On this episode I talk about how to move podcast hosts. You may want to go from one media host to another but how do you do it. If you do it wrong it could make your podcastd go extinct, If done right no one will know you changed. I talk all about how to do it right.
Speaker:Welcome to Podcast Answers, the show where I help you start and
Speaker:grow your podcast answering any podcasting questions along the way.
Speaker:Welcome back.
Speaker:Last week, we talked a little bit about rebranding and renaming your podcast.
Speaker:But what if you want to move podcast hosts?
Speaker:Today, that's what we're talking about moving podcast host, what's involved with it.
Speaker:But first, if you've not joined our community, now is the time to do it.
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Speaker:And we really love being able to chat with you guys.
Speaker:So if you want to talk to me about podcasting, that is the place to do it.
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Speaker:So join podcast answers dot com slash discord and join others as they talk about podcasting.
Speaker:So that's right. Last week we talked a little bit about branding and how to re-rand your podcast.
Speaker:But what if you want to re to move your podcast to a different host?
Speaker:That happens because sometimes you have another you in the the scheme of things podcasts hosts
Speaker:have been around for a while and sometimes new ones come on the scene and you want to have
Speaker:some of the new features that they have. I mean podcasting 2.0 again is a thing that is is happening.
Speaker:It's something that you it's caught having a lot new features and some hosts don't support those
Speaker:new features yet. And so podcasts, some, some hosts do support those features. And so if
Speaker:you want to get onto a podcast host that supports those features or just in general, aren't
Speaker:happy with your podcast host. A lot of times when we start podcasting, we don't know podcast
Speaker:host A from podcast host B. And so we just pick one based on, you know, word on the internet
Speaker:or who we're learning how to podcast from, but we don't really know how to, how to podcast
Speaker:And so we do, we just pick whoever, whatever podcast host our friends tell us about.
Speaker:And so if you went to move podcast host, it's fairly easy, but there are some things
Speaker:that you need to know first, some things that you need to actually have your knowledge on
Speaker:as far as your particular podcast.
Speaker:What feed to podcast host and directory or sorry, podcast directories have for you.
Speaker:Is it, you know, is it, is it what, you know, because you could be hosting in power press,
Speaker:you could be creating your feed in power press or your host, your host could be actually providing
Speaker:that feed for you. You need to know where that feed is created and what directories,
Speaker:you know, Apple podcasts, Spotify, etc. What podcasts feed that they have for you.
Speaker:Another thing you need to know is do you use something like podcast mirror to mirror your podcast feed?
Speaker:Because if you do, this is going to be a separate process.
Speaker:It's actually going to be a little bit easier if you have podcast mirror than if you don't,
Speaker:because there's just one setting to change in there.
Speaker:So here's how you do it.
Speaker:You sign up for your new podcast host. That's really easy, right?
Speaker:You decide which podcast host you're going to go to.
Speaker:And I personally, I like
Speaker:I like Captivate. Captivate is a good podcast host and that's the one I use. And if you want to try
Speaker:it out, it's podcastanthers.com/captivate will get you there. You don't have to, but that's just one
Speaker:I use. So you sign up for your new podcast host. And then what do you do? Well, most podcast hosts
Speaker:are going to ask when you sign up, if you already have a podcast. If you do, you just need to simply
Speaker:put in that feed. Now, they're not asking for things like what your Apple podcast is, your
Speaker:Apple podcast listing is. You're actually looking for your RSS feed, and that's something that you
Speaker:can get from their current host, but you put that in there. And then what they will do is they'll
Speaker:actually go and get all of your media files for you and create your episodes for you. So,
Speaker:if I sign up for Captivate, and I did this actually within the last year, I switched from
Speaker:podcast host a to podcast host, captivate.
Speaker:And what I did when I signed up with captivate is I just put it in my RSS feed
Speaker:and they went out there, they went out to my feed.
Speaker:They downloaded each podcast, uh, MP3 and as well as the title and show notes
Speaker:for each one and they created that they replicated that on their site.
Speaker:Now, one thing to note and most podcasts hosts are going to do this for you,
Speaker:But you're going to want to have the episode,
Speaker:GUID the same.
Speaker:So each episode that you produce has what's called a GUID or a unique,
Speaker:I, a globally unique identifier for that particular podcast.
Speaker:And why this is important is because that's how podcast players know what
Speaker:to consider an episode for you.
Speaker:So it could be anything, but as long as it's globally unique.
