Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 18
Episode 185th March 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 00:40:04

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12:51 - Did Arnold say anything about


13:15 - What about the ALIST event?

14:01 - Could you stack intra with Fury?

14:05 - Can athletes talk about the Core deals?

14:29 - Cool if I come by HQ tomorrow?

15:17 - How often do you use ADCD?

15:54 - How are they refunding for the Arnold?

16:01 - What intra flavors do we prefer?

16:24 - What are you embarrassed about

that you are so good at?

16:50 - When are we getting the meat Brigade

shirts in?

17:14 - what kind of carbs are in the Intra?

18:02 - What is the difference between

the New ashwagandha and KSM-66?

18:32 - Is your excercise selection different

for every workout?

19:38 - When will HMB be back in stock?

19:49 - Pump is launching when?

20:35 - Are the commodities getting


21:41 - How long did it take you to formulate

core greens?

23:10 - Greens Servings, price, release date?

24:09 - How does the new ZZZ formula feel to the

old one?

25:04 - Where do I sign up for a meat brigade shirt?

25:24 - different preworkout for upper days

vs leg days?

26:27 - Why would intra be beneficial for someone

training fasted?

28:16 - Will the fuzzy uncle carl ABC

be released to the public after this


29:54 - Is bird recovered from his hernia yet?

30:06 - Who wins in an Arm Wrestling match...

doug or julian?

30:36 - What flavor do you want but it will

never ever happen?

33:00 - Thoughts on current state of bodybuilding

and drug testing?

36:33 - Any sour type flavors coming?

36:55 - Will there be a sale?

36:57 - Still releasing new products this


37:01 - Best starting supplements for a bikini


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