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61. Dog Ghosts? Living Ghosts? Paul Dale Roberts Shares Secrets
Episode 6110th October 2023 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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In this pre-Halloween episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic, co-hosts Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters interview Paul Roberts, a seasoned ghost hunter with over 2,500 investigations and a wealth of paranormal knowledge. Paul shares captivating stories from his experiences, including encounters with ghosts, living ghosts, and even paranormal phenomena at famous locations like Skinwalker Ranch and Area 51. He also discusses his unique perspective on reincarnation and the nature of ghosts. If you're in the Sacramento area and need a paranormal investigation, you can reach Paul at the Paranormal Hotline: 916-203-7503. Additionally, you can explore his extensive collection of books and articles on paranormal topics by searching for "Paul Dale Roberts books" online. Join Cinthia and Michelle as they delve into the intriguing world of ghost hunting with their knowledgeable guest, Paul Roberts.

Michelle Walters can be found at

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at


Hi, we're Cynthia Vargaviser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits,

to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with

the invisible.

Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic!

Hello, you are listening to our episode today of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

I am Michelle Walters joined here with my podcast pal, Cynthia Varkovisser.

And today, because Halloween is coming, we are all about ghosts.

We are very excited to be speaking to Paul Roberts, who is a ghost hunter.

And I want to tell you a little bit more about him.

Roberts, in:

He has over 2,500 investigations under his belt and over 1,000 paranormal articles he

has written.

Roberts is also a 14 investigator in which he investigates all things paranormal from

Mothman to Pecabra, UFOs, crop circles, ghosts, poltergeist, demons, and more.

Robert has many books published, but his most significant books are Ghosts, UFOs, Monsters,

High Strangeness, HPI Chronicles Volume 2, Ghost Stories, NUFOs, and HPI. Welcome, Paul, to our show.

Well, thank you, Michelle. I'm glad to be here. And yeah, I got some interesting stories for you.

Excellent. Well, Paul, one of the questions we like to ask our guests is,

How did you become a ghost hunter? It isn't a career that my career people ever suggested to

me in high school. Well, believe me, I never knew I was going to become a ghost hunter or

paranormal investigator. But what happened was I lived in a haunted house. And as a child,

the entities were actually centered on me. They were attacking me. The entities actually pushed

me into a heater. It was one time and I'm just a small boy and I'm looking out my bedroom window

and I hear my mother calling me into the Orange Grove saying, "Dale," that's my middle name,

Dale, come here. Dale, come here. But my mother was in the kitchen. What would have happened if I

went into that orange grove? Would I just vanished and disappeared? Would they have taken me into a

different realm? It was just one crazy thing after another. So when I got a little bit older,

I started thinking about that house on Effie Street in Fresno. And I said to myself, I said,

Was that childhood nightmares or did I really experience something paranormal?

So I started reading books with by Brad Steiger. I am got into chair of the guys with Eric Von

Donegan. I got into the whole shmooft and later on in my life being a journalist,

my articles actually wind up in Brad Steiger's books. So that was a big turnaround.

And I got into military intelligence.

And the reason why I joined military intelligence

is because I was very curious about UFOs.

And I said, if anybody knows anything about UFOs,

it would be military intelligence.

So in the army, I joined military intelligence.

I was with the Photo Interpretation Center in Korea,

Seoul, Korea.

And on one particular day, six photographs came in

And these were six photographs of various UFOs

taken by our reconnaissance satellites.

And on the back of the photograph,

it said intelligent movement.

And these photographs were part of a bigger picture.

They were part of a video.

So I knew at that point in time,

ject Blue Book closed down in:

the military was still looking into UFOs.

And with military intelligence,

and I also too was a military policeman before that,

and worked with CID Criminal Investigation Division

and Drug Suppression Team,

traveling throughout Germany,

buying drugs and testifying at Article 32s and court

marshals. That's where my investigative skills came in.

And when one day this lady says,

Paul, you know, why don't you write a story

about our ghost hunt?

So I did, and that story wind up in two British magazines

and the owner of HPI,

which is now Halo Paranormal Investigations,

which I know, she says, you're our ghost writer.

And she invited me to all these different places

where I wrote the stories about their investigations.

And then from there, I became a paranormal investigator

and now I own HPI, Halo Paranormal Investigations.

And that's how I became a paranormal investigator.

- That is a fantastic story.

So one of the things that we were curious about

was to understand more about HPI.

What is the size?

What is the makeup of your team?

When you go to do an investigation,

like who's there?

What's there?

kind of what is that process like?

And I'm sure you could talk about this forever,

but we have more questions.


Yeah, yeah.

Well, right now on October 14th, Saturday,

we have an all-night UFO ghost hunt.

And during the solar eclipse, which is October 14th,

UFOs are usually seen in the sky.

So we're doing that.

