this zest for life
Speaker::what i love about the arts is that it
Speaker::really showcases
Speaker::different parts of humanity
Speaker::and different facets of who we are
Speaker::so i have gone through many periods of
Speaker::life i feel like we all do
Speaker::and in some i've had
Speaker::a whole set of
Speaker::songs a full playlist
Speaker::specifically in the same genre for the
Speaker::moods and the awakening stages the
Speaker::healing places
Speaker::and also for having fun
Speaker::being joyful driving down the road with
Speaker::music on having music in my home and
Speaker::dancing and when our children were young
Speaker::we had some really fun children songs
Speaker::and as they got older the soundtracks
Speaker::changed the soundtrack to our life
Speaker::changed but um what i really enjoy is
Speaker::even going back and listening to music
Speaker::now it can bring you back into that
Speaker::and you might wonder hmm okay
Speaker::if we look deep into that why and how
Speaker::does that happen
Speaker::well we tune in with memories
Speaker::but a big piece of it is the vibrational
Speaker::essence that we reconnect with that
Speaker::energetic signature
Speaker::so when we are channeling that's what
Speaker::what happens is we're bringing through
Speaker::an energetic signature
Speaker::for somebody else to experience along
Speaker::with us or to receive
Speaker::and there's different types of channels
Speaker::and there's different types of
Speaker::channeling so some
Speaker::it is an activation of both parties
Speaker::some there will be messages for both
Speaker::but the goal and the intention should
Speaker::always be for the receiver
Speaker::so we have the art
Speaker::and we have dance and we have poetry
Speaker::we have storytelling and within these
Speaker::experiences of
Speaker::sharing and showcasing talents and gifts
Speaker::the artist is channeling
Speaker::the frequency the life the light the
Speaker::vibration the essence
Speaker::is flowing through them
Speaker::and if you've ever participated in any
Speaker::form of art
Speaker::as the artist
Speaker::you know that as you relax
Speaker::open and let go
Speaker::everything begins to flow
Speaker::when i was younger
Speaker::i studied um drawing i was teaching
Speaker::myself art how to draw how to paint
Speaker::and i wanted to really just
Speaker::let the essence flow through
Speaker::and it took a little bit of time
Speaker::i wouldn't say that i fully developed it
Speaker::but what i noticed that
Speaker::there were two parts of me one analyzing
Speaker::trying to make the lines just right
Speaker::and the other part that was flowing with
Speaker::so you do have different parts of
Speaker::artistry and you do have different sides
Speaker::of your brain that you can use to
Speaker::harness and hone in on those skills and
Speaker::i find that a beautiful balance
Speaker::something where both
Speaker::left and right or all aspects and facets
Speaker::are enhanced and amplified to certain
Speaker::levels and bringing through different
Speaker::variety can be really
Speaker::and can be very
Speaker::supportive of the maturity
Speaker::and also provide
Speaker::a deep textural experience
Speaker::multi-faceted experience for the
Speaker::so as you're thinking about channeling
Speaker::maybe you are an artist or you have
Speaker::forms of channeling that you're
Speaker::interested in
Speaker::know that there is not a box that we
Speaker::have to sit in
Speaker::you can bring through different essences
Speaker::and unique delivery
Speaker::beautiful vibrations
Speaker::and a different type of setup or
Speaker::structure and how
Speaker::you are sharing your gifts with the
Speaker::so flowing forward from art and dance
Speaker::and poetry
Speaker::another nice form of channeling one that
Speaker::found to be one of my first
Speaker::ways of getting
Speaker::really deliberate pieces of information
Speaker::outside of myself
Speaker::from a higher power
Speaker::even if it were to be my oversoul that
Speaker::wasn't fully amplified within my
Speaker::physical body
Speaker::this form that i went to and that i love
Speaker::recommending to others
Speaker::are the oracle or tarot cards
Speaker::and personally i didn't get too
Speaker::in depth with tarot
Speaker::but i do love the oracle and the
Speaker::different box sets and the different
Speaker::themes and the vibration that comes
Speaker::through the art and the messages of the
Speaker::words when you're working with the
Speaker::different oracle decks you can feel the
Speaker::vibration of the creator you can feel
Speaker::the channeled message you can feel the
Speaker::overall frequency of the entire set and
Speaker::they're all so uniquely their own
Speaker::and they all have really beautiful
Speaker::messages to share
Speaker::so when you're do doing oracle card
Speaker::it's really nice to just flow with
Speaker::whatever decks you are called to
Speaker::and as you are acquiring your first one
Speaker::or two boxes
Speaker::just pick based on the vibration the
Speaker::how are you feeling how are you flowing
Speaker::with it
Speaker::how does it make you feel do you
Speaker::resonate as you're holding it close your
Speaker::how does your body respond
Speaker::and then i would take it a step further
Speaker::because i love to analyze things
Speaker::so i would take it a step further and
Speaker::maybe flip it over
Speaker::the description and if you're able to
Speaker::view the cards look at the cards
Speaker::is there one word
