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Podcast Guesting: Be a Great Guest and Promote Your Business
Episode 1475th August 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:36:51

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Jen McFarland:

The Women Conquer Business show is an educational, how-to, women

Jen McFarland:

in business podcast that features stories, marketing news and real life

Jen McFarland:

experiences from fun and friendly hosts, Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney.

Jen McFarland:

Join us as we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelm, streamline

Jen McFarland:

processes and amplify your impact.

Jen McFarland:

You'll learn strategies and leadership skills and practical advice from

Jen McFarland:

successful women entrepreneurs to help you grow, nurture and sustain your business.

Shelley Carney:

Hello, and welcome to Women Conquer Business, the podcast.

Shelley Carney:

I'm your host for today, Shelley Carney.

Shelley Carney:

As you may notice, Jen is not here with me today, but I'm going to

Shelley Carney:

be handling this show on my own.

Shelley Carney:

We'll see how that goes.

Shelley Carney:

Today we're going to be talking about how to be a great podcast

Shelley Carney:

guest and promote your business.

Shelley Carney:

Podcast guesting is one of the best ways to promote your business for free.

Shelley Carney:

You can expand your brand, reach a new audience, gain credibility, and

Shelley Carney:

showcase your products and services.

Shelley Carney:

But how can you find the right podcast and get booked as a guest?

Shelley Carney:

And how do you deliver the exceptional value that your host expects from you?

Shelley Carney:

Today we'll give you the scoop on how to reach out to podcast hosts,

Shelley Carney:

how to be a great podcast guest that hosts want to collaborate

Shelley Carney:

with promote and refer to others.

Shelley Carney:

So we'll get into that in just a moment.

Shelley Carney:

First, we'll have our little chatting time and I just want to let

Shelley Carney:

you know what's going on with me.

Shelley Carney:

This week, Toby and I have been traveling.

Shelley Carney:

We went to the Santa Fe Spanish Market on Sunday and we talked about

Shelley Carney:

that in our live show last night.

Shelley Carney:

We also went to the Abiquiu reservoir and checked that place out.

Shelley Carney:

And we interviewed the facilities manager operations manager there, and talked

Shelley Carney:

more about the drought in the Southwest.

Shelley Carney:

So if that's something that you find interesting please do check out my

Shelley Carney:

news and views channel on YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

And we'd love to have you there.

Shelley Carney:

I'm talking about.

Shelley Carney:

Today, we have another show called messages and methods and I'm talking

Shelley Carney:

about how I'm building my online course.

Shelley Carney:

And it's a live show if you're interested in building your own live

Shelley Carney:

online course and how that can be accomplished very simply, we are going

Shelley Carney:

to talk about the five simple steps to building an online course in our

Shelley Carney:

show today on messages and methods.

Shelley Carney:

That's at one o'clock.

Shelley Carney:

Mountain and noon Pacific and that's on messages and methods.

Shelley Carney:

And please join us for that this week.

Shelley Carney:

I was on the brilliance plus passion podcast with Adam, Hommey

Shelley Carney:

talking about live casting, what that is, what it's all about.

Shelley Carney:

And I'm going to be sharing a a graphic or a post about that with

Shelley Carney:

you later in the show, because that's what we're talking about today.

Shelley Carney:

When you're on a podcast, one of the things that you want to do

Shelley Carney:

is promote that you are on that podcast and that's part of your

Shelley Carney:

responsibility as being a great guest.

Shelley Carney:

As I said, Jen McFarland is teaching today.

Shelley Carney:

She is a part of a network of people who teach business to people who need

Shelley Carney:

to learn about how to run a business.

Shelley Carney:

And she doesn't have a lot of control over when the classes are and they

Shelley Carney:

happen to schedule it right when she was going to be doing this.

Shelley Carney:

So I told her I could take over, and this is one of the topics

Shelley Carney:

that I enjoy talking about.

Shelley Carney:

My slides that you're going to see today are a part of my upcoming

Shelley Carney:

livecast lifestyle course.

Shelley Carney:

If you're interested in getting on the wait list or the early bird discount list

Shelley Carney:

for that, let me just share that with you.

Shelley Carney:

You can go to course . and I'll put that in the comments

Shelley Carney:

and you can get on the list to learn more about how to livecast and what's

Shelley Carney:

involved in that and how to be very consistent with your content creation.

Shelley Carney:

That's at

Shelley Carney:

That's in the instructions, send in the description box and it's going to

Shelley Carney:

be in the chat and it's everywhere.

Shelley Carney:

So all right.

Shelley Carney:

Let's get started with our presentation.

Shelley Carney:

Today's presentation.

Shelley Carney:

I'll be using my Google slides.

Shelley Carney:

So let me switch over to those and.

