In Episode 4, Martina and Nat talk about how to engage performance anxiety when it shows up in our bodies, so that we get to perform WITH and BECAUSE of it, not 'despite' of it.
They discuss:
(1) How to recognize when or how performance anxiety shows up in our body (hint: for most of us, it screams “I’m not ready!!!” in one way or another...)
(2) “What we resist, persists” - and so trying to fight, skip or outperform our “performance anxiety” actually achieves it’s opposite
(3) When we learn to be with and engage our performance anxiety, we can expand and grow beyond it, so we can “have it” [our feelings & sensations) without our anxiety or overwhelming feelings/sensations having us.
So tune in - and we invite you to share what moves or inspires you, what opens up for you in this conversation.