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4. Fear As Fuel
Episode 418th October 2022 • Making Artists • Nancy Sun
00:00:00 00:29:15

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In this episode, I’m going to talk about the ways using fear as fuel can sabotage you. A metaphor for you: If you want to run a marathon, and you hire a bear to chase after you so you finish the race, you probably won’t run linearly and you’ll spend more time looking behind you than ahead of you, and you definitely won’t enjoy the marathon. If you take the time to prepare, condition yourself, and practice, you will feel much better about the journey and you might even enjoy it and want to do it again.

Using fear and shame as motivation is going to result in wasted energy to stress, anxiety, and shame. Being stuck in that cycle of stress can force your body into a fight, flight, or freeze response, and you can’t always choose which one. 

When you remove fear as motivation and you’re out of your stress response, what processes, systems, and strategies can you apply now that you’re not spinning in panic?

How efficient, effective, and pleasurable can meeting deadlines be? How can we learn to work with our natural cycles and rhythms rather than manufacturing scary conditions as motivation?

Ready to start making art, making, money, and making an impact? Visit or connect with me on IG @thenancysun.

Music credit: Positive Experience by Sunny Tones

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Nancy Sun:

Hey artists, how's life?

Nancy Sun:

, when this episode drops, we will be in October and here in New York City it

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will be peak, spooky season . And as an adult, I have not really celebrated

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Halloween in a while, but I am already so excited to be celebrating it this.

Nancy Sun:

It will be my son's first Halloween and we just got him his first Halloween costume.

Nancy Sun:

I should say costumes because my husband, my son, and I are

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making it a themed family affair and are dressing up together.

Nancy Sun:

I am keeping it a surprise for now, but if you want the reveal, you

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can catch us on Instagram at my Instagram handle at the Nancy Sun.

Nancy Sun:

The link will be in the show notes.

Nancy Sun:

I will definitely share our Halloween on IG stories and depending on the

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photography skills of my husband, hopefully there will be a post.

Nancy Sun:

And it being spooky season sets the best stage for today's episode

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where we will be discussing fear.

Nancy Sun:

However, unlike last week's emotional perfectionism episode, we will

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be talking about fear as fuel.

Nancy Sun:

So what do I mean by.

Nancy Sun:

. Well, specifically I'm gonna talk about the ways using fear as fuel can

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sabotage you like sugar in your tank.

Nancy Sun:

If we're just going to continue that metaphor, , which I

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just learned is a bad thing.

Nancy Sun:

, and I'm talking about fear as quote unquote fuel today because there are so

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many artists who only know how to motivate themselves with fear, and they come to me

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for coaching because them using fear as motivation on themselves isn't working.

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and sometimes their brain solution is to hire me in hopes that I can

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now scare them sufficiently into doing what they already want to do.

Nancy Sun:

This is something, for instance, that I have first noticed in my consults.

Nancy Sun:

So for those who don't know, I have consults with artists who are

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interested in working together.

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They're either interested in joining the Making Artists Mastermind or in

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hiring me for one-on-one coaching.

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and a consult is a one-on-one conversation to give us both data on whether or not

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we are a good fit to work together.

Nancy Sun:

And in this conversation I usually ask them why coaching?

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Why coaching with me and what has worked for them in the past with

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a coach or with someone else?

Nancy Sun:

And the artists who use fear as Fuel will tell me that they want

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coaching for accountability.

Nancy Sun:

, what works for them is getting coached hard and they want someone who will

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yell at them and grill them about why they didn't do the thing they

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said that they were going to do.

Nancy Sun:

Now I love a self-aware human who knows that having external accountability,

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like a human, a deadline or a standing coaching appointment works for them.

Nancy Sun:

But here is the red flag on the call.

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They will defend their limiting beliefs and they will want me

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as their coach to agree with.

Nancy Sun:

And then they tell me the reason why they want to achieve.

