Want to secure YOUR career against the unknown?
In this must-listen episode multi-media powerhouse and content guru Valerie Geller drops some serious knowledge bombs about adapting and excelling in today’s hyper-digital media frenzy.
Fresh off finishing her third book, BEYOND POWERFUL RADIO: An Audio Communicator’s Guide to the Digital World , Valerie unearths some top techniques and shares secrets that have empowered legions of broadcasters and podcasters to cut through the noise in todays evolving mediascape.
With her decades of coaching the who’s who in broadcasting, Valerie digs into the nuts and bolts of crafting content that doesn’t just speak but resonates, engages, and captivates—because let’s face it, your audience has the attention span of a TikTok scroll.
Why should you care? Because unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the media game has changed. It’s no longer enough to just broadcast; you’ve got to echo across multiple platforms. Valerie’s insights into turning your every broadcast or podcast into a magnetic force field of engagement are nothing short of a masterclass in media evolution. And guess what? She’s here to ensure your voice isn’t just heard but felt.
Keen to bulletproof your position in the evolving media landscape? Valerie's latest tome, Beyond Powerful Radio, isn’t just a book; it’s your new best friend in the digital age—a blueprint for what comes next in the world of podcasting and broadcasting. Dive into her strategies, and you might just find your own voice growing beyond powerful.
Curious? maybe, just maybe, transform from media follower to industry leader, explore her business strategies here, and get your hands on the book that’s rewriting the rules here. Trust us, your media career will thank you.
One Minute Martinizing - Show Biz (read here)
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The number one difference right now is the attention span of the audience. Your audience right now has the attention span of a fleet.
And so how do you engage immediately when you open up a topic or you look at a subject that you want to talk about or report on, how do you use powerful engage techniques so that it's immediately going to get that listener to listen? You know, it's the catnip that gets the cat to come. And that's really the core of the challenge right now is to draw the. Audience in so that they stay
VO:BRANDwidth On Demand. Rebooting radio with a different take on all radio can be.
Valerie Geller:The most important thing is to, number one, identify your skill set. Where are your strengths? Where are your gifts? Where is your real talent? What do you love to do?
What parts of storytelling and media and getting information out and working in digital media? What parts of it feel like flying to you? What parts of it don't feel like work?
And what would you do if you weren't being paid, but you would just do it because it's fun?
VO:Now your guides through the mediamorphosis, David Martin and author of the book Brand with Media branding coach Kipper McGee.
David Martin:On today's episode of Brand BRANDwidth On Demand, we'll hear how powerful storytelling and compelling content are more critical than ever. Valerie Geller is an internationally recognized authority in creating powerful content.
With over three decades of experience, she's trained thousands of broadcasters, podcasters, and other content creators all over the world. Her latest book, An Audio Communicator's Guide to the Digital World, News Talk, Information Personality for Podcasting and Broadcasting, is out now.
We'll put a link to the Amazon page where you can buy your own copy. It's a must have. Valerie's work pushes content creators to engage, connect and inspire in meaningful ways.
Of course, she's known for her mantra, tell the truth, make it matter, never be boring. Brand BRANDwidth On Demand is proud to welcome back the one and only Valerie Yellow Tipper.
: Musicmaster.com:Thank you, thank you.
Kipper McGee:We are so glad to have you. And Valerie, your work has always emphasized powerful storytelling and the human connection.
So the question right now is, with your new focus, more on digital and how we're evolving as an industry and really as a workforce, how do these foundational elements translate as audiences migrate more and more to On Demand and digital platforms?
: Musicmaster.com:I love this question. And in fact, this new Beyond Powerful Radio book is an update from a previous edition of the book. It's actually the third edition.
And what's new is podcasting, digital media, social Media, AI, storytelling across all platforms. Because we are in a new system of delivery. The way audiences get their information and their entertainment is completely different now.
Now, because it is 100% multiple platform, nobody is listening or watching any one thing to get the majority. It's a variety of different entities.
Could be your wristwatch, your phone, it could be your computer, your laptop, your iPad, it could be your radio, your television, it could be in the car, it could be in the headphones when you're jogging. There's a million ways to get the information and entertainment now.
So now it becomes how do you engage on using all these platforms with the thing that will bring the audience in, which is powerful storytelling, human connections and entertain and inform and how do you do that? And personality, keeping people company so that they don't feel alone. The number one difference right now is the attention span of the audience.
Your audience right now has the attention span of a flea. And so how do you engage immediately?
