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Finding Healing and Forgiveness After a Car Crash that Changed Everything
Episode 4727th February 2024 • What's the Story? • CROWD Church
00:00:00 00:52:54

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In this episode of "What's The Story," we get into the life-altering experiences of Zeeshan Laaldin, who shares his journey of navigating through grief, finding solace in faith, and the arduous path towards healing and forgiveness after a tragic car crash that reshaped his family's world.

Episode Highlights:

  • A Night That Changed Everything: Zeeshan recounts the harrowing night a devastating car accident took his mother's life, severely injured his sister and niece, and set him on a trajectory of unforeseen emotional and relational challenges.
  • Rooftop Revelation: A candid, raw conversation with God on a rooftop, under the blanket of night and stars, marks the beginning of Zeeshan's faith journey.
  • The Power of Forgiveness: Zeeshan discusses the internal struggle and the profound realisations about the importance of letting go, forgiving, and valuing the relationships that truly matter in life.
  • Rebuilding Family Bonds: The episode explores the complexities of family dynamics, the pain of estrangement, and the joy and relief found in reconciliation and forgiveness amongst siblings.
  • Finding Peace in Faith: Zeeshan shares how his faith provided a foundation of strength and solace, guiding him through his darkest times and leading him towards peace and renewal.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The transformative power of prayer and personal conversations with God
  2. Navigating grief and the importance of allowing oneself to feel and process emotions
  3. The crucial role of forgiveness in healing and moving forward
  4. Strengthening family bonds through understanding, compassion, and love
  5. The significance of faith in overcoming life's most challenging obstacles

Join us in this emotional rollercoaster of an episode as Zeeshan Laaldin bravely shares his heart-wrenching yet inspiring story, offering insights and hope to anyone going through similar trials. Whether you're dealing with grief, seeking forgiveness, or looking to strengthen your faith and family relationships, this episode shines a light on the path to peace and the enduring power of love.


Sadaf Beynon:

Hey there and welcome to What's the Story.

Sadaf Beynon:

We are an inquisitive bunch of hosts on a mission to uncover stories about

Sadaf Beynon:

faith and courage from everyday people.

Sadaf Beynon:

In doing that, we get the privilege of chatting with amazing guests and

Sadaf Beynon:

have the opportunity to delve into their faith journey, the hurdles

Sadaf Beynon:

they've overcome, and the life lessons they've learned along the way.

Sadaf Beynon:

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Sadaf Beynon:

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Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

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Sadaf Beynon:

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Sadaf Beynon:

What's the Story is brought to you by Crowd Church, who fully understand

Sadaf Beynon:

that stepping into a traditional church might not be everyone's cup of joe.

Sadaf Beynon:

Crowd Church provides a digital sanctuary, a safe space to explore

Sadaf Beynon:

the Christian faith where you can engage in meaningful conversations

Sadaf Beynon:

rather than just simply spectating.

Sadaf Beynon:

So whether you're new to the Christian faith or in search of

Sadaf Beynon:

a new church family, visit crowd.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

And if you have any questions, just drop them an email to hello at crowd.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

They would love to connect with you.

Sadaf Beynon:

And now, let's meet your host and our special guest for today.

Matt Edmundson:

Welcome to What's The Story today.

Matt Edmundson:

I am chatting with Zeeshan Laaldin, who is actually the infamous maybe

Matt Edmundson:

notorious is maybe a better word brother of Sadaf Beynon, who is part

Matt Edmundson:

of the What's The Story team here.

Matt Edmundson:

You will have heard her interviewing people.

Matt Edmundson:

And in fact, her story is also part of the archives.

Matt Edmundson:

So this Zeeshan is the first time that we've had a brother and sister.

Matt Edmundson:

On the show, which I'm excited about because frankly, we just want you

Matt Edmundson:

here to spill the beans about Sadaf.

Matt Edmundson:

So we're going to get into all of that.

Matt Edmundson:

It's worth saying that he lives in Sydney, Australia with his

Matt Edmundson:

wife, Jessica and three kids.

Matt Edmundson:

He is the founder of One To Another, which is a relief and development organization

Matt Edmundson:

working in Pakistan and now also works for Anglican Aid in Sidney, Australia.

Matt Edmundson:

It is late in the day for you.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm aware of the time zone difference, but thanks for joining us from, halfway

Matt Edmundson:

around the world from Sidney, one of the most amazing cities on the planet.

Matt Edmundson:

I love Sidney.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's great to have you, man.

Matt Edmundson:

How are you doing

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's nice to be here.

Matt Edmundson:

even this late at night?

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

So it's true to say Zeeshan, that Matt your beautiful

Matt Edmundson:

sister set you up for this, didn't she?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

a hundred percent.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

She pushed me hard into it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Wasn't really a nudge, it was more of a do it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But yeah, no I'm grateful because I did listen to her one and it was great.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, I'm excited.

Matt Edmundson:

Good man, it's good to have you here.

Matt Edmundson:

And how long have you been living in Australia?

Matt Edmundson:

How long have you been in the land down under?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Just over two years now.

Matt Edmundson:

Okay, how are you finding it in Sydney?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah it's a really, it's a fun city.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's beautiful.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

We really enjoyed it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The kids have really adjusted well.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Work is great.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Lots of cricket.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah it's a wonderful, it's a wonderful.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Absolutely, it's been a really great change for us.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Did you find it hard?

Matt Edmundson:

Because you moved over to Sydney from Pakistan, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Where you'd obviously lived a fair chunk of your life to be fair.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, did you find the move hard?

