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Episode 113 -How To Get FREE Media Promotions – Sharon Bolt
3rd September 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:55

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Episode 113 – Show Notes for Sharon Brown Interview


Sharon Bolt lives in the United Kingdom, and has been an entrepreneur for over 16 years. She has co-authored TWO highly acclaimed books (links at the bottom of this page. She has contributed to more than 40 different national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations and has received over 2 million dollars in FREE publicity and FREE advertising. She had been featured in a BBC documentary and also has had a regular program on BBC radio since 2008. Sharon has developed a unique way to write attention grabbing press releases that capture the attention of producers, researchers, etc., in order to help you get booked on their programs.

She worked in Complementary Natural Healing Therapy. She adopted two dogs Parsan Russel Terriers from the same litter. She was told having two male pups from the same litter meant she would have behavior problems. She decided to begin training them, by understanding “dog language” and relating to them in that manner.

She was successful in doing that, so she started sharing her methods with others and soon became a “Professional Dog Trainer.” Soon she was featured on a national radio program on BBC Radio 2 in the UK. With no prior media exposure, she devoted herself to learning how to get on the radio as a featured guest on “dog training.” Sharon explains how she developed that unique email, explaining her method and how she could benefit the radio audience. Her email caught the attention of the research assistant and, after a short interview, she was booked and did her first interview with four million listeners!

Not having a true website devoted to “Dog Training” – she had to develop that area of her business. She did not even have an email address! She made the transition to “Expert Dog Trainer” and developed the website, had a “Free PDF” for people that visited her website. She expanded her interviews to TV, radio, magazines.

Her business continued to expand and her sign-ups continued increase – almost all of it from her interviews! She was considered an EXPERT in her niche – even though she was self taught and had made a transition from her career to this “new career.” People seen her as being very credible because she could use the interviews as “references” to build credibility.

She recommends building your “topic” to three or five steps that can be explain your “target market” pain points quickly. You need to find the contact person for the media program you are trying to get an interview. By focusing on finding the key person that handles all of the interview requests for the show you want to be on, you now have an opportunity to have your email read. You can use Twitter or Linked In or even Facebook to try and find the person you need to contact.

Learn how to answer the possible questions you might be asked quickly, concisely and effectively. You will be asked almost the same questions over and over again.

You need to come across as an expert. One of the best ways of building credibility is to be an author. If you do not have the time to dedicate to writing your own book, reach out to others in your field, friends, etc. and each contribute a chapter to the book! This allows you to have the credibility of an expert author without the time consuming trouble of writing an entire book.

You can download her free pdf Template for building your own Press Release that will help you to get booked ahead of someone else who does not know how to approach media outlets or agencies.

Twitter: @publicitysharon

Facebook: Getfreepublicitytoday

Two Books:
“Successful Women in Business”

“Every Entrepreneurs Guide: Running Your Own Business”

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