And so a lot of what the book teaches and really talks about is when you open up a topic or you look at a subject that you want to talk about or report on, how do you use powerful engage techniques so that it's immediately going to get that listener to listen? You know, it's the catnip that gets the cat to come.
And that's really the core of the challenge right now is to draw the audience in so that they stay. And I really believe there are no boring stories, only boring storytellers.
So now it becomes how do you frame and focus your topic so that it's going to engage immediately? And then do you have a beginning, a middle and an end and then never be boring? And that's it.
David Martin:That's great stuff.
Valerie, looking ahead down the road, what do you see as the biggest changes or evolution in media employment prospects for those who right now are just saying, hey, I'm going to start my broadcasting or my content creation career? I mean, how does mastering powerful media set them apart?
: Musicmaster.com:Okay, we already know that there's no more gold watches. The likelihood. If you're graduating from college today or just starting a media career today, you're probably going to have five careers.
You know, you're going to do a lot of different things. So the most important thing is to, number one, identify your skill set. Where are your strengths? Where are your gifts? Where is your real talent?
What do you love to do? What parts of storytelling and media and getting information out and working in digital media, what parts of it feel like flying to you?
What parts of it don't feel like work. And what would you do if you weren't being paid, but you would just do it because it's fun.
And you start there, you start with where are your core strengths and where are your passions?
And then you build how to take what you can do and put it into all the different mediums that are available to get, keep and grow audiences for the work that you want to do. I think that people have to understand that your only job security is going to be your ability to secure jobs.
So I think that you can't just walk in and expect a corporation or radio station to hire you, give you a contract, and you're going to be stable for the next 10 years. Those days are completely gone. The secret is in building your own brand and coming in with a social media following.
Coming in with some background in your passion projects where you've shown that you can create some content.
So whether it's sports or music or journalism or, or whether you wanna do a podcast about overweight aging cats, whatever it is, if you have an area of passion and you can prove that you are able to create content and reach that audience and you can bring in a marketable audience, you are gonna be marketable to entities no matter what those entities are, including radio stations.
Kipper McGee:Good point. So in the new book, you touched on some strategies now for multi platform content. So let's down just a bit.
What do you see as some of the bigger challenges that content creators face in adapting their messages for those different platforms? And how can someone who for example, started in radio, how can they overcome those challenges?
: Musicmaster.com:Okay, so the mindset of radio broadcasters has been we will tell you and you will listen. We will choose.
Kipper McGee:Right?
David Martin:Right.
: Musicmaster.com:We will choose the music, we will pick the news, we will curate for you. And just like a museum, we're going to show, we're going to put stuff that we think you ought to see on the walls.
And it was exactly like that in radio. And now it's turning around to instead of what we have to give, it becomes what you, the listener get. Because they have a plethora of choices.
And they don't need radio for music discovery, they don't need RA for news discovery. They don't need radio for public service commitment or discovery.
They may need radio for breaking news if there's a disaster, but AI can also blast your phone if there's an earthquake, tornado or fire or explosion or any kind of imminent danger. You can get that on your phone as well. So it becomes what can radio do that Radio is, you know, what are its strengths?
And the strengths of radio has always been it's live, it's immediate and personalities, the development of the different human beings on the radio that were able to uniquely be with you, and you could not get those people elsewhere. And as long as radio can offer a unique experience, radio will still be viable.
The minute you can get what radio gives you on a hundred other places, it's not quite as valuable or as relevant or even as pertinent. And when I get into a car with a 24 year old, often they don't even have a radio.
They just put their phone into the deck, plug it in, and we listen to Spotify.
David Martin:Wow, that's an excellent point, Valerie.
With the rise of podcasting now and on demand audio, which we, I don't think we've talked about yet, what opportunities do you see for radio or audio professionals to pivot and succeed in the new world?
: Musicmaster.com:Okay, the secret of life in any business, as you both well know, is product permanence promotion. So the first thing is, what do you want to talk about? What's your podcast about?
Are there 50 other podcasts doing the same exact thing, interviewing the same people you want to interview? And how are you going to set yours apart?
You know, is the power of your personality so unique that you're going to be able to attract an audience just based on the pure power of your personality? What are you offering that's different?
The difference between podcasting and broadcasting is that broadcasting by its very nature is broad, it's mass audience. Podcasting by its very nature is niche format. It goes to very, very specific audiences. Those audiences can be huge and they can be global. Okay?
