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What Does Connectedness have to do with Mindset, Mindfulness and Law of Attraction?
Episode 1220th January 2023 • The Connectedness Podcast with Rev Karen Cleveland • Rev Karen Cleveland
00:00:00 00:19:36

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I get questions about the work I do with people – which is mindset work, spiritual practices, law of attraction work, mindfulness routines – asking what it has to do with connectedness. And I realize that, in my head, it’s all about connectedness. But I can see how when I specify things like synchronicities and coincidences it appears to have nothing to do with mindset because mindset is very mental and the other practices seem more energetic or spiritual. I understand why people get confused, so I want to explain how it all relates in this episode. In brief, everything is within the connectedness of everything! Anything that blocks us from our flow, from being one with everything, needs to have some kind of practice or routine or work done with it so that we can either maintain our flow, or learn how to get back into flow. We want come back into connectedness because this is where the ease is, this is where we find our greatest satisfaction, when we are living within the connectedness within knowing and feeling our connectedness. 

In this episode you’ll learn 

  • why it is so important to release past energy 
  • Why something mental like mindset work is important to our spiritual expansion 
  • how spiritual practices keep us in the moment whether we realize it or not 

 You may be interested in Episode one that explains why I think it’d be super if everyone were happy! Check it out here The Connectedness Podcast – It’s all about connection for an easy, happy, and meaningful lifeI really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group And in the meantime, enjoy the show! 



Welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.


Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection in this


podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.


We're connected, whether we see it or not.


Whether it's your connection with your dog and your.


Or your connection with your God.


Also, I talk about things that are more abstract, like your connections with your


career or your land, your community, your family, your emotions, your body Life


is truly all about connections, and the sooner we recognize this, the sooner we


get to have an easier, more enjoyable.


I am gonna talk about these connections through different lenses, but things


like synchronicities and coincidences, or everyday little bits of magic or


miracles that we tend to dismiss, it's important we pay attention to


all of this to help us, like I said, live an easier, more satisfying life.


So welcome to the show.


I'm your host, Reverend Karen in Cleveland.

Rev Karen:

Hey, welcome back to the shelf.

Rev Karen:

I want to talk about law of attraction, spiritual practice,

Rev Karen:

mindfulness mindset work, and how it all relates to connectedness.

Rev Karen:

I've received a few questions about.

Rev Karen:

Not understanding the connection., when I was telling someone, I do a lot

Rev Karen:

of mindset work and law attraction, spiritual practice work, they said to me,

Rev Karen:

But what about the connectedness?

Rev Karen:

And it is all connected.

Rev Karen:

So I just want to address that and get it clear so that if I

Rev Karen:

talk about something else, besides what's the connection besides.

Rev Karen:

Synchronicities and coincidences.

Rev Karen:

I just want it to be clear.

Rev Karen:

How it's all connected.

Rev Karen:

Because in the true nature of connectedness.

Rev Karen:

It is.

Rev Karen:

So even though I don't always specifically say something about connectedness.

Rev Karen:

When I'm talking about any particular topic.

Rev Karen:

You know, money, dreams, anything.

Rev Karen:

I just want to be clear upfront.

Rev Karen:

It is.

Rev Karen:

It's all connected.

Rev Karen:

So, let me take an example of a couple of methods.

Rev Karen:

I might.

Rev Karen:

Work with people on.

Rev Karen:

and show you the link between that practice.

Rev Karen:

And how we're all connected and how it all helps us live an

Rev Karen:

easier, better, happier life.

Rev Karen:

Now in future episodes, I'm going to talk specifically about mindset

Rev Karen:

or about law of attraction or about mindfulness or about spiritual practices.

Rev Karen:

I'm not going to get into details about those right now.

Rev Karen:

But let's just bring up a few of them.

Rev Karen:

How about forgiveness?

Rev Karen:

Oh, yes.

Rev Karen:

That's a fun one.

Rev Karen:

Who likes to do forgiveness work?

Rev Karen:

Raise your hand.

Rev Karen:

It's probably the least favorite now, you know, there's, there's a

Rev Karen:

lot of practices, a lot of mindset exercises and law of attraction

Rev Karen:

exercises that are actually fun.

Rev Karen:

They're, they're fun to do people enjoy being able to sit down and do them.

Rev Karen:

However, when, I mentioned forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

It's just kind of drop of energy.

Rev Karen:

I don't want to forgive anyone.

Rev Karen:

They messed up.