Speaker:And a lot of times podcast hosts, when you create your episodes or they will,
Speaker:they'll create a good for that episode.
Speaker:And it's going to be unique for that episode globally.
Speaker:Now, one thing, again, what you have to have is you have to have those stay the same.
Speaker:So your new podcast host needs to, to when they create your new episodes
Speaker:that you're pulling from your old host, use that same good.
Speaker:Because if you don't, then everyone is going to download your episodes,
Speaker:like all of your episodes again, because even though it's the same, even though it's technically
Speaker:the same show, they're going to see it and go, Oh, it's a different GUID. That means it's
Speaker:a different episode. It's a new episode. So it's obviously new. I'm going to download
Speaker:all 67 episodes of your podcast or whatever, however many episodes you have. So that's
Speaker:one thing to note is, are they going to create the same GUIDs? Because if they do, that's
Speaker:important. You need to have that. Now, you need to have put in a 301 redirect in your old feed.
Speaker:Some podcast hosts have that ability right in their GUI, in their zero interface. So you can go
Speaker:in and say, "Hey, I want to redirect to this new feed." And sometimes you're going to have to actually
Speaker:contact them and have them tell them, "Hey, I'm moving away from your service, but I need you to
Speaker:to put in a 301 redirect for me.
Speaker:A 301 redirect is simply a specific kind of redirect.
Speaker:So think of it if you go to something like podcastanswers.com/captivate.
Speaker:What that does is that actually redirects you to the captivate site.
Speaker:It redirects you there and that's a redirect.
Speaker:Now you need to do that in your feed, but there's several different kinds of redirects.
Speaker:One, the 301 tells the whatever is getting your feed, "Hey, I am no longer going to be
Speaker:here at this address, so you need to update your bookmarks.
Speaker:You need to update what you're going to pull to this new address."
Speaker:A 302 redirect just basically says, "Hey, I'm temporarily not going to be here.
Speaker:I'll be back, but I'm not fully going to be gone.
Speaker:I'm just temporarily going to be gone."
Speaker:So you do need to have a 301 redirect because 301s are going to be what you need to get
Speaker:all of your, what happens is when, when, let's say Apple podcasts checks your feed next time
Speaker:they see 301 redirect and it redirects them to podcast host B new podcast host B.com/
Speaker:whatever your feed is. It's going to say, I know that this, I don't want to look to this old feed
Speaker:anymore because I have a 301 redirect. So I need to look always from now on to this new podcast
Speaker:host for this feed and no longer look at the old podcast. So this is how you get all of
Speaker:your people who are subscribed to you to continue saying subscribe to you, even though they are
Speaker:now using the new feed because every time they check, they're going to say, Oh, 301 redirect.
Speaker:Let's go ahead and update where we're checking to the new one.
Speaker:So you'll still keep all of the people that are subscribed to your podcast episodes. That's
Speaker:really, really, and really important. Now, the other thing that's really, really important
Speaker:is you need to keep that 301 redirect around for, I would say a month. It's probably not
Speaker:any, you don't probably need to do it any longer than a month, but a month is probably
Speaker:going to be sufficient to have everybody check your podcast feed and update. You know, some
Speaker:of them take a little bit longer to update, especially if you've not published a episode.
Speaker:So I would suggest keeping your old feet around for a month.
Speaker:And so you'll need to continue to paying for your old podcast host for one month
Speaker:because as soon as you get rid of your your account with them, they're going to delete the 301.
Speaker:So you don't want to do that. You want to keep that 301 around for at least a month.
Speaker:And then you can go ahead and get rid of your old podcast host because most people
Speaker:will be up to date by that time. And but I would also suggest publishing an episode two
Speaker:because a lot of times, sometimes when, and I don't know that this is the case necessarily
Speaker:with a 301 redirect, but I do know if you rebrand your podcast, sometimes you need to
Speaker:go ahead and publish an episode before they'll actually update it because they may see the
Speaker:name has changed, but sometimes whoever's generating your RSS feed doesn't update the
Speaker:last updated time to a newer time. And so sometimes people don't actually check and
Speaker:get new data because they see that that time is old. So I would suggest publishing a new
Speaker:episode, even, even though I don't think you need to necessarily for moving your podcast
Speaker:host, but I would, I would go ahead and do that. I would, I would keep your old podcast
Speaker:around for feed for around for one month, but then I would also go ahead, like I said,
Speaker:and, and have them be really publishing new episode as soon as you move to your new feed
Speaker:host. That way you also know which feed people are getting to, because you see if, if a podcast
Speaker:directory like Spotify doesn't update, doesn't get your new episode, then you know that they
Speaker:have not updated to the new location because they're still looking for the old location
Speaker:because they've not seen the new episode that you published. So now I did mention in the
Speaker:beginning here, if you have something like podcast mirror, and these aren't the only
Speaker:services there's several, several other services that do mirroring of your feed. But the reason
Speaker:you would use that is cause a couple of different reasons. Let's say you're, you're publishing
Speaker:on your own, with your own WordPress, like I do. I use WordPress and my own podcast
Speaker:or my own host to host my website, host my feed. I don't keep the mp3 files there, but
Speaker:I keep my feed there. And so I don't want thousands of people hitting my website because
Speaker:my website host isn't dedicated for that, isn't specifically, it's not dedicated as
Speaker:as a podcast host.