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Their goal is to prove this limiting belief wrong instead of thinking,

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This belief is already wrong right now.

Nancy Sun:

. They're afraid that if they don't think that they're the biggest piece

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of poop at the center of the universe right now, that they will lose all

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desire to go after their dream.

Nancy Sun:

So, for instance, a common fear motivating belief artists think and want me to

Nancy Sun:

keep for them is the belief I'm behind.

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It could be, I don't have a book deal.

Nancy Sun:

I'm behind.

Nancy Sun:

I don't have representation with a gallery, an agent or a manager.

Nancy Sun:

I'm behind.

Nancy Sun:

I don't have a TV or film.

Nancy Sun:

Credit to my name.

Nancy Sun:

I'm behind.

Nancy Sun:

And they want me to be their coach to get them to successfully hurry

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up, hurry up so much and so fast that they will get that book deal, that

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representation, that TV and film credit.

Nancy Sun:

And only when they get these things, they will allow themselves to consider maybe

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letting go of the I'm behind thought.

Nancy Sun:

Knowing them, one, I don't know if they will ever hit that goal post or

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they will simply move the goal post and keep the thought that I'm behind.

Nancy Sun:

And artists, the reason why I even have these conversations

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with these people is because they don't have what they want yet.

Nancy Sun:

Another way, fear as fuel shows up in my consults is when the artist I'm speaking

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with is burnt out and ready to give up.

Nancy Sun:

This exhausted state is actually a totally normal consequence of keeping

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limiting beliefs like I'm behind because then you rush, you work

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hard, you keep busy to escape or.

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Prove that thought instead of simply working effectively towards your goal.

Nancy Sun:

I tell my clients, this is like getting a bear to chase you as

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motivation to run a marathon.

Nancy Sun:

So in this metaphor, your goal is like running 26.2 miles,

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which is the length of a.

Nancy Sun:

And you think that if I believe this is a matter of life and death,

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I will run the entire length of this marathon super duper fast.

Nancy Sun:

So you hire a bear to make the marathon a matter of life or death.

Nancy Sun:

But when you hire a bear to chase you, you both probably don't run linearly and

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you will also be more focused looking behind you at the bear rather than

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in front of you, towards your goal.

Nancy Sun:

And your sympathetic nervous system, so this nervous system that is responsible

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for your stress response gets activated.

Nancy Sun:

So you are likely to be in a fight, flight, or freeze mode.

Nancy Sun:

, and while you hope that your response is flight in the opposite direction as

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fast as you can towards your goal of running 26.2 miles, that's not always

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the response that your body chooses.

Nancy Sun:

. Your body might be like, Hey, why are we running 26.2 miles anyway?

Nancy Sun:

and you know, if we give up on this marathon, this

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bear won't chase us anymore.

Nancy Sun:

So you might actually fly or flee by quitting this goal entirely, which

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my hunch is not what you actually wanted to get from keeping this

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fear inducing, limiting belief.

Nancy Sun:

Now, I want to normalize for you that in the year 2022, it's normal that

Nancy Sun:

artists like you think you need fear as motivation, or to just equate.

Nancy Sun:

All motivation as fear based.

Nancy Sun:

In fact, a lot of my clients on these consults will often have , like have

Nancy Sun:

their brain melted when I have them.

Nancy Sun:

Consider there are other forms of motivation other than fear.

Nancy Sun:

And the reason why it might be completely normal is because if you're listening

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to this podcast, you are probably a human in a westernized nation with

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an economy that is influenced by capitalism, if not Wally, Capitalist

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like me, based in the United States.

Nancy Sun:

. So capitalism uses a lot of fear based motivation because for this type of

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economy to function, society needs the majority of humans to show up to work

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consistently, reliably, and a lot.

Nancy Sun:

and that means business owners pay their workers just enough to survive, but

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not enough for them to have abundance to leave their boss, or even worse,

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start competing with their boss.

Nancy Sun:

So capitalism thrives.

