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Extinction: Passenger Pigeon, the Feathered Tide
Episode 1118th November 2021 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
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Passenger pigeons were once the most numerous bird on the planet, a swarm of Tiny beasts covering the sky. Get three extinct animals raised to life as monsters in D&D:

Episode transcript:


Steve Sullivan, Director of the Hefner Museum of Natural History, Miami University

Stan Rachootin, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Mount Holyoke University

Appearing courtesy the Beneski Museum of Natural History, Amherst College

"Extinction Theme" by Alexandre Miller, The Boy King of Idaho

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Steve Sullivan:

It's a biological storm, fire that shoots across the skies.

Steve Sullivan:

this magnificent pearlescent, skydiving bird.

Steve Sullivan:

Passenger pigeons, as they passed over our head would darken the sky like twilight.

Stan Rachootin:

It was said that they would blot out the sun

Stan Rachootin:

when they would fly over you.

Steve Sullivan:

The thundering of their wings would frighten horses.

Steve Sullivan:

When they would land, sometimes their nesting colonies were miles square.

Stan Rachootin:

And you hope you have an umbrella at the same time, too.

Steve Sullivan:

The feces that they would drop would be so

Steve Sullivan:

potent that it would destroy the trees that they were nesting on.

Stan Rachootin:

In the 19th century, they are by far the

Stan Rachootin:

commonest bird in the world.

Stan Rachootin:

And today?


Welcome to Making a Monster: Extinction.


This is the companion podcast to Book of Extinction, a "monster manual" of animals


lost to the natural world, but given a second life through Dungeons and Dragons.


Natural history is already a part of the DNA of fantasy games.


Many of our favorite monsters began as tall tales of exotic animals.


Bringing extinct species into D and D is one way to honor their memory and


move people toward action in the climate crisis and accelerating mass extinction.


We covered the story of the passenger pigeon a little in


the introduction to this series.


But in this episode, I get to show you how I turned it into a D and


D monster for Book of Extinction.


If you want to follow along with this build, you can go to

Lucas: right now to download a digital preview


of the book, which includes a step block for the real passenger pigeon,


as well as the magical version we'll be creating at the end of the show.


Go ahead.


I'll wait my voice in your phone!


Hit pause, come back.


Our guides.


This episode are Steve Sullivan, director of the Hefner Museum of


Natural History at Miami University.

Steve Sullivan:

First of all, to define extinction: functional extinction

Steve Sullivan:

is when all possible reproducing individuals of a species are gone.

Steve Sullivan:

If we look at the passenger pigeon as an icon, when that one female

Steve Sullivan:

passenger pigeon, Martha, was left alive in the Cincinnati Zoo, the

Steve Sullivan:

species was not "extinct," we might say in quotes, but in fact it was.

Steve Sullivan:

It's functionally extinct.

Steve Sullivan:

Now extinction tends to be accepted as meaning no individuals of

Steve Sullivan:

that species exist on the planet.


I'd also like you to meet Stan Rachootin, Professor Emeritus of


Biological Sciences at Mount Holyoke University on a tour of the Beneski


Museum of Natural History at Amherst college in Amherst, Massachusetts,


it was recorded in April of 2019.

Stan Rachootin:

And we can start with this one, the passenger pigeon.

Stan Rachootin:

Now, if you're reading in the middle of the 19th century about anything

Stan Rachootin:

about nature and people, lots of people talk about passenger pigeons.

Stan Rachootin:

Darwin writes about them.

Stan Rachootin:

Wallace writes about them.

Stan Rachootin:

But the thing that's important about passenger pigeons in the

Stan Rachootin:

19th century, they are by far the commonest bird in the world.

Stan Rachootin:

Incredibly, incredibly large flocks of passenger pigeons.

Steve Sullivan:

So let's sit back and look at North America prior to 1914.

Steve Sullivan:

In fact, let's look at North America prior to the 1600s.

Steve Sullivan:

There were certainly people here.