And then where we're camping out at is at Banning Creek and Banning Creek is very, very haunted.

Over 30 people will be there. As our team, it's only me and Wishfire, which is my psychic. And

what we do is we bring other people in, they learn how to ghost her, and usually they'll start their

own team, or they'll actually do their own investigations. So I

don't have a really solid team. I do have people that keep on

coming back over and over and over again. And you would think

they were currently part of our team. But actually, it's just the

two of us. And we just invite the public to join us. And

that's what we do.

I think it's fascinating. When I was part of a ghost

investigation. And like I said, it was more for entertainment

purposes as a learning for general public. It was a lot of

just waiting and listening and then really listening intently.

I was telling Michelle, they said, you don't want to eat, you

know, make sure you eat, but you don't want to eat too soon

before the investigation, because your stomach gurgling

may be part of the recordings, and then we have to mark. So are

you part do you do your record video, just the two of you or

you have these people come in and they do video and is it more

active? So the ones that I've been were a little bit more

stationary where you sat and you checked out, you know, one room

while another person checked out another room, another team.

Right. When we do an investigation, I try to determine

how many people are going to show up, like maybe eight people

will show up. There's been times where 16 people will show up,

you know, depends on how large the place is. And it seems like

everybody's really into paranormal investing. So they

already have their own equipment, they got the EMFs,

they, they have their little screen, they can see the little

stick figures movement movement and all that stuff. Plus I have my own equipment. But we have

a lot of people in ghost hunting, they kind of dismiss orbs. And the reason why they dismiss

orbs because it could be almost anything could be lit. It could be light refractions, do drops,

dust, skin flakes, you name it. But we had this one interesting case. And it was Emily the ghost.

And Emily the ghost would actually drain the energy from the occupants, making them very tired,

fatigued and everything else. And one of my investigators looked at me and says, Oh,

I need to sit down. He goes, I feel really drained. I said, I bet you anything. Emily

is draining the energy from you. I said, Emily, if you're listening to me, I said, if you like him,

kiss him on the mouth. And three of us are snapping pictures. And sure enough, we get an orb

on his mouth. That's crazy. That showed me intelligent movement. She's listening to me.

I said, Emily, if you're listening, now I want you to sit on his lap.

With one camera, we take a picture. And sure enough, there's an orb hovering over his lap.

That showed me right there, intelligent movement. And that's what we go for. And now I go to an

investigation, I'll put my hand against the wall. I said, if

you're listening to me, appear by my hand, and I'll get an orb

at my hand if the place is haunted. Otherwise, I'll get

nothing. And one another thing with the orb thing, we did a

investigation in Del Paso Heights. And we're snapping

pictures and everything. And I get this picture from the

backyard and it's a picture of two orbs and as I enhanced it, I realized these are designer

orbs. They have the intricate designs inside of it, very unique, just like a snowflake.

And as you enhance it, you saw faces of dogs, two dogs. So I went back to the occupant and I said,

What is it you got in your backyard? And she goes, Oh, I got apple trees. I said, No, not the apple

trees. You got anything else in your backyard? And she goes, Well, yeah, my two dogs are buried back

there. I go, Okay. I said, Why don't you take a look at these pictures? And she's looking at

the pictures of the two orbs. They're now enhanced. And she starts crying. I said, Why are you crying?

And she goes, because those are the faces of my dogs that are buried back there.

And something like that I could deem as paranormal, because she is saying those are the faces of her

dogs. So that's why we go. Wow, I had no idea we're gonna get to talk about ghost dogs.

That was not on my range of things I could imagine.

I love it so much. When you're doing your investigations, do you care if it's a whether

they're animal or human? Does it matter to you? Oh, it doesn't matter. In fact, I like it even more

when there's animals involved. And we've had a lot of cases where we did an investigation in

and citrus heights, and it was a ghost German Shepherd.

So that was really interesting.

We actually didn't get the evidence

that I was really seeking,

but we did get a picture of an orb

going through the kitchen window.

And the occupants said that they would see

the German Shepherd, their dog,

jumping through that window.

So that's kind of unique.


- Wow Paul.

Well, I want to remind all of our listeners

that they are listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with me,

the Mind Power, Michelle Walters,

and my podcast pal Cynthia Varkavisser,

our podcast mystic.

Today we are talking to Paul Dale Roberts.

He is a ghost hunter based in Sacramento, California.

So I'm wondering Paul,

Like I'm kind of new to all of this.

How would you define a ghost?

What is a ghost in your definition?

- Our bodies always contain this energy field.

And this energy field is like,

it collects everything that you've seen,

you've experienced, everything you've touched,

everything you thought about, everything you talked about.

It contains all that knowledge and the energy is forever.

You can't destroy it.

You can change it around, but you can't destroy it.

And this energy is always upon you

and on all living things.