Speaker::are there no words or is there a
Speaker::complete paragraph and description
Speaker::on each card
Speaker::for the beginner i would recommend cards
Speaker::that have more than one word something
Speaker::that has at least a few sentences or a
Speaker::something to help you
Speaker::kind of like training wills to prime
Speaker::and to enhance your experience as you're
Speaker::getting started and to train you and to
Speaker::support you so that you're not having to
Speaker::feel a lot of pressure
Speaker::or a lot of judgment about yourself
Speaker::feeling like oh my gosh
Speaker::i have to get this just right what is
Speaker::this saying what is this sharing
Speaker::as you advance and you're working with
Speaker::cards and as you increase your clear
Speaker::gifts and you start to feel comfortable
Speaker::and mature in the process then you might
Speaker::really find that you're drawn to the
Speaker::sets that don't have a lot of words on
Speaker::them or if they do that you don't begin
Speaker::your reading by reading the words but
Speaker::you read the essence you read the
Speaker::vibration and by read it's your
Speaker::wholeness your whole body your energy
Speaker::field all of your chakras your sensory
Speaker::um clear senses will tune in
Speaker::and feel and absorb
Speaker::listen and receive
Speaker::the vibration the frequency
Speaker::the message from the card and then you
Speaker::can look at it and then read the words
Speaker::and see what really sticks out to you
Speaker::and you can also open the book and see
Speaker::how the words are expanded upon
Speaker::sometimes when i'm reading oracle cards
Speaker::i'll be called to open the book
Speaker::and just pop to one little section or
Speaker::one sentence and share that with the
Speaker::and it's really nice because
Speaker::when you read the cards there's a spread
Speaker::and in that spread
Speaker::it can be past present and future or you
Speaker::can go further with more cards and have
Speaker::each spot represent something
Speaker::significant that you'd like to tune into
Speaker::for the reading and as you start reading
Speaker::you'll find there are a variety of
Speaker::spreads out there
Speaker::and you'll start to find the ones that
Speaker::you really enjoy and that really you
Speaker::are second nature you just flow with
Speaker::them so well
Speaker::so i enjoy working with oracle cards and
Speaker::i went through a period of time where i
Speaker::didn't for a while i was in a period of
Speaker::time where i was
Speaker::enhancing my other gifts you could say
Speaker::focusing on other forms of channeling
Speaker::and tuning in but the cards are really
Speaker::where it started for me
Speaker::and i love the aspect of working with
Speaker::fun bright
Speaker::whimsical cards for children
Speaker::and i find too that if we are going
Speaker::through a challenging time in life maybe
Speaker::we need that little pickup that little
Speaker::inspiration from some of the lighter
Speaker::brighter ducks
Speaker::or if we're going through a deep part of
Speaker::transformation and healing if we're
Speaker::going inward and we're doing some deep
Speaker::shadow work there might be a deck that
Speaker::you really enjoy for that type of an
Speaker::experience under reading
Speaker::so i encourage you that if you are just
Speaker::starting out and you haven't picked up
Speaker::oracle cards to really look into them
Speaker::they come with instructions and they can
Speaker::really lovely to support the messages
Speaker::you might be receiving guidance
Speaker::internally you might have signs and
Speaker::synchronicities happen in life and then
Speaker::you pull that oracle card and wow
Speaker::it really confirms it it just amplifies
Speaker::that message and there it is in the
Speaker::physical right in front of you for you
Speaker::to see
Speaker::one other benefit to oracle cards and
Speaker::something i highly highly recommend
Speaker::is that you take a photo of your spread
Speaker::take a photo of the card
Speaker::take a photo of the description the deck
Speaker::and put a date on it and maybe look back
Speaker::after a few weeks a month or so and
Speaker::really see how it played out
Speaker::and there's two reasons for this one
Speaker::it's just really nice it's really nice
Speaker::to see it can be amusing it's it's fun
Speaker::it's enjoyable
Speaker::or maybe not maybe you're like whoa what
Speaker::i guess that funny little choice i made
Speaker::really did have a significance in the
Speaker::trajectory of my life path and oh gosh
Speaker::hmm that really never came through that
Speaker::didn't manifest so there's that aspect
Speaker::and then there's the other aspect of
Speaker::understanding how to read the messages
Speaker::and really seeing it play out looking
Speaker::and um for an example i had a recent
Speaker::the reader she used oracle cards
Speaker::and one of the cards was music and i
Speaker::thought oh that's interesting and and
Speaker::she read off the card
Speaker::and um was really kind of searching for
Speaker::sense of it all how to make sense of it
Speaker::all and
Speaker::looking at me and my body language to
Speaker::see how i would respond and reply
Speaker::and um
Speaker::she was just saying yeah so do you play
Speaker::an instrument do you sing
Speaker::music is going to be really important
Speaker::for you and i don't play an instrument
Speaker::right now i did when i was younger i
Speaker::really don't sing