Steve Sullivan:

They were certainly managing the forests in very sophisticated ways.

Steve Sullivan:

In fact, Ohio is pretty neat because as Ohio is covered in trees, and there are

Steve Sullivan:

a handful of prairies here and there.

Steve Sullivan:

From what we understand, the prairies that are in Ohio are anthropogenic - that

Steve Sullivan:

is to say they were created by humans.

Steve Sullivan:

So the Native Americans that were here recognized the value of diverse habitat

Steve Sullivan:

and have what we call edge habitat.

Steve Sullivan:

That is the habitat that is right between the forest and the prairie,

Steve Sullivan:

that edge where things like to live.

Steve Sullivan:

So they would go in, they would burn trees or otherwise get rid of trees,

Steve Sullivan:

which would encourage prairies to occur.

Steve Sullivan:

So from what we understand, all of these prairies were created

Steve Sullivan:

by Native Americans early on.

Steve Sullivan:

So the forests were managed, but the feel was very much like a tropical rain forest.

Steve Sullivan:

Think Mirkwood.

Steve Sullivan:

Sometimes deep, dark dense, frightening to some people.

Steve Sullivan:

Some of the trees there, the chestnuts, were 12 people linking arms in diameter,

Steve Sullivan:

so big that a family that moves in, a family of colonists, could live inside

Steve Sullivan:

a tree while they're busy building their log house or their sod house,

Steve Sullivan:

or clearing their fields or whatever.

Stan Rachootin:

What were passenger pigeons doing that they could

Stan Rachootin:

have so many huge, such huge flocks of passenger pigeons?

Stan Rachootin:

What do passenger pigeons eat?

Stan Rachootin:


Stan Rachootin:

They are, they are strong fliers.

Stan Rachootin:

They are flying all over the place.

Steve Sullivan:

In fact, there's a record of a passenger pigeon being shot, I think

Steve Sullivan:

it was shot in either New York or New Jersey, and the contents of its crop, the

Steve Sullivan:

place that it stores its food before it goes into its stomach to be ground up, the

Steve Sullivan:

contents of its crop contained fruits that were only fruiting in Florida on that day.

Steve Sullivan:

That shows you how far and how fast they can fly.

Steve Sullivan:

There are estimates that they're flying as much as 60 miles an hour, maybe more.

Stan Rachootin:

Other birds?

Stan Rachootin:


Stan Rachootin:

That it would be very difficult to have a flock of a billion birds that

Stan Rachootin:

are going "Oh, okay, I see a lot, I see us sparrow, let's go guys!"

Stan Rachootin:

And then the billion birds dive down onto the sparrow.

Stan Rachootin:

You know, or even an ostrich at that point, you know, you, you know, you're

Stan Rachootin:

not going to get very far with that.

Stan Rachootin:

No, their specialty was acorns.

Steve Sullivan:

The composition of this deep dark forest was oaks, that

Steve Sullivan:

we're very familiar with that drop acorns; various kinds of, of hickory

Steve Sullivan:

and pecan and walnut, these large shelled nuts; then beech trees.

Steve Sullivan:

Beech trees have very small fruits.

Steve Sullivan:

The trees are towering with this smooth silvery bark.

Steve Sullivan:

It's it's frankly, the bark that people like to vandalize when they're on hikes,

Steve Sullivan:

you know you're in a beautiful, pristine place when the beach trees are smooth,

Steve Sullivan:

like elephant skin, rather than scarred with "so-and-so loves so-and-so 1992."

Steve Sullivan:

Um, beech trees are still around, but they're not as common.

Steve Sullivan:

But in earlier times, if you've heard of things like beech nut gum, or, beech

Steve Sullivan:

nut baby food, things like this, it was recognized that beech nuts are really

Steve Sullivan:

important because nuts in general are very fatty and calories are expensive.

Steve Sullivan:

It's only become, in recent decades, basically my lifetime, that calories have

Steve Sullivan:

become so cheap and easy to get ahold of.