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Ironically, it succeeds by using fear as motivation on workers.

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When businesses keep its workers afraid of losing their job, their income,

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their retirement benefits, their health benefits, workers will then show up

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to work reliably, consistently, and perhaps even more than they need.

Nancy Sun:

Capitalism creates workers that don't take their vacation days, even when they're

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unlimited, that don't take their sick, leave their parental leave, and instead

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creates workers that work over time and even play the game of moving up the ladder

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to prevent being poor by getting rich.

Nancy Sun:

. So in this economy, it is unsurprising now that you're sold

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on being afraid as the best, only, and greatest form of motivation.

Nancy Sun:

even as an artist, it's unsurprising If you forget that you can run a

Nancy Sun:

marathon without the motivation of being chased by a bear.

Nancy Sun:

So what's possible when you try to run 26.2 miles without being chased

Nancy Sun:

by a bear as your only motivat?

Nancy Sun:

Well, we know that you might actually train to run a marathon

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and run that marathon differently that you don't have access to when

Nancy Sun:

you are being chased by a bear.

Nancy Sun:

So I don't know a ton about.

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Running marathons.

Nancy Sun:

I've trained for it once, so I will just go by my plan of training and how

Nancy Sun:

I ran a marathon differently because I didn't just roll out of bed, hit

Nancy Sun:

the starting line, and, uh, think of something scary behind me, which was

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I trained for several weeks leading up to the New York City marathon date.

Nancy Sun:

I would have.

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Short runs on the weekdays.

Nancy Sun:

Short is relative, right, so it's short compared to 26.2 miles.

Nancy Sun:

I would have long runs on the weekends.

Nancy Sun:

I would allow myself rest breaks.

Nancy Sun:

There would be days that I didn't run.

Nancy Sun:

I would, participate in races and learn to have good shoes.

Nancy Sun:

And I would learn to give myself, like at the time, this may no longer be the rage,

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but there was like this sugary goof fuel that you would use in addition to water,

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to hydrate and nourish yourself on a run.

Nancy Sun:

And you would do things like get good shoes, get good clothes,

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carbo load the day before.

Nancy Sun:

, you would take exquisite care of yourself as a marathoner.

Nancy Sun:

That is not possible when you're just in a fight, flight or freeze stress response.

Nancy Sun:

In this version of running a marathon, there's also the possibility of

Nancy Sun:

you actually enjoying the marathon.

Nancy Sun:

You might actually enjoy training.

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Enjoy resting, Enjoy going on long training runs.

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Enjoy the marathon itself.

Nancy Sun:

And because you actually enjoy the marathon itself, that might intrinsically

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motivate you to run more marathons.

Nancy Sun:

. Whereas if you needed fears, motivation, should you even succeed

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at the 26.2 mile race, you might be like, That was exhausting.

Nancy Sun:

My adrenal glands were firing the whole time.

Nancy Sun:

I have cramps in my leg now.

Nancy Sun:

I don't wanna do this anymore.

Nancy Sun:

So I just wanna offer that you can have access to other forms of motivation of

Nancy Sun:

inspiration, and they might actually serve you better, longer, and possibly be even

Nancy Sun:

more effective than using fear as motivat.

Nancy Sun:

Now, you might be thinking that that's a great metaphor, but how

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does this apply to real life?

Nancy Sun:

Are there people out there who actually let go of fears, motivation,

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and do they actually experience the kind of success that I want?

Nancy Sun:

And the answer is yes.

Nancy Sun:

So for example, I have a client who.

Nancy Sun:

, used to use fear as motivation.

Nancy Sun:

He works as a freelance copywriter and is a journalist in the food,

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drink and hospitality space.

Nancy Sun:

And before we even started working together, he was making the average

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freelance writing salary of, I wanna say, in the mid five figures.

Nancy Sun:

Now I wanna acknowledge that making a living as a freelance

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writer itself is no small.

