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Use One Question And Streamline Your Coaching Business
Episode 8227th February 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Make it faster and easier to reach your goal and become a fully booked successful coach by using this ONE-question method. 

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Candy Motzek:

Welcome to she coaches coaches. I'm your host,

Candy Motzek:

Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to

Candy Motzek:

be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a

Candy Motzek:

life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to

Candy Motzek:

talk all about mindset and strategies and how to, because

Candy Motzek:

step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and

Candy Motzek:

confidence to take action. Let's get started. Welcome to this

Candy Motzek:

episode, I am so glad you're here. This year, I've been

Candy Motzek:

thinking a lot about how to make it easier to create and grow a

Candy Motzek:

coaching business. Like how to streamline everything. And I

Candy Motzek:

know, my experience is that every time I go on social media,

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I see so many experts telling me the one right way to do it. And

Candy Motzek:

if you could see me, you'd see that I've got like air quotes

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around this word, right? I've been a coach for years, I still

Candy Motzek:

get all those ads, the sponsored posts, and all the suggestions

Candy Motzek:

about that right way. And I want to let you know, too, because as

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a new coach, it's super easy to fall into overwhelm, you might

Candy Motzek:

think that you're the only one seeing all these different

Candy Motzek:

people telling you exactly what to do. And everybody tells you

Candy Motzek:

something different, right? You may feel kind of like you're

Candy Motzek:

watching a ball bounce all over the place, from shiny object to

Candy Motzek:

shiny object. And you're seeing all those right ways reminds me

Candy Motzek:

of when I was a kid, I had one of those super bouncy balls, I

Candy Motzek:

can't remember what they're called. But they're little like

Candy Motzek:

maybe one or two inches diameter. And then you're the

Candy Motzek:

kind that when you bounced it really hard. It ricocheted off

Candy Motzek:

the walls, the table, the floor, the ceiling, like just every

Candy Motzek:

surface that it bounced off, it bounced all over? Well, that's

Candy Motzek:

how my clients describe it. Everywhere they look, it's like

Candy Motzek:

there's this bouncy ball, the one perfect way to build a

Candy Motzek:

coaching business to get clients to become a six figure earner to

Candy Motzek:

be fully booked. Every expert tells you their one way. It's

Candy Motzek:

exhausting. It's distracting, overwhelming. And when you look

Candy Motzek:

at all of those options, and you allow yourself to follow them

Candy Motzek:

around like a bouncy ball, they're going to tell you that

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their way is the only true way. Whether it's Facebook ads, or

Candy Motzek:

reels, or Instagram, or Facebook groups or writing a book, The

Candy Motzek:

list is endless. And when you bounce around from idea to idea,

Candy Motzek:

you keep second guessing yourself. You tell yourself

Candy Motzek:

there is only one easy way. And it's like you have to find that

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one way.

Candy Motzek:

Now, ultimately, this shiny object syndrome approach it

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slows you down. Because when you bounce around between all these

Candy Motzek:

distractions, you feel like you're getting lots done. But

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when you stop for a minute and really analyze what's going on,

Candy Motzek:

you're gonna find that you're burning a lot of energy, but

Candy Motzek:

making very little progress. So here, let me be straight with

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you. Becoming a successful coach can be relatively simple. It's

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not necessarily easy, but it can be relatively simple. And one of

Candy Motzek:

the ways to make it simple is to stop with all the distraction.

Candy Motzek:

There are many ways to create coaching clients, there are many

Candy Motzek:

paths to success. This is true. But there is no one perfectly

Candy Motzek:

easy way. But there is your way. And that's one of the things

Candy Motzek:

that I see new coaches, they go and they look to the experts.

Candy Motzek:

They look to the gurus to see what the Guru's tell them. And

Candy Motzek:

they forget that they have been experts in their own right. They

Candy Motzek:

put their own expertise away, and they don't rely on

Candy Motzek:

themselves. So they sort of go and put all of their trust in

Candy Motzek:

someone else. Instead of saying, hey, they could be my mentor.