Steve Sullivan:

So when beech nuts would, would have their, their fruits, what we call

Steve Sullivan:

masting, it would be an unusual time.

Stan Rachootin:

And acorns do something called mast, which is spelled M A S T.

Stan Rachootin:

For those of you taking down notes, which you shouldn't be doing, because

Stan Rachootin:

this won't be on the test probably.

Stan Rachootin:

Um, okay.

Stan Rachootin:

So mast fruiting is when oak trees decide and tell each other and they've not let

Stan Rachootin:

us in on their code, we're all gonna make a vast number of acorns just this season.

Steve Sullivan:

They don't mast every year.

Steve Sullivan:

They mast when they're they have enough energy and then they put all

Steve Sullivan:

their energy into creating hundreds of nuts, ankle deep from as far as

Steve Sullivan:

you can see, beech nuts everywhere.

Stan Rachootin:

And so I've been here long enough in my 140 years at Mount Holyoke.

Stan Rachootin:

In the last 35 years at Mount Holyoke, there've been about three or four

Stan Rachootin:

years where you walk around Upper Lake and it feels like you're out in, you

Stan Rachootin:

know, in World War One and they're shooting machine guns at you from all

Stan Rachootin:

directions, because there are so many acorns falling all over the place.

Stan Rachootin:

And then you walk around in a normal year, around Upper Lake

Stan Rachootin:

of ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.

Stan Rachootin:

You know, you hear the acorns falling, but it's not hundreds of acorns falling

Stan Rachootin:

every, you know, every 10 seconds.

Steve Sullivan:

So people would scoop those up.

Steve Sullivan:

Native Americans, colonists would scoop those up, and

Steve Sullivan:

use them as a protein source.

Steve Sullivan:

And importantly, they lack tanins.

Steve Sullivan:

And so we can eat them.

Steve Sullivan:

Now, have you ever had a walnut that just, you know, at like Christmas

Steve Sullivan:

time when people are sitting around shelling walnuts, but then, and

Steve Sullivan:

it just makes your mouth pucker?

Steve Sullivan:

Or worse yet, take a little nibble of an acorn.

Steve Sullivan:

There's a reason we humans don't use acorns as food, but squirrels do.

Steve Sullivan:

They have so much tannin in them.

Steve Sullivan:

It's like you take all the teabags in your, in your box, you soak them in your,

Steve Sullivan:

in your teacup, you boil that down and for a day, and then you try to drink that?

Steve Sullivan:

Your mouth is going to pucker up and that's from the tanins..

Stan Rachootin:

So the mast fruiting, why would the oak trees be into mast fruiting?

Stan Rachootin:

Does anybody eat acorns?

Stan Rachootin:

Squirrels, chipmunks, deer, mice, deer, all the things that carry Lyme disease.

Stan Rachootin:

Deer mice and deer.

Stan Rachootin:

So a big year for acorns, that's going to be followed by a big year for deer

Stan Rachootin:

mice and a big year for Lyme disease.

Stan Rachootin:

So, you know, it really gets under your skin in some way or another.

Steve Sullivan:

Now, as passenger pigeons are skimming that cream of

Steve Sullivan:

nuts off the top of things, passenger pigeon are suppressing deer mice.

Steve Sullivan:

Now there's a hypothesis - this is a difficult hypothesis to substantiate,

Steve Sullivan:

but it's, people are working on it - there's a hypothesis that as, passenger

Steve Sullivan:

pigeons in New England are skimming the beech nuts and acorns, they're

Steve Sullivan:

suppressing the deer mouse population.

Steve Sullivan:

The deer mouse population is suppressed, that means the

Steve Sullivan:

tick population is suppressed.

Steve Sullivan:

That means the Lyme disease population is suppressed.

Steve Sullivan:

That means Lyme disease, wherever it evolved, has to stay localized.

Steve Sullivan:

As soon as we lose the passenger pigeon due to human caused extinction,

Steve Sullivan:

deer mice now have all that food to eat, which means they're reproducing

Steve Sullivan:

nearly monthly and their babies are spreading everywhere with ticks.