Shelley Carney:

I'm just going to clean up the background a little so it's not too

Shelley Carney:

confusing for us and we'll get started.

Shelley Carney:

How to be a great podcast guest.

Shelley Carney:

So this is important if you are a say a coach or a consultant or a

Shelley Carney:

thought leader, and you really want to get out there and get your name

Shelley Carney:

known and get your products known.

Shelley Carney:

And maybe you've written a book and you want to share your book.

Shelley Carney:

It's important to get on podcasts.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Because podcasts are instrumental for visibility, almost 60% of

Shelley Carney:

US consumers listen to podcasts.

Shelley Carney:

Eight podcasts are listened to per week on average by that person who listens

Shelley Carney:

and 16 million people in the US are avid podcast fans, meaning they're

Shelley Carney:

going to be listening consistently.

Shelley Carney:

So it's a great way to gain visibility for yourself, your business and your products.

Shelley Carney:

It is the pathway to visibility and credibility.

Shelley Carney:

The way you get on that path to get started is number one,

Shelley Carney:

you want to listen to podcasts.

Shelley Carney:

It's important to know what podcasts are all about by

Shelley Carney:

listening to a variety of them.

Shelley Carney:

What do you like to listen to.

Shelley Carney:

Plus things that may apply to podcasts you could be on or inform

Shelley Carney:

you about starting your own podcast.

Shelley Carney:

So these are the types of podcasts that you want to listen to get a really good

Shelley Carney:

feel of the structure of the podcast.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

What's the difference between a really good show and a show.

Shelley Carney:

What really entertains you?

Shelley Carney:

What do you find really exciting and informative?

Shelley Carney:

And that's going to help you to understand how to be a good guest and how to

Shelley Carney:

bring that excitement to the show.

Shelley Carney:

Number two host your own podcast.

Shelley Carney:

When you host your own podcast, it requires that you understand the

Shelley Carney:

technology that you use it frequently, that you get very comfortable

Shelley Carney:

with it, that you get comfortable with speaking to a camera or to a

Shelley Carney:

microphone and telling your story.

Shelley Carney:

These things are important when you are a guest.

Shelley Carney:

And one of the best ways to practice it is to be host.

Shelley Carney:

Next get on other people's podcasts.

Shelley Carney:

That's the next step in gaining that visibility and credibility

Shelley Carney:

gaining on other people's podcasts opens up your world because you are

Shelley Carney:

leveraging other people's audiences.

Shelley Carney:

You're appearing in front of other people's audiences that they have

Shelley Carney:

built, and you're bringing your audience along to share in that and add to the.

Shelley Carney:

And lastly, be a great guest and offer value to every host and audience.

Shelley Carney:

And then more people are going to seek you.

Shelley Carney:

So the free and easy connection, best way to get started with connecting

Shelley Carney:

with people is to sign up on pod match.

Shelley Carney:

Pod match is a service that is free.

Shelley Carney:

You can upgrade to the pro level if you really want to hit it hard,

Shelley Carney:

but if you just want to dip your toes in and see what it's like,

Shelley Carney:

it's a great place to start out.

Shelley Carney:

You start out on pod match for free, and then you start

Shelley Carney:

looking around at other people's.

Shelley Carney:

Pages, who are they?

Shelley Carney:

What are they talking about?

Shelley Carney:

Get a feel for the place.

Shelley Carney:

There's a little training video set in there that you can go through to

Shelley Carney:

do a really good job of setting up your own profile as a guest and as

Shelley Carney:

a host, if you have your own podcast and then people will come across

Shelley Carney:

you through the algorithm it will.

Shelley Carney:

When you put in what type of category you are hosting or what kind of

Shelley Carney:

category you want to talk to.

Shelley Carney:

And then all of the information that you provide, it will, the algorithm will

Shelley Carney:

help to match you with certain people that would be the best fit for you.

Shelley Carney:

And then you can go through and see who is a fit.

Shelley Carney:

Who's not a fit.

Shelley Carney:

Who do you want to reach out to, to be on their show?

Shelley Carney:

And who might you.

Shelley Carney:

On your show as a guest.

Shelley Carney:

So it's a great place to get started.

Shelley Carney:

You can look on Facebook for podcaster, Facebook groups, and get in those

Shelley Carney:

groups and start to network in there.

Shelley Carney:

Find out who's in there.

Shelley Carney:

What they're doing, who might want to collaborate with you on that,

Shelley Carney:

then set up a scheduling app.

Shelley Carney:

If you haven't already.

Shelley Carney:

Use something like Calendly.

Shelley Carney:

We use tidy cal, which is from app Sumo.

Shelley Carney:

I think Jen uses book like a boss.

Shelley Carney:

There's a lot of calendar scheduling apps out there.

Shelley Carney:

Just pick one that you're comfortable with.

