The Old Testament and Jesus
Mark Stouffer
While arguing with Jewish authorities and religious leaders, Jesus told them, “You search the Scriptures and believe that in them, you have eternal life. But it are these scriptures that bear witness of ME.” That is in John 5:39.
That is True… many people have read the Bible. Some many times. I pray the Word has done its work in converting their hearts. Amen! But some still have questions.
Many people today that have questions are actually Jewish people who are “waiting for the Messiah.” How can we show them that Jesus already came the first time – and is about to come for a second time?
How can we reach these Jewish people that are searching the scriptures of the Old Testament, looking for answers?
Our guest today is helping that process. Amen!
Mark Stouffer is a Christian author who has done a deep dive on the what is known as the “Tanakh” – which are the first five books of the Bible, written by Moses. They are “Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These five book are sacred to the Jewish Faith. But yet, Jesus told them, “They talk about ME.”
He is writing a series of books, with the first book now published. It’s titled, “Hesed: Does the Tankh Foreshadow Jesus?” This is a great book and we will discussing it today. Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, Mark Stouffer! Mark, I appreciate you joining us today!
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Mark Stouffer?”
Your first book is “Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus?” It is written for Jewish people that want to know the Truth about Jesus – and for Christians who want to learn about the Tanakh, or Old Testament.
Why did you write this book and why publish it now?
One thing you bring out in your book is the issue of “moral guilt is not decisively resolved.” Can you share what you mean by that?
I know we don’t have time to go into a lot of details. But one thing I want you to bring out is some of the ways in which some Biblical heroes suffered just like Jesus did. Or we could say it another way, how Jesus suffered just like some of the prophets of old (since they came first). Can you share just a little bit of those similarities with us?
This is going to be a series of books. Is that right?
Explain the series for us…
What do you see God doing in the world today that is getting everything ready for the return of Jesus?
I believe that every believer alive today has a purpose for being born in this day – and this time – which God wants them to accomplish. What are your thoughts on this?
Mark, this is so interesting. How can someone order a copy of your book, “Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus?”
When do you anticipate book two to be released? (March 2024)
If someone has a question or would like to get in contact with you for some additional information – or perhaps to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, this book, “Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus?” is going to be a great resource for you to have in your library. I’ve already bought mine and the way Mark has laid out this information is informative, interesting and gets the juices going in your though processes. I highly recommend this book. Drop down into the show notes and order your copy right now – while you are thinking about it. Get another for your pastor and a few more for the Bible study classes, too. Amen! Praise God! Mark Stouffer has done the hard part, the research and writing. Now it’s your turn to help “Get the Word Out” by sharing this magnificent book. Amen! Drop down into the show notes and order your copy today.
Book: “Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus?” – on Amazon
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