Steve Sullivan:

And now all of a sudden humans are not only getting chronic fatigue syndrome

Steve Sullivan:

and other maladies they're even becoming allergic to meat in some cases, because of

Steve Sullivan:

these diseases that are being carried and it may be able to trace its roots back to

Steve Sullivan:

the extinction of the passenger pigeon.

Stan Rachootin:

But in a year that no one, no predator of acorns can predict,

Stan Rachootin:

there are vast numbers of extra acorns.

Stan Rachootin:

There aren't enough weevils or deer mice or deer or chipmunks

Stan Rachootin:

to do much damage to them.

Stan Rachootin:

That's the year the acorns will be able to germinate because there's so many extra.

Steve Sullivan:

So if there are these nuts, like beech nuts, like black walnuts,

Steve Sullivan:

like pecans that have low tannins, we humans really want to use those.

Steve Sullivan:

The other nut that was there was the chestnut and it's extinct

Steve Sullivan:

thanks to a fungal blight that kills them from the ground up.

Steve Sullivan:

So these trees that were 12 men linking arms in diameter, they're gone.

Steve Sullivan:

However, they were so huge.

Steve Sullivan:

even though they've been extinct for a century now they're still

Steve Sullivan:

sending up shoots and trying to grow.

Steve Sullivan:

But as soon as they get above ground, every so often they flower and fruit,

Steve Sullivan:

but then they die because the fungus that exists only from the ground up.

Steve Sullivan:

So here's, this is the ecosystem that we're looking at with passenger pigeons.

Steve Sullivan:



that was a journey.


Um, okay.




I'm with you.

Stan Rachootin:


Stan Rachootin:

And, and all the oak trees get the message that we're going to do it

Stan Rachootin:

together that same year, but nobody else has gotten in on the message.

Stan Rachootin:

And so nobody knows, oh, this is the year I should have 20 extra babies

Stan Rachootin:

because you know, we're going to get to September and there's a vast amount of

Stan Rachootin:

food for getting us through the winter.

Stan Rachootin:

So a lot of the acorns just survive.

Steve Sullivan:

So the environment, the passenger pigeons are living in

Steve Sullivan:

is this dense, dark, human-managed but massive forest, like Mirkwood,

Steve Sullivan:

that includes trees that today over there, this one is masting.

Steve Sullivan:

It's producing tons, literally tons of fruit, but then for the

Steve Sullivan:

next four or five years, nothing.

Steve Sullivan:

But next year, the ones over there are fruiting.

Steve Sullivan:

And so passenger pigeons develop as what we call cream skimmers.

Steve Sullivan:

This is a group of organisms that can come and take the

Steve Sullivan:

best things and then fly away.

Steve Sullivan:

We see this in say African antelope, when the grass is tall and green and,

Steve Sullivan:

and very nutritious, some species will come through, but then eventually the

Steve Sullivan:

grass dries and becomes very short.

Steve Sullivan:

There are other species that will be able to take advantage of that.

Steve Sullivan:

And these two species, the ones that are gleaners and the ones that

Steve Sullivan:

are cream skimmers, they cannot survive off of one another's food.

Steve Sullivan:

We see this with horses all the time.

Steve Sullivan:

If you feed them too rich food, they actually get sick, they

Steve Sullivan:

founder, they don't function well.

Steve Sullivan:

So passenger pigeons are the species that just takes this cream off

Steve Sullivan:

the top, and then it disappears.

Steve Sullivan:

But how do you find the cream in Mirkwood forest when only 5,000 miles

Steve Sullivan:

to the west is fruiting right now.

Steve Sullivan:

And in a couple of weeks, it's 3000 miles to the east.

Steve Sullivan:

Well, what you do is you have lots of eyes that are looking and

Steve Sullivan:

those eyes can move very fast.

