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007 How to Find Your Tribe in Property
Episode 725th October 2021 • Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton • Rachael Troughton
00:00:00 00:20:32

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In this episode, we are talking about finding "your people" and building a tribe in the property world. Property is just like real life: you need friends, family, and relationships to support you while you are following your dreams. With that, you then need to build that special trust that eventually makes people consider you as their "go-to" person. And when that trust cements itself, you will have a tribe of people who resonate so strongly with you that they won't hesitate to invest in you. 

What You'll Learn:

- How to find, build, and scale your own tribe

- Do you really need a tribe?

- How to manage your group of active investors

- How to manage growth and stay in control of your business

- The best places to meet new people 

- The best ways to find and attract new investors

- How to create a system that works 

- Why you need to be easy to find

People who have been in the property business for long often won't see the benefits of building a tribe. However, property is a people business. You need people to buy from you, people to sell to, and fellow property professionals to support you. Nonetheless, to build an influential tribe, you must understand that who you are and what you stand for matters.


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