In this transformative inaugural episode of MAYU, host Clare Williamson dives deep with Niraj Naik, founder of SOMA Breath, exploring the alchemical power of breath and its profound impact on manifestation, consciousness, unlocking the power of your sacred sexuality.
Niraj shares his incredible journey from pharmacist to breathwork pioneer, revealing how this practice not only healed his autoimmune disease but also opened doors to profound spiritual experiences and business success that feels easy, aligned and fun!
Whether you're a spiritual seeker, an entrepreneur looking to scale your impact, or simply curious about the untapped potential within your own breath, this episode offers invaluable insights and practical tools for transformation.
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(0:00 - 1:41)
Welcome beautiful souls to Mayu, the podcast for visionary entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers ready to transform their lives and businesses. I'm Claire Williamson, also known as the Millionaire Shawoban, and I'm here to guide you on this journey. Mayu is a community where conscious business meets spiritual growth and the place where infinite evolution and transformation is possible so you can awaken the seeds of your destiny.
In each episode we'll explore practical strategies for spiritual entrepreneurship, techniques to unlock your inner wisdom and creativity, tools to align your business with your soul's purpose, insights from leading-edge thought leaders and conscious wealth creation that takes you out of the matrix of what you already know. Let Mayu be your sacred altar, a place where you can come to nourish your mind, body and soul. Whether you're looking to scale your income in a more awakened way, create deeper impact, find more meaning in your work or simply live a more awakened life, you'll find inspiration and actionable advice here.
Mayu is a galactic river, the connection between heaven and earth. Join us as we navigate the cosmic currents of transformation together. Let's awaken your full potential and create success that in turn creates deep soul happiness.
(1:42 - 2:18)
Ready to start your journey? Let's dive in. Hey Neeraj, how are you going? Good, how are you? I am so good. I'm so excited to have you here on Mayu.
Welcome. Yes, nice to be here too. Do you want to give a quick introduction? I'm sure everybody does know who you are, but do you want to share who you are and what is your movement? What is my movement? Who are you and what is your movement? Sitting quite still right now, trying to look good for the camera.
(2:21 - 2:41)
So who am I? I'm Neeraj, the founder of Soma Breath. You may have heard of it. It's a breathwork school where we train people, we teach people how to breathe, which is quite a novel concept, teaching people how to breathe.
(2:42 - 4:37)
But yeah, it's kind of taken a life of its own. We've got over, I think, almost 3,000 instructors and we teach something that's very important, which is we can go without food for weeks, we can go water for days, but breathing just minutes. But for some reason, our culture, society has, in our recent times, really made it the least regarded thing or something we take for granted.
But it's actually not new news. It's been around for thousands of years where people have created schools all around how to breathe correctly and how to use the breath for other effects like psychedelic, spiritual experiences, self-exploration, self-realization. So there's many different aspects to the breath and that's why I call it a pharmacy.
And I would say that we're like the pharmacy of breathing practices in schools. And I actually am a pharmacist. For many years, I worked as a community pharmacist and then I got very sick with autoimmune disease and it was going through that healing journey where I discovered the power of the breath.
I had first-hand experience of what it can do for switching off stress and reprogramming the unconscious mind and getting into the real programming of who we are. What actually has manifested disease in the first place is this inner programming that has, over the years, had thought viruses installed into it which then can lead to diseases. So we teach people how to go in there, become like software programmers and reprogram this operating system using a combination of breathing techniques with music.
-:Music has this amazing extra effect to it that has many different benefits itself but it guides the breath during our breath journeys which revolves a lot around rhythmic breathing. So music is a core part of it but also what I call NSP, neurosomatic programming. It's the use of the right words, language, communication to the layers on top of the breathing and the music to take people into different autostates of consciousness and to also reprogram the operating system.
That's why I call it neurosomatic programming because we're using the body, engaging the body for this experience. So if you're aware of things like hypnotherapy, subconscious reprogramming, this is that taken to another level. NLP, you know you may have heard of that, it's like NLP 10x because we bring the body into it, the soma, hence the name soma breath.
And it's all done in a very fun, cool way which is very engaging and scalable means it's easy to teach and easy for people to implement and bring into their daily routines. So you know what we've done is taken these ancient esoteric practices, made them more fun, engaging and scientific. So we create these amazing protocols and yeah that's what we train our instructors to do which you're one of them.
I am and you know that was going to be my first question because there's a lot of these breath work movements happening now you know it's like why is soma breath the best movement in the whole world and I think you just completely summed it up but I mean if you want to add anything there. I mean I don't want to say we're the best or anything like that there's loads of different schools and everyone has their own flavour and preferences but we are very comprehensive and because of my science background and also the fact I'm very deep into music and have like music you know signed to amazing record labels and it's a big passion of mine as well. The music's of a very high standard so everything we do is very high quality so I really package in the science, the music and the techniques itself you know because it comes from my own personal culture.