Nancy Sun:

but he came to me because he was overworking underearning

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and 100% burnt out.

Nancy Sun:

The gigs that he was getting were low paying, and because of that,

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he needed a bunch of them to make his mid five figure salary.

Nancy Sun:

And then on top of that, he was spending a lot of time really anxious in fear,

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stressed out, frustrated, and those emotions were creating an incredibly

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slow and miserable writing process.

Nancy Sun:

So what now takes him, let's say, two and a half hours to do

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it might take him all day to.

Nancy Sun:

So he was finding himself under pressure and behind the eight ball

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in terms of meeting deadlines.

Nancy Sun:

I don't even know if I'm using that expression correctly, but what

Nancy Sun:

I mean is he was not meeting his writing deadlines, and this was

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from the thought that I am behind.

Nancy Sun:

I am late.

Nancy Sun:

It's too late.

Nancy Sun:

I'm too far gone, which were all thoughts.

Nancy Sun:

That probably served him at some point in time to keep and to use to motivate him.

Nancy Sun:

He was hoping that what these thoughts would create is, , an opportunity for him

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to defend himself to prove those thoughts wrong by hurrying up, by hustling, by

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getting things under in, under the wire.

Nancy Sun:

But when you work this way, you are not considering that your

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body may react to this stress response with a different choice.

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You cannot always choose if you are going to fight, flee, or freeze.

Nancy Sun:

And what he was discovering was what used to work for him defending himself

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against these negative thoughts that he was behind by trying to get things under

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the wire, was no longer serving him.

Nancy Sun:

He actually found that he was freezing.

Nancy Sun:

He was spending a lot of time that he should have been writing.

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Doing other things to mitigate the emotional experience when he could

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have just removed the thought and then thereby removing the emotional roller

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coaster and then creating a different experience of him writing, whether

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it be for his clients or for himself.

Nancy Sun:

And that's what we ended up working together.

Nancy Sun:

Was, Hey, what happens when you let go of fear as motivation?

Nancy Sun:

What else could be motivating?

Nancy Sun:

And when you remove fear as motivation, and you are out of your stress

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response, what systems and processes and strategies can you now apply

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because you are not spinning in panic?

Nancy Sun:

So one, we learned that what motivates can sometimes just be,

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let's see, how efficient, effective, pleasurable meeting deadlines can be.

Nancy Sun:

So we took the focus away from the problem and onto the, so, And then

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we had a lot of fun just tweaking and iterating on the solution.

Nancy Sun:

So what are ways that we can, gamify, right?

Nancy Sun:

How many words we're writing and how can we make these systems

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and processes more efficient?

Nancy Sun:

And what I mean by that, that's like a lot of like corporate

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speak, but really like how.

Nancy Sun:

We learn to work with our natural cycles and rhythms when we are motivated to write

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as opposed to manufacture stress and.

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Scary conditions as the only writing motivation, and this can have an

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impact on your financial ability to thrive on your money bottom line.

Nancy Sun:

So when you need fear is motivation, you will probably end up taking a

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lot of low, more low paying gigs and you probably won't ask for a raise.

Nancy Sun:

Or you probably won't raise your rates because you are afraid of

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losing any or all of the income.

Nancy Sun:

When a client says no, as opposed to playing a bigger game for, Hey, how can we

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create more money so that we can work less so we can have the life that we always.

Nancy Sun:

. So I worked with this person on raising their rates with their highest volume

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and I believe actually best paying client so that they could create 30% more

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income by doing the same amount of work.

Nancy Sun:

So fast forward, uh, we let go of the, I'm behind.

Nancy Sun:

I'm too far gone.

Nancy Sun:

It's too late for me.

Nancy Sun:

Dialogue and now this person has like a life that even I am jealous of.

Nancy Sun:

They are now making over six figures and they're making

Nancy Sun:

six figures faster and faster.

Nancy Sun:

Whereas last year they probably hit that milestone in December.

