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Nicole Landon - Nurse - Life & Health Coach - Her Journey to Health Outside the Traditional Choices
Episode 492nd August 2023 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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Nicole is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years of experience. Prior to becoming a nurse, I was a Surgical Tech right out of high school and has been in the healthcare industry almost, my entire adult life. Though she thought she knew about health care it wasn't until she experienced her own health crisis that she realized the need for alternatives to traditional medicine.

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Welcome to the You


World Order Showcase Podcast today we're.


Talking to Nicole Landon. Nicole.


Was a nurse.


She's still a nurse, but she's branching out.


Tell us all about it.


Nicole, what are you doing?


You are and your thoughts in the medical community.


That I can totally shed some light.


Since I have now been one and have healed myself too, so I can.


Kind of give both sides.


I didn't always want to be a nurse.


I what happened was I kind of got pushed into being a nurse.


Not I got to choose being a nurse, but I wanted to do public speaking.


I wanted to be on TV.


As a kid.


But you know, I think my generation, I don't know if other generations, but in.


My generation specifically.


My parents said that I was never going.


To be able to make money.


Being on TV, I mean, unless I was a celebrity of sorts and they were, they weren't really wanting to put that much effort into me going to Hollywood and, you know, going that route.


And I was really shy from.


Being honest so.


I can see where their concern was for.


But cut to.


Now that I'm in my profession, and I know that I'm being called to do something more, I figured why not.


Why not get out of my comfort shell, my comfort zone, and branch out and do?


What I was supposed to do?


So here we.


Are I've been a nurse for 13 years, I've actually been in the medical field for 20.


I was a surgical tech before that.


And I love the medical field.


I Love Actually the body.


I love understanding the body.


Because I've healed myself, I think I have a very good understanding now of the body and how it heals.


And your body is always wanting.


To heal itself.


Until you're in the dirt, your body will.


Always want to heal itself.


So with that being said, any disease that you have, it's manageable.


You just have to give your body the right environment.


It's kind of like a landfill when you first start out the landfill, there's not a whole lot going on, right?


There's not a whole lot of waste, but the more you can pile on to it, eventually it gets so inundated that it can't run properly anymore, right?


You have to start wicking away all of that stuff.


Well, that's what.


Your body does.


When you.


You don't have a lot of issues because.


Your body is able.


To maintain because you're not throwing a ton at it, the more we suppress our emotions, the more we don't speak our truths.


All that stuff starts to compile and then people start telling us that we're supposed.


To eat a.


Certain way I think our bodies were designed.


To eat a specific way.


I think that we eat too much.


Right now, as it is, and so our bodies just are so flooded with so many toxins and garbage.


Not really food either.


Yeah, it it can't properly assimilate anything.


So here we are having you know a lot of disease and.


Discord in our lives and.


We were talking about endometriosis earlier and you had some interesting things to say about that I'd like.


You to share those again.


Yeah. So endometriosis, basically it's been traced back to being an autoimmune disorder, which really traces back to Epstein Barr, which is a virus that 98% of us really have. We just oftentimes don't know it because.


They don't test for it.


Mainstream, you know, conventional medicine does not test for Epstein.


Barr, you have to go to a natural path to get tested for it well.


When you have Epstein bar, you have a viral load that's constant all the time.


It's in your body.


All that, any virus that you've ever had.


It never leaves.


It's just dormant.


It stays underneath the surface.


Well, if you eat right for your body.


You can keep.


That virus below the threshold and you'll never experience symptoms of it.


But when you have all of you know, as somebody who's had endometriosis.


As well and I've.


Healed myself from it.


Dairy horrible for it.


Horrible for it, because it's inflammatory.


Both of those foods are very inflammatory.


So when you have inflammatory foods with an autoimmune condition, it's going to create inflammation in your body, can't properly assimilate that you know.


So it's going to.


Create a disease.


And disease is really.


Just your body trying to get your attention and make changes.


Same with pain.


