Kon'nichiwa and welcome to number 108! This week I am interviewing Miyuki Seguchi from the Japan Experts Podcast. Miyuki lives in Japan and helps tourists plan their trip to Japan by offering advice on what to see, where to go, the traditional Japanese experiences and so much more. Alongside that, her podcast offers more information about Japan for the international traveller. This was such a fun episode to record as I learnt more about Japan despite travelling there for four weeks in 2018. This should get your Japanese juices flowing and get you booking that trip. I hope you enjoy the episode and please check out Miyuki's stuff below. Sayonara.
Enjoy and be inspired!
Miyuki SeguchiWebsite -
https://www.miyukiseguchi.com/Facebook -
https://www.facebook.com/japanexpertsmiyuki/Instagram -
https://www.instagram.com/japan.experts/Japan Experts Podcast Apple Podcasts -
https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/japan-experts/id1525719412Spotify Podcasts - https://open.spotify.com/show/0v7n6fhHKmaHTRoj782cey?si=f38fffd9465d44ae
Winging It Travel PodcastHost/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond
Producer - James Hammond
Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton
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