Candy Motzek:

They could be my coach. They could be my teacher. But I've

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got to remember that I know stuff too. I am an expert in my

Candy Motzek:

own life. So if you're a new coach, keep trusting yourself as

Candy Motzek:

well. It's super important to not delegate your more

Candy Motzek:

responsibility. And to not forget your own expertise,

Candy Motzek:

you're going to be surprised how you will make your own path

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easier, way more resonant, way more aligned, when you give

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yourself permission to be yourself, to be your own expert,

Candy Motzek:

and to take into account what you already know. That's it,

Candy Motzek:

permission to be you. And to not just park your personality and

Candy Motzek:

strengths and values at the door, but to bring all of you

Candy Motzek:

into attracting clients, signing clients, creating clients and

Candy Motzek:

becoming a thriving coach. Okay, I kind of feel like I got off on

Candy Motzek:

a rant there. But, you know, I feel passionate about this

Candy Motzek:

stuff. And so I wanted to remind you that you have your own

Candy Motzek:

expertise. So now, let's talk about today's topic. At the

Candy Motzek:

beginning of this episode, I use that word streamline. And I've

Candy Motzek:

been really intentional with it. I've been focused on this word

Candy Motzek:

streamlined, it can be simple, not easy, but simpler than you

Candy Motzek:

might think, to become a coach. Of course, there are things

Candy Motzek:

you're going to want to learn. There's skills you want to grow,

Candy Motzek:

there's going to be all sorts of approaches that you need to

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learn from yourself, and learn from others. And I would

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encourage you to lean on yourself to, you've got years of

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experience and knowledge. And probably more than you know, is

Candy Motzek:

actually helpful, valuable in helping you become a successful

Candy Motzek:

coach. So yeah, learn from the mentors, take the trainings,

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hone your coaching skills, hire your coaches, and at the same

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time, honor, and be true to yourself. So today, we're going

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to talk about the one question approach. And I would say one

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question approaches like the title of this approach. So

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here's what I do. I use this to help me make better decisions.

Candy Motzek:

And I think it can help you too. So I wanted to share it with

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you. By the end of this episode, you'll understand this approach

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and how to apply it. No one wants to make a bad decision. We

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want to avoid mistakes, avoid missteps, avoid mess wherever

Candy Motzek:

possible. So listen in. And I'd encourage you to try this one

Candy Motzek:

question approach to I've been using it for a number of months,

Candy Motzek:

and it's really helped me. So I know it can help you too. So the

Candy Motzek:

one question approach is a simple tool you can use to help

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you achieve a dream or reach a goal. Your goal, as a coach

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might be something like this, I want my first five paying

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clients, or I want to coach 20 hours per week, or I want to

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create my first 10k months. Notice how specific those are

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you and I would both look at those goals and know exactly

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when you reached it. So every time we want to goal, part of

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the journey is your growth, and how you learn to overcome the

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obstacles, how you deal with disappointment, how you enjoy

Candy Motzek:

the success, and how you have more fun doing it, right. So

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think about all the steps to creating a goal, the big steps,

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the little steps, all the stumbles and experimentation

Candy Motzek:

along the way. And consider who you are becoming Who are you

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growing into all along the way, when we want something new, we

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know we need to do things differently. So if you want

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something different, you can continue to just want it. Or you

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can give up even before you start. Or you can do something

Candy Motzek:

new, something radically different. And in this case, the

Candy Motzek:

radically different thing is to make it simple. I want you to

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consider how good are you going to feel when you reach your

Candy Motzek:

goal. And how terrible would you feel if you don't? It's easy for

Candy Motzek:

us to make things complicated. What we forget is that the real

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power is in simplicity. elegantly simple, not easy, but

Candy Motzek:

simple. Simple means we choose an approach, and then we apply

Candy Motzek:

it and we see what happens. Then, instead of buying the next

Candy Motzek:

course or signing up for the next freebie or jumping ship. We

Candy Motzek:

stick with that approach that one that we chose, and we learn

Candy Motzek:

and improve and tweak and optimize. We practice

Candy Motzek:

commitment. And doing this moves us towards mastery instead of

Candy Motzek:

giving up it's good stead of jumping ship instead of second

Candy Motzek:

guessing How often have you tried something and it just

Candy Motzek:

didn't work the first time, it doesn't mean that there's

Candy Motzek:

anything wrong with your approach, it just means that it

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didn't work the first time. So let's see how it works the

Candy Motzek:

second and the third and the fourth, and how you improve your

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ability to do it, and improve and grow who you are. So that

Candy Motzek:

you become even better at that one approach that you chose.