Speaker::hardly at all just for myself
Speaker::i said i don't know um i do have a set
Speaker::of singing bowls i work with sound
Speaker::and so
Speaker::okay that's kind of where it was left
Speaker::she went with that and okay well maybe
Speaker::that will be
Speaker::what what this is maybe your sound
Speaker::healing practice will be increasing and
Speaker::you'll be bringing more of your
Speaker::awareness to it
Speaker::and so i thought okay yeah we'll flow
Speaker::with it and that is one thing when you
Speaker::have a reading
Speaker::of future events the themes can come in
Speaker::especially when it's with cards
Speaker::just flow with it be open to the
Speaker::possibilities and see
Speaker::how it unfolds
Speaker::well i'm here to tell you that months
Speaker::what really happened
Speaker::um how it unfolded for me is that
Speaker::one of my best friends introduced me to
Speaker::a whole new playlist of music
Speaker::a whole new genre
Speaker::i had been kind of out of the scenes for
Speaker::a year at least having written the book
Speaker::the ultimate guide to channeling and
Speaker::focusing on a few other things i really
Speaker::didn't have a lot of time for
Speaker::rediscovering of new energies and
Speaker::frequencies and so it was so wonderful
Speaker::to the point that i ended up
Speaker::enhancing my sound system in my car and
Speaker::really finding that that actually
Speaker::has become an amazing form of therapy
Speaker::for me and such a wonderful
Speaker::way to escape things and just detox
Speaker::unwind and reset my energy so now i love
Speaker::going for rides in the car listening to
Speaker::the music really loud
Speaker::and it was such an important and
Speaker::significant part of my healing space and
Speaker::part that really helped support me in my
Speaker::so it was really really really
Speaker::interesting how it all played out and of
Speaker::course the theme was accurate so that's
Speaker::just a little example
Speaker::and looking back you can kind of see oh
Speaker::okay keep it loose let it flow
Speaker::and analyze but don't put things in a
Speaker::and don't try and restrain any of the
Speaker::possibilities to fit into a certain
Speaker::narrative or mindset or storyline
Speaker::let's flow into another form of
Speaker::that's often used what we call for
Speaker::psychic readings and that is psychometry
Speaker::and psychometry is a practice of
Speaker::receiving information off of an object
Speaker::so i've got that right there in the
Speaker::ultimate guide to channeling we talk
Speaker::about it
Speaker::and it's a pretty simple form of
Speaker::but i will say the one thing
Speaker::to really remember
Speaker::is you want to be open to the experience
Speaker::you want to just have fun and play with
Speaker::and don't over analyze or put pressure
Speaker::on yourself because whenever we're
Speaker::putting pressure on ourself
Speaker::it can skew the reading and in fact it
Speaker::can actually block the entirety of it
Speaker::um your body can kind of freeze up and
Speaker::then you're not able to receive the
Speaker::information so with psychometry after
Speaker::you prepare your space
Speaker::tune in
Speaker::create a nice field of light around you
Speaker::you would then tune into an object and i
Speaker::do kind of like to just take a little
Speaker::view of it put my hand up to it make
Speaker::sure it's something i want to hold
Speaker::because it's probably very charged with
Speaker::energy if this is the piece that
Speaker::the recipient brought to you to read off
Speaker::and then you hold it you touch it or you
Speaker::hold it in your hand
Speaker::and close your eyes and just feel
Speaker::let your clear senses activate you might
Speaker::feel an emotion
Speaker::a frequency
Speaker::a memory of your own that is really
Speaker::similar to the imprinted energy on the
Speaker::if you're clairvoyant you can have
Speaker::visions around it
Speaker::if your clairaudient you might hear
Speaker::messages around it
Speaker::and you read you read the object you
Speaker::read the energy
Speaker::at a minimum you'll tune into the
Speaker::frequencies that are stored within the
Speaker::at an advanced state you can expand
Speaker::beyond that
Speaker::and feel into the vibration of the owner
Speaker::and let it kind of jump start you into a
Speaker::for the person that it belonged to or
Speaker::belongs to
Speaker::and that brings us into another place um
Speaker::kind of morals and ethics around
Speaker::so it's my personal philosophy and style
Speaker::that i don't read
Speaker::somebody else that isn't there or has
Speaker::not requested their reading unless
Speaker::they're missing
Speaker::they've already crossed over and they're
Speaker::you know we're actually tuning into one
Speaker::of their objects
Speaker::to make a connection
Speaker::and be able to share information from
Speaker::them on the other side
Speaker::so very rarely will information come
Speaker::that shares anything about somebody
Speaker::who's not the person sitting for the
Speaker::although i will say if it's somebody if
Speaker::it's a parent asking for information for
Speaker::their minor children
Speaker::they can receive information
Speaker::if it's a spouse and
Speaker::they're looking for information about
Speaker::the relationship or the um
Speaker::the health or the safety
Speaker::that sort of thing can come through and
Speaker::just know that your guides and you leave
Speaker::it to the discretion of your guides to