But we've also partnered with a true yogic doctor in the Himalayas. He's a medical doctor you know but he's also highly skilled in these ancient practices and he can read and write sanskrit fluently so together we've co-created the curriculum for soma breath so it's very very legit and but it comes in with a novel perspective that comes from more of a medical perspective which really is all about the mechanics of how the breath works from both the spiritual reason for doing it and the medical reason for doing these techniques and so with that you get very comprehensive understanding of the breath from two sides of the you know the picture like from the past and also the present well also the future because right now we're doing a lot of science as well studies with Cambridge University but also University of California. They're doing a long study with us in fact the best biggest breathwork study has ever been done was just done on our 21-day awakening protocol with Cambridge which is quite an accolade for me.
So yes all of this is adding to the quality of what we're delivering. I mean the music is huge and I think you know you said it like 3 000 instructors and the movement itself you know you're following and I know that it's that upbeat easy fun you know community feel that Soma has got that's just beautiful right it's like playing the flute follow the flute follow the music. I've seen a big shift though in my time with you from that kind of health perspective I guess across to the power of this love frequency and how we should all attune to it and you know I think bringing in the the breath raves has been a big part of that.
Do you want to talk a little bit into you know the love frequency what is this l-o-v-e frequency what's it tell me about that? Well it's just my terminology right so I was looking at the word love as an acronym and if you look at it can stand for level of vibrational energy and if you think about love being a scale of emotion right so right the top end of the scale on the light side of the emotions I don't say negative positive I'd say light or dark but if you look at the light end of the spectrum you have like the complete love for all right is acceptance peace equanimity that's the love for all right where you have complete peace of mind right but then there's the no love where there's absolute zero love on the other end of the spectrum is what you call like apathy or severe depression where you have no love for yourself no love for life and you don't even want to get out of bed you can't even move all right so that's the two ends of the spectrum the one on the dark and one on the light so if you think of that spectrum if you think about life as an experience of emotions which it really is it's like we feel our way through life right that's how we have an experience of life we have a conscious experience of life that we feel right through different senses where we feel we touch we smell we see but a lot of what we do is driven by our feelings or emotions you think of emotion as energy in motion this spectrum you could also say is energy right different scales of energy so absolute love for all is a positive high energy state right and then there's a very low energy state which is right the other end of the spectrum so that's why i call love level of vibrational energy so how much love do you have well soma breath is all about making people wake up every day going i love my life right regardless of the situation and to really mean it not just to fake it but to really embody that mantra right because there's so much that you can love or just this you know the first you love yourself and there's so much we're going to be grateful for so we help people to fall back in love with life again and the breath is one of the best ways to do this because breath work firstly it changes the energy within is the ultimate way of connecting with the energy within because it's actually how we produce energy in the body so how we produce energy oxygen comes in and it burns creates an energetic reaction to produce ATP energy is the life force that drives all of life so breathing is intimately linked to energy all right how we produce it but also the nervous system because we can do a lot of things unconsciously that just run by themselves like a heartbeat our body temperature immune system all this stuff runs on autopilot breathing is the one thing that runs on autopilot but also we can consciously control so because of that conscious control it means we can tap into the autonomic nervous system and in our autonomic nervous system we have you know we have the hindu system calls it chakras but if you look at the chakras they are pointing to each of the endocrine glands and each one of those endocrine glands create different hormones that will invoke feeling all right and what our breathwork techniques do we have this energized breath meditation routine that we do we teach people to do in the mornings it uses this breathing technique where you're holding a breath in various ways and also rhythmic breathing what it does is it creates a dose dose stands for dopamine oxytocin serotonin endorphins these are this is the soma within right so what we're doing is we're awakening this dose giving yourself a dose every single morning of these amazing feel-good neurotransmitters and oxytocin is the love molecule right it is what's released when you you feel in love and feel passionate and you have empathy all right compassion so oxytocin is also shown to have the ultimate effect on the brain for neuroplasticity so when you use positive mantras music and other kind of affirmations and other techniques you can very quickly change your state create this dose and alter your state very fast so if you're feeling really shit you can raise your vibe very quickly by changing the chemistry within your body programming yourself to wake up with that enthusiasm enthusiasm is that force that gets us to do epic stuff in the world so you get you wake up with a big dose of enthusiasm right that's really what summer breath is all about is to help people fall in love with life again and the breath is one aspect of it because that can be like a catalyst for a lot more because first it helps you really wake up to who you are because you start thinking clearly again because if you can quickly rebalance your nervous system or create this dose of amazing neurotransmitters you can actually start thinking like in a more clear rational way than maybe you did before and this can help you let go of the past right because we end up getting hung up on the past and past events things that have happened in the past which there's nothing we can do to change right but so many people get stuck in the past right so overcoming that having a way to clear that old stagnant energy those old emotions out of the body the breath is really good for that and then it can help you become very present very very