Candy Motzek:

chasing those shiny objects is always going to be like

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following that bouncy ball all over the place. There's never a

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lack of places that ball can bounce. But when you choose one

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approach, and stick with it, you're going to have so much

Candy Motzek:

more success, not only you're going to have more success,

Candy Motzek:

you're going to trust yourself more, you're going to trust your

Candy Motzek:

judgment. And you're going to create something that is really

Candy Motzek:

solid that's in alignment with you.

Candy Motzek:

We don't get good by trying something once. And the reason

Candy Motzek:

I'm telling you this is because I've done it, I have chased all

Candy Motzek:

the shiny objects. I know what that's like. I've shifted

Candy Motzek:

tactics so often when I was starting out, and I realized

Candy Motzek:

that the reason that I was doing it is because I was trying to

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somehow look for the easiest way. I was looking away for a

Candy Motzek:

way to avoid feeling uncomfortable to avoid looking

Candy Motzek:

at myself in the mirror and going oh, boy, you blue that,

Candy Motzek:

didn't you. But in all of that looking for the easiest path,

Candy Motzek:

and in all of that, looking to avoid being uncomfortable. I

Candy Motzek:

actually delayed my success. Yeah, I know. Crazy, right? But

Candy Motzek:

that is what happened. So I want to save you that effort. All

Candy Motzek:

that time, and money and energy trying the next thing and the

Candy Motzek:

next thing and the next thing. And so this is where that one

Candy Motzek:

question approach, the one that I told you about one question

Candy Motzek:

approach comes into the picture. So let me tell you a story about

Candy Motzek:

how I learned about this. I first heard about it, when I was

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reading a book called the gap and the game. It's a book by Dr.

Candy Motzek:

Benjamin Hardy, and Dan Sullivan. Then I did some more

Candy Motzek:

research. And I found that there is an entire leadership company

Candy Motzek:

that bases their practice on the one question approach. So here's

Candy Motzek:

the story about how it came to be. There was a team of British

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rowers, they had the desire to win, but they were part of an

Candy Motzek:

under achieving men's eight. And they had been an underachieving

Candy Motzek:

group for a long time. Then in 1998, they set themselves a

Candy Motzek:

crazy goal of winning an Olympic gold medal. And they wanted to

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do it in just two years time. Now, you take a team that, I

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mean, compared to the vast majority of the world, they're

Candy Motzek:

amazing athletes, but they were under achieving on that world

Candy Motzek:

stage. And they set that goal, that within two years, they

Candy Motzek:

would go from nobodies to gold medalists. So they developed a

Candy Motzek:

whole new way of working. And they began challenging

Candy Motzek:

everything they did, with one question. They use that one

Candy Motzek:

question as a filter to make it to decisions, how they were

Candy Motzek:

going to improve what they were going to do. And here's the one

Candy Motzek:

question that they used. Will it make the boat go faster? Yeah.

Candy Motzek:

So simple, right? And if it did, if they asked that question, and

Candy Motzek:

the answer was yes, well, then they keep doing it. And if it

Candy Motzek:

didn't, they try something different. So by focusing on

Candy Motzek:

ownership, incremental growth, daily choices, decisiveness and

Candy Motzek:

follow through, the results started to improve. And on

Candy Motzek:

September the 25th of the Year, 2002 years later, that same crew

Candy Motzek:

won gold at the Sydney Olympics. It's a reminder that with the

Candy Motzek:

right approach, people are capable of amazing things. And

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that is what I want for you. They use the one question as a

Candy Motzek:

filter for everything they did. One simple, easy to remember

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question, will it make the boat go faster?