Stan Rachootin:

The trick of the passenger pigeons was, "We are willing

Stan Rachootin:

to fly anywhere in North America, it has all oak forest everywhere, to find

Stan Rachootin:

the forest that is doing mast fruiting.

Stan Rachootin:

And then, yeah, I will settle down with 40 million of my closest friends

Stan Rachootin:

and we're going to eat all the acorns.

Stan Rachootin:

And so we're going to start at Missouri.

Stan Rachootin:

And then if the next one is in Wisconsin, we'll fly to Wisconsin.

Stan Rachootin:

And then, okay guys, everybody up to Manitoba."

Stan Rachootin:

And you know, you follow the season, you follow the acorns and everybody gets

Stan Rachootin:

lots of acorns because you're willing to go where the mast fruiting is.

Stan Rachootin:

You're strong fliers and you'll find, and if you have that many of

Stan Rachootin:

you out flying, you're going to find the forests which are doing that.

Steve Sullivan:

It's the principle of satellites today.

Steve Sullivan:

And so in this context, the passenger pigeon is not so much a species

Steve Sullivan:

or an individual, the way that we often like to look at things.

Steve Sullivan:

"Oh, what, what species of pet lizard do you have?"

Steve Sullivan:

Or, "Oh, I like your dog so much."

Steve Sullivan:

In fact, the passenger pigeon is more like an ecological phenomenon.

Steve Sullivan:

It's a biological storm.

Steve Sullivan:

Passenger pigeons, as they passed over our head here in Oxford, Ohio

Steve Sullivan:

would darken the sky like twilight.

Steve Sullivan:

Sometimes their nesting colonies were miles square.

Steve Sullivan:

The feces that they would drop would be so potent that it would destroy

Steve Sullivan:

the trees that they were nesting on.

Steve Sullivan:

It would over nitrogen them.

Steve Sullivan:

Have you ever spilled nitrogen fertilizer on a lawn?

Steve Sullivan:

It creates a giant brown patch of death.

Steve Sullivan:

That's what passenger pigeon poop is doing.

Steve Sullivan:

And while they're doing all this, they're simply scooping up the beech

Steve Sullivan:

nuts, scooping up these chestnuts much like the Chinese chestnuts that we get

Steve Sullivan:

at holiday time in the grocery store.

Steve Sullivan:

These are golf ball sized things.

Steve Sullivan:

They're just popping them down their throat and eventually digesting them.

Steve Sullivan:

They're also, sometimes they die in flight.

Steve Sullivan:

So now they become this little fertilizer packet filled with seeds

Steve Sullivan:

to help the forests grow back up.

Stan Rachootin:

So where are we seeing a story like that in this class?

Stan Rachootin:

Periodical cicadas?

Stan Rachootin:

The 17 year cicadas, mass numbers of them, the predators can't do anything

Stan Rachootin:

with them are so many of them.

Stan Rachootin:

And so they have the trees and the forest to themselves.

Stan Rachootin:

And then 17 years later, there's nobody around who remembers, oh, I remember no

Stan Rachootin:

grandparent is telling the kids about the year of magic cicadas badges, cicadas,

Stan Rachootin:

actually, uh, who came out and provided vast amounts of food for three weeks.

Stan Rachootin:

You just can't remember that because nobody in the forest around here

Stan Rachootin:

lasts more than a couple of years.

Stan Rachootin:

So that was their trick.

Stan Rachootin:

And then we came along and cut down all the oak trees and put in corn and

Stan Rachootin:

wheat and so the passenger pigeons, who have one egg per mating for

Stan Rachootin:

every time they mate, and will only feel comfortable mating surrounded

Stan Rachootin:

by several thousand of their closest friends doing the same thing.

Stan Rachootin:

So you put 14 of them in a single cage in the Cincinnati Zoo, they

Stan Rachootin:

look at each other and say, "Okay, we all take vows of chastity."

Stan Rachootin:

And then they die one after another.

Stan Rachootin:

And that was the end of them in the early 20th century.

Steve Sullivan:

Look around the country.