focused and connected with the present right but it can also help you release the anxiety of the future the worry which a lot of people live in this worry and anxiety and what happens if you're living in the future and in the past right you forget about the present and the present is the state when you can get really in that flow state of being really present is that state where all tension goes all negativity goes and you just become really in this state i call divine flow where things just effortlessly flow through your life but it and tension releases when you are not worried about things in the future and you're not hung up on the past because every thought in your brain that's whizzing around and this is why we use meditation right is creating a tension in the body so by just calming the breath down becoming aware of the breath we take our attention away from that voice in the head that's worrying about things right calms it down and that releases so much tension you start to get blood flow going through your body again especially back into your brain we also alter the co2 balance which allows you to have better oxygenation especially of your organs like your heart by doing that you suddenly will start to have incredible clarity and energy like mojo so we get the divine flow mixed with energy and vitality or mojo put it together you get flojo which is really what we're we're giving our um our people right people who do our stuff that's what they report they they report things like suddenly getting the mojo back suddenly feeling in love with life suddenly um getting into these crazy flow states or they're manifesting like crazy so if you really want to manifest you have to take care of your mojo and your flow your ability to be present and to feel like you're being connected to something higher than yourself a higher power all right so that's what we help people to do and like one of the the most successful change programs has ever been made is the 12 steps for recovery for addictions and alcoholism and things like that it's by the aa the alcoholics anonymous and it's such an effective program it's gone on for many years so many people have used it however one of the core tenets of it is a belief in something beyond yourself something higher than yourself right and surrendering to that power so Sorrow Breath is all about that because these are very spiritual ideas from many esoteric practices not just hinduism or anything like that but also other cultures you know from the kabbalah to christianity to islam they all have this belief in something beyond themselves a faith all right and when you get into that state where you feel you're connected something beyond yourself and you've got the energy and vitality to really really have the drive to do what you want right to get what you want you've got the energy suddenly the health then magic starts happening like crazy magic starts happening in your life so this is what i want to pass on because this is what's happened to me you know and so many people around me all the people i've taught in the early days they're all having amazing results so i was like well you know so many people are asking me like how do you learn how to do this you know we have these crazy magic routines like these awaken ceremonies they're like breathwork like spiritual experience awakening experiences where you go to that for an hour two hours and you're taken on this incredible journey where you feel like having conversations with god at the end of it so you know we have all these different types of classes that we teach our instructors you know from functional breathing to these kinds of powerful waking ceremonies to just simple energized breath meditation routines they're fun routines that you can practice every day you know and we also you know have many breath tracks with music where our instructors lay their voice over the top and guide people through amazing changes and give them to their clients so we're really taking care of everything from the digital side to the physical in-person offline stuff from retreats to you know different types of courses and so it's yeah it's over the years we've just constantly been upgrading it you know making it better because this is like what i live and breathe like you know it's like there's not a day that goes past where i'm like oh can't be bothered to do this i'm gonna do something else you know it's just not gonna happen and everyone in our core team's like that they're obsessed with this mission because the results are so profound they are they absolutely and everything that you say happened to me too magic miracles and i think something that i'm curious about something that i've noticed because i work with a lot of manifestation teachers and there's this kind of i think disconnect when people start to try to become neutral because we learn okay we can't be triggered by these things around us but it almost switches off the feeling center so it's like with the with the breath and with the music and and with the i want to talk a little bit about this unconscious journey into transformation that i really think is powerful with your breath movement but it's like the soma breath allows you to drop back into your heart because what you said is so powerful feeling your way through every moment when you can remember to be in the present when you can reconnect to your breath and fully be here now right that involves feeling that involves feeling something and i do i think there's a bit of a disconnect with some of the manifestation teachings that leans people towards a neutrality that becomes a little bit cold you know we can react we can have a full spectrum of feelings and they're all good they're actually all light in some ways right because there's no there's no polarity there's no duality it's like the sun needs the moon to come down to rise it's like we have to feel all of it so i do i think it's beautiful how soma breath just drops you into that feeling center kind of reminds your heart to beat and feel that heartbeat and start living into every single moment again yeah yeah because in these eastern traditions like is considered foolish to control the mind through the mind right so it's much easier to control the mind through the body the soma so tantra a tan actually means body in tantra so tantra is a complete system of using the body to control the mind because how we feel is everything feelings have meanings right all right so what we do like with we don't tell people to ignore how they feel or like to ignore it and to only think of the light because that's not how it works all right so what we invite people to do and this is what our routines do some of our techniques is like most people who get really hung up in the past what they're getting hung up over is something that either somebody did to them or they did someone else right there's a karmic action that happened and so there was