Shelley Carney:

Many of them have free levels that you can get started with

Shelley Carney:

Calendly does have a free level.

Shelley Carney:

Set that up, make sure that it matches with your calendar, when you're

Shelley Carney:

open, when you're busy, this is going to be super important to have

Shelley Carney:

available to you when you want to be a guest and a host on a podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Then add a weekly task to your calendar so that you'll remember to reach out.

Shelley Carney:

I do this on Wednesdays.

Shelley Carney:

I put it on my calendar to do outreach on Wednesdays, and that

Shelley Carney:

means I'll go to my pod match.

Shelley Carney:

I'll see who's in there.

Shelley Carney:

Who wants to be a guest who wants to host me on their show?

Shelley Carney:

And I do my outreach on Wednesdays.

Shelley Carney:

Every Wednesday, that way, I'm sure that it gets done.

Shelley Carney:

I might do it another day.

Shelley Carney:

If I get an email from pod match that says somebody wants to be a guest on

Shelley Carney:

your show, I might go look at that, but I definitely will do it on Wednesdays

Shelley Carney:

because that's on my schedule.

Shelley Carney:

And I think that's a really good way to stay on top of it.

Shelley Carney:

Next you want to connect with hosts and when you want to connect with

Shelley Carney:

a host, you have to ask yourself.

Shelley Carney:

What's in it for them.

Shelley Carney:

So you're not going to be approaching hosts saying I am so awesome.

Shelley Carney:

You're just going to love me.

Shelley Carney:

And I have all this great information and people just want to know me better.

Shelley Carney:

I've gotten things like that.

Shelley Carney:

I've gotten things like that from.

Shelley Carney:

Not only people who are reaching out, but maybe they have a VA or somebody

Shelley Carney:

who's reaching out on their behalf.

Shelley Carney:

And they're just all about this person and how wonderful they are.

Shelley Carney:

That doesn't tell me anything, how are you going to help me?

Shelley Carney:

How are you going to help my audience?

Shelley Carney:

You need to speak to what's in it for the host.

Shelley Carney:

So start off by listening to their podcast episodes, even if you scrub

Shelley Carney:

through and just Episodes that are, that are interesting to you.

Shelley Carney:

Make sure you listen enough to get an understanding of who this person is.

Shelley Carney:

What maybe they some podcast hosts ask the same questions each time, some mix it up.

Shelley Carney:

And keep it all open and you just need to have a feel for what they

Shelley Carney:

do and who is their audience.

Shelley Carney:

So you need to know that you need to know their topic and their audience.

Shelley Carney:

And that's important to know if you're a fit and then you can propose a topic

Shelley Carney:

that fits with that topic in audience.

Shelley Carney:

And offers value.

Shelley Carney:

So for instance, if I want to be on, I was on a podcast recently and the man was

Shelley Carney:

transitioning from one thing to another.

Shelley Carney:

He had been all about real estate investing and I was like,

Shelley Carney:

Why do you want to talk to me?

Shelley Carney:

How am I going to fit in who's your audience and what are they looking for?

Shelley Carney:

And he had discovered through his process that he was transitioning over more to

Shelley Carney:

content creation, content marketing, because that's what his audience.

Shelley Carney:

That he had gathered was most interested in.

Shelley Carney:

So he wanted me to speak to his audience about growing a

Shelley Carney:

community through live streaming.

Shelley Carney:

And that of course was right at my alley.

Shelley Carney:

So that was something that then I could slide in and talk about.

Shelley Carney:

So you want to look at something like a show that you feel like,

Shelley Carney:

Hey, this is a great show.

Shelley Carney:

And they have an audience that fits my demographic, my target demographic,

Shelley Carney:

how can I offer that audience value?

Shelley Carney:

What is that host's topic that I can speak to and how can I, tailor

Shelley Carney:

what I talk about to that audience.

Shelley Carney:

So make sure you're really thinking about what's in it for them.

Shelley Carney:

Follow their process.

Shelley Carney:

If they have a set of forms that you fill out, or if they have a calendar

Shelley Carney:

that they send you to, whatever it is that they need from you, follow that

Shelley Carney:

process, read the instructions, follow the instructions and follow through

Shelley Carney:

respect their time and their platform.

Shelley Carney:

When you when you're working with them, don't assume they have all the time

Shelley Carney:

in the world and they can meet you.

Shelley Carney:

Whenever many times people will batch process the recording.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

They might even do it all in one day and then spread it out

Shelley Carney:

over the month as a release.

Shelley Carney:

So you need to understand that you have to respect their time and their platform

Shelley Carney:

and bring your best self to that.

Shelley Carney:

Prepare to give value.

Shelley Carney:

Number one thing to do as a guest is be prepared.

Shelley Carney:

Be prepared to give value, to show up and give the audience what they really want.