Rev Karen:

They screwed up my life.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Do I have to do the work?

Rev Karen:

About them.

Rev Karen:

So let's talk about it.

Rev Karen:

And we'll talk about why.

Rev Karen:

It's gonna allow you to be more in connection with everything.

Rev Karen:

So let's instead of calling it forgiveness work.

Rev Karen:

Let's call it releasing.

Rev Karen:

Stuck energy.

Rev Karen:

Or let's call it.

Rev Karen:

Releasing the past.

Rev Karen:

It doesn't really matter what we call it.

Rev Karen:

Let me give you an example.

Rev Karen:

Of why we need to clear it, why we need to forgive.

Rev Karen:

Because when we learn to forgive, we can get back into that flow of

Rev Karen:

connectedness about, oh yeah, life sucks right now, but I know it's going

Rev Karen:

to get better because I'm in the flow.

Rev Karen:

I know that something's going to work out okay.

Rev Karen:

From this situation, even though I might hate life right now.

Rev Karen:

Even though something.

Rev Karen:

I don't like might've happened right now.

Rev Karen:

All right.

Rev Karen:

So forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

You might be the most grounded, spiritually connected person.

Rev Karen:

Let's just say, for example, we have.

Rev Karen:

This very connected person who just to look at them.

Rev Karen:

It's like, you can tell that they're in connection with the trees and the

Rev Karen:

mountains and the rocks and the animals.

Rev Karen:

And the cars and everything else, they just are so Zan.

Rev Karen:

They just seem like they have it all figured out.

Rev Karen:

They're in the flow.

Rev Karen:

And then.

Rev Karen:

A song comes up and it was the song from their relationship.

Rev Karen:

And she hurt him and he never got over it.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

He never forgave her for it.

Rev Karen:

So that song comes on and guess what?

Rev Karen:

So much for being Zen, all of a sudden he is right back in that last situation.

Rev Karen:

That big fight.

Rev Karen:

Whatever it was, whatever horrible thing happened.

Rev Karen:

He's right back there.

Rev Karen:

And he's out of the present moment he's living in the past.

Rev Karen:

Again, he's getting all angry or sad or fired up.

Rev Karen:

He's not present.

Rev Karen:

He's out of flow.

Rev Karen:

And it doesn't matter who it is.

Rev Karen:

And what the other practices are that you do so well.

Rev Karen:

If you're still hanging on to old energy.

Rev Karen:

You see a Facebook post, something on Instagram, you read something you've

Rev Karen:

come across an old letter from them.

Rev Karen:

If you have unresolved energy and you see that you hear that.

Rev Karen:

You smell that.

Rev Karen:

It takes you right back.

Rev Karen:

And that's where the problem is.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

To be fair.

Rev Karen:

You don't actually.

Rev Karen:

Leave the connectedness of all life.

Rev Karen:

It's not like you're sitting here and there's a direct line between

Rev Karen:

you and everything around you.

Rev Karen:

And you're one with a connection.

Rev Karen:

And then as soon as this thing comes up and you go to the past,

Rev Karen:

all those connections break.

Rev Karen:

That's not what actually happens.

Rev Karen:

You're always connected.

Rev Karen:

But these connections, they become invisible to you because you can't

Rev Karen:

see them or feel them anymore.

Rev Karen:

You just feel that old icky energy.

Rev Karen:

And until you learn how to get through it and build yourself back up and know

Rev Karen:

that everything's going to be okay again.

Rev Karen:

And you come back to the present moment.

Rev Karen:

You forget that you're connected with everything and you're

Rev Karen:

not in the flow of life.

Rev Karen:

You're not living life to the best you can.

Rev Karen:

So anytime there is something.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Really has an emotional charge for you.

Rev Karen:

From the past.

Rev Karen:

And a trigger comes up.

Rev Karen:

You're going to be gone.

Rev Karen:

a, you're going to be taken back there.

Rev Karen:

And how are you going to move forward?

Rev Karen:

In your life.

Rev Karen:

If these triggers come up.

Rev Karen:

And you keep getting pulled backwards.

Rev Karen:

You can, you can move forward but it's going to be very difficult.

Rev Karen:

It's not going to be that easy.

Rev Karen:

Why not make it easy on yourself.

Rev Karen:

That's what ease is all about.

Rev Karen:

That's what connectedness is all about is being easy.

Rev Karen:

Actually, someone reminded me the other day that I was, um, gosh.

