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CHATS WITH PAT: How to Use Your Time Wisely | Ep. 61
Episode 6126th April 2023 • No Grey Areas • Joseph Gagliano
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What do you want, and what are you willing to give up to get it? The truth is, all of us want a certain thing in life or to be a certain type of person to the people around us. But real growth happens when you are willing to sacrifice what’s easier in return for what going to benefit you most in the end.

Every day you have one less day in your future, and one more day in your past. So how will you live your life today to pave a better future for yourself tomorrow?

Recently, we had a top athlete and baseball pitcher at Arizona State University, Khristian Curtis, on the podcast. He shared that he chooses to live for his “future self” and not just feel right in the present moment. Check out this insightful long chat with Pat to change the way you think about your everyday decisions and what you may need to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow.

Be sure to go back and listen in on Pat’s latest interview with Khristian Curtis.

You can also watch the video version on our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on the next inspiring and motivating interview!

Want to submit your questions to ask Pat? 

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The NO GREY AREAS platform is about the power, importance, and complexity of choices. We host motivating and informative interviews with captivating guests from all walks of life about learning and growing through our good and bad choices.

The purpose behind it all derives from the cautionary tale of Joseph N. Gagliano and one of sports’ greatest scandals.

To know more about the true story of Joe Gagliano, check out the link below!



Speaker 1

Don't trade what you can have 20 years from now for what you want in the moment. In the next 24 hours, your heart will beat 100,000 times. Your stomach will produce two liters of acid. Your eyes will blink and your lungs breathe 23,000 times and you won't even consciously think about any of those things taking place. You know what else you'll probably do in the next 24 hours?


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And unfortunately, not even consciously think about you will make decisions that will ripple through the years. You will make choices that will have a profound impact on your future. I want to share with you two questions that are critical for you and I to answer as we consider the decisions, the choices that we make and how it affects our future.


Speaker 1

Recently, we had Christian Curtis on the No Gray Areas podcast, an amazing young man who's about to sign a contract to play professional baseball. But amongst the many things that we talked about, Curtis shared that his his father, really a mentor in his life, would often tell him, Curtis, v


Speaker 1

So what are these two questions that are critical for you and I to ask ourselves regarding our future? Number one, what do you want? And number two, what are you willing to give up to get it? Answering those questions are a key to moving forward. What do you want? Now, let me caution you. This is so important to understand.


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Don't answer this question in a selfish way. Be. Be very, very careful. Use wisdom as you answer this question. What do you want? What do you want in life? Because too many people in the in the in the expanse of human history have spent ten or 15 or 20 years climbing a ladder. And when they get to the top, they find out the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.


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They've been going after striving for something that in the end they found out was worthless. So as you answer that question, what do you want? Make sure you put careful thought into it. Maybe. Maybe this is another way to answer the question. What do you want? Who do you want to become? Let's play this out for a moment.


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Okay. Who do you want to become? So maybe you say I want a spouse. Well, add to that. Well, what do I want to become? And you're going to get more depth in the answer. I don't just want a spouse. I want to be a trustworthy, fun loving partner who cherishes my wife. Don't just say I want to have kids.


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But. But answer what? Who do I want to become? Say, well, I want to have a family, but I want to be a dad who earns the respect, admiration, and honor of their children. Don't just say I want to make more money, but say I want I want to have more resources so that I can make a difference in this world.


Speaker 1

I see one of the most important questions that you and I can answer. What do you want? Who do you want to become? Until you answer that question, you're really going to continue going through life making decisions and choices every day that could negatively affect your future. What do you want? Who do you want to become? Second question that's critical to answer is what are you willing to give up to get it?


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Once you answer the question, what do you want or Who do you want to become? Then answer the question What am I willing to give up to get it? You see, everyone, everyone, everyone makes sacrifices. A lot of times we think that, well, some people are making sacrifices in life and others aren't. No. Every single day, every single week.


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Every single month, you and I are sacrificing one thing to get another thing, whether we recognize that or not. I've heard it said this way. Every year will take many no's. Think about it. Every time you say yes to meet with someone, let's just say you say, Hey, Monday at 3 p.m., let's meet at this coffee shop. Your yes to that means that you're saying no to all kinds of other things you could do at 3 p.m. on Monday.


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Every yes will require notes. We are constantly making sacrifices. I've heard the definition of sacrifice as this sacrifice is giving up one thing for something you love more. All right. Let me read this next part, because this is so important and critical for us to get the result, the dream, the outcome, the promise, besides the level of sacrifice.


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You see, if the promise or hoped outcome is big enough, then the sacrifice won't seem so great. If the promise is the outcome, if that dream of what you want or who you want to become is big enough, then the sacrifices that you and I make today won't seem that great. You and I are wise to understand that we cannot save time.


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We can only spend it. Every single day that goes by is one day that's less in your future and one more day in your past. You can't save time. You can only spend it. So as we think about that and wisely live out our days so that we're spending our time wisely. Let's consider these two questions. What do you want?


Speaker 1

Or put another way. Who do you want to become? And what are you willing to give up to get it? We'd love to hear from you. No gray areas. Comment below or send me an email at info at no gray areas. Dot com info at no gray areas dot com. And remember to like follow, share and subscribe. No gray areas.



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