Shelley Carney:

What does an audience want?

Shelley Carney:

What does a podcast audience want?

Shelley Carney:

Research has shown that the number one thing that they want

Shelley Carney:

is knowledge and they're coming to that particular podcast to gain

Shelley Carney:

knowledge in that particular topic.

Shelley Carney:

So keep that in mind.

Shelley Carney:

They also want entertainment.

Shelley Carney:

They want.

Shelley Carney:

Stuff going, here's, what's happening in the world and

Shelley Carney:

here's how I'm dealing with it.

Shelley Carney:

And we're having a good time.

Shelley Carney:

And that chemistry between the host and the guests, that's all

Shelley Carney:

can be entertaining for them.

Shelley Carney:

Then you want some inspiration.

Shelley Carney:

What can you pull out of your stories that can inspire others?

Shelley Carney:

And again, it all actually is wrapped up in stories.

Shelley Carney:

So bring your best stories to that podcast.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Don't worry about promoting your business so much, as you worry about.

Shelley Carney:

Entertaining and educating that audience and then they will they will really

Shelley Carney:

enjoy you so much that they'll want to start listening to you in other places.

Shelley Carney:

Maybe they'll come listen to your podcast or watch your livestream

Shelley Carney:

videos or read your blog or whatever it is that you are doing.

Shelley Carney:

If they are entertained and informed and they enjoy what

Shelley Carney:

you're doing, they'll come follow.

Shelley Carney:

And Milton Hershey said, give them quality.

Shelley Carney:

That's the best kind of advertising.

Shelley Carney:

So if you want to promote your business, be really authentically

Shelley Carney:

you and do your best to provide that value to that audience.

Shelley Carney:

And that host tell them a good story.

Shelley Carney:

Joe Laski and Shane snow of the storytelling edge said good stories.

Shelley Carney:

Surprise us.

Shelley Carney:

They make us think and feel.

Shelley Carney:

They stick in our minds and help us remember ideas and concepts in

Shelley Carney:

a way that a PowerPoint crammed with bar graphs never can.

Shelley Carney:

And the important word in this quote is feel right.

Shelley Carney:

People will always remember how you made them feel.

Shelley Carney:

If you made them feel happy and informed, and maybe you let them to laugh while

Shelley Carney:

they listen to you, that podcast where you were guessing, then they're going to want.

Shelley Carney:

More of that and they're going to follow you.

Shelley Carney:

So keep that in mind when you're telling stories and being a guest,

Shelley Carney:

this gets into the responsibilities that you have as a guest.

Shelley Carney:

Number one, promote your appearance, promote your podcast appearance.

Shelley Carney:

Hey, I was on a podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Share the link on all the social media.

Shelley Carney:

Talk about it.

Shelley Carney:

Bring your audience.

Shelley Carney:

That means if you're coming to my show and it's a live stream show, I

Shelley Carney:

want you to bring your audience with you to the live stream so that we

Shelley Carney:

have some engagement during the show.

Shelley Carney:

If it's a podcast that goes out later and people will show up for it later,

Shelley Carney:

then you need to bring your audience.

Shelley Carney:

To it after the fact, but you still need to bring your audience.

Shelley Carney:

That is your responsibility.

Shelley Carney:

Answer the questions.

Shelley Carney:

If you're doing a live stream, answer the questions that are

Shelley Carney:

appearing in the comments.

Shelley Carney:

If you've done a podcast and you're promoting it after the fact, and people

Shelley Carney:

write things in the, on the podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Comment area whether that's you're, sharing it on social and they're

Shelley Carney:

writing questions or anything there, or if it's on YouTube and they're as

Shelley Carney:

asking questions on the YouTube sh YouTube video, please go back, take

Shelley Carney:

a look and every now and then go back and see, did anybody ask any questions?

Shelley Carney:

Can I answer them?

Shelley Carney:

Can I engage them in conversation?

Shelley Carney:

That is a prime opportunity for you?

Shelley Carney:

Don't miss out.

Shelley Carney:

Send it out in your email blast, you should be emailing

Shelley Carney:

your followers once a week.

Shelley Carney:

And every time you're on somebody else's podcast.

Shelley Carney:

That needs to go into your email so that they can know that, Hey, not

Shelley Carney:

only do I like this person, and I think they're pretty cool, but other

Shelley Carney:

people like them and they're being invited to all these podcasts and

Shelley Carney:

they're sharing their knowledge.

Shelley Carney:

So they must be pretty important.

Shelley Carney:

It's a really good opportunity for you.

Shelley Carney:

Share that out.

Shelley Carney:

In your email and then comment on the host's posts.

Shelley Carney:

So if the host is posting, Hey, I spoke with Shelley Carney on my podcast this

Shelley Carney:

week and check it out, go onto that post.

Shelley Carney:

Say, thank you.