Matt Edmundson:

Was it a culture shock or was it actually pretty straightforward?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

No, I think it was, there was a lot of things that I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

personally had to deal with, but I do, I would say that I was I guess because

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was prepared for it being a new thing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think I adjusted pretty well.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

On the other hand, my wife, who is Australian, but has hardly lived here in

Zeeshan Laaldin:

her mind, she thought she was coming home.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But yeah, I think she's had to struggle more than the kids and myself.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

To adjust back well for her to adjust back to life here so yeah it's been

Zeeshan Laaldin:

interesting I think the kids adjusting and getting you know their lives together with

Zeeshan Laaldin:

school and all the extracurricular stuff they do I think because that happened so

Zeeshan Laaldin:

seamlessly I think that and allowed me to also be able to adjust a lot better than

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I actually than I expected to so yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

No doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's interesting you say that Jessica, your wife, found it almost harder to

Matt Edmundson:

adjust going back home than you guys did going to a new country in a lot of ways.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, I think for her, it was, she had expectations which maybe

Zeeshan Laaldin:

weren't realistic after so many years abroad, whereas we came with just a,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

let's see what happens kind of attitude,

Matt Edmundson:

with shorts and a t shirt, some flip flops and away you go, right?

Matt Edmundson:

And a subscription to the cricket.

Matt Edmundson:

And for those of you listening outside of the the empire or the former empire,

Matt Edmundson:

cricket is one of those sports where it's a bit like baseball in a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

There's you either like it or you don't.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't think there's any in between you, if you like it, you really like it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and I really like it.

Matt Edmundson:

No doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

Did you grow up playing cricket?

Matt Edmundson:

Was that all part of the deal or was that the sport that you had, you did?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

No, I actually didn't.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I went to a kind of a missionary school in kind of the foothills of the Himalayas and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

we didn't actually play cricket at school.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

For me, cricket was very much it was more about.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The fact that it represented Pakistan for me and it gave me an identity in that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so whenever there was a, a series against some other country

Zeeshan Laaldin:

like that was the passion.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That's where the passion came from.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I actually, for a long time, preferred watching it over playing it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's only now that my son plays it that and I get to play in organized

Zeeshan Laaldin:

cricket here in Australia that it's actually, something that I like to do.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But from the start, it was more.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Just following it and following Pakistan and being obsessed with it and not eating

Zeeshan Laaldin:

for days if we lost India or something.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh really?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

that's a bit extreme.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, a little bit extreme.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm a big I'm a big Liverpool football club fan.

Matt Edmundson:

So I follow Liverpool.

Matt Edmundson:

We're doing a time of recording.

Matt Edmundson:

We're top of the league.

Matt Edmundson:

When this comes out, who knows?

Matt Edmundson:

But we're doing well.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm a big, I'm a, I do follow football.

Matt Edmundson:

So I get the, it's good to follow a sport thing.

Matt Edmundson:

And I understand from a national point of view, there are countries are

Matt Edmundson:

good at certain things, aren't they?

Matt Edmundson:

England likes to pretend it's good at everything.

Matt Edmundson:

We have a team for everything which it really isn't, if the England

Matt Edmundson:

football team is playing, I'm there.

Matt Edmundson:

If I tend to not get involved with cricket unless it is like the World Cup

Matt Edmundson:

kind of England's playing and especially New Zealand and more so Pakistan, I

Matt Edmundson:

suppose more recently because Sadaf's in the office and if Pakistan are playing

Matt Edmundson:

the crickets on and all that sort of stuff, so that they're quite fun.

Matt Edmundson:

So I I totally get that.

Matt Edmundson:

They're eating for day, not eating for days though.

Matt Edmundson:

I know.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that was a bit of a stretch, but you get what

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, I do.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

No, some people take it very seriously.

Matt Edmundson:

So you grew up in the foothills of the Himalayas, which just

Matt Edmundson:

sounds very romantic and almost like Bear Grylls dream, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

It's I'm at the foothills of the Himalayas guys, and I can just see

Matt Edmundson:

the sort of the adventure calling.

Matt Edmundson:

Was it really like that?

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

On a clear day, we could see some of the highest peaks in the world so yeah.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, it was amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I didn't appreciate it as much when I was there growing up, but as I've grown

Zeeshan Laaldin:

older and revisited and seen what there was and looking back at, the childhood

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that I had, like I, yeah, I'm really blessed to have had that experience.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

So did you ever get into the climbing of the mountains or were you just

Matt Edmundson:

firmly at the bottom and that's fine?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was very much happy to be in the plains while I was at school,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

but yeah, no, I was never really into trekking and hiking and stuff like that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But just a couple of years ago, I went up as far north as I've been

Zeeshan Laaldin:

with a bunch of friends before we left Pakistan, actually it was amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That, the valley where we were in was higher than where my school

Zeeshan Laaldin:

was, and our school was at 7, 000 feet it's just, it's amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's absolutely amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

Sadaf raves about that sort of the part of the world

Matt Edmundson:

and it's definitely on my bucket list of places to go and view and just be

Matt Edmundson:

in awe of those sort of landscapes.