Rev Karen:

I was even saying to myself, I'm really struggling with this.

Rev Karen:

I'm really struggling with this.

Rev Karen:

And they're like, well,

Rev Karen:

You could do it, the EAs easy way.

Rev Karen:

Or you can go ahead and keep fighting against that and see how far it gets you.

Rev Karen:

Sometimes we have our blinders on.

Rev Karen:

We think everything's all good.

Rev Karen:

Until someone else helps us recognize.

Rev Karen:

Oh, It doesn't have to be like this.

Rev Karen:

There is.

Rev Karen:

A different way.

Rev Karen:

There is another possibility.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Which is why it's very helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of,

Rev Karen:

or some kind of a coach or mentor.

Rev Karen:

Some kind of a, you know, a mental therapist, whatever it is, it's always

Rev Karen:

good to have someone else to talk to about what's going on in your life, but

Rev Karen:

that's a whole different conversation.

Rev Karen:

Back to forgiveness back to releasing energy.

Rev Karen:

Wouldn't you like instead to be able to say.

Rev Karen:

Oh, that used to be our favorite song.

Rev Karen:

Oh my God.

Rev Karen:

I haven't heard this years.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

I guess I don't like it anymore.

Rev Karen:

Oh, well, Turn the radio station.

Rev Karen:

And that's it.

Rev Karen:

And you go on with your life.

Rev Karen:

You come across an old letter from them.

Rev Karen:

Oh, my God.

Rev Karen:

Look at.

Rev Karen:

he didn't even know how to spell anything.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

There's no.

Rev Karen:

Emotional attachment.

Rev Karen:

It's okay to still see it.

Rev Karen:

It's okay.

Rev Karen:

To still hate them.

Rev Karen:

It's okay.

Rev Karen:

To still.

Rev Karen:

Feel, however you feel and acknowledge whatever happened.

Rev Karen:

But just.

Rev Karen:

Not have the energy wound up in it and to stay present and to be able to

Rev Karen:

move on into your future self easily.

Rev Karen:

That's why we need to forgive.

Rev Karen:

And that's how we stay in the connectedness because the

Rev Karen:

forgiveness, like I said, Not the forgiveness, but the stuck energy.

Rev Karen:

Is going to just pull us back.

Rev Karen:

And we're not going to feel that ease that connection.

Rev Karen:

Still there.

Rev Karen:

It's always there.

Rev Karen:

Can't leave it.

Rev Karen:

But you're not going to feel it.

Rev Karen:

You're not going to feel like you're part of it anymore.

Rev Karen:

You're going to feel alone and you're going to feel rage and anger

Rev Karen:

and sadness and grief and whatever it is that you're going to feel.

Rev Karen:

That's why we do these exercises.

Rev Karen:

That's why I teach these things to bring you back.

Rev Karen:

To give you tools to stay.

Rev Karen:

In the ease of life in the connection and the happiness

Rev Karen:

and the contentment in the joy.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So that's one example, forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

How about mindset?

Rev Karen:

If you haven't actually.

Rev Karen:

Heard or read the way I work with clients.

Rev Karen:

Which is all about engaging mind body soul it's about engaging,

Rev Karen:

you know, mindset exercises.

Rev Karen:

Law of attraction, energy exercises, spiritual practices.

Rev Karen:

I believe it needs to be a.

Rev Karen:

Mix of all three, because.

Rev Karen:

Well, I'm not going to get to that conversation now, but we need all

Rev Karen:

three in order to help move forward and grow and achieve our dreams.

Rev Karen:

Now the mindset exercises.

Rev Karen:

I think in my head.

Rev Karen:

Because we call the mindset that they're all mental.

Rev Karen:

And to a degree, they are.

Rev Karen:

But kind of like forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

If there's a block, that's going to keep us out of the flow.

Rev Karen:

It's going to keep us out of our greatest expression.

Rev Karen:

Now a mindset exercise is based on the fact that we have in our brain stories or

Rev Karen:

rules or agreements about us or ourselves or our lives that aren't necessarily true.

Rev Karen:

And we get these stories are rules about our life.

Rev Karen:

We get them from a lot of places.

Rev Karen:

A lot of them come from our families.

Rev Karen:

When our growing up, they come from our culture and society.

Rev Karen:

They come from our religion and our school.

Rev Karen:

Somehow from our experience.

Rev Karen:

We decided that.

Rev Karen:

This certain story is true.

