Could how you breathe be messing with your love life? Yes, you heard that right! We're diving deep into the surprising link between something as simple as nasal breathing and something as complex as erectile dysfunction.
Forget those little blue pills for a second. I am here to drop some serious knowledge bombs, explaining how your breath can be your secret weapon. We’re talking about boosting blood flow, chilling out stress, and even strengthening your pelvic floor, all through breathing!
If you're ready to ditch the frustration and unlock a natural, science-backed way to improve your sexual health, this episode is a must!
Don't miss out on this game-changing episode!
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Ready to empower your health journey? Secure your FREE PDF copy of the “5 Natural Solutions to Overcome ED” today! Dive into knowledge that could transform your life. Click the link below to claim your copy 👇
Want to regain control of your sex life? It’s time to reverse the effects of ED on your life. Join the Modern Man Club and start your road to full recovery and community.
Reveal the FREE treatment most men ignore that solves thousands of erectile dysfunction cases every year, plus the 5 biggest mistakes you must avoid if you want to say goodbye to your ED. Uncover it all in my free eBook, available to download now.
This podcast is for you, the Modern Man. I'm Dr Anne Truong,
Speaker:your host. I'm an intimate health medical doctor and best
Speaker:selling author of the book, Erectile Dysfunction Fix. I'll
Speaker:do a deep dive into sexual health and performance and how
Speaker:it affects men of all ages and backgrounds. So let's get
Speaker:started, and be sure to visit my website at for more information and
Speaker:resources from the show. See you on the inside.
Speaker:Hello there, Modern Man. I'm Dr Anne Truong, I'm a sexual health
Speaker:medical doctor. I've been a doctor for 27 years and treated
Speaker:over 7000 men with ED. In today's episode, we're gonna
Speaker:talk about breathing to better erection. How does breathing
Speaker:through the nose help with your erection? We're gonna dive deep
Speaker:into it. So stay to the end, because you're going to find out
Speaker:so much about how this is connected to your erection.
Speaker:So how does breathing to the nose helps with your reaction?
Speaker:What it can also do is actually improve your pelvic floor.
Speaker:What's the connection? Well, if you breathe through your nose,
Speaker:the sinuses here that goes in, the cells that are in your sinus
Speaker:called epithelium cells, they produce a lot of nitric oxide.
Speaker:So when you breathe into your nose, deep breathing like this,
Speaker:it goes down to your lungs, and much more efficient fashion than
Speaker:breathing through your mouth. So when you breathe into your nose,
Speaker:more nitric oxide is produced. And then breathing out to the
Speaker:Because when you do diaphragmatic breathing, which
Speaker:is what I just said, you breathe deep in and you want your
Speaker:stomach to expand out. That's a balloon out. It actually will
Speaker:kind of strengthen your pelvic floor muscle, and that when it
Speaker:strengthen your pelvic floor muscle is essential for
Speaker:nose, and you get more nitric oxide being produced, because
Speaker:maintaining erection. Also the pelvic floor muscle is involved
Speaker:with orgasm and ejaculation.
Speaker:Deep breathing can also increase oxygen level in your blood much
Speaker:more than breathing through the mouth. So when you have
Speaker:increased oxygen level, you will have better blood flow, better
Speaker:the more nitric oxide being produced in the lining of the
Speaker:tissue repair, and overall penile health. I also created a
Speaker:Good Morning Wood smoothie, which also has a lot of nitric
Speaker:oxide component in it as well. So if you combine the Good
Speaker:Morning Wood smoothie with the diaphragmatic breathing, you're
Speaker:nasal passages. And therefore you get better nitric oxide. And
Speaker:going to have win, win win situation. Check it out at
Speaker:goodmorningwood or at the link down below in the
Speaker:Okay, Modern Man, you are not alone and you don't have to
Speaker:suffer anymore. ED can feel isolating, frustrating, and even
Speaker:defeating. The endless guessing, the quiet shame, the weight of
Speaker:we all know that nitric oxide opens up blood vessel, therefore
Speaker:not feeling like yourself is exhausting. But here's the
Speaker:truth, you are not broken. You are not alone. You don't have to
Speaker:figure this out alone anymore. The Get Wood Now Boost Program
Speaker:is your step by step, path to sexual confidence and
Speaker:you get better blood flow. And better blood flow is crucial for
Speaker:restoration. No more suffering in silence, no more trial and
Speaker:error, just real solution, real result and the confidence you
Speaker:deserve. It's time to take back your power on your term. Let's
Speaker:get this journey started together. Check out the course
Speaker:achieving and maintaining erection as ED is often related
Speaker:at I'll see you there.
