Carrie Jemima Cooper (otherwise known as Jem) is a self-proclaimed “life rebrand coach” who believes that anyone can change their life at any point! She’s also a former professional ballerina turned elite endurance athlete, a serial entrepreneur, and a world traveler. Jem helps her clients find success in their businesses while also maintaining complete lifestyle alignment, and a huge key to that is breaking large goals down into concrete, actionable steps - that’s why it’s her one big tip.
We all have big goals. But what’s the best way to achieve those? Reaching the long run is all about taking it day by day, and that’s why Jem urges listeners to break goals down to manageable to-do lists with actionable tasks.
In this episode, Jem talks about her own journey, the fact that everyone has the ability to transform their life at any moment, and how to do so. It’s the motivation you need to put your best foot forward and start the path to your dream life - starting with the things you can do today!
In this episode
- [1:16] Jem gives us a look at her background - she started out as a professional ballerina! - and her journey to where she is today as a performance coach.
- [5:29] Jem calls herself a “life rebrand artist.” She explains what that means to her - and emphasizes that you can always change your life.
- [8:59] What’s stopping you from taking the steps towards your dream life? Jem says you don’t need to wait to make the change.
- [11:29] We begin to unpack Jem’s One Big Tip. It’s all about figuring out what actions you need to take moving forward.
- [15:06] Jem discusses the importance of breaking your to-do lists into actionable tasks.
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