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MMP09: The difficult convos on my recent family vacation
Episode 930th April 2018 • Mastermind Parenting Podcast • Randi Rubenstein
00:00:00 00:15:49

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In this episode, you will hear the audio version of a video I filmed for my private parenting community on the last day of our Colorado vacation. I discuss some hard topics and difficult conversations we had that added tremendous value to our memory making moments.

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Mastermind Parenting Report

The bottom line is that parenting is hard. That old message about being a good parent and how it all SHOULD come naturally and instinctively ...are words spoken by Nazis and other deplorable people in my opinion.

Anyone spreading that tall tale is wearing a mask in my opinion...unwilling to discuss real struggle, hard topics or practice vulnerability.

Sure it’s instinctual to feed our little people and take care of their basic needs like picking up a crying baby or nursing a sickie back to health.

And as we all know...there are many subjects that come up on our parenting journey that go way beyond basic needs.

Because unlike our cave dwelling ancestors, we modern humans now live in an evolving world with technology, eating disorders, little league and other “non-basic” issues we gotta discuss with our peeps.

We are good parents.

We spend time learning and listening to podcasts so we can discuss the stuff our kids deal with in our evolving world.

My vacation yoga teacher said, “Evolution is about growing. Stagnation is literally the opposite of evolution.”

Humans are meant to continue to evolve.

It’s sort of our job.

Learning how to change the convos in your home is a big part of the job.

It goes beyond basic needs.

You want your kids to be able to talk to you about anything.

THIS. My friend. Is. Evolution.

Enjoy a little behind the scenes window into the real and raw convos in my family.


Topics covered:

  • How the documentary, Screenagers, inspired us to go “screenless-ish” on this vacation and some issues were revealed once we were less plugged in.
  • “Masks off” and how not pretty it is...especially at first
  • A reference in my own life to the food issues in the show, This Is Us.
  • A negative pattern that I was accidentally beginning to pass down to my daughter and the hard productive convo we had about it.
  • Sibling rivalry and how individual parent engaged time with each kid can strengthen the sibling bond.
  • Outdoor activities and a time to connect with your kids even if you don’t ski on a ski vacation (uhhhh that would be me!)
  • The point of a family vacation and mixing up the routine.
  • Making memories? FB posts? Uninterrupted time together
  • Nature walks and dreaming together about living somewhere “cooler”
  • Beautiful scenery is amazing AND it’s really the people you surround yourself with that create a rich life.
  • People over environment
  • Movies in bed
  • Lots of little and a few bigger conversations
  • Families that always travel with others...might be a buffer or a mask for spending true quality time together and cleaning some things up
  • My husband calling me selfish


Get my book!

Hear about my family history and the tools that have helped me replace old parenting patterns that simply don’t work with these puzzling kiddos. It's my way of paying it forward as a human that wants our kids to experience a kinder and more generous world. Head over here to get your copy >>


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