Speaker::really just give you the information
Speaker::that's appropriate to share
Speaker::but i don't go and poke and pry and ever
Speaker::try and read anybody's energy without
Speaker::their permission
Speaker::unless it's something that's delivered
Speaker::in a message to support them and it
Speaker::comes from a higher power
Speaker::so flowing next to another form of
Speaker::readings um
Speaker::we have the aura readings i really like
Speaker::the aura readings they do require more
Speaker::advancement with your intuitive
Speaker::one form of reading auras is when you
Speaker::take a photo and i had a reader years
Speaker::ago before i moved away that i really
Speaker::really loved and she could do the most
Speaker::magnificent thorough and in-depth
Speaker::readings off of the aura photography
Speaker::and it was spot on every time
Speaker::so this is one way
Speaker::to read the auras and she had her own
Speaker::way of it and she would just channel in
Speaker::the messages using
Speaker::the photograph as a visual
Speaker::representation of my energetic
Speaker::patterning in my auric field
Speaker::but if you are clairvoyant
Speaker::you can do that without a photograph
Speaker::and you can do that with the receiver
Speaker::sitting in front of you or you can
Speaker::clairvoyantly view through time and
Speaker::space as a remote viewer
Speaker::and doing a remote session and that's
Speaker::what i do typically because most of the
Speaker::sessions that i offer currently are
Speaker::remote sessions
Speaker::and so sometimes i'll close my eyes and
Speaker::sometimes i keep them open and if my
Speaker::eyes are open it's as if i see a
Speaker::hologram in front of me and if they're
Speaker::closed i see the hologram or the vision
Speaker::in my mind's eye
Speaker::and i just do a scan of their aura
Speaker::and every time i see something i will
Speaker::ask my guides i'll ask the angels what
Speaker::is that about
Speaker::and i share it with the client and it
Speaker::really can bring an awareness and a
Speaker::healing a confirmation
Speaker::and additional information
Speaker::to support their path where they are
Speaker::if there's anything they need to let go
Speaker::of if there's clearing work that needs
Speaker::to be done
Speaker::and we springboard off of that so once i
Speaker::have a nice deep auric
Speaker::reading and i share with them what's
Speaker::coming through what i'm seeing what it
Speaker::then i ask if they have any additional
Speaker::questions about the information that
Speaker::i've just shared
Speaker::and following that were there any
Speaker::specific questions they had already
Speaker::planned for the reading that we did not
Speaker::so i do like the aspect of aura readings
Speaker::because when you're reading the aura
Speaker::you're reading the energy signature
Speaker::and i almost prefer to not have a
Speaker::photograph and
Speaker::just even to read remotely so that i
Speaker::don't get distracted by the physical
Speaker::anything in the room i'm just reading
Speaker::the energy and when you read the energy
Speaker::you get a clear pure vision
Speaker::and in that pure vision you sometimes
Speaker::see things that shouldn't be there and
Speaker::you can clear that and let it go
Speaker::one of the ways of channeling is through
Speaker::work readings
Speaker::i find it to be really enjoyable
Speaker::very supportive and you can get super in
Speaker::depth with it because
Speaker::after scanning the aura next you can go
Speaker::through all the chakras
Speaker::you can go through the organs
Speaker::you can really clairvoyantly view
Speaker::any aspect of the client's earth life
Speaker::spiritual family spiritual reality
Speaker::past life experiences
Speaker::and sometimes it starts just by tapping
Speaker::and getting an essence and a feel being
Speaker::acquainted with their energy
Speaker::through reading their aura
Speaker::one of the most popular ways of
Speaker::channeling is called relay channeling
Speaker::and i never even ever called it that i
Speaker::just called it getting a reading
Speaker::where you go and you sit down with
Speaker::somebody or you take a phone call
Speaker::you can ask a question or not but they
Speaker::just start streaming information
Speaker::it just starts flowing through and
Speaker::streaming information is a part of relay
Speaker::channeling i feel i feel like it can
Speaker::sometimes start as relay channeling and
Speaker::then flow into streaming and go back
Speaker::so the difference here we go the really
Speaker::specific differences
Speaker::relay channeling is when the channel
Speaker::hears a message or receives a message
Speaker::and then repeats it
Speaker::or translates and puts it in their own
Speaker::words and shares it
Speaker::there's a situation with that that isn't
Speaker::my favorite as a receiver
Speaker::because we all have our own way of
Speaker::describing things
Speaker::especially if we're using symbology
Speaker::analogies we all have our own way of
Speaker::describing things and so sometimes it
Speaker::can get lost in translation to the
Speaker::specifics the fine-tuned specifics of
Speaker::the reading
Speaker::but that's relay channeling and it's a
Speaker::nice place to start
Speaker::and if there are any questions then you
Speaker::would just follow up with questions to
Speaker::get clarity
Speaker::streaming takes it a little bit further
Speaker::when we're streaming it's almost as if
Speaker::it's like it's just flowing out of our