Shelley Carney:

I loved being on there.

Shelley Carney:

And I loved when we talked about, content, consistency, whatever it is that you can

Shelley Carney:

add to that post is going to help you.

Shelley Carney:

That engagement and helped that host to feel better about you

Shelley Carney:

because you cared enough to show up.

Shelley Carney:

Here is a post that I had on LinkedIn this week when I was on the

Shelley Carney:

brilliance in the brilliance plus passion podcast with Adam ha homey.

Shelley Carney:

He gave me some.

Shelley Carney:

Graphics and some text that I could use if I wanted to post

Shelley Carney:

on social media and I did.

Shelley Carney:

And here you can see it on LinkedIn and.

Shelley Carney:

He gave me this lovely graphic to put up.

Shelley Carney:

So that made it super easy.

Shelley Carney:

If you are hosting a podcast, consider doing that for your guests as well.

Shelley Carney:

And then he gave me some texts that I could change or whatever I wanted,

Shelley Carney:

but I had something to start with.

Shelley Carney:

So I just put that into a LinkedIn post and we friended each other on LinkedIn.

Shelley Carney:

So he saw that I posted about the show so that he.

Shelley Carney:

Comment on my post and I could comment on his post and we'd

Shelley Carney:

have that engagement, which would spread the post out that much more.

Shelley Carney:

It's important to share your appearance.

Shelley Carney:

Next, you can reciprocate and collaborate.

Shelley Carney:

Reciprocate means you're going to do what you can to promote their show because

Shelley Carney:

they've promoted you and your business.

Shelley Carney:

You want to help by promoting them in exchange that's reciprocation.

Shelley Carney:

So subscribe to their show or follow their podcast, share their show.

Shelley Carney:

Comment on their posts and their show and wherever they give you that ability, maybe

Shelley Carney:

even review the podcast super helpful and then make sure you like it, or,

Shelley Carney:

just promote it in a very positive way.

Shelley Carney:

Send a thank you message.

Shelley Carney:

After somebody's interviewed you, go ahead and write them a short email, or

Shelley Carney:

if you want to send a Facebook message or however, this person likes to communicate,

Shelley Carney:

send them a thank you message.

Shelley Carney:

I enjoyed being on your podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Thank you so much for.

Shelley Carney:

For asking and say something nice.

Shelley Carney:

It's like when you write a thank you note for somebody gives you a gift.

Shelley Carney:

One of the nice things to include in a thank you note is how

Shelley Carney:

you're going to use that gift.

Shelley Carney:

They had you on their show.

Shelley Carney:

Maybe you could say I learned a lot from you, or I'm going to put it into use

Shelley Carney:

and or this person asked this question about this podcast and I'm answered

Shelley Carney:

it this way in some way, give them new information every time you connect with

Shelley Carney:

them so that you build that relationship.

Shelley Carney:

If you know of somebody who would be a great guest for that podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Refer that guest to them say, Hey Adam, I know somebody who would

Shelley Carney:

be perfect for your podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Would you like a referral?

Shelley Carney:

And normally people who are constantly doing these interviews are excited

Shelley Carney:

about referrals because it, it saves them time and energy and having

Shelley Carney:

to go find somebody who's going to be a good fit for their show.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Always follow up with more value.

Shelley Carney:

How can I give more value to this person who had me on their show?

Shelley Carney:

Can I, include them in, perhaps I'm doing a panel show?

Shelley Carney:

Can I include them on my panel show?

Shelley Carney:

Can I.

Shelley Carney:

You know what else can I do?

Shelley Carney:

Can I give them something?

Shelley Carney:

Can I share something with them?

Shelley Carney:

Is there information that I think they would find valuable?

Shelley Carney:

Here's a piece of research that's come out that just came out and I thought it

Shelley Carney:

was really exceptional and fit their show.

Shelley Carney:

I'm going to send that piece of research over to them to give them

Shelley Carney:

more value, to build that relat.

Shelley Carney:

Let me tell you about the best guests that we ever had on

Shelley Carney:

the messages and methods show.

Shelley Carney:

And this is a long list, but it's an important list.

Shelley Carney:

And if you can hit at least three to five of these high points, you too

Shelley Carney:

will be one of the best guests ever.

Shelley Carney:

So AB bet our best guests also host their own show and they

Shelley Carney:

invite us to be on their show.

Shelley Carney:

So we have that reciprocation, that collaboration of being

Shelley Carney:

on each other's podcast and promoting each other's podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Our best guests tell great stories and they bring excitement to the conversation.

Shelley Carney:

Always tell stories.

Shelley Carney:

If you're going to be talking about something anyway, illustrate

Shelley Carney:

it with a story, and that's going to provide that entertainment and

Shelley Carney:

excitement that everybody loves.