And now they can be translated with AI into many languages. So podcasting is more narrow and niche formatted. And broadcasting, you're trying to reach as broad a population within your demographic as you can.
So those are two strengths of each med, and I think we can play them both if we're smart.
The other thing about the podcasts that really, really work, not only they offer something that's entertaining and informative and unique, they all have every single successful podcast has word of mouth and a lot of social media promoting it. So not only do you do a good product, you have to do it consistently over time and then let people know you're doing it.
And so what is the secret of any business, a restaurant, a company, any kind of thing that happen that is going to be successful does product permanence promotion. So again, having a social media plan in place where you're getting the word out about what you're doing.
How are you reaching people that are potential listeners and who would be interested? The next part of it is radio people have been afraid of video.
And when radio people played around with video, they always looked like they pointed a camera at two guys in the studio and they both looked like they slept under a bridge last night. You know, they didn't look good.
Kipper McGee:Yeah, security cam video.
: Musicmaster.com:Got it.
And so learning about how to put on makeup, how to light, how to dress so that you look good on camera, how to present something that's going to be visually interesting, and get yourself on YouTube, because YouTube is now a very, very viable part of podcasting and radio.
Kipper McGee:Very cool.
David Martin:Today we are with the rock star of storytelling, Valerie Geller. Got an idea for a future guest or a topic that we ought to get into? Well, email it to us. We'd love to Hear your suggestions.
Showrandwithondemand.com or reach us on social brand with plus on insta, Facebook and X. That's brandwith plus. Brand with plus.
Kipper McGee:If you're new to the podcast. Hey, welcome. And please be sure to hit the follow button wherever you're getting this.
And if you've been with us for a while, please be sure to tell a friend. Brand BRANDwidth On Demand. Wherever you get podcasts.
VO:Coming up, Adventures in Media Morphosis. Brand BRANDwidth On Demand.
: Musicmaster.com:Music Master presents. Real Music Master pros. Real Music Master pros. Here's to you, Mr. Image. A database backup every week, Guy. Mr. I make a database backup every week, guy.
You've heard the horror stories before. No, no, no. That's not gonna happen to me every week. You think I'll make a backup next week because I'm in a rush, but then you stop and do it anyway.
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VO:Time Brand BRANDwidth On Demand so last.
Kipper McGee:Question is, what advice might you give to young creators today about building a career that really can weather the changes in media distribution and kind of adapt to whatever the world may throw at them, whether it's the next year, next five years or the next decade.
Valerie Geller:It's interesting. I think we have to take the lessons from the past and look at what's worked and what hasn't worked in the past.
But going forward, it is a brave new world. And the only way to figure out what's going to work in the world ahead is to try things and see.
That's the only way you're going to know we're in uncharted territory. We are in unprecedented times. The world is in a technological shift the likes of which we have never seen.
And so books like my books, which are cookbooks, which tell you how to create content, how to focus, engage, opinion, position, storytell, how to look at how your content is relevant, how it matters to people, give you guidelines and methodology to tell stories more powerfully. Those you know. This book is really for you if you would like, help in creating the content.
And then it also gives a lot of ideas about things you can try. And people always say, well, do the methods in your book work? And what I can say is they worked yesterday.
The only way we're going to know they work tomorrow is to try them and see.
Kipper McGee:Well, I gotta say, as recipes and cookbooks go, Valerie, I would take you over Julia Child any day of the week.
David Martin:That's right, fail faster.
: Musicmaster.com: est for the new year ahead in:It's an audio communicator's guide to the digital world for news, talk, information, personality and for podcasting and broadcasting.
And it just came out, it's brand new and I'm really excited to share this work and my dream is to get this book and this work into the hands of anyone and everyone who can use it and benefit and grow their audiences.
David Martin:It's a must read, no doubt about it. Thank you so much, Valerie.
Kipper McGee:Great.
David Martin:Our thanks as always to Valerie Gellert. We can all learn something from them.
We have links to Beyond Powerful Radio, an audio communicator's guide to the Digital World, News talk, information personality for podcast and broadcasting. You'll find all that and more in the show notes. Just scroll down on your phone or find it@brandwithondemand.com
Kipper McGee:thanks as always to exec. Producer Cindy Huber for putting this all together and to our associate producer Hannah B. For handling all the booking.
David Martin:That's a wrap, Kipper. It's all about show business and the new One Minute Merchandising. You'll find it in the show notes@brandwithondemand.com I'm Dave Martin.
Kipper McGee:And I'm Kip Hernbegee. May all your brand with be wide.