Welcome to part two of the discussion on EQ! If you missed part one, you may want to give it a listen. Last time I focused on explaining facets of EQ like self-awareness and empathy, and the difference between high EQ and high IQ. Today, I want to focus on the role that emotions play in creating our mood and what impact our mood can have on how we perceive and are perceived by others and how that can affect the way decisions are made.
Most of the information that I'll be discussing today comes from Professor Marc Brackett. The author of Permission to Feel. Marc is also the founder and director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. He's the lead developer of the ruler concept that is now being used by thousands of elementary schools worldwide some businesses have also incorporated it. And when you hear more about it, I think you'll see why.
Here is a link to the website discussed in this episode where you can find the Mood Meter App
Mood Meter App