Kasey Li is an oral surgeon well known for his EASE procedure, which is the only treatment to do a thorough surgical split beforehand and subsequently achieve parallel expansion from anterior to posterior palate. In this JawCast, he shares a vast amount of knowledge on a multitude of Jaw related topics, including an EASE breakdown backed by evidence & cases, Custom MARPE controversy, his thoughts on FME, Assymetry, Sleep Apnea, how Jaw Surgery & 3 Peice Lefort affects Nasal Breathing, Custom plates, Protraction, his conservative treatment approach, Tooth-borne expanders, and much more.
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00:00:00 Intro
00:02:21 Official Start
00:03:51 Dr. Kasey Li's First EASE Patient Was His Son
00:05:14 Diastema Is Usually Less Than 3mm W/ EASE
00:07:50 Kasey Li's Opinion on Toothborne Expanders
00:10:53 Kasey Li Is Not an Orthodontist
00:14:01 The Toothborne Appliance Bone Growth Fallacy in Ron's Ebook
00:18:26 EASE Common Questions Answered - Powerpoint
00:20:12 6 Consecutive, Most Recent EASE Cases - Analyzing Quality of EASE Expansion, Swelling, etc. No Cherrypicking
00:31:17 EASE Splits from ANS to PNS
00:38:17 68yro Patient Gets EASE and Is Okay W/ Avoiding Surgery and Doing CPAP
00:41:54 Kasey Li Doesn't Aim for an Arbitrary Intermolar Width on Everyone
00:45:12 1mm Expansion Is a Significant Amount W/ EASE
00:48:11 Sleep Studies Before & After EASE - Patients Can Reduce CPAP Pressure After Expansion
00:56:36 Lack of MSE/Custom Marpe Data
00:59:27 What Is SARPE?
01:07:15 EASE Procedure Breakdown
01:18:09 PIEZO Cut is Shallower & Made Blindly While Kasey Li Can Cut All the Way Through to the Nasal Floor.
01:27:01 Screws Perpendicular to Bone in MARPE vs Parallel with Bone in EASE
01:30:41 Managing Asymmetries
01:39:25 Sinus Surgery Before EASE?
01:52:55 Kasey Li Reacts to Paul Coceancig Saying Expanding Nose Doesn't Do Anything
02:05:25 Shuikai's Alternative Segmental Lefort Question & Why EASE Is Better Than Segmental 3 Piece Expansion for Nasal Breathing
02:13:57 It's Never a 1:1 Expansion Ratio from Palate to Upper Midface
02:20:18 Does Kasey Li Do Pterygomaxillary Release for EASE?
02:22:13 Kasey Li Thinks FME Will Have More Failures Than MSE
02:29:04 FME Won't Fundamentally Change How Expansion Works
02:35:29 How to Decide If Patient Should Go Straight to MMA or Do EASE First?
02:42:31 Kasey Li Doesn't Believe in Huge Advancements Because Sleep Apnea Is More Than Just the Anatomy
02:47:29 Kasey Li's Patient Coming Back 14 Years Later After MMA Wondering If He Could Get EASE
02:53:22 Kasey Li's thoughts on Protraction & Bollard Plates
02:57:21 Does Kasey Li Use MSDO?
03:10:25 Does MSDO Improve the Airway by Pulling Lower Jaw Tissues More Taut?
03:16:42 Would Kasey Li Even Bother Turning this Custom Marpe?
03:25:34 Surgeon in Germany Calling Her Procedure EASE
03:28:10 Downsides of Custom Plates & The Experience Level of a Jaw Surgeon
NO MEDICAL OR DENTAL ADVICE. Ronald Ead and JAWHACKS, LLC, dba JawHacks (collectively, “we”) does not give medical advice. We are not licensed medical professionals. The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk. We make no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. You should not use these materials to diagnose or treat any health issues, illnesses or diseases. In addition, we do not recommend or endorse any provider of health care or health-related products, items, or services.