Matt Edmundson:

I find that when I go to those quite not quite the same, near here, we have

Matt Edmundson:

Snowdonia, we have the Lake District, and just the open spans with the rolling

Matt Edmundson:

hills, you'd, for me, you just, I feel in those spaces, the closest to God.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know why, it's that element of nature where you just

Matt Edmundson:

feel the element of the divine.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know if you guys had that growing up, but yeah, I

Matt Edmundson:

can see why it's quite stunning.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, absolutely.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think, I recall standing under one of the big mountains and just looking up

Zeeshan Laaldin:

like we're on the road right below it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it just, it's just really amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Like it really puts a lot of things into perspective.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, it does.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I get what you mean about, seeing the power of God and His majesty in that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

yeah, totally.

Matt Edmundson:

So you went to a ministry, a missionary school in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Matt Edmundson:

There's a calling right there.

Matt Edmundson:

Would you like to go teach in a missionary school in the foothill of the Himalayas?

Matt Edmundson:

It feels like it's up there with, would you like to go teach in a missionary

Matt Edmundson:

school that's in the Maldives, it's just this beautiful part of the world.

Matt Edmundson:

What was it like?

Matt Edmundson:

Is that where you became a Christian growing up in that school?

Matt Edmundson:

Was that we know Sadaf grew up with it within a Christian family, but for

Matt Edmundson:

those that haven't heard that show, maybe just tell your story a little

Matt Edmundson:

bit, what you, the family growing up, your own sort of journey to faith.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

yeah yeah, as Sadaf has probably mentioned grew up in a Christian

Zeeshan Laaldin:

home went to this missionary school.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I went since, pretty much since preschool I didn't know anything else, whereas I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

think my sisters experienced a bit of Pakistani schools at some stage, so I knew

Zeeshan Laaldin:

all the Sunday School stories, I'd grown up with that, I knew all the songs, and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and had that upbringing at home as well as in school, as well as in dorm life.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So like it was, and for me looking back at that time, I'm so so grateful to God

Zeeshan Laaldin:

for the opportunities that He blessed me with, because Yeah, I think it's made

Zeeshan Laaldin:

me who I am today, and without that, I don't think, I would be where I am.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But yeah, so I just went through school for many years thinking that

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was a Christian, and I knew so much about, I even I was actually

Zeeshan Laaldin:

pretty good at memorizing scripture.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I could memorize chapters and chapters of it in school, but and so I had that in

Zeeshan Laaldin:

me and, but it wasn't until the beginning of my senior year 12, that where a lot of

Zeeshan Laaldin:

my good friends had graduated and their families were leaving Pakistan and they

Zeeshan Laaldin:

were going back to their home countries.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it was strange because, with some of them you'd spent You know, 12, 13

Zeeshan Laaldin:

years with them in this little bubble.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And they were almost like your brothers.

Matt Edmundson:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

and so all of a sudden they're leaving and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

it's like, , what do you do?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it was really hard for me to see some of them leave and not knowing,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

if we'd ever meet again or what.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So it was, it, looking back it seemed, maybe it was a bit over

Zeeshan Laaldin:

the top, but at the time I really.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I just was like, I don't know how to function.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I was going through this pretty low time in my life and year

Zeeshan Laaldin:

12 had started after a bit of a break and just wasn't feeling it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Didn't want to be there.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was just like stuck in the past, and yeah, and I I remember my dad calling and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

saying, not that he knew, I don't think he was aware of any of this, but he just

Zeeshan Laaldin:

said, look, there's a, one of the old missionary ladies that used to work at

Zeeshan Laaldin:

the hospital where I grew up with my dad, where he was the director was visiting

Zeeshan Laaldin:

again, and her name was Agnes Hislop.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

That's a great

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

he's what?

Matt Edmundson:

It's a very good, was she English?

Matt Edmundson:

Because it sounds like quintessentially English, that name.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, she was English.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so yeah, for some reason, I just, it was quite a ways away, and I had to,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I didn't have a car or anything, I was in, in boarding at the time, and I had

Zeeshan Laaldin:

a bike, mountain bike, so I got on my mountain bike, and I went up and met her,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and I don't know, just, I started chatting about getting quite into a lot of detail

Zeeshan Laaldin:

about my personal life and where I was at.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it was just incredible how I was just able to just let so much out.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I remember her saying, you should try sharing all this with God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I was like, but he already knows it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's in my heart.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

He knows, he can read my mind or whatever.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But yeah, so I finished up with her and I went back and those words just kept

Zeeshan Laaldin:

bothering me about sharing it with God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I went up onto the roof of our dorm and sat on top of these massive metal

Zeeshan Laaldin:

water tanks, and it was a clear evening.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I could see all the stars and like the tree line in the dark.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, I just, I remember it very clearly.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

I probably spent, I don't know, maybe an hour, just under an hour, just sharing

Zeeshan Laaldin:

everything, just speaking to God in a way I had never had in the past.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It wasn't like this official prayer, it was just me talking to God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think that was the beginning of relationship with God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think all those years of that foundation that had been there,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

like I knew what he was, but I don't think I fully understood

Zeeshan Laaldin:

What it meant to be in a relationship with him.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I think that's where it started.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I just felt.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

A sense of peace after that conversation with God and within a few weeks,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

like I felt my attitude towards where I was at the time change.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I felt much lighter, much happier.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I started to enjoy those that were around me instead of avoiding them and whatnot.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, and I think that was the first time I experienced God

Zeeshan Laaldin:

working in my life in a personal way.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And that's when I realized that, there is, yeah, there's something that

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I've been missing all these years.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

This is what it's really about.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I think that was the beginning of my personal journey with Jesus.

Matt Edmundson:

That's cool, man, it's just that whole how old,

Matt Edmundson:

again, were you at this point?