consequences to that action but it was in the past and you can't change that so all you can do in the present moment right is to identify how it made you feel right how did it make you feel for that event to have happened to you and then what we do is in this in this safe space in this all to say consciousness you can go back and revisit that moment and you can ask yourself how would you rather this felt you know or how what would you how would you want it to go instead that event how so it starts with how do you want to feel instead right so if you feel a lot of guilt all right what's the what do people want to feel instead of guilt right probably acceptance okay so you choose another emotion right and how would that feel how would it look how would it how would it see if you had a movie in your mind right and you could go back and retell that story in the way you rather it went okay the brain is so crazy that you can actually just by in a certain autostate retell a story through a mind movie because our minds love movies that's why we love going to cinema all right that's constantly bombarding with all different types of sensory inputs from light you know to sound and there's also in some cinemas it's they add smells into it and sprays and you feel the touch right you feel the mist going in so there's some like special effects cinemas as well but ultimately like we can create our own cinema in our own mind and in a in our practices the more what breath therapy sessions are we call them like you can actually just retell a past event to your brain and the meaning can be changed that you associate with it all right so rather than feeling guilty you can actually feel something completely different because you've changed the perception of that past event to what it means to your brain because an event will happen and that event will store information to keep you safe right to prevent you from entering into another threatening situation might make you feel even more guilty right so some some stories are important because there may be a strong lesson i don't do that again all right if you feel guilty and do it again it's okay but but to be hung up in that past experience which a lot of people do that can lead to depression and can stop people from doing anything they can you people lose their self-esteem their confidence their enthusiasm all right and these past events the deeper and deeper uh the trauma can be it usually is when they happen in the first seven years of someone's life so with the these powerful breath sessions we can go right back to these early imprints all right and clear them out and reframe them reprogram them and then at the end of it naturally by retelling the story to yourself and just the way we create the dose you can change how you feel from guilty to suddenly joyous and joyful because whatever happened in the past it may have happened for a reason that has actually saved you right in some ways so there's ways you can retell the story to make it way more empowering all right and it works so well uh for a lot of people also like sometimes you don't even need to so we we use this color breathing process where if you're like doing the session if you're guiding it right as a therapist breath therapist you don't need to know anything about the person's story right and they do the reframing using a special color technique using colors to change the programming and the association of the feeling to the event and that way actually we don't have to get hung up in the story and the drama and and make that you know re-trigger us we don't have to go there and these techniques can work very fast like in five ten minutes as well so so we teach all of these techniques right and just simply like let's say you don't have any deep sea of trauma to clear but just simply doing one of our breath journeys that focus on attention like gratitude right again we use this my movie technique to visualize what gratitude means to you and bring up those feelings because very quickly with this my movie technique we can as a visual creative visualization technique we can invoke feelings in the body and then with the breath and the music we can amplify those feelings and the breath techniques itself are designed to give you this dose of dopamine oxytocin serotonin endorphins and that that combination creates the best chemistry in the brain for your brain to change according to its own will right so if you want to amplify gratefulness right you can let's say you want to then use that that energy of gratitude right as an emotion it's a very highly charged emotion it's a very powerful emotion to fuel something you want to get done in your life let's say you have something important to do maybe you're a business person and you got to do something that you keep putting off because you're just nervous or a little bit scared or just procrastinating okay you can fuel your drive to overcome procrastination and get stuff done by just channeling that energy through a breath technique through one of our breath journeys into achieving what it is you want and it will be surprised at how powerful just one or two sessions like that can do for getting shit done i use it all the time you know and then crazy magic starts happening i was gonna say let's own it though because what happens is you don't end up doing as much at all you know shift your frequency and i think what you were talking about before about that revealing you know not starting to know yourself feel yourself become more of yourself and then life starts to align to that frequency things start to become way easier it's it's insane um i've got a question because i'm gonna i feel like i feel like though still like so not everyone gets into like these super divine states right and the reason why right because not everyone gets the results so the reason why is because we were born the moment we were born we were bombarded right by the environment or by people by influences and they they basically programmed you with a lot of shit basically that creates blocks to take an action right so the key word in law so you're going to do some things right but what happens is when people are really hung up on the past or very anxious about the future right they end up like changing their vibration completely they're firstly the level of taking action but also the vibration they give off the magnetic potential that they have is diminished when they haven't cleared out that so none of that stuff that's happened to you in the past is anyone's fault but it is your responsibility to fix it once you know when you have the level of awareness where you may be watching this right now you now know that we get programmed in the early years now you know that there are ways to fix it so it is our responsibility to fix this stuff ourselves or with a trained breath therapist and that will then mean that once you've got rid of some of those blocks then