Shelley Carney:

Understand and use the best tech you can.

Shelley Carney:

You don't have to go out and buy expensive microphones and everything else, but you

Shelley Carney:

should have the best tech that you can possibly afford as long as it's something

Shelley Carney:

that you can afford and will use.

Shelley Carney:

And the more you use it, the better and more comfortable you will be with it.

Shelley Carney:

In our case, we recommend a headset with a mic and you can get one for as low as $30.

Shelley Carney:

So there's no real no, excuse not to just, invest just a little bit of time

Shelley Carney:

and money into the best tech that you can then fit your expertise to our audience.

Shelley Carney:

Maybe you're talking about.

Shelley Carney:

Call centers.

Shelley Carney:

That's not really what our audience is about.

Shelley Carney:

Do you have some experience that fits with our audience?

Shelley Carney:

If if you can tailor your life experience and your stories to what our audience

Shelley Carney:

is interested in, then you're much more likely to be a good fit and a good.

Shelley Carney:

Follow the instructions and fill out the forms quickly and completely.

Shelley Carney:

There's so many times when people get to the forms and they're

Shelley Carney:

not that long, there may be.

Shelley Carney:

Five to seven questions and they don't complete it, or they don't

Shelley Carney:

follow the instructions all the way through, and maybe they didn't sign

Shelley Carney:

the release or whatever it was.

Shelley Carney:

But if you don't follow those simple instructions, you are not going

Shelley Carney:

to be one of the best guests ever.

Shelley Carney:

You're going to be a problem for that host to solve.

Shelley Carney:

So make sure that you're following through and finishing everything

Shelley Carney:

that you're asked to finish.

Shelley Carney:

Show up early to check your tech and to chat.

Shelley Carney:

It's always easier to fix things.

Shelley Carney:

If we have a few minutes to fix them, if we're doing a live show,

Shelley Carney:

we are going to send you your, a link about 10 to 15 minutes before

Shelley Carney:

we start, please get on right away.

Shelley Carney:

We're going to check the tech, make sure everything looks good and sounds good.

Shelley Carney:

And then we're going to talk to you for a few minutes just to get that,

Shelley Carney:

relaxed atmosphere going, and then we'll start into the podcast and

Shelley Carney:

most hosts will want that extra time.

Shelley Carney:

So sh be ready early share the episode extensively.

Shelley Carney:

We've talked about that and offer future guest referrals.

Shelley Carney:

Which is super helpful and make sure that you're watching or listening

Shelley Carney:

to the podcast, to the show and supporting whatever it is that the

Shelley Carney:

host is teaching and training about.

Shelley Carney:

You could say, in your episode, number 134, you talked about

Shelley Carney:

this method that you use.

Shelley Carney:

And I found that, that fit really well with what I was doing.

Shelley Carney:

And I believe, Support what the host is doing, and the host

Shelley Carney:

is going to love you for it.

Shelley Carney:

And I know when we've had guests, who've done that for us.

Shelley Carney:

I'm just amazed and grateful that they went to all that trouble.

Shelley Carney:

So it can make you really stand out if you're going to do, if you go to that

Shelley Carney:

much trouble to research that host and what they believe and what they teach.

Shelley Carney:

Next you can do is offer help and cool stuff, create a free but

Shelley Carney:

valuable download or mini course that you can offer the audience.

Shelley Carney:

This is something that is.

Shelley Carney:

Really important for any small business who wants to work online,

Shelley Carney:

you've got to have that free, valuable download that people can

Shelley Carney:

access to get on your email list.

Shelley Carney:

Now you can offer that not every host is going to allow that, but

Shelley Carney:

most well, I would say most of the shows that I've been on 90% at least

Shelley Carney:

will ask you, do you have something like that, that you want to share?

Shelley Carney:

So have it available and ready to.

Shelley Carney:

Set up a landing page and a simple URL that you can easily

Shelley Carney:

share with the audience.

Shelley Carney:

For instance, When I talked about the course that I'm putting

Shelley Carney:

together, go to

Shelley Carney:

Something simple to remember that people can just type in and go to, because when

Shelley Carney:

you're listening to a podcast, a lot of times you're doing something else

Shelley Carney:

going for a walk or doing the dishes or you're in the car and you don't have

Shelley Carney:

time to write those things down or go check 'em on the computer right away.

Shelley Carney:

So it's gotta be simple and easy to remember.

Shelley Carney:

And then of.

Shelley Carney:

Have the host put it into the description or the show notes.

Shelley Carney:

Offer the free product to your host.

Shelley Carney:

You say, here's what I have for the audience.

Shelley Carney:

Would you like one as well?

Shelley Carney:

I think it would be helpful for you in this way, explain what it is and

Shelley Carney:

if they say great, yes, I want it.