Steve Sullivan:

How many places are named after pigeons?

Steve Sullivan:

They're not named after city pigeons, who have their native

Steve Sullivan:

range in the Mediterranean Sea.

Steve Sullivan:

Those are named after our unique species, the passenger pigeon, as the

Steve Sullivan:

French say, you can criticize my French accent, the pigeon de passage, Ectopistes

Steve Sullivan:

migratorius, the migratory pigeon.

Steve Sullivan:

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee?

Steve Sullivan:

Passenger pigeons.

Steve Sullivan:

And frankly, it's rich because of passenger pigeons.

Steve Sullivan:

All that passenger pigeon poop?

Steve Sullivan:

It may have killed the trees, but it also increased the productivity

Steve Sullivan:

of the soil over the years.

Steve Sullivan:

Next door over there in Gatlinburg, they could only grow, say, two or three ears

Steve Sullivan:

of corn per given unit .Over there in Pigeon Forge, they could , grow five or

Steve Sullivan:

six or 10 years of corn in the same area.

Steve Sullivan:

So now they have time for banking and for commerce and for art.

Steve Sullivan:

This is not necessarily a true historical example I've given here of these places,

Steve Sullivan:

but it's the kind of example that you get when passenger pigeons poop and die in

Steve Sullivan:

a place, it becomes more rich like that.

Steve Sullivan:

And so all these pigeon places they're named because pigeons were so important,

Steve Sullivan:

this biological phenomenon of pigeons.


Dungeons & Dragons already has a name for this phenomenon: a swarm.


Usually these are Medium, or roughly person-sized, swarms of Tiny


creatures, but that's completely inadequate to describe the "bird-nado"


of a passenger pigeon swarm.


We're about to dive into designing this creature for D&D.


But before we do everybody take a deep breath, because at this point you


might be thinking, "Man, people suck".


So far, everyone I've told this story to has said some version of that to me.


In fact, you might describe your feelings as a "generalized sense that


the ecological foundations of existence are in the process of collapse."


There's a name for that now.


The American Psychological Association recognized it as "eco-anxiety" in 2017.


And I have stared at my bedroom ceiling unable to sleep because of this feeling.


It's not a medical diagnosis, but it is a rational response to what's happening


and the best way to respond to it, to relieve that anxiety, is to take action.


Every conservationist I've spoken to on this project believes that


"people suck and we're all going to die" is not just the least helpful


response you can have, it's flat wrong.


People are amazing.


Our decisions as a species, society, and yes, as individuals change the face of


the world, decide what lives and what dies, and that means we can choose life.


The technologies and solutions to preserve habitat and biodiversity already exist,


and they're getting better by the day.


So here are two ways you can take action in the climate crisis.


First, donate to conservation through Book of Extinction.


Go to, or follow the link in the show notes to go


to the Mage Hand Press store and download the preview of Book of Extinction.


You can pay what you want for it, and whatever you pay will be


donated to conservation efforts to preserve endangered species,


habitat, and biodiversity.


I'm currently meeting with conservation organizations to select


a project and organize a grant.


And there's a lot of details, but if you want to know more follow this


podcast or join my email list and I'll give you details as they unfold.


Second, share these stories with the people you play games with.


Just telling people these animals existed and what they represent


begins to reverse the sliding scale of decreasing biodiversity by helping people


to realize what we've already lost.


The Book of Extinction preview has short articles on the real world history of


these creatures alongside the in-game lore I've written for fantasy worlds


where magic is a selective pressure.


So it's a great way to talk about it.


You can also recommend this podcast.


We get to spend the better part of an hour on each animal and go into


way more detail than I could fit into a monster manual style entry.


All right, everybody.


Okay, stick around to the end of the show to hear about the de-extinction


project for passenger pigeons.


For now, let's make a monster


In the fantasy world of D&D, passenger pigeons would be called "The Feathered


Tide", a swarm of Tiny birds guided by a single instinctual mind.


For starters, let's talk size.