you start to vibrate at this crazy frequency because the frequency you broadcast out to the universe is a sum total of all of the feelings and beliefs that you have right beliefs about what i can have and what i can't have and beliefs about what's safe unsafe right and what i deserve and what i don't deserve so all these beliefs i get formed in these early life moments right so also that creates an identity the ego gets fixed so we have this part of the brain the brain's version of the ego it's called the default mode network that gets fixed so it gets rigid and so that's the product of all of these life experiences we've had up up until this point so until you do some powerful session like what we do these awakening ceremonies or seven breath journeys like it's very hard to shift this this rigid brain that gets formed but this is what Cambridge have shown as well is that the default mode network quiets down in one of these sessions and it allows you to change that deep sea of programming that changed your operating system so you can really upgrade it you know you can go to the next level operating system and start to install real programs that take you to where you want to go and that's when you get into the crazy magic states so everyone has a different level of where they're going to vibrate at right but just think that your vibration you give out it's like a it's a signature it's a frequency and you'll get back where you broadcast out to universe right so if you have a lot of baggage you're carrying a lot of stuff in the past that you haven't rewired right it's going to be much harder to get into those crazy flow states you know i'm talking about but it's not hard to get rid of it it can happen very quickly in fact we have a course a 21 day awakening journey completely designed for doing that and i really recommend doing it with you know people like yourself uh you know doing it one-on-one with a fully trained seven breath transformational coach is probably the very best thing you could possibly do if you feel this resonates with you where you feel like you see all these people having these amazing flow states and they just seem to be lucky all the time but you're not getting that right now well i've just given you some idea now of why that might be so now it's your responsibility if you want to to do something about it because i guarantee it and i've seen it time and time again you know we have over three thousand well around three thousand instructors but we've got hundreds of thousands of people around the world do things i get so many positive stories every day so i know that this stuff works all right you can be one of those people but a lot of those people did the first to get to those results what a beautiful level of work though i mean the the breath techniques the breath journeys they're they're beautiful you know to wake up i don't like to call it breath work yeah you know what i mean it's like it's not really beautiful yeah but it's almost the easiest way to do some of this hard digging into we can't call it breath play okay because it's if you look at breath play it's x-rated well i want to move to something x-rated actually because something that i remember i remember listening to the the back end you know the the membership the the course the instructor course and you know i'd been listening to a lot of contact that content that day and i think my attention was drifting and then you show up on this video walking down a beach and i think you're in thailand and you started talking about sex magic and i was like what and i my ears picked up and it was about channeling this sexual energy into creation and i was fascinated and really for me this opened some doors that have created real magic in my world especially coming into the body and the somatic stuff and and again manifestation spirituality but how can people number one how did you get onto that path and number two like how can people use their breath more for that spiritual insight so as we're on the the topic of sex um i have to just read out what breath play is it leads it leads to what we were talking about earlier about the dose d-o-s-e right so yeah so what is the psychology behind breath play so endorphins are released when i think actually let me say again so what is the physiology behind breath play so endorphins are released when airflow resumes and those who have had their oxygen withheld begin let me say again i'm not reading right okay what is the psychology behind breath play endorphins are released when airflow resumes and those who have had their oxygen withheld begin to take fresh breaths so there's endorphins that's the e in dose right this endorphin release paired with the rush of hormones already heightened during sexual intercourse so during sexual intercourse you release dopamine oxytocin serotonin endorphins and a load of others right is a highly desired feeling for some individuals ah okay so going back to what i was talking about uh what do we do in a soma breath journey we hold our breath we hold our breath to a maximum effort so as i was saying when we get to a certain breath retention time around 60 to 90 seconds we release the soma within which is this dose of a cocktail of neurotransmitters okay which actually has this very blissful feeling associated with it so obviously if you have sex at the same time it's going to amplify the sexual orgasm right like it's going to significantly amplify it okay so that's why in kind of these very elite sex magic circles you may have heard the stories of some people doing it a bit too you know passionately and actually strangling themselves by accident to death i think one of the i think michael hutchins from nxs did it wow right he was from australia right so uh this famous band called nxs i think he died in that way and a few other people did wow yeah yeah they're using so they're basically taking the kumbhaka trying to replicate what we're doing wow okay that's crazy yeah so let me talk to you about tantric sex then so tantric sex okay is let's just go let me just describe the process of how to do it uh in a concise way okay and then we'll see you'll see then your the penny will drop of why they do breath play all right during sex so tantric sex okay when you do it properly you know you do it as a couple okay you'll begin with eye gazing and rhythmic slow rhythmic breathing where you're you're connecting with each other's uh breathing which will then sync your heart rate you're breathing together and you're eye gazing what happens you start to produce large amounts of oxytocin right within within like five ten minutes you will start pumping out oxytocin because just the act of eye gazing by staring someone's eyes well even if you don't like them after a little while if you just force into that environment even if you don't find them attractive or anything you will start producing oxytocin within the somatic intelligence