Speaker::please don't interrupt till i'm done
Speaker::because i'll lose track of my place and
Speaker::forget it
Speaker::and the information just comes clear
Speaker::cognizantly from our mind or
Speaker::telepathically or we're so relaxed that
Speaker::we just tune in and let it flow through
Speaker::and in that space of streaming we're
Speaker::still consciously present we're sitting
Speaker::upright our eyes are open
Speaker::we feel grounded in our body our aura is
Speaker::expanded and full
Speaker::and the frequency is flowing through
Speaker::so streaming is different than relay
Speaker::channeling because in streaming you'll
Speaker::find that the cadence can change a
Speaker::little bit
Speaker::you want to speed it up or slow it down
Speaker::because when you stream the information
Speaker::comes through so fast
Speaker::that you might have to make yourself
Speaker::slow down be sure to record it so you or
Speaker::the recipient can go back and listen
Speaker::and in streaming you will find that
Speaker::there will be words
Speaker::that maybe don't make sense to you
Speaker::they're not a part of your vocabulary
Speaker::the cadence the grammar all of it can be
Speaker::a little bit different
Speaker::and as you're streaming you might notice
Speaker::your body start to sway
Speaker::your body start might start to move and
Speaker::respond to the energy that's around
Speaker::so streaming then can be enhanced
Speaker::and as the energy comes around and comes
Speaker::if you have trained to do trans
Speaker::channeling or you're in the process of
Speaker::learning about it
Speaker::i would highly recommend that you be
Speaker::very consciously aware of the source of
Speaker::the information feel comfortable with
Speaker::the energy having met this frequency
Speaker::meaning the spirit guide or angel star
Speaker::maybe it's your higher self it's always
Speaker::nice to trans channel your higher self
Speaker::so let that frequency come a little bit
Speaker::filling your aura a little bit more and
Speaker::when we trans channel we do start to
Speaker::feel like we've lifted up and out of the
Speaker::body or that we've gone deep almost as
Speaker::if we're in a hypnotic state
Speaker::so there's two different ways that i
Speaker::sometimes experience it when i have
Speaker::experienced it
Speaker::for myself
Speaker::typically it's where i feel like i'm
Speaker::expanding out of the body
Speaker::and in trans channeling
Speaker::so you can find like you're
Speaker::and it's just the altered state of
Speaker::a bit deeper than streaming
Speaker::and when you come out of streaming when
Speaker::you come out of trance channeling you
Speaker::may or may not remember everything
Speaker::you might remember pieces
Speaker::and you might not remember anything at
Speaker::all but you can be left with the
Speaker::frequency and the vibration having an
Speaker::understanding of the general message of
Speaker::the reading itself
Speaker::so in trans channeling you're letting
Speaker::the information flow through
Speaker::and as they ask any questions it just
Speaker::starts pouring out of you
Speaker::it's it's like you would have to
Speaker::make an intention to let it stop
Speaker::there it goes
Speaker::and that is trans channeling
Speaker::another form of channeling with readings
Speaker::is automatic writing and i kind of
Speaker::skipped over that but i do want to go
Speaker::back to it before we get to the most
Speaker::so automatic writing i think is very
Speaker::natural and many of us do this all the
Speaker::but if you're not a big writer you don't
Speaker::journal a lot or
Speaker::feel the need to write poetry or
Speaker::anything like that it's just not your
Speaker::favorite or your more well-versed area
Speaker::channeling and using that modality to
Speaker::connect in then you might try automatic
Speaker::writing after the oracle cards
Speaker::and automatic writing is letting all of
Speaker::the information pour out from you
Speaker::so you kind of start to unpack what's
Speaker::going on in your system and and
Speaker::doing this uh presenting of your own
Speaker::thoughts and questions and see what
Speaker::comes through
Speaker::as ideas and inspiration information and
Speaker::messages that you have already
Speaker::notated within yourself it's already
Speaker::floating in your field you just put it
Speaker::now on paper
Speaker::or you channel it through automatic
Speaker::typing on a keyboard
Speaker::and you just let it flow and pour out of
Speaker::then it gets deeper
Speaker::then you can present a question
Speaker::and connect in with a guide or an angel
Speaker::whoever you are working with
Speaker::tune in to the source where you will
Speaker::love to receive information from
Speaker::and then
Speaker::ask for additional information
Speaker::insights anything around the topic or if
Speaker::there's a message that you didn't even
Speaker::think to ask about
Speaker::and see what flows through
Speaker::you've already primed your space the
Speaker::energy is already open you're already
Speaker::flowing and it's just going so
Speaker::you flow into then this automatic
Speaker::writing where more intel comes through
Speaker::and it's coming from a place beyond your
Speaker::human self beyond the consciousness of
Speaker::the ego and the awareness of what we are
Speaker::afforded just in the day-to-day grounded
Speaker::and this information can often flow
Speaker::through with the energetic signature and
Speaker::so if you start to feel light-headed be