Rev Karen:

And there's a lot of them, we all have a lot of them.

Rev Karen:

So here's an example of one that I had.

Rev Karen:

I believed.

Rev Karen:

There was no way as a single woman in the Seattle area, I

Rev Karen:

could ever buy a house by myself.

Rev Karen:

There was no way.

Rev Karen:

I don't even know where I got that story from.

Rev Karen:

It wasn't from my family.

Rev Karen:

I don't think.

Rev Karen:

And I don't remember how I came to develop that story about myself,

Rev Karen:

but it was very true for me.

Rev Karen:

And one of the ways I had to start to get over it was I had to find other

Rev Karen:

people, other women in the Seattle area that were buying their own home.

Rev Karen:

And of course I found a lot.

Rev Karen:

A lot of people, I knew that were single women that were

Rev Karen:

able to buy their own home.

Rev Karen:

And for quite a while it was like, why is that not true for them?

Rev Karen:

But it's true for me.

Rev Karen:

How come they can buy their own house by themselves.

Rev Karen:

And I can't.

Rev Karen:

And it's like, oh, Well, Maybe I can, and , it took a lot of work.

Rev Karen:

It wasn't that easy.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

It took a lot of work.

Rev Karen:

But if there's something that's true for one person and not true of another person.

Rev Karen:

It's probably not true.

Rev Karen:

And it's probably a story or a lie that you're telling yourself.

Rev Karen:

So when you think about some of these stories, these rules

Rev Karen:

that apply to your life.

Rev Karen:

Who do you know that that rule doesn't apply to.

Rev Karen:

And ask yourself.

Rev Karen:

Is this really a fact?

Rev Karen:

Or is this just something I'm making up about myself and my life?

Rev Karen:

Now the reason we do that.

Rev Karen:

And how it connects with connectedness.

Rev Karen:

Is that if I am believing that I can't buy my own house by myself, that I have

Rev Karen:

to have a man to help me buy a house.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

I am keeping myself from my greater expression.

Rev Karen:

And if I'm keeping myself from my greater good, from the greater

Rev Karen:

expansion of life than I am not fully in my flow, if it's truly my good.

Rev Karen:

My greater.

Rev Karen:

Life to have my own house.

Rev Karen:

To help stay in the connection, the connectedness of life.

Rev Karen:

Then that story is keeping me from it.

Rev Karen:

And there are so many stories from what we look like, what we're

Rev Karen:

allowed to wear, what we're allowed to say when we're allowed to laugh.

Rev Karen:

So many, so many, so many stories, a lot of women have the story

Rev Karen:

that I'm just not good with money.

Rev Karen:

Oh, gosh, I overran the checkbook again.

Rev Karen:

What do we call it?

Rev Karen:

Overdrew I overdrew the checkbook checking account again.

Rev Karen:

I'm just not good with money.

Rev Karen:

Are there some women that are good with money?

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

It's probably not something you knew as a baby.

Rev Karen:

So maybe you weren't good with money when you were five years old.

Rev Karen:

Maybe you weren't good at multiplication tables.

Rev Karen:

Maybe you didn't know how to drive.

Rev Karen:

Maybe you didn't know how to cook.

Rev Karen:

But you learned how to do all that.

Rev Karen:

You learned your mathematics, you learned how to drive.

Rev Karen:

You learned how to cook.

Rev Karen:

You can learn how to be good with money.

Rev Karen:

It's not a law.

Rev Karen:

It's not a rule.

Rev Karen:

It's not something you have to subscribe to.

Rev Karen:

It's your choice.

Rev Karen:

And when we believe things about ourselves that keep us from our greater self.

Rev Karen:

From being all that we can be in the world.

Rev Karen:

Then that's when it's blocking.

Rev Karen:

And, you know, it's not a true block.

Rev Karen:

It's an invisible.

Rev Karen:

Line with our connectedness.

Rev Karen:

We're still connected.

Rev Karen:

But that's why we need to do mindset exercises to overcome

Rev Karen:

these kinds of things.

Rev Karen:

So we can expand so we can be in full connection and know it.

Rev Karen:

It's a matter of knowing, and feeling and living our connection with

Rev Karen:

life and the ease and the joy and the happiness that comes with it.

Rev Karen:

I love in the book, the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, before he actually

Rev Karen:

starts the agreements he talks about.

Rev Karen:

Domestication and how so many of us get these stories?

Rev Karen:

Into our system, into our body.