starts to create it okay so this is why in a lot of tantric classes if you go to the retreats the first thing they make you do is years eye gazing okay you start to feel this oxytocin you feel this love for someone that you you don't even know there's some random person you meet a retreat i've been there i've okay is then you move into a shiva shakti position right where if you're like in a male female couple that the the woman will be straddled on top of you the man would be sitting pretty much upright right or lying down on their back and the woman will be on top okay and then the sexual act activity is where you start with very slow rhythmic breathing okay but very slow movements it's very very slow and at the same time what you're doing is you're using the ashrini mudra so with every breath in you're contracting up the sphincter muscles okay or the pelvic floor and letting go on the exhale so this is very similar to what we're doing summer breath right so breathing in the four beats letting go four beats they might have like rhythmic music in the background so you get into your natural rhythm and then this slow rhythm breathing may speed up slowly and then gradually go down as you start to move in cycles towards that feeling of full body pleasure right so you don't go to climax right that's the idea is you prolong climax as long as you possibly can because what will happen is when you get to a certain point just before climax you will start to feel these waves of pleasure and the idea is to ride that wave okay the same time at that point when you start to get to that point where it feels like you know you're getting a bit too turned on and you might ejaculate the man will breathe in right and the man has to be very still throughout this whole process because they're playing the role of Shiva, Shiva's still consciousness and the woman is playing Shakti so they have to play the the dance right they have to be the ones moving through the movement and they control the rhythm so during this time when a man gets to a point where they're feeling like very intense pressure coming on they have to use they have to apply the mula bandha breathing squeezing hold and you have to hold that position by very erect and this will give waves of pleasure to the woman as well right while you're holding your breath so as you hold your breath on the inhale the longer you can hold it that's why all this tantric training that we do is so in breath is so useful because it means you can hold your breath for crazy lengths of time all right much more than what normal people can do and what that would do is it stops you from ejaculating just pulling up the mula bandha and contracting and breathing in holding the exhale and just maintaining that for as long as you can is really difficult to ejaculate and what will happen then is you'll get into these super profound waves of pleasure these full-body orgasmic states now during this time a woman could be having multiple orgasms throughout this whole period but it's a man's job to stay still like Shiva no thrusting there's no you know like missionary position like going crazy like a rabbit none of that like the man has to be in a meditation and very very still and really applying that contraption on the sphincter muscles and holding the breath playing with the breath never really hyperventilating just very slow breathing and the whole act is very slow right it goes on for a long period of time the whole point is that you use this heightened state this divine cosmic bliss state which is you'll start to see just white lights when you know you're getting to that right point you'll you'll just see white everywhere okay this state if you put an attention in this if you use the mind movie to manifest and you both do it together as a couple for the same thing crazy magic is inevitably going to follow so so that's what you do and you don't really the idea is not to go to if you have to then it's okay but you want to hold it as much as you can and get into this full body bliss state this heightened i call it the numer neurosomatic bliss state they're only really through tantric sex or really good mdma can you get into that state yeah and that's where we're going in the 21 days right that third i remember the first time i ever did the third week and it took me about five attempts to get to the the third week too because i found it overwhelming you know just like the vision the the the yeah it was almost like my body did not know how to hold that amount of pleasure and it brought in all of these kind of um yeah i felt kind of judgments come in my husband made some sort of content comment about oh you might be able to just get off on your breath you know because i was so into this this process of this this 21 days and obviously that third week as well we're investing like over an hour into our breath work shutting the door and just being like you know we're going places so so that uh that shows that you don't even need to be that's right sex to do it that's right you could just do it to yourself with yourself and get into the same kind of cosmic states it won't maybe not be as profound as if you do as a couple but we do have some of couples we sometimes do little intimate retreats of that nature but yeah so you can just with the breathwork and yourself get into these cosmic bliss states because we use the ashwini mudra the ashwini mudra ashwini stands for horse all right what horses do is they they contract this thing to relax contract they do that a lot and horses are known for their power all right strength so this part of the anatomy this these muscles around your sphincter when you contract up and squeeze and let go this pulsing rhythm okay uh creates because it's connected to your sympathetic nervous system that's what creates the waves of pleasure it can lead to orgasm just doing that right uh so especially for girls girls using ashwini mudra can really just invoke and the breath can invoke an orgasm just without load so what happened was in the early days it was this of the 21 days uh we did this retreat in ibiza and this amazing lady came and she was in london and she lived in sorry she lived in england and she lived like near the sea and i hadn't taken my wife much around england and she invited us to go and visit her because they have this amazing house uh near the beach in brighton area so i was like okay cool let's let's do it so i went there and her husband is this proper gangster like he's like full on gangster there's no doubt about it he's a gangster but really cool guy very nice guy a humble guy but you know like proper like rough around the edges you know i mean and he told me and i was like i got pretty scared at this point he told me the story of like how every morning right he hears his wife having a symphony of orgasms right in the week three of the 21 days and he and he she does it religiously every day way beyond the 21 days