Speaker::sure to ground yourself after
Speaker::and maybe slow the pace and ask your
Speaker::team to step back a little bit out of
Speaker::your aura
Speaker::just a little bit and let the
Speaker::information flow through
Speaker::similarly to the oracle cards or if
Speaker::you're audio recording
Speaker::a streamed or channeled message
Speaker::the benefit to the automatic writing is
Speaker::you have the information in physical
Speaker::that you can then
Speaker::reference back to
Speaker::and you can actually analyze it and
Speaker::study it and go deeper and highlight
Speaker::places and
Speaker::notate next to messages any more
Speaker::information that comes through
Speaker::and so it's really nice to have
Speaker::automatic writing because you can absorb
Speaker::and flow and let the frequencies come in
Speaker::to support you and then you can also go
Speaker::back and review and expand upon the
Speaker::messages and the information
Speaker::well this brings us to one of the most
Speaker::advanced forms of channeling
Speaker::and this is advanced physical vocal
Speaker::and what is that all about well it's
Speaker::advanced because you really want to have
Speaker::initiated an activation and
Speaker::increased the maturity
Speaker::reception of your chakras and your clair
Speaker::gifts so that's a lot of words we'll
Speaker::break it down
Speaker::every chakra
Speaker::supports a clear gift so the more that
Speaker::you work towards healthy energetic body
Speaker::a healthy chakra system
Speaker::you'll find that your intuition through
Speaker::all the clear senses increases
Speaker::and when you use the physical channeling
Speaker::you will find that all of your chakras
Speaker::light up as you are priming for the
Speaker::and then they kind of hold the space
Speaker::hold the space because they're lit up
Speaker::they feel to be very grounded or solid
Speaker::in that the vibration is very
Speaker::concentrated in that location
Speaker::and it stabilizes you so you want to
Speaker::have a lot of stability in your lower
Speaker::chakras and in your physical body to
Speaker::hold your body
Speaker::as you prepare to physically channel
Speaker::um especially this form of vocal
Speaker::channeling and to do that i sit in a
Speaker::chair that's the best way chakra is
Speaker::aligned sitting in a chair or lotus pose
Speaker::on the ground
Speaker::so you have your system of your
Speaker::energetic anatomy
Speaker::you find that you've worked with it for
Speaker::a while you've already activated it it's
Speaker::at a good state of maturity
Speaker::and you're able to use that
Speaker::to support the experience
Speaker::and then you're going to work with vocal
Speaker::channeling and i describe it in great
Speaker::detail in the ultimate guide to
Speaker::we have many exercises for the different
Speaker::forms of channeling and they all build
Speaker::upon one another
Speaker::to then get you to this point
Speaker::and in my own practice i started out
Speaker::with energy therapy
Speaker::which having done that for close to a
Speaker::really primed my energy field my clear
Speaker::gifts had already enhanced i was using
Speaker::all of my clairsenses
Speaker::and um doing different forms of readings
Speaker::and holding space in the energy therapy
Speaker::place some advanced forms of energy
Speaker::so when it came to it was time for me to
Speaker::really find an interest and want to try
Speaker::out the vocal channeling
Speaker::it came very very natural
Speaker::and again i want to stress that it was a
Speaker::different time
Speaker::in space
Speaker::and the energy on earth right now
Speaker::is increasing so you might find that you
Speaker::do not need a full decade of preparation
Speaker::but you want to make sure that your
Speaker::energy body
Speaker::is prepared
Speaker::that you are
Speaker::mentally and
Speaker::psychologically prepared
Speaker::that you have a good community or
Speaker::support system around you to support you
Speaker::non-judgmental but discerning
Speaker::and you want to make sure that the
Speaker::information that comes through
Speaker::makes sense that it's loving its
Speaker::compassion it is supportive
Speaker::and these are all
Speaker::safety checks you could say
Speaker::things to help keep you grounded and
Speaker::with reality and there are also ways to
Speaker::know that
Speaker::double check that you are working with a
Speaker::form of consciousness
Speaker::being a spirit of light or light itself
Speaker::the source frequency of god your higher
Speaker::archangel whomever
Speaker::you might be channeling
Speaker::but when we are physically vocal
Speaker::for myself i do go out of the body
Speaker::a little part of me can stay in or
Speaker::there's a thread that tethers me to the
Speaker::body and i still stay in the aura i am
Speaker::just to the side of the physical body
Speaker::and as i'm breathing and preparing
Speaker::there's a transition that takes place
Speaker::where the beings that i have already
Speaker::made an acquaintance with
Speaker::invited in
Speaker::were already speaking telepathically
Speaker::and we as partners
Speaker::have a transition
Speaker::we as partners allow for emerging to
Speaker::take place where they come closer into
Speaker::my aura closer into my body start to use
Speaker::my lungs and my vocal cords start to
Speaker::and get really comfy and situated and
Speaker::once i feel that they are really comfy
Speaker::and situated i will take the next
