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Curious About Time In Nature
Episode 31st May 2023 • Curious About Nature • Rachel Mills
00:00:00 00:23:09

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Rachel talks to Ian Stephens, a lawn care expert, to discuss his nature-friendly approach to lawn care. Ian's philosophy emphasizes the importance of preserving wildlife and nature while maintaining a healthy and lush lawn. He shares his personal strategies for engaging both children and adults with the great outdoors, including capturing unique moments through photography and paying close attention to small details. Ian's gentle tips on exploring nature will inspire you to slow down and observe your surroundings more mindfully.

Ian Stephens/Lawn Master





Curious About Nature is hosted by Buttercup Learning Founder, Rachel Mills.




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Curious About Nature is a nature show for families, home educators and teachers from the team behind Buttercup Learning and the UK's only nature prints with augmented reality.

There's a new episode every month where guests discuss nature and ways we can connect our families and communities to nature.

What we discussed in the episode

Background and Experience [00:00:46] Ian talks about his background and experience in lawn care, including his work on golf courses and his current job with Lawn Master.

Approach to Lawn Care [00:06:40] Ian discusses his unique approach to lawn care, which involves considering the needs of wildlife and nature.

Recommendations for Getting Outdoors [00:08:12] Rachel asks Ian for recommendations on how to get outdoors, and he talks about working with customers to incorporate nature into their lawn care.

Getting Outdoors [00:08:31] Ian suggests getting outdoors more and enjoying nature, even if it's just a local park or a tree in your garden.

Tips for Exploring Nature [00:12:39] Ian and Rachel discuss the importance of being mindful of your surroundings and not setting high expectations when exploring nature, especially with children.

Collecting Natural Finds [00:15:03] Ian and Rachel talk about collecting natural finds like leaves, feathers, and stones, and creating a scrapbook or box to keep them in. Ian also shares his inspiration for sharing wildlife photographs online.

Taking photos of nature [00:16:36] Ian talks about his hobby of taking photos of nature and how it helps him pass the time.

Recommendations for nature books [00:17:45] Rachel asks Ian for book recommendations for families interested in nature.

Tips for a wildlife-friendly lawn or garden [00:19:43] Ian gives tips on how to create a wildlife-friendly lawn or garden, including starting small and providing food and shelter for wildlife.


Field Studies Council website - 00:17:53


  • Michael Chinery's insect books : 00:17:53
  • Extraordinary Insects by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson : 00:18:48
  • The Forager's Calendar by John Wright: 00:18:48




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