so the way he was telling me the story i thought he was gonna like shoot me or something but because he was like and then she listens to your voice and it's like i don't know what to think about that sometimes like all right that's so funny that's true though and and it's funny because people fear the kumbhaka like i have people coming in you know newbies to breathwork and i'm like oh i'm not sure about this holding my breath i'm not sure about um yeah it kind of intrigues people but terrifies people at the same time and i think it's it is that beautiful getting into the process and realizing you know yeah it's almost i had a i remember having a point where i was like i might drifted that had the full white light and i drifted back back back and i think previously there'd been that moment of like oh i should i probably should take a breath right now and then i was just in so much trust of my own body and so much bliss it was just like i felt like i could drift anywhere and i would be fine like i felt like i could die and just come back to life it was just like this insane yeah transcendent bliss state so yes it's not like sexual in nature it's not like it's beyond sexual it's like a real touch of sex it's like you're not it's like a you're making love to the universe it's a different kind of orgasmic feeling you know i mean it's not like just normal sex but it's it's a level of it's a level of love and trust that i know is absolutely key for sex magic to work like you can't be in a partnership and have the energy flow like that without that love and trust and that's what you're creating is like the trust comes inward you're trusting yourself you're trusting your body you yeah i'm calling it i'm starting to call it um unconscious alchemy because there's this whole like you say pharmacy of things happening within your body trauma being released from the fascia of your muscles i think you talk about the alpha theta brain wave cross and you're literally you know releasing trauma from your brain programming from your brain metaprogramming shifting and if we think about like the way that we focus on yeah like a lot of the trauma-informed coaching the counseling the heavy forcing pushing talking which i think just deepens this shit deeper into our programming this is just this yeah unconscious using the body for how the body's made to raise in consciousness and release and regenerate heal you know manifestation is creation and destruction something has to die for creation to happen and and it's like you say this ego letting go without all the pushing and forcing of the the mind programming and the subconscious this and the you know it's just such a beautiful unconscious process so the whole reason why manifesting works is during these practices because it's all about state so oxytocin is the chemical of transformation and actually all of those uh the dose is all chemicals of so that practice of tantric psychologist described it gives you the ultimate bliss state right beyond like even what drugs can create and that combined with intention with a powerful story that you create in your mind like a mind movie creates magic it changes the brain because oxytocin is the number one chemical for um invoking neuroplasticity like activate neuroplasticity so if you think that your neurons are a mirror of what's your reality all right so in order to change our reality we have to change these neurons going around in our head the memories the beliefs the patterns the behaviors and that's what these practices allow you to really do in a very powerful way yeah and that's probably why occult you know secret societies and all that they revere sex magic it's you know eyes wide shut is a famous movie yeah and it's been kept hidden and secret but i'm like no like everyone should have this power they shouldn't be kept secret and it doesn't have to be all dark and twisted and evil and sordid in the way it's some kind of depicted in the movies you know it has to be it can be very blissful it can be yeah very beautiful divine white magic yeah absolutely it's so powerful and i think in a culture where we're so used to doing this is difficult i think for some people to comprehend that it can be so easy because that's one of the the deep programmings that we get from the minute that we're born you know you're not taking action and you're lazy if you're not like constantly on top of the process yeah you know so i think it's just such a beautiful shift that for people to say that you know there is a higher power we can learn to connect with it there is a divine plan the closer that we connect to our truth the more aligned we are with that divine plan it's unfolding you know and i guess that's the return that we get isn't it is the the shifts the the ease it is happening to me all the time i'm smiling because there's a like there's never anybody in my garden ever and then the one day that i'm recording a podcast is a guy with like a leaf thing i know i can't hear you can't hear i'm good so um before we jump off mayu mayu this podcast name it's about sipping soma so there was this idea you'll know in the ancient times that we just couldn't take too much right we can't have too much transformation all at once because we can go crazy i know the egyptians i know you just talked about the hindu chakras but the egyptians believe there were 13 chakras and that 12th chakra that the godhead that point before we step into a new octave of frequency like that's where people can go crazy that's where you kind of feel like you're detaching from reality so yeah the idea of mayu is that we could just sip our soma and come to this platform and access people like you with these amazing insights and ideas and resources and communities so we know soma breath now can be a massive resource what's your favorite go-to of your own pharmacy because i know for me your 10 minutes 10 minutes 32 seconds there's like a um and at the end you say really loud end but like the whole like 10 minutes and 30 seconds up to that point is just so relaxing so if i ever can't sleep or if i'm ever feeling stressed um it's an it's a four by eight eight so out for eight beautiful and it's just yeah no there's no it's not like a full journey so that's my go-to if i'm ever you know what's your own favorite go-to out of your own pharmacy yeah yeah um depends on the occasion so there's a new some new tracks i've been doing so in colombia we have this amazing biohacking center now and oh wow there there i was um yeah it's off the charts like stay of the art um we're going to be doing lots of retreats there um from now on i'm pretty much moving to medellín half the year wow stay at the art place so in the sauna i like to do certain shorter breath tracks that are designed for the sauna i've just made some new ones that are like next level with it's similar to what you're talking about with slow rhythmic breathing and it and you you just do this