It's just saying, hey, I need you to come over here and look within and tell me what's.


Going on with me.


That's it.


Yeah, it's a view.


Me, I'm trying to help you help me.






I'm I'm I'm raising.


The flag over here.


That's why we heard.


And then we're like, no, no.


No, no, no, it's fine.


We'll take it. No Tylenol.


Take a Motrin.


We're going to just.


Shut you up and.


We're going to keep going stuff.


That they don't even know how it works.


Well, cause basically it treats one symptom but gives you 10 other side effects.


That you do.


You know.


Really bad, yeah.


I mean, there's a time and a place.


I'm not saying that like, if you're in a car accident, you need to go into your holistic Dr.


You need to be going to.


The ER and getting that situated but.


It our healthcare system should be focused primarily on prevention because that's what we can do.


That's like the first line of defense.


Telling people how to properly eat, how to properly heal, how to deal with your emotions.


How to talk positively to yourself, because everything that you are surrounding yourself with constantly is a feedback loop.


So whatever you see externally going on in your world is actually an internal reflection of what's going on inside of you.


So if you.


Don't like what you.


See, you might want to change it.


Yeah, that's very interesting.


I I look at the medical community and think industrial medical complex.


Because that's what I feel.


Like they've moved to.


They're excellent at trauma management like critical medicine.


I don't think there's any place better.


To get to get emergency care.


But if you've got a.


Chronic disease and almost everything is a chronic disease now because.


We we're so poorly educated on.


You know what to eat?


What is?


Food how to cook the.


Sad thing is we don't teach.


Our children, these things.


And I was reading online today something that Biden said, but I don't usually listen to what Biden says, but he said.


Sorry, I don't know what your.


Politics are I don't really have.


Politics, I think they're.


All a bunch of crooks.


Oh great.


But but he said that he thought that insurance companies it would be in their best interest if they started paying coaches health coaches.


I thought, you know, that's the only thing I've ever heard come out of that man's.


Mouth that I actually.


Agreed with.


1000% I can't even believe that.


He said that.


I was shocked too.


It's like, wow.


I mean.




Something of that.


Squirrels and blind squirrels and acorns, I guess.


I sit down with that.


Sure, because.


Health coaches are very, very, very important to us because they have learned a different way of eating properly.


I'm sure through some of their own issues that they've had that they've had to heal or this that and the other for sure.


They're almost always solving a problem that they've they themselves have figured out how to to get a handle on, and it's usually things that the medical community is totally like.


Unless they can give you a pill.


To fix it.


Or surgically fix something or continue to break it however you want to.


Look at it, but.


Excuse me.


They just aren't.


They're not that good.


They don't understand that your body wants to heal.


Yeah, it's because I don't.


So it's really.


The sad part in all of this is none of the doctors really know that that's how they were taught.


Like they don't.


All they've done was go to school, learn what they were taught, and then apply it.


But they've never done the back research behind why they're doing what they're doing and is it working?


You know, they kind of.


Get stuck on that hamster wheel where?


They just keep.


Doing it because that's what they were told and that's what they learned.


And so they think and they think it's true.


But it's not until something actually happens to you where you don't get answers, and they basically cast you aside.


You know, like stage 4 cancer and they tell people to go.


Home and die.


That's the saddest.


Thing in the world to.


Me, because your body doesn't want to die.


But what happens is, and I've seen it, people literally will shift their mindset in that second after they're told they're going to, they have to go home and die.


They basically get ready for death.


And to me, that's sad.


You know, hold.


We're do we do what we're told.


And when somebody in authority tells us something.


Look up.


Yeah, I didn't do that though, because I was told I basically was told at the age of 32 that I was going to have to have a hysterectomy and I.


Thought no woman.


Should ever have to get a hysterectomy at the age of 32, ever like that was?


That was my eye opening moment where I decided to take my own health into my own hands and start doing the research.


I mean, and I went down this.


Rabbit hole.