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, so I was about 18 when I became a Christian, and just this

Matt Edmundson:

whole idea of, we use this phrase a lot in church, it's a very churchy phrase

Matt Edmundson:

actually, pouring your heart out to God.

Matt Edmundson:

In the sense of just talking to God in a very real, authentic way and actually

Matt Edmundson:

being comfortable with that is one of those things that I think surprises people

Matt Edmundson:

that they can do, and so here you are 17, 18, just pouring out your heart to God.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm curious, did God say anything back or was it just a case of,

Matt Edmundson:

I just, I'm just going for this?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, I don't think I felt him speaking back in

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that sense to me at that moment.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But when I saw things change just even in my own mind, the way I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

was looking at life, I knew it was something that wasn't of me.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was something that I always put back to that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

moment in that conversation that, so it wasn't, I wouldn't say that

Zeeshan Laaldin:

it was that clear at the time, but I always remember when something

Zeeshan Laaldin:

happened and I was like, what?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That's crazy.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That shouldn't happen.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I would, I'd always take it back to that moment where I'd

Zeeshan Laaldin:

had that conversation with God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So I knew it was significant for me and at that time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I, yeah, I knew it was special.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I wouldn't say I heard his voice at that time.

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting though, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

But it's the moment that you pinpoint where you go.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

This is where it changed and kickstarted for me.

Matt Edmundson:

And actually what I'm hearing is that the moment of change for you is not

Matt Edmundson:

from memorizing scriptural, though.

Matt Edmundson:

It's obviously very good thing to do, especially if you're

Matt Edmundson:

one of my children listening.

Matt Edmundson:

It's obviously very good to read the Bible and remember it.

Matt Edmundson:

It wasn't to do with that, it was more to just doing, or more to do with just

Matt Edmundson:

being able to be real with God and to speak to him in that kind of way

Matt Edmundson:

and it transformed things for you.

Matt Edmundson:

That's what I'm hearing, it was, and it's interesting you're

Matt Edmundson:

using this word relationship.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm in a relationship with God rather than just knowing about God.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think many Christians would use that phraseology to try and

Matt Edmundson:

explain, I suppose to try and explain.

Matt Edmundson:

Why or what it is they think or feel about God, why it's different.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't just know about God, I feel like I know him now and I know he's always

Matt Edmundson:

known me but I feel like he now knows me.

Matt Edmundson:

It's that kind of thing, isn't it?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, I think that's right.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I feel like that was because that was just the beginning.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

There was so much more that happened and to this day happens that learning

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and that experiencing God and understanding him and growing in

Zeeshan Laaldin:

my faith is, it's still happening.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But like you said, that moment where it went from, just knowing of him to actually

Zeeshan Laaldin:

experience him I think that was the time,

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I'm reminded of the prayer, the Apostle Paul prays.

Matt Edmundson:

This prayer in the Bible is recorded, I think, in the book of

Matt Edmundson:

Ephesians where he says I no, I think it's in the book of Romans.

Matt Edmundson:

I pray you will know the length, the breadth, the depth, the height of God.

Matt Edmundson:

I pray that you will know this.

Matt Edmundson:

And it.

Matt Edmundson:

And when you look at the language, it's not knowledge

Matt Edmundson:

just from, reading it in a book.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like an experiential knowledge as well.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like I, it's like I can talk about Sharon and I can talk

Matt Edmundson:

about how I know she loves me.

Matt Edmundson:

Not because she wrote it down in a Valentine's card, although that's just

Matt Edmundson:

very nice, we're coming up to Valentine's Day but because I've experienced.

Matt Edmundson:

That love every day since we've been married.

Matt Edmundson:

And there's that joint thing, isn't there?

Matt Edmundson:

And yeah, really powerful, man, really powerful.

Matt Edmundson:

So let's talk about challenges then.

Matt Edmundson:

So you've been walking with God for a little while.

Matt Edmundson:

And you're, we're talking about this relationship with God.

Matt Edmundson:

You were living in Pakistan.

Matt Edmundson:

You have this relief organization over there, which you're heading up.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

You're grown in your faith, your wife's a Christian, I mean I know the story a

Matt Edmundson:

little bit but I guess, spoiler alert, it's not all sunshine and rainbows is it?

Matt Edmundson:

There are things which you then have to face and deal with.

Matt Edmundson:

So what are some of the big challenges that you've personally faced

Matt Edmundson:

where, or that you face as a family that God's brought you through?

Matt Edmundson:

I'm curious to know what are some of the things there?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, I think yeah, I think the biggest challenge that

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I had to go through with my family that includes my sisters and my wife

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and kids was my dad being diagnosed with cancer, stage four cancer.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Back in 2014, and so we're just as a family trying to cope with this.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was the only one in Pakistan in terms of my siblings at the time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so when the diagnosis came in , my three sisters could started

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to come back and I think no, Sheen and Sadaf were back in the country,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and I had actually gone because the international airport at the time was

Zeeshan Laaldin:

about a five, six hour drive away, and

Matt Edmundson:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

someone would've to go pick them up and bring them back.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I'd done that for those two sisters.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And the flights randomly arrive at two in the morning for some reason.