Rev Karen:

People say things to us and we don't know, what's not true at the time.

Rev Karen:

We're so susceptible when we're little.

Rev Karen:

We don't really know what's true and not true about life.

Rev Karen:

So we believe what they tell us.

Rev Karen:

And the thing is when we grow up, believing that we're

Rev Karen:

going to tell our kids that.

Rev Karen:

And so it's a perpetual cycle until someone says stops and

Rev Karen:

says, wait, That's not true.

Rev Karen:

It's not true of the Browns down the street.

Rev Karen:

Why would it be true of my family if it's not true for every family out there?

Rev Karen:

Chances are it's not.

Rev Karen:

Now some of the spiritual practices that I teach, I kind of feel like I don't

Rev Karen:

even need to say anything about them.

Rev Karen:

I mean meditation, contemplation, journaling, automatic writing.

Rev Karen:

To me, this just automatically puts us in the flow and makes

Rev Karen:

us know, are connected.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So I kind of feel like I don't even need to talk about it, but maybe I

Rev Karen:

should just say a few words in case it's not that obvious to everyone else.

Rev Karen:

That's something I've learned is that.

Rev Karen:

That we all do this.

Rev Karen:

If it's comes easy to us.

Rev Karen:

We think it comes easy to everyone and that's not always true.

Rev Karen:

Let me just use contemplation.

Rev Karen:

let's say you are outside your.

Rev Karen:

At a park you're sitting by the river.

Rev Karen:

And you're just sitting on the bench by the river, perhaps.

Rev Karen:

Some on your width is off playing with the dog or something like that.

Rev Karen:

And you're just staring at the river.

Rev Karen:

And it might not be an intentional contemplation or meditation.

Rev Karen:

But it is.

Rev Karen:

Even if you think your brain is going around and around thinking about

Rev Karen:

your laundry list of items to do and how you're going to get dinner made

Rev Karen:

tonight and pay your bills this month.

Rev Karen:

There's something about being in the presence of the river.

Rev Karen:

And being in the silence.

Rev Karen:

That opens you up.

Rev Karen:

To a new idea.

Rev Karen:

It at least provides the space for a new idea.

Rev Karen:

You probably don't even realize it, that you could be sitting there.

Rev Karen:

You could be thinking about dinner.

Rev Karen:

And you get an idea about something else.

Rev Karen:

You might dismiss it.

Rev Karen:

Because you need to figure out dinner.

Rev Karen:

Or you might go with it.

Rev Karen:

So these new ideas that pop into your brain when you're sitting.

Rev Karen:

By yourself.

Rev Karen:

Not focusing on something.

Rev Karen:

That is a way to stay in the flow and just be in the connectedness with life.

Rev Karen:

And you could actually be concentrating on something.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Modeling with clay, any kind of creative work.

Rev Karen:

Is often just our connection with life working through us.

Rev Karen:

So to recap.

Rev Karen:

When I might talk about mindset, exercises, gratitude, forgiveness.

Rev Karen:

All these things that might not seem like they are part of the connectedness

Rev Karen:

of life and they might not seem like.

Rev Karen:

It is the way that we feel the ease.

Rev Karen:

It is not a way that we experience our greater expansion.

Rev Karen:

All of these latest to it.

Rev Karen:

That's why I teach them.

Rev Karen:

I believe once we can feel and live and know and understand

Rev Karen:

our connection with everything.

Rev Karen:

That's when the struggle stops.

Rev Karen:

Or minimizes.

Rev Karen:

And that's why I teach all these different ways to get there.

Rev Karen:

And there's all these different blocks to getting there.

Rev Karen:

That's our ego, trying to keep us from.

Rev Karen:

Realizing ourselves.

Rev Karen:

But I teach these to help people.

Rev Karen:

Come into their own greater expansion of life.

Rev Karen:

Of self.

Rev Karen:

That is what I love to do.

Rev Karen:

Help you come into the greater expression of yourself.

Rev Karen:

Please get in contact with me.

Rev Karen:

Let me know how you're doing.

Rev Karen:

Let me know what questions you have and that's all for tonight.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev karen

Rev Karen:

That's R E V K A R E N

Rev Karen:

There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning

Rev Karen:

and happiness in your own life.

Rev Karen:

Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or

Rev Karen:

off the air, be sure to look for that.

Rev Karen:

Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.

Rev Karen:

And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group

Rev Karen:

Connectedness with Rev, Karen.

Rev Karen:

So head over to rev karen




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