I'll be honest with you.


I thought that these people were.


Full of crap like I was.


Like this is snake.


Oil this is.


Just left field.


This is like a Hail Mary.


Because I didn't think it was going to work, I really didn't cause I had been so trained into this way of thinking that only appeal is going.


To help you.


And then I was just going to be destined.


For the rest of.


My life to live, you know, getting cysts every two or three, five years and having to be on permanent birth control, this, that.


And the other right.


Because that's what they tell you.


So I go off and I just.


I must have had just a blind faith internally and I.


Just kind of kept on that.


Path and then I started learning a lot of stuff.


And then I.


Started seeing the results and then I was like.


OK, they're on to something.


And then I just went way down the rabbit.


To the point where I actually would prefer to practice holistic medicine. Uh 100%.


And your mind is.


Also, a very, very powerful.


Tool and it can also heal you.


You just have to believe it.


Yeah. And you have to see it in your mind's eye, but.


And it it may take a minute for things to actually present on the outside, but it's not that your body hasn't just immediately gotten started.


Towards making whatever you want to be.


A reality? A reality.


It's just that people, they get.


Started and then they waffle.


And then it's not working.


I have seen.


It work.


Me too 1000%. I mean, I've seen people literally heal themselves from cancer stage two, stage 3 pretty, you know, pretty progressive diseases and no more.


In fact, there was a guy that we treated. He was 26 years old, just barely, had a kid, barely, barely, barely had a brand new baby, just was married.


And he had a pretty.


Unique type of cancer, I think.


It was stage 2.


So we caught.


It kind of early enough, but he didn't want to go through any of our treatment modalities.


I mean, and we were doing holistic stuff like high dose vitamin C, curcumin, horse akin, and all this other stuff because, like, I don't want to do it.


I want to take me the fastest route.


And the doctor said, OK.


We'll do a 40 day fast with you.


So we took his labs like every you know, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, just to make sure all of his electrolytes and everything he did.


He just did a straight water fast for 40.


He cured himself and he no longer he.


It's been, I think, 4 years.


Five years.


He's still cancer free.


Still completely cancer free.


Simple thing.


Stop eating.


They're the rule of hole digging.


Stop digging.


And also deal with your emotions like we have not been taught at all how to deal with our emotions and what they are they're supposed to.


They're literally just there to let you know that there's something going on.


Thank you.


It's like judgment, right?


Judgment is the only the beautiful thing about.


Judgment I just did to take talk.


About this the.


Beautiful thing about judgment is.


It just shows you where.


Your wounds are.


So if you're.


Being by somebody and you're judging them, you might want to look at yourself and be like, OK, why am I doing this?


What's going on with me that's creating this adversity within?


That's the you.


Know that's.


Bliss for me.


I think it's it's so much fun now when I start judging people I'm like haha OK, we still have some.


Work to do.


Yeah, you know, and go look at that.


One in the mirror.


So how does coating work with your?


You are health coach now, right?


You're working with people.


Yeah, I mean, I'm more of an intuitive, I just do intuitive.


I enter, I read energy and I basically.


Let people know what's going on with them.


And basically teach them how they can.


Heal their own selves.


Because I'm really.


I want to be somebody who's very interdependent, or at least I don't want anybody to ever rely.


On me because.


To all within you all I want to do is just show you how to get there so you can be on your way.


That's the beauty about me and like I I feel like that's how.


The world should be.


You know, we bounce stuff off each other, and then we go our own ways.


That's the energy we're all interconnected and anything that we do with each other impacts all those that we come in contact with.




Of both sides.


And so that's what I that's what I help.


People do.


Is I basically can feel into your energy, your energetic body, and see what's going on and tell you what's going on.


And then we can work through it together.


Or if you.


Don't you know?


If that's not your Forte, then you can go on and do it your own self like.


That's it's your journey.


That's the beautiful part.


And I don't want to interrupt or, you know, do anything inside of your journey that you're not ready.