Scientists have taken pictures of a leaf

and there's an energy field around the leaf.

This energy, when you're deceased, leaves your body

And scientists have taken pictures, Russian scientists,

have taken pictures of people on the instance of death

that this energy leaves your forehand.

And one of the things I believe that in reincarnation

is when a baby is born upon the world

and they have their little psychic antennas going on.

They absorb this energy sometimes, sometimes,

not all the time, they absorb this energy.

And all of a sudden they know the events of John Smith,

a blacksmith in:

And the reason why is they downloaded the information

of the soul, this aura of a deceased person.

And they believe that they're John Smith.

when reality is they actually downloaded the information

and that's what reincarnation is.

- Interesting.

- I have to, I know I have to wrap my head around

that one for a while.

- That's gonna take a minute.

- Yeah, that's, I might be a little bit like,

- That's a whole moment.

- That's a whole conversation in itself.

- Now check this out, living ghosts, okay.

Living ghosts, okay.

There was a situation in:

This couple, they moved into a house

and around about two o'clock, three o'clock in the morning,

they would see a man and he would manifest

and walk over towards her couch.

And on the couch would manifest a woman.

And he approached the woman and he slapped her.

And then he vanishes.

and she vanishes.

Well, this happened about three or four times

and they went to a block party

and the host having the block party says,

"Yeah, we do this every year, blah, blah, I host it.

Here's some pictures in this photo album

of our past events."

So the lady's looking through it and she goes,

"Oh my God."

She goes, "This picture right here of this man and woman.

those are the ghosts that we see in my house.

And then the host looks at me and goes,

"What are you talking about ghosts?"

He says, "Yeah, those two people lived in your house

and they had domestic disputes.

The police were there all the time.

They got a divorce.

The man moved five blocks down the road

and the woman lives out of state and they're both alive.

how can they be ghosts?

Well, the energy was so negative

is imprinted into the atmosphere.

And that's what a living ghost is.

And some of our cases has to deal with living ghosts.

And it doesn't have to be just negative energy.

It could actually be positive energy.

- Now, this is interesting to me

because I do house clearings and house blessings.

And I've run across this because people can swear

that they are ghosts and I say energetically,

it doesn't feel the same.

So I'm with you on this.

And I also understand, you know, it's in my work

that we can shift up the energy

so that memory doesn't need to be there anymore.

However, I have a question for you about the actual ghosts.

There are people who they go in,

they do their house clearings,

and if they encounter a ghost, whether in orb form or not,

that they will disperse

and they will what we call portal it.

They'll portal it.

I'm of the philosophy that if the ghost

is not doing any harm,

if they're living in harmony with the people

or more importantly with the house,

meaning that the people who will live there

will live in harmony.

Unless they request to move on,

I don't see any, I don't see any harm in it.

What is your philosophy

and what's your experience about this?

- I call those Casper hauntings.

It's like Casper the friendly ghost.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

A lot of people are really,

all they want is verification.

That's all.

And they don't want it house cleansing

or anything like that.

And they're just saying,

Paul, yeah, bring your team in here

and let me know if I'm crazy

Or am I really witnessing something paranormal?

And then I'll say, do you want a cleansing?

I usually do a Roman Catholic house blessing.

And they say, no, we're actually happy with it.

And I believe it's my grandmother.

And we try to determine if it's the grandmother

or whatever.

So, and I do what I call it, an EVP sweep,

electronic voice phenomenon and I'll go through the house and usually in 30 minutes and a half hour

I'll get something on

EVP and I do something I call it the quick and dirty EVP is

I'll say is there anyone here? I

give it time to talk and I play it back. Is there anyone here and

Sometimes I'll get a response and

This one time this one cemetery was supposed to be very very haunted and

This is something that happened to me

No witnesses, you know, so it's just my word

but I know as

I sat in the car I rolled up the windows you couldn't hear any noise and I'm sitting in the cemetery and

And I do my quick and dirty. I say, is there anybody here?

I give it time to talk.

And I play it back.

And it says, I'm right here.

I go, Holy cow.

It must be like sitting behind me in the car.

And as I left the cemetery, I go, is there anybody here?

Nothing. Is there anybody here?

or anybody here? Nothing. So it was just centered in that

cemetery. And that just kind of blew me away. And I said, Okay,

this is this, that's the kind of evidence I want.

That's beautiful. Now in my experience with house clearings

and talking with people from from this, there are people who

believe that there are, well, this is actually my belief that

there are ghosts, like the one that you talked about that were

centered around you as you're growing up at your house in Fresno, right? And then there are traveling

ghosts, like that they have a region or an area. And this I've not personally experienced,

but I've heard about is that some ghosts will attach to you and go with you. I was wondering

if you've had any kind of experience with that. And if so, how did you detach? How did you break

up with your ghost. Okay. People always, they tell me, they

said, Paul, I was, I'm scared to do this because I don't want to

bring a ghost home. Okay. Well, it doesn't really work that way

from what I've seen. It seems like ghosts are very attached

to, let's say, that house because they lived in that

house. They don't really care to go to your house because

they're not familiar with it. They are happy where they're at.