Speaker:And so it's not necessarily set up to hit,
Speaker:have that many people hit it that often to check your feed.
Speaker:And so what I use is I use something called podcast mirror.
Speaker:And what they do is they actually check my feed
Speaker:once every 20 minutes or so,
Speaker:and see if I've published anything new.
Speaker:But then I take their feed that they give me,
Speaker:'cause they just essentially mirror it.
Speaker:Like that's what podcast mirror is.
Speaker:They mirror my feed.
Speaker:And so there, I submit my podcast mirror feed
Speaker:to all of the directories and everything
Speaker:because they check podcast mirror,
Speaker:podcast mirror has the infrastructure set up
Speaker:to take all of those people hitting your podcast
Speaker:and not, you know, not, it's not gonna take them down.
Speaker:And so they have the infrastructure set up for that,
Speaker:whereas my cheap web host doesn't necessarily have that.
Speaker:So essentially I have one person checking my feed,
Speaker:podcast mirror every 20 minutes. And then if I update something, they update their copy.
Speaker:And so they have a copy and then all of the directories are actually choosing podcast mirror
Speaker:as what they're looking at. And so if you have, if you're using podcast mirror, this is really
Speaker:easy to move podcast host. Again, you're going to want to keep your GUIDs the same because again,
Speaker:if you, if it, if your new podcast host doesn't keep your GUIDs the same, those are going to change
Speaker:no matter what, because it's just a mirror copy. But the nice thing about podcast mirror
Speaker:is it allows you to take that feed that you're checking because you tell them in their back end
Speaker:what your feed is. All you have to do is update that and then they point to the new one.
Speaker:So it's really easy because you can just switch it there. You don't have to worry about 301
Speaker:redirects or anything like that. You can just quit your old podcast host once you've got the new
Speaker:media files and a new RSS feed up somewhere and point your podcast mirror out to that
Speaker:new feed. And it's all good to go. You don't need to keep the 301 redirect. You can immediately
Speaker:get rid of your old podcast toast. So that's why I like doing that. But guys, this is,
Speaker:this is easy, but if done wrong, this could be an extinction event for your podcast.
Speaker:You could lose all of your listeners, all of your subscribers. If you don't do this
Speaker:It's an easy thing as long as you do it and you do it right, but you put the wrong thing in a 301 redirect
Speaker:That could be a problem because then you end up having to go to different places because they are
Speaker:They're looking at a different feed that doesn't even exist now if you put the wrong thing in there
Speaker:So you don't want to put the wrong thing in the 301 redirect
Speaker:So it's an easy but again you don't want to
Speaker:Have an extinction event for your podcast if this is done right no one will even know the difference
Speaker:No one will know that you've changed podcast host unless they're a geek and they're looking
Speaker:at the RSS feed and see that your URLs for your episodes have changed.
Speaker:But I am available guys for one-on-one consulting if this is too hard for you, because again,
Speaker:this is definitely can be hard and I'm available for one-on-one consulting and you can reach
Speaker:me at podcastanswers.com/contact.
Speaker:That is the way to get ahold of me because that is where I'm at.
Speaker:So guys, this podcast is value for value. This is a value for value podcast. If you get any
Speaker:value out of this podcast, we ask that you return your time, talent or treasure back
Speaker:in the form of value. And I can't do this podcast without your support. If you wish to
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Speaker:us. Give us a big giant boost. You can do that. That'll help out. It's at podcastanswers.com/boost.
Speaker:That'll take you to the new podcast app, so allow you to boost or you can donate a one-time gift
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Speaker:Guys, until next week, have a great week and keep podcasting.