And able to do.


I've seen a lot of interesting modalities out there.


The I can't remember the name of it, but it's it's when you're you clear.


It's when you're holding your emotions and stuff in your organs and.


Which we all do.


Yeah, we do.


And and in clearing those.


You can you can get.


You can get some interesting healings like my husband, who is not who when he first retired, but now it's becoming more progressively that way.


I think it's because he's been around me for so long and my neighbor.


We should start rubbing off.


On people because they're like, well, she's.


Healing. And I'm not and.


I just you know what it what's what does she have that I don't?


And what is she doing that I'm not doing?


And I think it just eventually starts kind of, again, it starts creating this ripple of, you know, healing energy.


Because it's pose.


And listen, we're at Earth, right?


We're on earth.


We're always going to have polarity.


There's always going to be a positive charge and a negative charge because it's magnetism here.


You know if when you're looking at the shape your cause it's shadow work is what you have to do.


Just why we judge, which is why we.


Do all of these things.


We came down here to learn and grow and manipulate energy.


And that's all we were.


You know, that's all we want to do.


And so we're going to we want to start creating our own stories.


Within this paradigm, so whenever you have those negative things come up for you, that's the great.


That's a great time for you to really look into those because you're transforming them to that positivity.


You know, it's and it's that's simple really.


When you start looking at it, it's just taking that shift.


Which can be fun.


It can be and it it can be life changing and it doesn't take a lot.


We think we've been so programmed to think that everything has to take a long time to happen.


And it requires a lot of outside intervention, when in reality a lot of it just starts in your head.


It really does.


All of it starts in your head if you believe that you can heal yourself, you will heal yourself and you will start aligning with those modalities that are going to get you there so that you can learn because knowledge is power.


The more knowledge you have to be able to heal yourself, the faster it happens.


Really. Because you're just envisioning.


Now you have all of this stuff to envision.


And you can see your body literally transforming.


And if you start doing that every single day.


Here we are.


New body, new life, and then you just.


Create something more.


And our bodies change.


It's like every seven years, you're not the same person you used to be because your cells regenerate, they die, and they new ones come and.


So we're like born of the moon and stars, right? Because you have those seven-year cycles. And what I love though is like in psychology, they do that every seven years. You have those different. I forget what they're called as a nurse.


But you do every seven years you have these like.


Things that you go through.


I think in I don't know even what I meant, but I know as a kid or as like kids you have like one through.


I think it's one through 4:00 and then four through 7.


You have like these different developmental stages that you.


Go through and.


If you get stuck in them, you kind of.


Stay there.


Well, the same with this.


Stuff too.


If you're not clearing your.


Junk out, so to speak.


If you're not keeping inventory, you're going to stay in that same place until you actually look at it.


Deal with it, heal, and move forward.


Yep, and it builds up in your body in different forms.


And as you get older, it just like it.


Becomes harder and harder to clear.


Out that.


It really does.


That's right.


You also get stuck though, like in this mindset of, well, it hasn't gone away for this amount of years.


So what makes me think it's going?


To happen now.


Which is just a lie that we tell ourselves, because that's what we were told to do.


We were told that this is how we're.


Going to have to live.


You know with.


When you get when you get.


When you go to the hospital and they send you home and you have hypertension, oh.


You're gonna have.


To live with that for the rest of your life.


For diabetes.


And it's totally curable.


All of every disease is curable.


Yeah, or you're gonna die like.


One or the other I.


Yeah, the diabetes thing is like it.


It's so rampant in our society because there's sugar in everything.


And people don't know how to, like, manage sugar like sugar and fiber.


Just the rule.


Yeah, sugar. Well.


Do you want to know what they used?


To do with sugar they used.


To anesthetize babies with it back in the day.


That's how numbing it.


So if you can just and it does, that's what we use it for.


I mean, most people that are addicted to sugar, if you really ask them, they're numbing something out that they don't want to deal with, really.


I mean, I know that that's.


