Jack enlists Cole and kills Dana
- Jack goes to old Special Forces friend Jim Ricker for surveillance equipment and an arsenal
- Dana is moved to a black site by a private security firm to prevent Jack from getting to her, and to find the evidence she has against the Russians
- Chloe sets up Jack for capture by Cole, luring him to a fake address where Dana is, but Jack sees through it and convinces Cole to help him expose the cover-up
- They rescue Dana and go to a bank to get the evidence, but she explodes a device to subdue Cole and try to escape by calling the police on Jack
- Jack catches up to her and kills her
Revenge for Renee
- Jack contacts Meredith Reed so she can publish the story about the Russian involvement using Dana’s evidence
- Pavel and his team use the meeting to trap Jack but he’s a step ahead and with Ricker capture Pavel
- Jack realises Pavel was the one who killed Renee and tortures him, eventually slicing open his stomach to retrieve his SIM card
- Doing this reveals to him that Logan is involved
Jack vs Logan and Suvarov
- Jack traps Logan’s motorcade in a tunnel and takes down the Secret Service agents to kidnap Logan
- Logan breaks easily and tells Jack that Mikhail Novakovich, the Russian Foreign Minister, is behind things
- Jack goes to Novakovich’s hotel and kills him and his staff/security, although is wounded in the process
- He planted a listening device on Logan (again) and overhears that Suvarov is involved too
- Jack gets a sniper trained on Logan and ready to shoot Suvarov, but Chloe manages to talk him down before he assassinates Suvarov
- Chloe tries to get the Logan/Suvarov audio uploaded to CTU to be sent to everyone in government and every media outlet but she’s stopped before she can
The President’s demise
- Ethan resigns after Taylor walks back plans to pull out of the talks due to Dana’s evidence, after she has Dana taken by the private security firm
- Taylor cedes much of the managing of the situation with Jack to Logan, albeit still being the one to make decisions in many circumstances
- She agrees to have Logan’s role in the process made public
- When Dalia is contacted by Meredith, she confronts Taylor about the Russian involvement, and Taylor threatens Dalia with retaliation for the day’s attacks unless she signs the peace treaty
- When Jack is arrested and the evidence seized, she watches the video Jack made for Kim
- Taylor declines to sign the treaty after Suvarov and Dalia do and tries to save Jack, but she’s too late
- Logan kills Jason Pillar and shoots himself
- Logan’s team of mercenaries are about to kill Jack when Taylor calls and tells them to stand down
- She tells Jack she’s withdrawn and apologies, and that they will both have to face consequences
- Jack thanks Chloe for everything she’s done for him and she promises to protect Kim and give him time to escape