slow rhythm it gets you into this incredible trance state so i love the kinds of tracks you're talking about they work really well in that environment too in the sauna yeah they do but in terms of the most popular like most classic summer ref journeys it would be uh i use all the time is like into the light there's a very popular one the music is just off the charts i really love the new satori one i've created it's all on our app um it's very very powerful so satori is like a famous producer uh dj and uh you know we met in ibiza so we made a journey together so that's on our new sound breath app um how do people get hold of that yeah i'll just go to the app store download it it's in the app store it's apple and android yeah amazing yeah just having some breath in your pocket that's wild and there's a lot of cool tracks on there it's hard for me to say any one because they're all so super cool for different uses you know because it's the pharmacy so it depends on the mood yeah i really like the rest tracks as well with the you know there's one track called tranquility the music is off the charts on that the music i mean i'm a dj well i'm now a dj thanks to you i always say this you are my inspiration i've been wanting to mix for like at least 30 years and and i finally got my day i've got a sorry i've got a new mark ah yeah it's just here actually because i sat and stared at a track for two hours i just got some i just got some teeth similar to mine yeah i love it yeah i'm going for a week another week's training next week actually up in the north of new zealand um just love it like the music and and just being able to bring that into my own journeys that i'm leading and create that experience just like again inspired by you and how you create such a beautiful experience for us and it just feels so unique and you know personalized um so yeah you're my inspiration for the djing and the me i know the music with soma is just one of the the greatest things about it just it's just so perfect so thank you for all of the skills that you bring into that and the passion and the partners and yeah orlando on his sax oh my god yeah it's just it's just amazing so i really recommend we do the dance as well we do the dance as well so it's all different types of breath practices from the dance to to um standard breathwork techniques it's like a whole you know suite of different tools 100 i remember having that epiphany of like i can breathe standing up you know like bringing the whole body into it just creates a whole different experience it's wild so and i think that's the thing isn't it's like when you like any mastery i guess when you start to dip into the resources that soma has you can kind of choose what you need in the moment to change state because we always have that control we always have that not mind control but like actually i can just shift my frequency i can just change how i feel so um wild card question to finish mayu is the milky way that's what mayu means the old i think it's incan galactic milky way so if you were to be visiting the milky way right now imagine you're the shaman you're you're you're like sipping that soma like what would be your intention um if i was in the milky way right now yeah you know how like the shamans the deities and the deceased you know souls of the of the dead they like what they do this is what the the legend says they would go to the milky way and the milky way would be there there yeah it's like a river where you can sip the soma you can receive those divine messages or experience that transformation or let's say it divinity why would you be living on yeah you mean i'm still living on this planet yeah yeah you can be anywhere like that's that's excuse the imagination but i want yeah it's like a wild card question you don't have to tell us what's going on in your life right now but like if you had that opportunity to go to that milky way and sip your soma and and sort of you know maybe experience a transformation or receive a divine message or why would you be heading up to there the milky way um i think it would be for very selfish reasons i would be because i don't think we should mess with the the planet i think the planet is doing all right it's it's a crazy journey it's going through um so i wouldn't change any aspects of the past or the present even like i think it's it's it's cosmic entertainment right now what's going on but um uh what i would want to download is um the sound you know there's like um i think it's ben and ted's excellent adventure with kiana reeves where they go in search of no it's not no it's not burnt it's another british show which was really funny it's about these guys who go in search of the whole show is about them going on this eternal search to get the perfect sound for them okay and um yeah i think for me it's just it's going to be connecting to to epic tracks to epic music so i can bring forth to the earth i love that maybe maybe that's podcast number two i want to tap into whatever the whatever the beals were tapped into and pink floyd and the greatest bands you know jimmy hendrix and all those peeps bob marley i'd like to tap into whatever i mean i think i am a little bit but even more oh you definitely are but it feels it feels like something you know when we think about next the next level of transformation or the the next step of unconscious alchemy sound and frequency just sound music like for me feels really compelling i feel like we're moving into a new age a new era of transformation that is is very sound based i don't know that that's the the little divine messages i've been getting um yeah but thank you so much for being here today like this has been epic what you've shared has been just so awesome i know you've mentioned the app um and what we'll have here on the my dot tv is is access to something that you want to place for people who listen so you can let us know now if you can think of something that you want to drop or you can let us know and we'll put it in the show notes but um you know what's the best way to to connect with you yeah go to my instagram dm me the word breath and i'll send you some amazing uh new breath tracks and a lot of breath works challenge which will go really deep into the science of manifesting using our techniques but also um our app go and check our app on the the same app let us know how it goes review amazing love it thank you so much you're amazing cool so you keep up the good work thank you thank you for joining us on my you i'm claire williamson and i hope this episode has inspired you on your journey of conscious entrepreneurship for more transformative conversations visit my and join our community of visionary leaders if you're ready to dive deeper into aligning your business with the frequency of your soul's blueprint what i call your miracle frequency which makes it easier than you think to have it all explore my books and programs at