Matt Edmundson:

So you're very thankful for the 10 hour drive

Matt Edmundson:

in the middle of the night.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Appreciate that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

The truth is, for both of them, I, we drove back, arrived, got home at 6 in the

Zeeshan Laaldin:

morning probably wasn't the best, smartest thing to do, but, just wanted to get

Zeeshan Laaldin:

back, and with my third sister arriving.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

My mom decided she wanted to go and she'd take the driver and and yeah she went, I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

remember I had lunch with her before she left, and yeah, I remember saying Goodbye

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and see you tomorrow, type of thing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And she went off to pick up my sister and yeah.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't know, there was just something inside me that said, call her and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

find out if the driver's had a rest.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't know, something wasn't right.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I called her at 8 or 9 p.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

and I said, you're going to be going to the airport soon maybe I think they had

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to go at 11 or 12 and I was like, has the driver had a rest, are you driving back?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And she's yeah, he had a big rest and we'll leave in a couple hours and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

we'll pick her up and we'll come home.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I went to bed but wasn't really asleep and at 4:33 a.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

I got a call from the driver and yeah, I just, I figured out quite quickly

Zeeshan Laaldin:

what had happened and it wasn't really speaking but I could hear and didn't know.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

How bad it was, I tried to ask him, what's happening.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was a big accident.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I can just, I could hear my mom and my sister in the back it's tough

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to talk about because I still it's very clear in my mind, but just the way

Zeeshan Laaldin:

they were crying was, it was painful.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It just got my mind thinking because there was three little kids in the car.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

My sister's kids were there too.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so it's the middle of the night, you don't know what's going to happen.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And one of my best friends who I grew up with in Pakistan

Zeeshan Laaldin:

he was, his name is Haroon.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

He lived above me.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And we worked together at one to another at that time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I went out, woke him up and I was like, this has happened.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't even know where they are, but I know they're.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Between here and Lahore.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So let's go.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And he didn't say anything within 15 minutes of receiving that call.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

We were in the car.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I could go into a lot of detail, but basically my mom

Zeeshan Laaldin:

passed away in that car crash.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

My sister was very badly injured.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think it's still dealing with some of those injuries today.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Her daughter, eldest daughter was also very injured, broke both her

Zeeshan Laaldin:

legs at her forehead opened up and it was just, it was pretty bad.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I was in Lahore with them and Sheen and Sadaf and my dad were

Zeeshan Laaldin:

in Multan when all this happened.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so it was just a really difficult time and I can't express the feelings

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that were, it was just overwhelming.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't think I could even process at the time what I was going through, but it was.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was absolutely strange, surreal to be there and looking

Zeeshan Laaldin:

at, all this devastation.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I had a difficult choice to make whether to go back with

Zeeshan Laaldin:

my mom's buddy or stay and be there for my sister and her kids.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I was like, if my niece wakes up.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

She's not going to know who's, she might recognize me, but she

Zeeshan Laaldin:

won't recognize anyone else.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I think that was the thing that, that kept me in Lahore at the hospital.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So yeah, I think, and then we went through, yeah, that was difficult

Zeeshan Laaldin:

obviously for my wife and our kids were little at the time, but.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah, it was wasn't an easy time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And then, a year later, my father passed away, and my sisters had obviously gone

Zeeshan Laaldin:

back to their lives in Canada and the UK and whatnot, and obviously were talking

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to my dad every single day, but just weren't there physically and my dad,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

a year, he wasn't supposed to live as long as he did in the end, but he was

Zeeshan Laaldin:

he was with us for another year after my mom passed, and it was, amazing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to have that time with him.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And my wife and I had then moved back into his home after my mom passed so that we

Zeeshan Laaldin:

could be there and care for him and all.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, so after my dad passed away oh, my sisters had all come back and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

he passed away with all of us there.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But the last little while leading up to his death was pretty, pretty awful.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think there was a clash of kind of cultures, in terms of palliative care.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The Pakistani way is very, um, like you do everything you

Zeeshan Laaldin:

can to help them in that time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

If they can't eat, then you basically force them to eat.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Whereas my sisters were coming from a much more a much more medical

Zeeshan Laaldin:

perspective, or a westernized perspective of that whole thing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think those two cultures clashed and it wasn't pretty.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I was sandwiched in between but having been with dad and saw his love for his

Zeeshan Laaldin:

siblings and seeing the way that they had cared for him, I just gravitated

Zeeshan Laaldin:

towards that and created a wedge I think.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

between myself and my sisters.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it wasn't, I don't think it was done, it was just, it just happened.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It wasn't, I didn't think through it properly, but I guess the

Zeeshan Laaldin:

aftermath was that dad passed away.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think within a week, 10 days, I think my sisters went back.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

We didn't part well at all.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

They were hurt.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was hurt.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't think for a long time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't even, I don't even know, but I think for a long time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I didn't know if I'd even grieved properly for that, because

Zeeshan Laaldin:

of all this external stuff.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so you, as a Christian, you know that you're, you'll

Zeeshan Laaldin:

see your parents again one day.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

They're believers.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

There's that confidence you have.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And as a Christian, I think it, death is, has a different meaning.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Like it hurts, obviously, because they're physically not with you,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

but it's not the end, it's not the end of that relationship.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

To have your sisters who were like mothers to me, honestly, and still are, to

Zeeshan Laaldin:

lose mom, dad, and then in a way them, but they're alive was really difficult.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

My wife, um, she felt.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

My pain, I think more than anyone else.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But yeah, I think that was probably the hardest thing that I've had to go through.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it wasn't just for a few months it lasted for maybe three or

Zeeshan Laaldin:

four years, and it was difficult.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I wanted a relationship with them.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think maybe they thought I didn't.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was just, it was complicated.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, but I think going back to that topic of relationship which I think is