Kind of harsh to say, but it's the truth.


It's the cold.


Hard truth that.


That's what we do with.


That's why it's called comfort food.


Because when we're when we are in disarray or discord.


Forward or discomfort, we want to comfort ourselves with the food that we used to, you know, harbor as.


This amazing comforting like family and.


Closeness and all of.


This stuff like we have this story behind it.


When you look at that story, what?


Is food to.


You, well, food should be a nutritional source of vitamins and minerals for your body.


To reconnect yes, to recharge it.


You keep going.


Not this.


Let's just gorge ourselves so that, you know, we can numb out, you know, all of these things that we don't want to deal with or that we don't know how to deal with then.


I really think.


That it's a lot of it is.


Really, we don't know how we were never taught.


To do all.


Of this and.


I think that that's the beautiful part about having.


This podcast is because you can teach people.


Millions of people in one time how to really tap into themselves, and it's not as scary once you kind of start doing it. Is it effort 1000% it's effort, but who's important?


You you're the most important person in your story and I.


Hope you are.


Would it be the hero?


That while we were taught that, like, you know, everybody else is going to save us.


Cinderella, right, Snow White.


Victims were always glorified and.


Being the victim is not empowering.


No, it's not.


But we were never, we don't.


Think of it that way.


Just think ohh.


Yeah, like a man's gonna come and.


Whisk us away in the.


Middle of happily ever after and it's like.


I want to tell you something.


It's going to be you that whisks yourself away, cause nobody can ever love you as much as you love yourself.


You can never accept more love than you love yourself at that particular moment.


So the most amazing person could come into your life and love you.


And if you're not ready for it, you're not going to see it.


And you're going to completely look at it and you gloss it over and you're going to go find somebody else who's more in alignment with you.


You know.


That's really profound.


You can never accept more love than you have for yourself.


And conversely, you can never hate anybody as much as you hate yourself.


Because it stems.


From within you, it's all of your judgments, and it's all everything you've ever learned.


That's what you're constantly doing, your it's.


You're bouncing things.


Off and people are kind of just mirrors, characters that you've paid essentially.


If you want to.


Call it that.


Or have them come down here and act a certain way.


So what I love about this is, what about what?


What I.


Love about life is.


If you trigger me right away, I already know.


I needed this lesson.


So that I could grow from where I was before.


And when you can start looking at it from.


That place of freedom.


And objectivity, I mean.


Really, the possibilities are endless.


You know?


So if somebody ever triggers me, I immediately look within and I'm like, OK.


What's going on with me?


And why did I want to learn this lesson like my dad? I love my dad's death that he triggers me all the time.


And because I had him come down.


Role contracts.


Exactly. And I have.


To come down here because I wanted to.


But it's also, I trust him enough too.


I obviously trust him.


To play that role for me so that I can learn and grow, it's just when you when you don't take that shift of wanting to learn and grow, you know.


Then it's obviously a.


Source of constant pain and agony.


It's and it's easy to.


Flip into the victim mentality.



It's hard to stand there and say, OK, I'm the hero of my story, this.


Is just the low.


Point in the journey.


And they'll be.


High points, but believe me, there'll be.


More low points too.


1000% but in those low points, the beautiful part is it makes you appreciate those high points even more because it's almost like those high points remind you of how great it is to be alive and to keep going no matter how difficult these lessons we are, you know, are that we have learned.


And that we have come from.


You know.


That's amazing. It really.


It is amazing and our the human body is amazing.


That are.


Mar meat sacks.


That's what I call it as a meat sack because it is.


I mean, we're a soul in a meat.


Sack having a human experience our meat.


Sacks are so.


Unbelievably genius.


I mean, for me this.


Is this is just my belief.


I believe that this is a universe within the universe so.


Because this is in the Bible, not that I'm a huge religious person because I'm not.


I'm more spiritual than I am.


Anything I have studied religion, but I don't partake in any of them.


I yeah, I've been down the same path.


