In the second episode of a two-part series, Meredith Smith and Stacey Roberts, from TaxOps’ SALTovation Team, continue their conversation with Michael Cataldo, of Cataldo Tax Law in California. Michael continues to share his insight on the publications released by the Franchise Tax Board, that discuss sales of services and market-based sourcing in California. He also talks about some of his favorite cases outside the state.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Recent ruling regarding California’s sales of services and market-based sourcing
- California’s most recent ruling on sales of service
What You Will Learn:
- [00:28] California’s policy on alternative proportment
- [01:51] Sales of services in California
- [09:51] Michael’s favorite cases outside of California
- [15:05] Retroactive tax laws
- [19:05] What creates nexus
- [21:06] Regulations on market-based sourcing
- “It’s very hard to articulate exactly what was going on, what they’re doing. You have to do a lot of reading between the lines, see what they’re trying to do.” - Michael Cataldo [02:21]
- “The things I get interested in is where’s this going from here? And it takes a long time for things to develop in the state and local tax world to where this is going.” - Michael Cataldo [11:29]
- “Technology is moving so fast and what’s not going online. There’s going to be some challenges for them to figure out how to comply.” - Michael Cataldo [14:27]
- “But the constitution applies to all the states, so these constitutional arguments apply to all of them.” - Michael Cataldo [20:11]
Relevant Links:
Cataldo Tax Law:
Michael Cataldo on LinkedIn:
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Production Support
This episode was produced with support from Truth Work Media.
Mentioned in this episode:
Advanced Sales and Use Tax Workshop
Take your sales tax to the next level at Advanced Sales and Use Tax Workshop, February 19-21 in Nashville. Diane Yetter and the Sales Tax Institute’s industry-leading faculty provide individualized training, valuable resources, and practical solutions. Expand your network and earn 23 CPE credits. Visit the link in the show notes and use the code SALTOV10 for 10% off. Save your spot now!"
Use Tax Workshop
SALT Contact