Shelley Carney:

Then you've also got them on your email list and they've got your information,

Shelley Carney:

so it's helping them and it's bringing you closer together with that host.

Shelley Carney:

And then if you have an additional item, say you wrote a book.

Shelley Carney:

Or you have other cool merchandise that's part of what, you're, what you're putting

Shelley Carney:

out there as a content creator offer that to your host, a premium incentive,

Shelley Carney:

something that says to them, I value you so much that I'm going to give you a

Shelley Carney:

copy of my book, and then maybe they'll read your book and want to have you

Shelley Carney:

back on again, to talk about your book.

Shelley Carney:

So keep that keep that.

Shelley Carney:

Flowing right.

Shelley Carney:

Keep all that here, have something else.

Shelley Carney:

Here's some more stuff here.

Shelley Carney:

I love you.

Shelley Carney:

And I want you to have this and what a great way to build a relationship.

Shelley Carney:

So now it's time for you to take action.

Shelley Carney:

I recommend that you go out and be a host and a guest.

Shelley Carney:

So start your own podcast if you haven't already and.

Shelley Carney:

Again, I gave you that that pathway where you start by listening to

Shelley Carney:

podcasts, deciding what it is you want to talk about and starting your

Shelley Carney:

own podcast, and then being a guest.

Shelley Carney:

Now you can do this the other way where you can guest first to see

Shelley Carney:

if you like being on podcasts and then become a host, then either way.

Shelley Carney:

You can get started with that when you sign up with pod match, which

Shelley Carney:

again, it starts out for free.

Shelley Carney:

You don't have to pay for that service.

Shelley Carney:

I'm on there.

Shelley Carney:

I've been on there for over a year and it's free service that is really valuable.

Shelley Carney:

Then reach out to possible future guests on there.

Shelley Carney:

If you are having your own podcast, reach out to other guests,

Shelley Carney:

write yourself a short intro.

Shelley Carney:

And a query that you will be sending out to podcast hosts,

Shelley Carney:

something that explains who you are, what it is that you talk about.

Shelley Carney:

And if they have you on as a guest, what's in it for them, how

Shelley Carney:

can you speak to their audience?

Shelley Carney:

How can you help their audience to.

Shelley Carney:

Learn and be entertained, then send that query to three hosts each week.

Shelley Carney:

Remember I talked about putting that on your calendar.

Shelley Carney:

I have mine on Wednesdays.

Shelley Carney:

On one day a week, you look on your calendar there.

Shelley Carney:

It says outreach, send your query to three hosts each week.

Shelley Carney:

And pod match helps you with that.

Shelley Carney:

They give you some matches, some possible matches that you can connect with.

Shelley Carney:

So really great way to get started.

Shelley Carney:

And that is how to be a great podcast guest.

Shelley Carney:

And I hope that was helpful for you.

Shelley Carney:

Let me see what else I have today.

Shelley Carney:

Tweaks of the week.

Shelley Carney:

Where's my tweaks of the week.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, that wasn't it.

Shelley Carney:

My sounds are messed up again.

Shelley Carney:

All right.

Shelley Carney:

Two weeks of the week Yeah, online marketing made easy.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, this is what I was doing this morning.

Shelley Carney:

I was listening to podcasts.

Shelley Carney:

Because I do what I try to walk the talk.

Shelley Carney:

I try to walk the talk.

Shelley Carney:

I try to do what I say.

Shelley Carney:

I'm, telling you to do, I'm trying to do it myself.

Shelley Carney:

So while I was out walking, I was listening to the podcast.

Shelley Carney:

Online marketing made easy with Amy Porter.

Shelley Carney:

And specifically, I listened to episode number 4 84, which is

Shelley Carney:

called hindsight is 2023 things I wish I did when I first started.

Shelley Carney:

Now, if you haven't heard of Amy Porterfield, she is a very

Shelley Carney:

successful online entrepreneur.

Shelley Carney:

She's been creating our own podcast since I believe it's 2013.

Shelley Carney:

She started.

Shelley Carney:

So she's very well known in the podcasting space and in the

Shelley Carney:

online entrepreneurial space.

Shelley Carney:

And sh she has a great podcast that she puts out twice a week right now, very

Shelley Carney:

prolific in her content creation, but.

Shelley Carney:

She wanted to talk about three things.

Shelley Carney:

I wish I did when I first started out or she wishes she'd done sooner because

Shelley Carney:

she eventually did them, but she found there were three things that really

Shelley Carney:

moved the needle for her business that she wished she had started doing sooner.

Shelley Carney:

And her number one piece of advice was to create consistent content

Shelley Carney:

and put it out there consistently.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Suggestion for that was to create a podcast that goes out every week

Shelley Carney:

and then send a newsletter out every week that supports that podcast.

Shelley Carney:

So I totally agree with her.