Candy Motzek:

Should we try this new paint? Well, will it make the boat go

Candy Motzek:

faster? There's a party tonight. Should I stay out and drink more

Candy Motzek:

beer? Will that makes the boat go faster? Should I eat that

Candy Motzek:

doughnut? Will it make the boat go faster? Should we try this

Candy Motzek:

new training regimen? Will it make the boat go faster? I'm

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having a fight with my teammate, should I bury the hatchet? Will

Candy Motzek:

it make the boat go faster? Same question over and over and over

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again. So let's talk about you. And your one question. And it

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begins with this. What do you want, if you don't decide what

Candy Motzek:

you want, you're never gonna get it. I'm not asking you to decide

Candy Motzek:

and design your entire life, and all the long term goals right

Candy Motzek:

now, I want you to decide on one meaningful goal. Maybe it's a 90

Candy Motzek:

day goal, something that's not too far into the future. It's

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more immediate, it's a shorter timeframe so that you can start

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actually working towards it quickly. I ensure I encourage

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you to choose a 90 day goal, and then choose your one question

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and see how it goes for you. That's the thing is, like I said

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earlier in the episode, you've got a lot more wisdom than you

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give yourself credit for. So take these concepts and prove

Candy Motzek:

them to yourself, apply them to yourself, and see what works for

Candy Motzek:

you. My guess you actually know what you want. So when I say to

Candy Motzek:

you, what do you want, you might feel a little bit pinned down a

Candy Motzek:

little bit nervous about admitting it. And that's normal.

Candy Motzek:

It's normal for us to be a little indecisive at first. But

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this deciding is where it all starts. So maybe you'd like to

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create 10 clients, or 10, or five. And if you don't decide

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and commit to something specific, you're never going to

Candy Motzek:

be able to see if you reach it. reaching your goal means you

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focus on it. You don't forget about it, and you don't quit.

Candy Motzek:

It's a process, you're going to need to take action daily,

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weekly, monthly to get to that 90 Day goal, choose one goal for

Candy Motzek:

your coaching practice, it might be a number of new clients, it

Candy Motzek:

might be the income that you want to generate in three

Candy Motzek:

months, it might be a substantial project that you've

Candy Motzek:

been working on that you really want to make some headway with

Candy Motzek:

or take to completion. 90 days is a short enough timeframe. For

Candy Motzek:

me, it makes sense to me, I don't get lost in this sort of

Candy Motzek:

future projecting thing. It is something that's close enough

Candy Motzek:

that I can see it. I don't forget it. And I always keep my

Candy Motzek:

eye on it. And I know that I'm moving in that direction. Now

Candy Motzek:

since I coach coaches, I'm going to focus on common coach goals.

Candy Motzek:

So your 90 day goal could be a certain amount of money, how

Candy Motzek:

much money would you like to generate? Or how many new

Candy Motzek:

clients would you like to create in the next 90 days, or an

Candy Motzek:

important project that you've been thinking of choose one

Candy Motzek:

goal. And once you've chosen that goal? Now it's time for you

Candy Motzek:

to create one question to guide and filter all your decisions

Candy Motzek:

and actions that help you reach that 90 Day goal. So choosing

Candy Motzek:

your one question. Here's some examples. We'll of course, that

Candy Motzek:

first one I told you about? Will it make the boat go faster? They

Candy Motzek:

wanted to win gold. And so what they needed was speed. So that

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question simple, easy to remember. Good choice, right?

Candy Motzek:

Another for weight loss as a weight loss goal. Will this

Candy Motzek:

nourish me and help me reach my goal? Wait for a new coach, or

Candy Motzek:

somebody who's in the midst of growing their coaching practice.

Candy Motzek:

Here's an example. Will this help me become a fully booked

Candy Motzek:

coach? Think of how you would use that question when you're

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faced with all the day to day things that happen in your

Candy Motzek:

world, right?

Candy Motzek:

Do I stay home? Or do I go to that networking event? Well,

Candy Motzek:

will it help me become a fully booked coach? Do I sit on the

Candy Motzek:

couch? Or do I write my blog post? Will it help you become a

Candy Motzek:

fully booked coach? Do I work on social media graphics? Or do I

Candy Motzek:

actually get out and talk to people and invite them to work

Candy Motzek:

with me? Will this help me become a fully booked coach?