Zeeshan Laaldin:

it keeps coming back to me in my life.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The importance of it, I think thankfully as a, Believer in Jesus,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and as my sisters were, are still also believers of, in Jesus, I think

Zeeshan Laaldin:

we were able to, forgive each other.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think that was, that experience I haven't seen Sadaf since this event.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I haven't seen her for 10 years, physically been in the

Zeeshan Laaldin:

same space with her, yeah.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But, I got the opportunity to meet two of my sisters and I had an opportunity

Zeeshan Laaldin:

to spend a lot of time hashing out some of these things with her.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I think for me, that was another time where I felt God's presence.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

There were things that were discussed and things that I wanted to yell at

Zeeshan Laaldin:

them, in those moments of conversations that we had, but something held me back.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And I really, I felt for the first time in my life.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I felt the Holy Spirit in the, in those moments.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And to be able to spend a week in Canada with them to walk away

Zeeshan Laaldin:

knowing that we're good, we love each other, we forgive each other was.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Yeah yeah, I'm just so grateful to them for, one, for forgiving me.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, cause absolutely said and did many stupid things, but

Zeeshan Laaldin:

yeah, just it all comes down to Jesus knowing Him and being able to

Zeeshan Laaldin:

forgive because He forgave us, right?

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

Firstly, thank you for sharing.

Matt Edmundson:

I said, if to lose your mum like that, obviously your sisters and your

Matt Edmundson:

sister and your nieces get injured.

Matt Edmundson:

And then all because your dad's been diagnosed with cancer, everyone's

Matt Edmundson:

flying in to see him and you it's a horror story in a lot of ways, and it

Matt Edmundson:

and I'm listening to you talk about it.

Matt Edmundson:

And then in the midst of that, to have this sort of I don't know if I'd use

Matt Edmundson:

the word breakdown, but this sort of fallout, with your sisters as well.

Matt Edmundson:

And then you talk about forgiveness, as in you forgave them and they forgave

Matt Edmundson:

you and, spoiler alert, you're obviously getting on well with your sisters now

Matt Edmundson:

and Sadaf still feels the need to boss you around quite a lot, I would imagine.

Matt Edmundson:

And everything's back how it was in a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

Forgiveness isn't always easy and forgiveness is not always straightforward.

Matt Edmundson:

It can be quite messy, but I think it's one of those things, which is a sort of a

Matt Edmundson:

key thing to the Christian faith, right?

Matt Edmundson:

And there are lots of benefits that come with forgiveness.

Matt Edmundson:

It's always hard to do, but when you feel like you've forgiven somebody,

Matt Edmundson:

actually, I think you tend to feel an awful lot better about life.

Matt Edmundson:

Just walk us through that process for you guys.

Matt Edmundson:

What was, what did forgiveness look like?

Matt Edmundson:

How did you have to wrestle with that?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think, after dad died and my sisters left, I went through

Zeeshan Laaldin:

probably the darkest period of my life.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I couldn't sleep without drinking a lot.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

For three months I lost the plot completely.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Without Jess I don't know, yeah, probably, it may have ended differently, but she

Zeeshan Laaldin:

was that rock, I think, that I needed, and that person that kept pointing me to God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So yeah, I'm super grateful for her and the role that she's played, my life.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But, I think forgiveness, the it was weird, because we weren't in the same

Zeeshan Laaldin:

country, I wasn't able to walk over to their house, knock, I want to talk,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

it wasn't like that, and getting the courage to even connect on a video call

Zeeshan Laaldin:

because you're not sure what they're thinking, there's no communication at

Zeeshan Laaldin:

all and so it took a really long time to get to that place, but I knew from

Zeeshan Laaldin:

the very beginning that there has to be.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Resolution of some sort and I had to be able to forgive and be forgiven.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Otherwise I wasn't going to last.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I don't think I would have been able to survive.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But forgiveness, I think was.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

is very much an internal

Zeeshan Laaldin:

for me, I had to come up, come to a place where I was like, you know what

Zeeshan Laaldin:

matters more me being able to let go of the hurt that I feel I've been through

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and then having a relationship with my sisters what meant more, and that meant

Zeeshan Laaldin:

a lot more, that meant everything to me and so I think part of those three or

Zeeshan Laaldin:

four years were me I would go through these angry phases of I'd stay up in bed

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and I'd have this 10 minute monologue that I was, like, just shouting at them

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and then there would be times when I'd just be, like, no that doesn't, that's

Zeeshan Laaldin:

not right, and so it took a long time.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

When and I actually went to Canada to a friend's wedding.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I didn't go to visit them.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I went somewhere else and I was like, Hey, I'm coming.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Would you mind if I dropped by kind of thing?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And obviously their arms were wide open, but it wasn't until we were physically

Zeeshan Laaldin:

together that I think being physically together allowed the forgiveness

Zeeshan Laaldin:

process to happen more Easily, you know, cause you're able to see expressions

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and feel emotion and it's real.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So I'm really glad that it didn't happen over a video call or, I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

think it was really necessary for the degree of pain that I was in to

Zeeshan Laaldin:

have it, that much more real to be there in person to experience that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it was, I felt so much lighter.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I felt complete joy.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Leaving Canada after that, like I just, it was just totally different.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, I think there's a big difference between that and reconciliation.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think that is the different thing.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think it comes later, but, and that's something, I think that's what

Zeeshan Laaldin:

we're all in my mind, that's what I'm working through right now with them.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That takes time.

Matt Edmundson:

yeah, oh powerful, man I'm curious if I

Matt Edmundson:

can just rewind just slightly.