Shelley Carney:

And she was saying, start this on day.

Shelley Carney:

One of your business create content consistently.

Shelley Carney:

So I want to help you with that.

Shelley Carney:

And I have.

Shelley Carney:

Content consistency framework and schedule that you can go get online

Shelley Carney:

and I'm just going to put it into the description box real quick posting.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So that is available at

Shelley Carney:

And that is a content consistency framework.

Shelley Carney:

It's an infographic that you can print out.

Shelley Carney:

You can put it up on your bulletin board or on the wall in your office.

Shelley Carney:

And it's a content consistency schedule that tells you what I do every week.

Shelley Carney:

Then you can tailor that to your own business and what you might want to do.

Shelley Carney:

And you'll see right on there on Wednesdays, I say outreach for

Shelley Carney:

that, to be out on other people's podcasts and leveraging other

Shelley Carney:

people's audiences in that way.

Shelley Carney:

Check that out.

Shelley Carney:

It's at framework dot AGK

Shelley Carney:

It's a free download and it's two simple infographics that you can stick up on the

Shelley Carney:

wall and start implementing immediately.

Shelley Carney:

So that just like Amy Porterfield suggested you can start creating

Shelley Carney:

consistent content and growing your business from day one.

Shelley Carney:

Lastly, we have the inspirational nugget.

Shelley Carney:

And our inspirational nugget for the week.

Shelley Carney:

I heard this story.

Shelley Carney:

This is about theore Roosevelt, president Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt.

Shelley Carney:

He was a very boisterous outdoorsy, rough and ready.

Shelley Carney:

He was one of the rough writers and he was rough and ready and he was

Shelley Carney:

ready to get on a horse and ride.

Shelley Carney:

Go hunt Buffalo or whatever it was.

Shelley Carney:

He did a lot of outdoorsy things.

Shelley Carney:

And later in his life he'd had a surgery and he was told he might be confined to a

Shelley Carney:

wheelchair for the remainder in his days.

Shelley Carney:

He thought about it and he said, all right, I can work that way too.

Shelley Carney:

He knew that it all depends on your attitude and your mind,

Shelley Carney:

your mindset about what you.

Shelley Carney:

What circumstances you take in and what you do with them is the

Shelley Carney:

important part, how you react to life is the important part.

Shelley Carney:

It shows your character, it shows the world what it is that you're

Shelley Carney:

made of and what you can do.

Shelley Carney:

So we can respond to even the most disabling terms of fate by working

Shelley Carney:

within whatever room is left, right.

Shelley Carney:

Nothing can prevent us from learning.

Shelley Carney:

In fact difficult situations are often opportunities for

Shelley Carney:

their own kinds of learning.

Shelley Carney:

Even if they're not the kinds of learning we would've preferred.

Shelley Carney:

So how let's ask ourselves this coming week, how can I make the

Shelley Carney:

best of any situation that I face?

Shelley Carney:

We're all going through something difficult.

Shelley Carney:

At all times, it seems we don't know what other people are facing

Shelley Carney:

until they share that with us, but we have to just assume, Hey, we all

Shelley Carney:

have rough patches in our lives.

Shelley Carney:

Some everybody's probably going through something almost all the time.

Shelley Carney:

So what can we do to make that better?

Shelley Carney:

How can we face situations and make the best of them?

Shelley Carney:

I always ask myself.

Shelley Carney:

What is the gift in this situation?

Shelley Carney:

How can I make it better?

Shelley Carney:

What can I do to, get something good out of this and how can I focus on the

Shelley Carney:

good things and move forward with it.

Shelley Carney:

And I suggest that no matter what you're facing this coming week, look for the

Shelley Carney:

gift and it's going to help you to get.

Shelley Carney:

More easily.

Shelley Carney:

And I look for the gift in Jen opening up her show to me today so that I

Shelley Carney:

could share this information with you.

Shelley Carney:

And I do hope that you'll also check out my other shows, messages and

Shelley Carney:

methods and news and views on YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

And I'd love to have you in my audience in, we can get to know each other,

Shelley Carney:

maybe collaborate in the future.

Shelley Carney:

So I look forward to that and that's all I have for.

Shelley Carney:

And I hope that you have a wonderful week and Jen will be back next week

Shelley Carney:

and we'll have a really wonderful topic to chat about together.

Shelley Carney:

We'll see you then.

Shelley Carney:

Thank you for joining the women conquer business podcast, posted by

Shelley Carney:

Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland.

Shelley Carney:

Please subscribe and leave a comment or question regarding your most challenging

Shelley Carney:

content creation or business problem.

Shelley Carney:

Then share this podcast with family and friends so they can find the

Shelley Carney:

support they need to expand their brand and share their message with the.

Shelley Carney:

Check the show notes for links to valuable resources and come back again next week.



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