Candy Motzek:

Okay. Go with your gut, choose a basic question. It doesn't have

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to be hard to do this. You can decide to make it easy. And once

Candy Motzek:

you've got your one question, let's double check that it's on

Candy Motzek:

target. And then it's a question that will support you in

Candy Motzek:

reaching your 90 day goal. Now, if you're working along with me,

Candy Motzek:

it's okay to pause this audio and decide on your goal, your 90

Candy Motzek:

day goal and decide on the first iteration of your one question

Candy Motzek:

and then come back to me and I'm going to give you the fork

Candy Motzek:

criteria that I use to decide if that one question is really

Candy Motzek:

onpoint. Alright, welcome back. So here's the questions, the

Candy Motzek:

four criteria that I use to help design my one question. The

Candy Motzek:

first is, will this filter actually help me reach my goal?

Candy Motzek:

Well, so if the answer is no, so an example could be that

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question, will it make the boat go faster? Did that help them

Candy Motzek:

reach the goal? Yeah. What about this as a one question, will

Candy Motzek:

this help us get along as a team? Well, that's not going to

Candy Motzek:

help reach the goal, which is a gold medal. Getting along as a

Candy Motzek:

team is important, for sure. But you need speed to win that gold

Candy Motzek:

medal. The second criteria? Is it simple and easy to remember?

Candy Motzek:

Again, let's try one for coaches. If this was your one

Candy Motzek:

question, will this help me create five new clients? Yeah,

Candy Motzek:

no problem. Easy to remember. What about this one? Could this

Candy Motzek:

be a good opportunity for exposure as a coach in the long

Candy Motzek:

run? Well, that one's not so simple, and it's not so easy to

Candy Motzek:

remember. Is it clear and to the point, something that is

Candy Motzek:

completely unambiguous? No. Well, let's get it clearer.

Candy Motzek:

Again, look at that sample question. Will this help me

Candy Motzek:

create five new clients clear and to the point, and I know

Candy Motzek:

exactly what my filter is. And the fourth criteria, does it

Candy Motzek:

help me be decisive? And when I say this criteria, I would

Candy Motzek:

prefer if your one question allows you to say yes or no. So

Candy Motzek:

the question is the one that's going to prompt you, yes or no?

Candy Motzek:

Is this will this make the boat go faster? Yes, or No? Will this

Candy Motzek:

help me create five new clients? Yes, or no? So those are the

Candy Motzek:

four criteria. Let me recap this for you decide on a 90 day goal.

Candy Motzek:

Choose one question. And when choosing your one question, make

Candy Motzek:

sure it satisfies the four criteria. Will this filter

Candy Motzek:

helped me reach my goal? Is it simple and easy to remember? Is

Candy Motzek:

this one question clear and to the point? And does it help me

Candy Motzek:

be decisive? Excellent. Now I want to hear from you. What one

Candy Motzek:

question will you use? Post a screenshot of this episode on

Candy Motzek:

Instagram and tag me at Candy Mote sec and share what your one

Candy Motzek:

question is? Now before you go, I'd love to invite you to my

Candy Motzek:

free Monday coaching and conversation with candy. Most

Candy Motzek:

Mondays, I open up a Zoom Room for everyone who registers I

Candy Motzek:

usually teach on a topic. There's usually a worksheet that

Candy Motzek:

we go through together, I answer questions, and I coach, I'll put

Candy Motzek:

the sign up link in the Episode Notes. And I would love to see

Candy Motzek:

you there and meet you in person. And if you want even

Candy Motzek:

more help, maybe you have just had enough of trying to figure

Candy Motzek:

this all out on your own. Then we should talk about how we

Candy Motzek:

could work together. Click the link in the Episode Notes to

Candy Motzek:

find out how to apply to work with me. And I'll be back and

Candy Motzek:

I'll speak with you again next.

Candy Motzek:

Thanks again for listening today. Please hop on over to

Candy Motzek:

Apple podcasts and leave a review. Also, I would love to

Candy Motzek:

hear from you. It's something that I say resonate. What else

Candy Motzek:

would you like to learn about? Click the link in the player and

Candy Motzek:

leave a comment on the post. This is going to give me great

Candy Motzek:

ideas for future episodes so I can help you best. Join me again

Candy Motzek:

next week. For more coaching, support and teaching to help you

Candy Motzek:

become the confident coach. You are meant to be



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