Speaker::um or the last step
Speaker::out of the body as far as i will go
Speaker::and so if this means that i still keep
Speaker::two percent of me in the body
Speaker::that would be the last step i maintain
Speaker::two percent in
Speaker::and the rest will step out of the body
Speaker::and the body is protected it is safe
Speaker::it's sitting up
Speaker::it is breathing um
Speaker::they begin to move the body and they
Speaker::begin to use my vocal cords
Speaker::the really fun thing for me about vocal
Speaker::channeling is i learn so much
Speaker::and in vocal channeling as you progress
Speaker::and you become more fluent in it
Speaker::in the process in itself
Speaker::you will find that words and messages
Speaker::can just come out of your mouth and then
Speaker::you're like oh wow i didn't know that
Speaker::that's really unique that's cool or wow
Speaker::okay i have some more questions around
Speaker::that can you elaborate can you share
Speaker::more and so then i typically will ask
Speaker::that telepathically and then there they
Speaker::flow with more information
Speaker::but that's where it has advanced to so
Speaker::as i was starting out it was kind of a
Speaker::slow process because i kept interrupting
Speaker::and i wanted to know more and more
Speaker::and my guides were so sweet it was a
Speaker::part of our
Speaker::coming together it was a part of
Speaker::developing our
Speaker::and the communications
Speaker::and the way that we work together for
Speaker::the physical vocal channeling
Speaker::when that was happening at the beginning
Speaker::i would hear the message telepathically
Speaker::in my head
Speaker::almost like a nanosecond before it came
Speaker::out of my mouth
Speaker::so that was really unique and really fun
Speaker::sometimes it happens now but mostly i
Speaker::hear it as i'm speaking
Speaker::in that same moment what it's advanced
Speaker::is that i'm hearing it
Speaker::as it's coming out of my voice
Speaker::and then they are showing me behind the
Speaker::scenes the pictures
Speaker::i see pictures and visions it's like a
Speaker::silent movie that's being narrated and i
Speaker::also feel emotions so as i mentioned all
Speaker::the clear senses are activated so
Speaker::they're also
Speaker::signaling to me the fullness of the
Speaker::message through an emotion
Speaker::sometimes i'll feel a particular chakra
Speaker::just light up
Speaker::or it's been touched by this frequency
Speaker::to share with me an essence of the
Speaker::and that is one of the strongest
Speaker::benefits i have to say
Speaker::of vocal channeling
Speaker::so in vocal channeling the essence and
Speaker::vibration comes through
Speaker::and in any form of vocal channeling
Speaker::whether it's streaming relay channeling
Speaker::trans channeling or advanced channeling
Speaker::the intention and the message delivered
Speaker::is enhanced by the vibrational
Speaker::aspect of sound
Speaker::and sound brings it to life when you
Speaker::hear sound you're actually feeling sound
Speaker::and the whole body receives a message
Speaker::so taking it one step further
Speaker::advanced physical vocal channeling has
Speaker::an amplified energetic presence
Speaker::you can feel the vibration of the entity
Speaker::of the being of the life force
Speaker::and the light source
Speaker::that is coming through in a very
Speaker::palpable way
Speaker::so as the channel you have built up to
Speaker::as the recipient it can be very intense
Speaker::so you may choose to scoot back a little
Speaker::the common way of it if it's a little
Speaker::too intense
Speaker::is that sometimes
Speaker::we feel a little woozy a little seasick
Speaker::if you're a woman you might feel a
Speaker::little morning sickness kind of
Speaker::sensation and it's just that the energy
Speaker::is really strong and your energy body is
Speaker::saying whoa what is that that's new it's
Speaker::a bit
Speaker::intense for me and it just literally
Speaker::looks like a ripple that can go out and
Speaker::ripple through your aura so back up just
Speaker::a little bit to soften that reception
Speaker::as the receiver
Speaker::but i will say that there's a strong
Speaker::benefit to it because in order to
Speaker::channel in this way
Speaker::you already have prepared the space
Speaker::their light is so strong and so bright
Speaker::as it comes in around you
Speaker::your team is holding the space it is
Speaker::magnified and amplified to expand
Speaker::through the whole entire room
Speaker::and if you are working with a large room
Speaker::and a group or a crowd of people
Speaker::you'll find over time that your aura
Speaker::begins to expand more and more to hold
Speaker::the space
Speaker::and this is the aura around the physical
Speaker::body which is your physical body
Speaker::but this auric field is enhanced by the
Speaker::of your team of angels that might be
Speaker::standing around and especially
Speaker::whomever it is that's coming into your
Speaker::to share and deliver a message
Speaker::and this is an advanced form of
Speaker::but it's really lovely
Speaker::and it's one that you really want to
Speaker::take the proper protocols because you
Speaker::are sharing your space you are sharing
Speaker::your energy you are sharing your body
Speaker::with another being you need to feel
Speaker::comfortable with them they should be of
Speaker::the highest light in love
Speaker::recommended that it be a part of your
Speaker::spirit guides
Speaker::team your soul family team
