In today’s episode, I want to dig into some simple ways to change your life today. While none of what I’m sharing may be earth shattering, groundbreaking information, these ARE things that have really helped me in my life. When we start making changes with our health, personal growth, career, etc., it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to do everything at once. I’ve learned we don’t really need to overcomplicate things, because it’s the small, micro changes that truly have a lasting impact on our lives. We only get this one life, so I want to encourage you to get very clear on what is serving you on your journey, and discover what intentionality looks like for you!
In this episode, we cover:
- Why walking has a ripple effect of benefits and is something many of us can do in some way
- How vital getting more sleep is
- Limiting your intake of mindless scrolling on social media and instead, focusing on being intentional with your time while on there
- Taking inventory of your community and WHO you’re surrounding yourself with
- Adopting a phrase like ‘is this supporting the life I want?’
- Shifting your mindset and reframing your way of thinking to a place of gratitude
- Finding a therapist or coach who can really help you understand yourself and let go of what’s holding you back
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Mentioned in this episode:
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference: Use code EMILY
NE Women in Ag