Yeah, it's the other side.


Come out the other side.


A lot of them all say the same thing, but they they instill fear and for me, God is not fear.


There's No Fear there ever, because love and fear cannot exist in the same molecule, ever.


You either have to choose one or the other.


So you're either living in fear or you're living.


And it's really as.


Cut and dry as that.


So when you take any choice that you're making in any given moment, you can ask yourself on it, am I coming from a place of fear, or am I coming from a place of love?


I think God is energy.


Oh 1000%.


Because it requires.


Energy to keep things together.


Everything is held together by energy.


And the Bible does say that he holds us together in.


His palm of his hand.


So with like with our bodies being this universe because it says right in the Bible, right, that our bodies are a temple.


I truly believe that because the more.


Time you spend nurturing your body, mind, spirit.


The more enlightened and free you become.


To really understand how this all works.


Because like you.


Said, you know.


Every seven years you basically get anybody really because your sales are regenerating every single moment of every single second of every single day.


So when you know that when you, when you're cells have been used to seven years of thinking and it's largely our unconscious thoughts, I mean if you.


Wanted to just.


Sit there with your mind.


You don't ever have to shut your mind off, but you can start listening to.


What you're telling yourself?


That's how you're living.


Those are what you're those are the unconscious thoughts that are dictating your life.


So why not just make them conscious?


And tackle them head.


On so that you can create a different reality.


Because that's what you do else.


And and.


Decide which ones are.


Serving you, yes.


Often we have thoughts that just they.


Run in a loop.


And they're not productive thoughts, they just like.


They end up.


They're just on.


Causing this?


Yeah, they're just on loop and it's like.


I'm gonna engage in it and every time you engage in a negative thought loop pattern, it generates chemicals in your body.


Your body has a physical response to what you're thinking about all the time, and so much of it is just like unnecessary.


It's not necessary to run these things through your head.


It it doesn't matter, it's not going to change the outcome of what's ever going to happen.


No matter how much you.


Worry about it.


Think about it.


It just creates more of that same negative because everything snowballs.


So when you can when you.


Can start looking at it from a period of.


The negative like being stuck in.


That loop, so to speak, you can.


Be like, OK.


I'm obviously stuck in a loop.


Let's think of just a different thought entirely.


Then you're not giving that attention anymore.


And you're able to create something different.


And you can.


Just make stuff up.


It doesn't even matter.


You can lie to yourself.


I think Marissa Pierce says tie yourself a better lie.


1000% because they are.


Ohh lies.


Good, bad or indifferent, you know.


I think oftentimes we.


Do get stuck on this good.


And bad too and.


It's like I don't.


Really think anything's good or bad? It's just we are learning.


These are all just learning experiences and if you can take them just as bad, good or.


Bad, because we're never supposed.


To stay in them either.


The same with emotions we're not supposed to stay in these.


Experiences we're supposed to have multiple different experiences.


So that we can just assimilate.


All of this information and keep moving through them.


And not have attachment.


You're supposed to remain detached all of the time.


That's the hard part.


Is really staying detached because some of those good feelings, even the bad ones, but they you just you feel like, oh, I just really like when.


Somebody cuts you off.


Right. You're like.


Ohh, but if only they knew.


What a day I was having and you.


Know blah blah blah.


Right there.


That's a lie.


You're telling yourself, though.


Because you want to feel important.


OK, so I want to feel important.


What am I?


Not giving myself.


That I'm not feeling now.


Important and.


Now I want everybody else to feel and.


See that I'm important, but I'm not.


Giving it to myself.


You know right there.


Those are the things that you just constantly have to do.


And I think that that's the beautiful work in it all and it makes me laugh.


I mean I.


Don't you can get really upset and trust me, I have in the past, but I've really learned to laugh.


A lot because it is.


It's so much fun when you start seeing yourself outside of yourself and you're like, wow, I really had that.


I really went down that rabbit.


Hole for like 20 minutes.