Speaker::often i would definitely say
Speaker::if not both to include one or the other
Speaker::of an ascendant master
Speaker::or the archangels
Speaker::when you are channeling when you are
Speaker::working with energies when you are doing
Speaker::even basic readings of the oracle cards
Speaker::always set your space inviting the
Speaker::highest light of divine love ask for
Speaker::protection in that you
Speaker::don't pick up any vibrations that aren't
Speaker::or comfortable
Speaker::from the recipient or the messages that
Speaker::are flowing through
Speaker::that they feel like they can be
Speaker::felt in love and then thus delivered in
Speaker::as a channel always want to deliver in
Speaker::love even if you have to be firm and set
Speaker::your boundaries
Speaker::and then at the end of a session
Speaker::you disconnect and you gently release
Speaker::all connections
Speaker::so as a physical vocal channel
Speaker::my team will gently leave my body
Speaker::as i come in
Speaker::and when you first start out it can take
Speaker::a long time
Speaker::20 minutes 30 minutes maybe you need to
Speaker::rest and lay down for up to an hour or
Speaker::so to get all the way back in your body
Speaker::because it is like a
Speaker::muscle you're strengthening it
Speaker::it's expanding
Speaker::and then it needs to relax and come back
Speaker::into resting state and as your aura
Speaker::comes back into a resting state
Speaker::you come back into your body more and
Speaker::so make sure you're always grounded at
Speaker::the end
Speaker::and then
Speaker::you would want to release any cords or
Speaker::connections to
Speaker::any energies around
Speaker::if you're working with another person
Speaker::just gently release the chords and
Speaker::connections to their energetic body from
Speaker::you if any have formed
Speaker::make sure that your guides are all the
Speaker::way out of your aura which they will be
Speaker::and then we close with giving thanks
Speaker::and you would probably have your own way
Speaker::but there are some great ways to get
Speaker::back in the body you can play drums you
Speaker::can eat chocolate's great some people
Speaker::actually find that
Speaker::helps them to get back in the body
Speaker::spending time in nature
Speaker::physical visualizations or even playing
Speaker::a sound therapy instrument
Speaker::that supports the root chakra
Speaker::so thank you so much for tuning in today
Speaker::as we review
Speaker::some of the aspects of channeling and
Speaker::the different forms that are available
Speaker::to us
Speaker::i would highly encourage you to give it
Speaker::a try
Speaker::to look into one or a few
Speaker::and let yourself
Speaker::just enjoy the experience don't force
Speaker::just flow
Speaker::there's no judgments or analyzation that
Speaker::needs to be so intense that it restricts
Speaker::so you want to feel that you can be in
Speaker::your element
Speaker::and begin by letting the light of your
Speaker::soul shine through
Speaker::making a connection with your team
Speaker::and then just practice and have fun
Speaker::again i highly recommend the oracle
Speaker::cards starting with oracle cards have
Speaker::follow the guidance in the box set how
Speaker::to clear
Speaker::program read and work with them
Speaker::and just have a great time with it
Speaker::know that these tools can be very
Speaker::supportive for you
Speaker::your guides and angels can provide
Speaker::information from a higher perspective
Speaker::but also provide information and how it
Speaker::plays out in your physical life and what
Speaker::does that look like and what does it
Speaker::look like to hold space and be
Speaker::compassionate what do boundaries look
Speaker::you may have three decisions to make you
Speaker::can tune into each one individually and
Speaker::and feel all of the aspects about if you
Speaker::were to go on that timeline how would
Speaker::that unfold
Speaker::so thank you so much i encourage you
Speaker::just to take a moment
Speaker::and let's relax and breathe as this
Speaker::information integrates
Speaker::and flows in
Speaker::and take a moment and think about one
Speaker::key takeaway
Speaker::what is one thing that really stuck with
Speaker::you from the information shared today
Speaker::and is there another aspect that you
Speaker::really felt that was supportive
Speaker::and as you continue breathing and
Speaker::preparing to go about your day
Speaker::know that this energy this topic
Speaker::and the connection to your guides and
Speaker::angels have been enhanced
Speaker::and activated
Speaker::so you may continue to receive messages
Speaker::and supportive insights
Speaker::and new ideas
Speaker::that you might find you will love to
Speaker::or try for the first time to test out
Speaker::the waters in your own channeling
Speaker::thank you so much
Speaker::for all the beautiful light that you are
Speaker::sharing with yourself and with others
Speaker::and we'll see you again
Speaker::on the next episode
Speaker::hi thank you so much for joining the
Speaker::spirit and soul healing podcast
Speaker::this is amy sikarsky and i really hope
Speaker::that you've enjoyed the content shared
Speaker::if you have any suggestions for episodes
Speaker::or guests to have on
Speaker::please contact me at the email spirit
Speaker::and soulhealingpodcast i'll
Speaker::leave the link below in show notes
Speaker::and also i want to share that if you
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