Matt Edmundson:

You said for three months, you were in quite a dark place drinking quite a lot.

Matt Edmundson:

How is Jessica in all of this?

Matt Edmundson:

This is your, in one sense she's married into your family, these are your sisters

Matt Edmundson:

this is your mum, this is your dad, life is not what it was the man that

Matt Edmundson:

she married is going through an insanely hard time, probably doing stuff that

Matt Edmundson:

she, if you were to ask her, I don't know, I don't want to put words in her

Matt Edmundson:

mouth, but I know if you were to ask my wife, she would not approve of me

Matt Edmundson:

drinking heavily, that's for dang sure.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I'm curious, how did she deal with all of this?

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think she was hurt as well.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It wasn't, I think it, it wasn't just me that was, that had.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Felt the pain of some of the stuff that went on.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

She was very much next to me and was hurt in her own ways.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And equally was the instigator of hurt and pain for them.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It wasn't just a one.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

In a sense, because she knew, she felt similar things.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think she was able to really know what I felt.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But I think she being slightly outside of it was able to

Zeeshan Laaldin:

control it better than I could.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I think, yeah, I think she, she was, yeah, she just, for me, I think she

Zeeshan Laaldin:

being able to talk to her and it wasn't, I think in times like that, if you have

Zeeshan Laaldin:

someone that keeps reinforcing what negative thoughts you're having which

Zeeshan Laaldin:

is in a way, which is what you want, cause you want to feel like you're right.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But she didn't do that even though she was also feeling that pain.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And so I think having, there were moments when she would agree with me and was just

Zeeshan Laaldin:

as angry as I was, but in the long run, I think she, she was able to keep it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Much more, real and was able to help me see that a lot more.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

Sounds like a remarkable lady.

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

She is

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, funny, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

I remember Smith Wigglesworth, the old preacher, he wrote, I remember this quote

Matt Edmundson:

he said about his wife, I think she was called Polly, yes, he said everything

Matt Edmundson:

I am under God, I owe to my dear wife, Polly, and I think the longer I'm

Matt Edmundson:

married, The more I realize he's right.

Matt Edmundson:

You know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

That the longer I live, the more I realize everything I am under God.

Matt Edmundson:

I owe to my dear wife who, who has put it with a lot and seen me through a lot

Matt Edmundson:

of things and has been an amazing person.

Matt Edmundson:

What's also interesting listening to you talk is just how close you were as a

Matt Edmundson:

family to your sisters, because I know, I don't know whether it's a Western

Matt Edmundson:

thing, whether this again is a cultural thing, whether you just happen to be

Matt Edmundson:

this way because you were living where you were in the situation you were.

Matt Edmundson:

Sometimes people are close to their siblings, so some people listening to this

Matt Edmundson:

will will feel the pain of actually what it's like to be separated or to have this

Matt Edmundson:

sort of acrimony I suppose between you.

Matt Edmundson:

But some people might be listening going, I don't, I'm just not, I'm not

Matt Edmundson:

like close to my brother or my sister,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

yeah, I think for us, I mean for me, I'm four years younger

Zeeshan Laaldin:

than and so I'm youngest by quite a ways and I think I was always spoiled by

Zeeshan Laaldin:

them and my parents, I was the only boy.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And boys have, they have a much higher value in Pakistan for families,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

which wasn't the case in our home.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But no, I, yeah, I think.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And then, because I was in boarding I really only saw my mom and dad

Zeeshan Laaldin:

for maybe four months of the year, or three, three months of the year.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The rest of the time I was in boarding, and I remember, you know, from the age of

Zeeshan Laaldin:

six or seven to be alone, away from your parents and every time I was homesick

Zeeshan Laaldin:

or there was any problems, it was always those three, one of them, or all of

Zeeshan Laaldin:

them, who would be by my bed comforting me, to help me get to sleep or whatever.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

So it's always been, it was always close.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It was more than a normal relationship that you would have with your siblings

Zeeshan Laaldin:

because I needed them like I would need my mother as a child, thankfully they, I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

think they, yeah, they love me in that way as well, and yeah, it was always a very, I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

always looked up to them, still do have a huge amount of respect and love for them.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And yeah, whatever they said, I would do, like this girl, okay, wear your

Zeeshan Laaldin:

clothes like this, okay, let us cut your hair, okay, whatever it was,

Matt Edmundson:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

I just, yeah, I just love them and, yeah, so I think our

Zeeshan Laaldin:

circumstances, the way we grew up, maybe exaggerated it a bit more, but yeah very

Zeeshan Laaldin:

close, and not just us our cousins super close people look at us as cousins, and

Zeeshan Laaldin:

be like, this is weird, it's not normal.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

But I think that, that came, that loving like that came from my

Zeeshan Laaldin:

oldest sister, from me anyway.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I saw the way she loved everyone and I liked it, and I wanted to be like that,

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's powerful, man.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's great that you had that, and I want it for my own kids that they actually

Matt Edmundson:

have strong relationships with each other.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's nice when you see it.

Matt Edmundson:

Ironically, it wasn't until I moved out that I started to get

Matt Edmundson:

on really well with my brother.

Matt Edmundson:

When we were both living at home, we would fight like cats and dogs.

