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DeSantis Drops Out of 2024 Presidential Race; U.N. Meeting Exposes China’s Forced Organ Harvesting
22nd January 2024 • NTD News Today • NTD News Today
00:00:00 01:28:32

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has officially dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House, endorsing former President Donald Trump in the process. DeSantis's exit means the GOP field is now down to just two candidates, with President Trump maintaining a comfortable lead over rival Nikki Haley in the latest polls. Supporters of both candidates attended their respective campaign events over the weekend as they make a final push before the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.

The United Nations will hold its Universal Periodic Review for Communist China in Geneva, Switzerland on Jan. 23. The review is an examination of human rights records that all U.N. member states have to undergo every four to five years. A conference organized by NGOs was held on Jan. 22 to highlight the Chinese communist regime's persecution of people for their faith, including Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghurs, and Falun Gong practitioners.

Much of the United States remained gripped by deadly Arctic weather this weekend, with sub-zero conditions reaching as far south as Texas and Florida. Winter storms this month have claimed at least 67 lives around the country, with many involving victims succumbing to hypothermia or being involved in road accidents.





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