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Ever wondered how one small act of kindness can transform lives? Listen to this incredible story of a mother and her three daughters who escaped a violent situation with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Through the amazing connections facilitated by CarePortal, a community came together to provide essential support, from clothes and food to heartfelt encouragement and spiritual guidance.
As this family navigates their way through temporary housing and immense struggles, they experience the profound love and support from a united church community.
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This is Journey with Care. Hey. We're taking 4 weeks of the summer
Speaker:to keep it short or speedy. Let's just call these
Speaker:summer speedos. Short action packed dives into the
Speaker:incredible stories of everyday people using Care Portal to
Speaker:build connection and change lives. Care Portal, for those
Speaker:that haven't heard, is an amazing platform connecting churches,
Speaker:families, and businesses with specific needs with some of the most
Speaker:vulnerable in our communities. So as you soak up the sun this
Speaker:summer and enjoy these summer remember, Journey with
Speaker:Care is powered by Care Impact, a Canadian charity helping
Speaker:strangers become good neighbours. To keep bringing you our podcast
Speaker:and these stories, we rely on supporters like you.
Speaker:So for the summer Speedo series, join our summer of 30.
Speaker:We're looking for 30 amazing listeners to donate $30 in
Speaker:the next 30 days. Every dollar helps us maintain our
Speaker:equipment, update our software, and help us cover all the
Speaker:expenses associated with bringing you these important stories.
Speaker:So to join the summer 30, check the show notes for the link or visit
Speaker:journey with care dot ca slash 30. That's journey with care
Speaker:dot ca slash 30. So go ahead,
Speaker:pause it, and become 1 of the 30 right now. Alright.
Speaker:Enough chit chat. Let's get on with the summer Speedos.
Speaker:I met this mom and she's was
Speaker:a victim of a violent crime, she and her 3 daughters, and they
Speaker:escaped with very little. I found out about her right before Christmas.
Speaker:Actually, a community donor said that she had things to
Speaker:donate, and I was the connecting church. And so
Speaker:on the 23rd December, we delivered a lot of clothes and
Speaker:shoes and foods to the hotel where the agency had put
Speaker:this family up.
Speaker:I really didn't get to meet the family at that point. There was a strange
Speaker:glitch, and I just ended up leaving everything.
Speaker:Fast forward a few days, another request comes through care
Speaker:portal. It sounds like the same family, so I pick up the request.
Speaker:Enough, same family. They had moved into some temporary
Speaker:housing, so I gathered up the request items, air mattresses,
Speaker:and and a teammate, and we went to deliver, and I finally
Speaker:got to meet the family.
Speaker:This mom is amazing, but she told us that
Speaker:she just all the events that had happened to her, her car
Speaker:broke down. Her daughter was
Speaker:suicidal. She has 2 children and herself are type 1
Speaker:diabetic. They were camping out in this
Speaker:really bad situation and then stayed in the hotel, but that was, you know,
Speaker:just for a little while. And she was just going through such a
Speaker:nightmare, and she said, I just was trying to figure out how I could
Speaker:just end it all. I could take my life and, also, my children
Speaker:just put us all out of this misery.
Speaker:And she said, I I think God must hate me. And I
Speaker:said, God doesn't hate you. God loves you.
Speaker:And she said, well, nobody sees me. Nobody
Speaker:sees us. And I said, I'm here and I see you.
Speaker:We're here. God loves you and
Speaker:you're surviving this. It's incredible. This is
Speaker:incredible bad situation. And she said, well, I wanna know
Speaker:how to have God in my heart. I mean, I hear people talk about
Speaker:that. I just don't think that God is for
Speaker:me. And we
Speaker:said, of course, God is for you. You know, Jesus has bought
Speaker:you. He's paid for you. He loves you. You're not perfect. We're not
Speaker:perfect. But you are righteous because of Jesus. And
Speaker:God loves you and accepts you and you're reconciled with God.
Speaker:And just the look on her face, and she
Speaker:just broke down and cried. We hugged her.
Speaker:We've been in contact couple times a day since
Speaker:then. Another church has partnered with us to
Speaker:help support this family. They brought her, you know, a microwave
Speaker:and a way that she could, you know, store some food in this very
Speaker:temporary shelter that they're in the moment. Care
Speaker:portal made that connection, and that community donor
Speaker:that had a closet full clothes donate that roped me into this.
Speaker:You know, bless your heart.
Speaker:Families need to be seen. They need to know that God loves them.
Speaker:They need to know that there is a church full of
Speaker:people who have received from God and want to help
Speaker:people find a healthier place than they're at
Speaker:right now. And we're all people
Speaker:that have received from the Lord and are looking for
Speaker:people that need to know that God is for them.
Speaker:When the world spins by the
Speaker:home, remember
Speaker:that you belong.
Speaker:Thing you ever dreamed came true.
Speaker:When you laugh and you cry, I'll be
Speaker:always on your side, and thank God
Speaker:for you and me.
Speaker:When we're older, we were saved.
Speaker:And everything that you do take hard.
Speaker:You are strong. You are brave. You are all
Speaker:you meant to be. Everything you ever
Speaker:dreamed came true.
Speaker:For you and me.
Speaker:Thank God for you and me.
Speaker:Thanks for listening to this summer Speedo on the Journey with Care podcast.
Speaker:To keep the stories and conversations flowing, remember the summer
Speaker:of 30. 30 listeners to donate $30 in the next
Speaker:30 days to help make a difference. Visit
Speaker:That's journey with care slash 3 0. Thanks for being part of
Speaker:the journey.