Matt Edmundson:

But yeah, interesting.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

What's the

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

Go on.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was just going to say, I'm sure if you asked Sadaf about her

Zeeshan Laaldin:

relationship with her other two sisters, it'd probably be the same, they probably

Zeeshan Laaldin:

got closer when they were further apart.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I was so much younger that it was different for me, but I'm sure

Zeeshan Laaldin:

they had their I know they had their dramas growing up as kids.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, there's no doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

Three girls are going to have their dramas, but I, she always

Matt Edmundson:

speaks very fondly of her family.

Matt Edmundson:

And you go, this is really cool that you guys were so close.

Matt Edmundson:

Out of all of this, out of all the stuff you've gone through both as a

Matt Edmundson:

family, in your sort of own walk with life what's your one lesson if you

Matt Edmundson:

had, that God taught you over this?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

I think, understanding the value of relationships that are

Zeeshan Laaldin:

in your life I think, and this is not, I guess my experience is to a certain

Zeeshan Laaldin:

extent, but I've felt, I've always felt, That relationships matter, I think,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

maybe to my friends or my siblings, maybe I think of them too much

Zeeshan Laaldin:


Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's always been like that from when I was a young kid and I always wanted to,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

have, put my all into the relationships that were around me and yeah, it probably

Zeeshan Laaldin:

wasn't healthy everywhere, but I think for me, that has been something that as,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

all having experienced all this stuff with my sisters and I've really grown to

Zeeshan Laaldin:

value the relationships that God has put me in and I think it comes from it comes

Zeeshan Laaldin:

The little that I've thought about it I think it comes from the fact that God

Zeeshan Laaldin:

created us to be in his image and I think in that could mean a lot of things but I

Zeeshan Laaldin:

think in one sense it's that relationship and, he, from beginning creation, he's

Zeeshan Laaldin:

ultimately wants a relationship with us.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And, through sin and all that kind of got messed up and then he had a plan

Zeeshan Laaldin:

and that was Jesus and we have to have a relationship with Jesus to be saved.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

And it's so key in my mind, it's just so plain and simple that.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

That's such an important part to this walk and I think the relationships

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that we have we choose some and we choose, we don't choose others.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

We don't choose our family but whatever it is whatever those relationships are

Zeeshan Laaldin:

in this moment, in this time, that circle that's around you, they're all in some

Zeeshan Laaldin:

way mirroring my relationship with God.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

They're challenging me in different ways, they're, at the end of the day,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

every relationship that I interact with is an opportunity for me as a

Zeeshan Laaldin:

person to become more Christ like.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Whether that's me with my son whether it's with my wife, with, my sisters, or some

Zeeshan Laaldin:

friend, or a colleague at work, or some uncle that, is old, doesn't matter they're

Zeeshan Laaldin:

in my life for a reason and As a Christian it's my responsibility to give it my all,

Zeeshan Laaldin:

not for everything, and within reason, if that makes sense, but they're all there

Zeeshan Laaldin:

for me to learn from and to become yeah to learn the characteristics that, that

Zeeshan Laaldin:

that Jesus has and that I need in my life.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm aware of time.

Matt Edmundson:

I have so many more questions.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much, man, for coming on and sharing your heart and just really great

Matt Edmundson:

to connect with you and, great family.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, great heritage by the sounds of it.

Matt Edmundson:

And I look forward to meeting your mum and dad one day because I

Matt Edmundson:

really look forward to meeting them.

Matt Edmundson:

I think they're amazing people given the family which they have.

Matt Edmundson:

If people want to reach out to you, if they want to find out more, maybe

Matt Edmundson:

about the project in Pakistan, the projects, the stuff that you're

Matt Edmundson:

doing in Sydney, if they just want to connect, what's the best way to do that?

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Probably email.

Matt Edmundson:


Zeeshan Laaldin:


Matt Edmundson:

We will make sure that your email is linked in the show notes.

Matt Edmundson:

Or a bit.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah rather than spill it out on the air, we'll definitely make

Matt Edmundson:

sure it's in the show notes.

Matt Edmundson:

But so do check that out if you want to reach out, but yeah, listen, but

Matt Edmundson:

thank you so much for coming on.

Matt Edmundson:

Really appreciate it.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

Thank you very much.

Zeeshan Laaldin:

It's been a pleasure.

Sadaf Beynon:

And just like that, we've reached the end of

Sadaf Beynon:

another fascinating conversation.

Sadaf Beynon:

Crowd Church is a digital church, a community, a space to explore

Sadaf Beynon:

the Christian faith, and a place where you can contribute and grow.

Sadaf Beynon:

To find out more, check out www.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

And don't forget to subscribe to What's The Story on your favorite podcast app.

Sadaf Beynon:

We've got a whole lot of inspiring stories coming your way, and we really

Sadaf Beynon:

don't want you to miss any of them.

Sadaf Beynon:

What's the Story is the production of Crowd Church.

Sadaf Beynon:

Our fantastic team is made up of Anna Kettle, Matt Edmundson, Tanya

Sadaf Beynon:

Hutsuliak, and myself, Sadaf Beynon.

Sadaf Beynon:

We work behind the scenes to bring these stories to life.

Sadaf Beynon:

Our theme song is the creative work of Josh Edmundson.

Sadaf Beynon:

If you're interested in the transcript or show notes, head over

Sadaf Beynon:

to our website whatsastorypodcast.

Sadaf Beynon:

com and sign up for our weekly newsletters to get all this goodness

Sadaf Beynon:

delivered straight to your inbox.

Sadaf Beynon:

So that's all from us this week.

Sadaf Beynon:

Thank you so much for joining us and we'll catch you in the next episode.

Sadaf Beynon:

Bye for now.




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