Creatures in D&D are either Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan.


Medium is the size of an average humanoid and occupies a one inch


square on the game's grid at a scale of one inch to five feet.


Tiny is half a square, or anything under two and a half


feet by two and a half feet.


So this would include a single passenger pigeon.


Gargantuan, the game's largest size category, is anything that covers a floor


space of 20 feet by 20 feet or more.


We know from Erol Fuller's book The Passenger Pigeon that roosting sites


could cover anywhere from a few acres to hundreds of square miles, the


largest being recorded at Sparta, Wisconsin in 1871 at 850 square miles.


Pretty much the entirety of Sparta's surrounding county to a depth thick


enough to break the limbs off of trees.


So we know Gargantuan is inadequate.


But how inadequate exactly?


It's time for pigeon math!


So first we got to figure out the volume of a pigeon.


A 1995 study on bird collisions with aircraft measured the volume of rock doves


or domestic pigeons, both when dry and wet, in order to determine their density,


which is just such a gift to the world.


And I know it didn't have my name on the tag, but it feels


like it's for me somehow.


So we know that the volume of a modern domestic pigeon


is 498.5 cubic centimeters.


Let's assume that the passenger pigeon is the same and that the swarm occupies


exactly a 20 by 20 by 20 foot cube instead of a sphere or some random murmuration.


Let us further assume a cubic pigeon, which would occupy this ludicrous cube


in the most efficient way possible.


Under these conditions, a Gargantuan swarm of passenger pigeons


would contain 453,977 birds.


Half a million isn't quite the billions we need to represent the species in its


prime, but it's a good place to start.


So how does this swarm obtain this kind of biomass?


This is D and D.


So the answer is magic.


Of course.


The feathered tide has a feature called "create passenger": Any Medium or


smaller beast that enters the swarm's space or starts its turn there must


make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.


On a failed save, the beast is magically polymorphed into a passenger


pigeon and absorbed by the swarm.


The swarm gains half the beast's current hit points, rounded down,


which is the only way the swarm can regain hit points or heal itself.


On a successful save, the beast is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.


So this swarm will be absorbing other birds, cattle, livestock, or


wild beasts potentially up to, and including the biggest beast currently


in the game, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, so bye bye Sue, I guess.


It forces them to become a passenger pigeon to survive.


It's a new take, I think kind of consistent with modern zombie


stories where loss of identity is one of the major themes explored.


It's also as much as I prefer to avoid this dichotomy, a


kind of "us or them" statement.


Once again, from Fuller's previously cited book, "The plain truth is that the lives


of the Passenger Pigeons and technological humankind were incompatible."


Which brings me back to de extinction.

Stan Rachootin:

There are no living passenger pigeons, although

Stan Rachootin:

people are making arguments.

Stan Rachootin:

Do we have enough of their DNA kicking around in dried up specimens

Stan Rachootin:

that we might be able to get one, you know, get some made up again?

Stan Rachootin:

Uh, maybe, maybe not.

Steve Sullivan:

So a lot of times when we talk about extinct species,

Steve Sullivan:

I'm often asked about de-extinction.

Steve Sullivan:

In my parents' generation, that was unthinkable.

Steve Sullivan:

Watson and Crick, that was what, 1952, when we discovered, what DNA looked

Steve Sullivan:

like thanks to their, piracy, a little bit of Rosalind Franklin's work?

Steve Sullivan:

Uh, but, uh, however that history happened, we finally understood

Steve Sullivan:

really not just that as Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin showed,

Steve Sullivan:

that species can change, but we then also began to understand the genetic

Steve Sullivan:

makeup of how things could change.

Steve Sullivan:

And now today, with, with CRISPR technology, we can kind of cut up

Steve Sullivan:

genes and chuck new bits in there.

Steve Sullivan:

And, in fact with the mammoth, that's been in the news recently, we

Steve Sullivan:

can take Asian elephants and we can take some of these, frozen mammoths

Steve Sullivan:

that have been in the permafrost for so long, which thanks to climate

Steve Sullivan:

change, the permafrost is thawing, so we're able to find these, but so

Steve Sullivan:

well-preserved, we can even eat the meat.