And what did it?


What did it do for me?


Was it productive or unproductive?


And we all do it.


People that I'll.


Do it and I'll.


Be totally conscious.


And the fact that I'm doing.


It ohh it's like stop it.


Just stop it.


Don't go look at it.


They want 5 more minutes in this in this vicious cycle, OK?


Just five more minutes.


And then at the five minute marker, it's like can I have five more?


Dinner went off.


It's like the.


No, you're not having no more ice.


Cream no more.


Just one more steel, no.


Yeah, I think it's.


Nicole, what's the one thing that you want people to take away from this conversation today?


That you can heal yourself, that you can.


Change that this.


That the way that you are today doesn't have to be the way that you are forever.


That's the beauty in all in.


This life like that.


Is just so magical to me.


And it ignites just my soul talking about it.


Because we don't ever have to be the same, we can at any moment change the trajectory forever.


Good or bad, however, and you?


Get to decide.


You get to leave your.


Legacy in this world, what do you?


Want to leave?


How do you want to paint?


This canvas because it's blank.


You know, that's what I wanna.


That's the mark I.


Want to leave?


And so let people be free in their creativity.


To write whatever story they want.


And in writing those stories, how the world is changing and becoming a much better, kinder, gentler place to live.


And it's more sustainable if people are able to start taking ownership for their thoughts and feelings and.


And becoming empowered to live the lives that they want to live, not the lives that they.


Were told to live.


And I admire.


That about you that you're stepping out and you're helping people in the way that you felt that you should have been helping them.


Not that you know having and the nursing background is huge, great accomplishment and.


I'm sure that.


You helped a lot of people that needed.


What you did when you were there to do it.


That it's it's.


Admirable that you're stepping out and you're you're serving.


The the community.


The larger community.


In in a way that's more in alignment with.


Who you are.


And and how you want to be the change you want.


To see in the world.


Yeah, because we don't.


We don't have to listen to what everybody else.


Has told us.


Because your body is always wanting to heal and your mind is always wanting to grow.


And you have a soul that wants to experience everything that you came down here to experience.


So why not?


Just break free from all of those paradigms that we have been told and start creating something new and different and a future.


That you want to live.


Not that you.


Feel like you have to live.


So how can people get a hold of you?


They can get ahold of me. I have an e-mail. I'm on TikTok. I have an Instagram page. I have my podcast that I just started.


What's the name?


So they're.


Of that.


To meet SAC experience.


I love it.


We experience so much, right, we experience like daily we experience multiple experiences.


Why not share them?


Why not help them power?


Because I know that that my experiences, I know other people have had the same experiences.


If I can at least steer you in a different direction, you don't have to take my path.


In fact, I would recommend to not take your own path.


But if I can at least help get you out of that rut that you feel you're in.


Hey, that's a beautiful thing, right?


And talk about it because I feel like the more we talk and communicate, the more we understand that we all struggle and that we can all empower each other and ourselves.




That is true connectedness and empowerment, and that's what I love.


And that's really what.


I think is what we're supposed to do.


For each other, we're not supposed to be divided.


We're all connected.


Uh-huh, 1000.


And when we start, like deciding that we're not going to be connected to somebody, that it it.


Rip in the time space continuum.


Really is when you start feeling like you are so different from somebody else.


That disconnect is very alienating and lonesome, and I've been there.


Trust me, I definitely have put myself in that.


Place, but I what I'm learning is that community is the most important and having a tribe of people that you can count on that are going to help pick you up in those times of need.


Because we all need those.


But that's what our connectedness is for, and that's why we came down here, and that's why there's so many people on this planet, because you can literally.


Everybody, and I guarantee you're gonna learn something from that person no matter what.


Everybody's got a story.


And it's so interesting getting to listen to them.


It is I.


Love it.


Me too.


Thanks so much for.


Joining me today, Nicole.


You're so welcome.


It was my pleasure.


I enjoyed.


It so much.


Me too.



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