They're hunting and it seems to me that ghosts are sort of like, okay, if you don't want to go into the light, these ghost police angels or whatever says, okay, well, you're confined to this house.

and there's like a an energy field where they can't leave that area. They have to

haunt that one particular spot till they go into the light because when they go

into the light it seems like that's it. There's no more haunting from what I've

scene. And these entities, okay, there's a now if you take, let's say you take the grandmother's diary

from the house, and you place that diary in your own house. Now the ghost is able to go from point

A to point B because you have the grandmother's diary. And it seems like ghosts like Caligna

and Rolle, he was seen on all these different places in Italy. And the reason why is because

a little part of him, his energy of something that he possessed was in that location. And when they

moved those objects and put them in one place and took his body and placed it with those objects.

His ghost wasn't seen all over Italy. And it happened too with Hitler. Hitler's ghost was seen

in all different places. And it seems like where these places were, were things that he possessed

that his energy field was around that object. So if they don't, if you don't take anything

from that haunted house, you shouldn't have a ghost following you. Now a demon can move around.

They say a demon in the blink of an eye can go from San Francisco to Hong Kong. So a demon is

a whole different thing, but a ghost, it seems like it's confined unless you take an object that

once belonged to that ghost.

- Gotcha.

That makes sense.

Well, I have so many other questions,

but I also love your stories

and Michelle is digging the stories too.

I would love to hear your favorite experience.

- You know, I've done,

I've investigated Skinwalker Ranch, Area 51,

Natalie Holloway in Aruba, where we I had people that actually took them to the beach location where they felt like she was killed.

And we actually got an EVP of a woman saying help me and that just blew everybody's mind. It's like, wow. They even knew that

Joran's father took the body Natalie Holloway out into the ocean at Dumpter. So that was

that was my blood. There's just so many cases that I can't, Citrus Heights was one of my best

cases where I had 15 scouts and as paranormal investigators in training and we brought them

into this house and we did like a little oh well let me start it off I had five in one room five

in another room five in another room well five in this room were practically falling asleep because

nothing was happening five in this room they're ready to fall asleep too because nothing's happening

the other five in this room over here all kinds of things were happening there was a little girl

She was whimpering and crying. And you can tell that was coming from the corner of this bed.

And I looked at the investigators. I said that the crying, the whimpering, this stuff is happening

right here on the corner of this bed. I can't see her. There's a little girl ghost sitting on the

corner of this bed. And I put my head down and I go, hello. And she goes, hello, right back to me.

I go, holy cow, this this is an active room. So I got all 15 people into that room. We had a sars.

And all of a sudden the walls sound like they're crackling. It would sound like something out of

hell razor with a Cinebice are coming through the walls. It was crackling. There was pounding on

the walls. And all 15 people are running out the door because these are paranormal, you know,

investigators in training. They're running out the door

scared to death. I said, we got to get back in here. I said,

this is a breakthrough. So we got back in there. And we had

three walkie talkies on the floor all on the same channel.

And as we're doing this seance, a voice came out, almost mails

voice and he says, Get out. And now they're running out the

And so the occupants looking at me and she goes, Paul, she goes, I have to live here.

She goes, maybe we need to stop this.

I said, okay, we'll stop.

She goes, you know what, you're welcome to go ahead and spend the night in that room.

I go, really?

I was all excited.

I said, yeah, okay.

So I sent everybody home.

I spent the night in that room.

I fell asleep.

And as the video was recording, you can hear a woman's voice go, Paul.

Paul, Paul, Paul.

And then a man mumbling and a child at the foot of the bed

moaning and a little tapping on the headboard.

And I slept through the whole thing.

And that was one of my best cases.

- That's a fascinating story, Paul.

So we're almost at time and we wanted to ask you,

what would you like to share with our listeners?

How can they get ahold of you?

How can they find out about these events you have coming up?

What's the best way to get in touch with you?

- Okay, if you're in the greater Sacramento area

and you need an investigation

and we do demonic investigations and everything else,

you can actually call Paranormal Hotline,


And also too, if you are interested in reading any of my books, all you have to do is just

Google or Bing Paul Dale Roberts books, and you'll see all my books.

And I have something like 73 books out there.

So and I am a journalist for Costa Rica times, a journalist for Phenomena magazine out of

England, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and Outer Limits Magazine. So you'll find my stories in here.

Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for being on Mind Power Meets Mystic today. We really appreciate

you and all of your work and your time. Thank you, Paul. Thank you, Michelle, Cynthia. It was great to


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