Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 68
Episode 6826th February 2021 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:06:52

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17:32 What do you think about Nitrosigine and some people say it's better than L-Citrulline?

18:14 How long were your preps when you were still competing?

18:39 Is it okay to take caffeine and creatine together?

18:57 How big are your biceps?

20:03 I'm 10 days out from my men's physique show. I'm a natural. How do I approach these last 10 days?

20:39 Bulking as a natural bodybuilder, please explain what split to do in nutrition. As a guy who is 170lbs lean, how do I go to 200lbs lean?

21:31 How far out of a workout should I take Sear?

21:56 How do you feel about your hard-earned money going towards other countries' problems?

23:04 Have you gone to The Shop Ashburn?

23:41 Favorite natural organization show promoters in terms of how well the shows are run and judged?

24:49 Using Big Papa, Load, Sear, Burn, and Napalm. Should I add anything else in?

25:30 How should I take Big Papa stack if my first meal isn't until 1PM and training time is at 6PM?

26:55 Would you rather double scoop Core Fury or Core Pump?

27:10 Does missing a meal affect fat loss negatively?

27:53 What Core athlete are you most excited about?

32:06 Remember when you bought bitcoin at $11K and said, "That's the last time I take investment advice from a millennial?"

33:14 Would you consider selling 'Merica Energy in military installations?

34:14 Can you please tell me which manufacturers

produce your supplements?

35:50 When should we use casein, egg white protein, milk protein, etc.?

38:10 Any advice for cutting for a natural bodybuilder, or tips for the natty?

39:15 Do you recommend bulking for natural bodybuilding or just maintenance?

41:13 Did you always want to have boys, or did part of you want to have a girl?

43:45 Would you prefer to get your fats through meat instead of using leaner meat and adding fats to it?

45:28 Starting a food preparation business. What advice can you give me?

47:09 Tips for getting over the mindset of "getting fat" in order to bulk or put on muscle?

49:45 Do you warm up before doing chest workouts?

50:05 How would you take Sear, Shred, and Burn?

51:47 What are your thoughts on L-Carnitine? Waste of money or good supplement?

52:09 If you had the credentials to resale products, would a mobile supplement stand on a military base something where I would be an ambassador of Core or would it just be a buy as a resale?

53:45 What is your preferred body fat percentage for maintenance and what body fat percentage would you say is a good time to diet down?

54:35 Are you planning to do a Core meal service in the future?

55:03 Did POV do work for Core/'Merica before?

55:31 Why are fats so important for natural bodybuilders when it comes to hormones?

57:03 Where is the strangest place you've urinated/defecated?

1:00:35 What's your favorite Sour Strips flavor?

1:01:13 If you could switch lives with anyone, who would it be?

1:01:36 Name one body part you wish you could trade with another person?

1:03:13 Weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

1:03:47 What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?

1:05:25 Are you afraid of sharks, snakes, or being late for dinner?




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