Nancy Sun:

Right now we are at the end of September and they've already

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exceeded that six figure.

Nancy Sun:

and they're not doing it from a place of hustle, from overworking.

Nancy Sun:

They've actually taken vacation this year, vacation without their

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laptop, or it's vacation with their laptop, but they're actually working

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on their fun writing projects.

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The things that they always wish they could be writing their bucket

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list so that they're actually noodling on the book proposal.

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They've always wanted to get out.

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journalism articles that they've always wanted to write regularly publishing

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their newsletter whenever they, the impulse strikes, because now there's

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room for that impulse and they're taking exquisite care of themselves

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because they now have the financial means and actually have the time.

Nancy Sun:

They have, I would call like an entourage or a squad where.

Nancy Sun:

Like you have someone who's supporting you emotionally, so a therapist,

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someone who's supporting you, your physical wellbeing, so a trainer,

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someone who's helping you take care of your house, so a house cleaner.

Nancy Sun:

And these are all resources that they would not give

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themselves permission to invest.

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had they stayed in a fear as motivation state that W might have them hoard

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money and also still be depleting their personal, individual time, money, energy.

Nancy Sun:

So I just am giving this to you so you know what's possible for yourself.

Nancy Sun:

You know that you too can have access to this life with

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your creative skills just by.

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swiping left on needing to believe that something bad about

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yourself in order to motivate yourself and prove yourself wrong.

Nancy Sun:

And if you think, Well, that's great for this person, but that won't work for me.

Nancy Sun:

What if I am the terminally unique person for whom only fear works?

Nancy Sun:

I wanna invite you to consider that that's not true.

Nancy Sun:

So these days I look at my son and I look at how he's learning and how he's

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developing new skills and how he is going from learning how to lift his

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head to learning how to lift his body.

Nancy Sun:

And now he's in a stage where he's actually crawl.

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He's army crawling and jury's out on whether or not he's going to crawl

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in all fours or just skip that stage entirely as he's practicing standing

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and learning what how to walk very soon.

Nancy Sun:

And I share this because that is a process of learning how to do things

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differently than you've always done them.

Nancy Sun:

So prior to this, he was always been carried everywhere.

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He didn't think, Oh, I need to look at adult humans or look at older humans,

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see that they're walking, and then be scared that I'm gonna be left behind as

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motivation to bust my butt and start going through all the levels that would have me.

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he was intrinsically motivated.

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He just let himself play and through play he actually learned an important

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skill and he kept on just building that important skill through play until he

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got his lifting head badge, until he got his lifting his body badge, until

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he got his I'm Army crawling badge.

Nancy Sun:

, so, So I wanna invite you to access the wisdom of your inner

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baby who learned through play.

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Through joy, through curiosity, and chose to pursue goals and dreams from

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that place as opposed to a place of making your current circumstances

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wrong and making yourself wrong and needing to run away from your present

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conditions and towards something else.

Nancy Sun:

Fear as motivation is optional.

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There's probably going to be plenty of things to be afraid of on the

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journey to getting what you want.

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You don't need to invent another circumstance or another story

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before you've even begun.

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Start pursuing your dreams from a belief of, I can do this and

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see what happens next instead of from a place of I can't do this.

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and then having to fight, engage, defend, manage your disbelief, suspend it instead.

Nancy Sun:

All right, So that's everything I have to say today about fear.

Nancy Sun:

Letting go of fear as fuel.

Nancy Sun:

And if you like what you heard, I encourage you to share this

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with another fellow artist.

Nancy Sun:

You can do so by rating and reviewing this podcast wherever you are listening

Nancy Sun:

to your podcast so that other artists can find this episode as well, or

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just share it in your personal life.

Nancy Sun:

If a rising tide lifts all boats, why don't you contribute to that rising tide?

Nancy Sun:

All right.

Nancy Sun:

Until next time, hope you have a very spooky season, but not creating

Nancy Sun:

any additional spooks for yourself.



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