Speaker:So let's get back to how do you do specific breathing technique
Speaker:But it's important to note that while breathing exercise can be
Speaker:that will increase the nitric oxide. I'm going to walk you
Speaker:to inadequate blood flow to the penis. So deep breathing to the
Speaker:through this. Do this with me. One of my favorite way to do
Speaker:nasal breathing is box breathing. So imagine like a
Speaker:box, like a square box, like this, you count to four. So what
Speaker:nose, it's also called diaphragmatic breathing. And
Speaker:you do when you breathe in through the nose, breathe into
Speaker:the count of four, and you want to breathe in. So that way your
Speaker:then when you breathe through the nose, you want your stomach
Speaker:stomach balloon out. And then you want to hold for a count of
Speaker:four, don't breathe out yet. And then when you hold for a count
Speaker:here to kind of balloon out. You wanted the stomach to kind of
Speaker:of four, breathe out to your nose for a count of four. When
Speaker:you breathe out, you want to make sure your stomach goes in
Speaker:rise up. When you do that, the body actually activate the
Speaker:again and expel all the air through your nose, and then you
Speaker:hold for a count of four, and then you repeat the cycle to
Speaker:stimulate more of the parasympathetic nervous system,
Speaker:parasympathetic nervous system, for this parasympathetic nervous
Speaker:stimulate more relaxation, and therefore stimulate more blood
Speaker:flow. I like the box breathing. But there's another way that you
Speaker:system is responsible for relaxation and improved blood
Speaker:can also stimulate more nitric oxide with breathing is called a
Speaker:physiological sigh. So what that is is that it involves two quick
Speaker:flow. So this help counteract the effect of stress, anxiety
Speaker:beneficial, you should also do this in conjunction with
Speaker:inhale through the nose like this. You want to, again, expand
Speaker:following the Mediterranean diet, exercise 30 minutes, four
Speaker:times a week, sleep and stress reduction. But this is the most
Speaker:the stomach and then exhale through the mouth. It helps calm
Speaker:overlooked way to help for ED. It's just simple controlled,
Speaker:and also counteract to keep the sympathetic nervous system down,
Speaker:the body and the nervous system. You can exhale through the mouth
Speaker:diaphragmatic breathing. It is so effective, it also put you at
Speaker:a less stressful state. I do this when I feel stress. I do
Speaker:as well, but I like to exhale through the nose, because when
Speaker:this if I'm about to give a presentation, I want to try to
Speaker:lower my heart rate, have better focus. In fact, I do this every
Speaker:you breathe out through the nose, you have better nitric
Speaker:because the sympathetic nervous system is your stress nervous
Speaker:time I record an episode for you all on the YouTube podcast as
Speaker:well. It helps me able to articulate what I want to say
Speaker:oxide production. Also when you can combine the breathing with
Speaker:and be ready for you all.
Speaker:So I hope that you find this useful, click the like button
Speaker:pelvic muscles exercises as well. So when you expand the
Speaker:and subscribe and share this with somebody you know who can
Speaker:benefit from this, and let me know what you think about the
Speaker:system, which you do not want to activate if you want to have an
Speaker:episode. And just know that you do not have to suffer in
Speaker:abdomen, when you're breathing in, you also want to kind of
Speaker:silence, and there are alternatives to ED and that we
Speaker:are here to help you in the Modern Man Club. It is a safe
Speaker:squeeze the pelvic floor as well. It's like in and squeeze
Speaker:and discreet space where I will work with you on getting out of
Speaker:ED to sexual confidence. Check out the Modern Man Club at noed
Speaker:the pelvic floor. And when you breathe out, you want to relax
Speaker:erection. Because the sympathetic nervous system, and I will see you in the next episode.
Speaker:Okay, Modern Man, you are not alone and you don't have to
Speaker:the pelvic floor as well too. So when you're incorporating these
Speaker:suffer anymore. ED can feel isolating, frustrating, and even
Speaker:restricts blood flow, and when blood flow is restricted, no
Speaker:defeating. The endless guessing, the quiet shame, the weight of
Speaker:breathing exercises, all you need to do is maybe do five of
Speaker:not feeling like yourself is exhausting. But here's the
Speaker:truth, you are not broken. You are not alone. You don't have to
Speaker:this a day. And you can do this while you're sitting in the car,
Speaker:figure this out alone anymore. The Get Wood Now Boost Program
Speaker:while you're taking a shower, while you're in the bathroom,
Speaker:erection. So that's the reason why nasal breathing improves
Speaker:is your step by step, path to sexual confidence and
Speaker:restoration. No more suffering in silence, no more trial and
Speaker:doing your business. But if you do this daily, you will see
Speaker:error, just real solution, real result and the confidence you
Speaker:deserve. It's time to take back your power on your term. Let's
Speaker:reduced ED symptoms, and you will feel overall less stress,
Speaker:blood flow, reduces stress.
Speaker:get this journey started together. Check out the course
Speaker:at I'll see you there.
Speaker:better general health.
Speaker:Thanks for listening to the Sexual Health for Men Podcast.
Speaker:If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your
Speaker:phone and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever you post,
Speaker:and be sure to tag me and let me know why you like this episode
Speaker:and what you like to hear in the future. That will help me know
Speaker:what's great for you and I would love to give you the most
Speaker:incredible free gift designed to help you improve performance
Speaker:quickly. Go to my website at to
Speaker:get the book, The Five Common Costly Mistakes Men Make When
Speaker:Facing ED. I would appreciate if you subscribe, leave a review on
Speaker:Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. And just know that you
Speaker:can have sexual vitality for life. I appreciate you until
Speaker:next time.