Steve Sullivan:

We can find the genes within those organisms.

Steve Sullivan:

We can splice them into Asian elephants, and it is entirely

Steve Sullivan:

conceivable that we can make a mammoth.

Stan Rachootin:

So I think this is gonna probably be harder to do this

Stan Rachootin:

one than to do, uh, mammoths because mammoths, we have a lot of DNA and Indian

Stan Rachootin:

elephants are really close to mammoths.

Steve Sullivan:

Now, there are some technical hurdles to overcome and some

Steve Sullivan:

biological hurdles to overcome, but, you know, Star Trek was conceivable back

Steve Sullivan:

when the technology was inconceivable and nowadays we're kind of like,

Steve Sullivan:

yeah, I guess we'd just have to find enough titanium on some asteroid

Steve Sullivan:

to finish making the main saucer.

Steve Sullivan:

So we can at least conceive that this could happen.

Steve Sullivan:

There are a couple of ways that we can accomplish de-extinction.

Steve Sullivan:

One is, as I've said, the sort of transgenics, and we can sort of fill in

Steve Sullivan:

the gaps of a, of an existing species so that it becomes the extinct species.

Steve Sullivan:

With the passenger pigeon, there have been proposals to take the band tailed pigeon,

Steve Sullivan:

which is from a taxonomic perspective, probably the closest relative of the

Steve Sullivan:

passenger pigeon, and to simply cut out the parts that make it distinctly band

Steve Sullivan:

tailed pigeon, and plug in the parts that make it distinctly passenger pigeon.

Steve Sullivan:

In fact, um, years ago, I was managing a collection where we donated a very small

Steve Sullivan:

sample of passenger pigeon tissue to a program that was analyzing their genes.

Steve Sullivan:

And, you know, we can, we now have the sequence.

Steve Sullivan:

We can create that sequence out of functional amino acids.

Steve Sullivan:

We could plug that in.

Steve Sullivan:

So some of that technology literally exists and the

Steve Sullivan:

hurdles need to be overcome.

Steve Sullivan:

And to some extent it's a matter of time, expertise, and the money to pay for it.

Steve Sullivan:

Now the question comes, let's say we've achieved de-extinction.

Steve Sullivan:

So if I de-extinct a pigeon and it hatches out in my hand and it's this so

Steve Sullivan:

homely, it's cute little altricial bird.

Steve Sullivan:

And it grows up to this magnificent pearlescent, skydiving

Steve Sullivan:

bird, and there's one of them.

Steve Sullivan:

And I've got it in a cage in my lab, or I've got in a cage in a

Steve Sullivan:

zoo, or I've got it in an aviary.

Steve Sullivan:

Maybe I've got a hundred birds.

Steve Sullivan:

At what point have we actually de extincted the passenger pigeon?

Steve Sullivan:

Are we going to be okay with passenger pigeons, thundering across the sky,

Steve Sullivan:

maybe 10 times a year, maybe no times a year, who knows when, pooping on

Steve Sullivan:

all our cars, ruining our paint jobs, making our cities stink for a time?

Steve Sullivan:

Are we okay with that biological phenomenon today?

Steve Sullivan:

So the answer is yes, de-extinction is awesome.

Steve Sullivan:

The other answer is de-extinction is problematic and we still need to have

Steve Sullivan:

a big community conversation about it.

Steve Sullivan:

I would say that passenger pigeons, even when a real one can perch

Steve Sullivan:

on my hand will never be de extincted as I'm calling it now.


Special thanks this episode to Fred Venne and the Beneski Museum


of Natural History at Amherst College for contributing the recording


of professor Rachooti's tour.


Thanks also to Steve Sullivan at the Hefner Museum of Natural History,


whose storytelling skill and passion for conservation education are a


gift to this project and the world.


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