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Hosting an in-person event, Kundalini, + motherhood with KC Volard
Episode 16726th March 2024 • Amplified Impact • Amber Hagberg
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Amber and KC Volard, host of As She Rises + the Empower Project Radio podcast, dive into kundalini, entrepreneurship, hosting in-person events, and motherhood in this week's episode. Neither wanted this conversation to end! Listen now for a boost of inspiration, action steps to regulate your nervous system, and how leaning into fear will help you expand in your life and business. This episode is a must-listen<3


02:00 -KC's journey through entrepreneurship + Kundalini's role in her success

10:25 -Amber + KC's first impressions of Kundalini

11:45 -Leaning into resistance

12:22 -Turning the online experience into an in-person event

16:40 -Connecting with your community

17:00 -Walking with fear + tools to regulate your nervous system when creating an in-person event

28:00 -Getting out of your head + into your body

32:50 -All the roles of raising children + running a business

37:00 -How entrepreneurship mirrors + brings up secondary trauma

40:00 -Get yourself in the room


Join me this September at the As She Rises Event

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KC Volard (@iamkcvolard) is a NeuroSomatic + kundalini business Mentor for visionaries who are READY to build a 7-figure empire through their magic + mastery. She is a multidimensional being who is here to teach the entrepreneurs and healers how to do life + business radically different.

Being a mama of 3 little Goddess beings, a wife and being diagnosed with ADHD, KC scaled her business from $4k months to $100k months in less than a year and has since built a $2.8 million dollar business organically — normalizing having it ALL without the sacrifice + hustle.

She is the creator of the As She Rises LIVE event which hosts hundreds of entrepreneurial women every year and the founder of Trifecta Alchemy Practitioner Certification blending the worlds of Neuroscience, Kundalini, Somatics and Transformational Coaching.



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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to service and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.


All right, I'm so excited coming back.


Live with a special guest that I've.


Been dying to interview for literally over a year.


Hashtag mom life.


But she's here today.


Casey Vallard.


She is a Kundalini mentor and a somatic guide.


She's the founder of as she rises.


And the reason I love having her on is because she is such an example that you don't need to teach business to make massive amounts of money online.


She runs a multimillion dollar company and has three kids.


Are you guys ready?




Thank you so much for being here.




I'm so excited that we are finally getting here and doing this.


And it's so crazy because I feel like we go through the motions of life and I don't really realize how big it is that three kids and a company, the size and all the moving pieces.


And I feel like that is one of the things that I'm excited to talk to you about today is just that concept of, like, you can have it all.


You just have to be really clear on what all means to you and what your values are.


And I think that we're going to have a really freaking great conversation around it today.


So thank you so much for having me on.


I appreciate you.


Yeah, I'm excited to hear more.


I know I'm going to be learning about you just as much as the listeners here, but how you got here, how your business started and how you began weaving Kundalini practices into the business and what it all evolved into.




It's the evolution of your becoming.


Yeah, you bet.


So I feel like everybody, we could be here all day.


How much of a backstory do you really want?


But to really sum everything up, after I had my first daughter, I created my first online business.


I was a skincare specialist by trade before I had her.


So I've always been an entrepreneur since the moment I came out of the womb.


I was like the kid that was like, what can I make?


So what can I sell?


And everything to me is like, how do we make a business out of that, I'm through and through an entrepreneur.


And so it was no surprise that after I had my daughter, I would go into the online space, which started to boom.


At that time, about ten years ago, I built a thriving business in health and wellness.


And after I had my second, so built that business to a seven figure business, it was thriving.


It was amazing.


Everything on paper was a dream life.


The things that you strive for.


When you think about the idea of success in business, what does success mean?


Especially, like, the old paradigm way of thinking about success, like, hustle your way to the top, and then when you get there, you've made it.


And so building the seven figure business and speaking on the stages and having the accolades and doing all of the things, and when I got there, I found myself really empty.


And so this is just a testament to, when you build a business striving for success and not striving for true values and fulfillment, eventually you're going to realize how empty that version of success, or someone else's version of success, really is.


And so, from the outside looking in, everything was beautiful.


I was having a family and we had the home and we had the money and we had the thriving.


We were traveling around and all the things, and there was that emptiness inside of me that I kept ignoring because I quote unquote, made it.


And the longer I ignored it, the more real it became in my body.


And I know that this is going to resonate with somebody on here where there's that whisper, like, you're made for more, or this is going to look different.


Keep going.


There's something else out there for you.


Whether you're in a corporate job and the whisper is like, I think there's something more for you that's your own.


Or if you're a mom who's starting your business and you're like, I know that there's more to me than just being a mom, and I want to thrive and I want to find success and a big life.


That was me.


And so the more I ignored it, we know how that works.


And the universe shows up for you when you ignore things, right?


And that showed up for me in the form of severe postpartum anxiety after my second daughter debilitating to the point where I didn't want to get out of bed, didn't want to show up for my business.


And so I had this beautiful forced slowdown, which for someone who had built my entire life on hustling and going really hard and winning, I was like, don't make me slow down.


This goes against everything, hindsight.


It was given to me at the most beautiful time.


So I'm forced to slow down.


I'm forced to take a look at everything that I have created in my life and what is important, what does get to stay, where do I want to go and what are my next steps and how do I get there.


So that was when Kundalini really started to come into my life.


I always say that Kundalini finds you.


You do not find it.


It shows up in the most unlikely of ways.


You hear this word, Kundalini and then it doesn't go away.


And then maybe you search for it online and you're like, this sounds really scary.


It's not scary, guys.


It's something that we are all born with.


You have Kundalini, I have Kundalini.


It's not some voodoo practice.


Don't freak out.


And so I really started leaning into my own embodiment practice, regulating my nervous system, finding home within myself again, finding who I was again, really practicing the art of Kundalini and yoga and all of these beautiful practices.


And through that, I knew that it was time to make the big transition into coaching online.


And that was about five years ago that I really stepped into the coaching world, burnt that seven figure business to the ground, started completely from fresh.


My husband was like, have you lost your mind?


And I was like, yes, long time ago.


But this has nothing to do with that.


Like, oh, my God.


I knew this anxiety thing was really bad, but I didn't think it was this bad, but it was a perfect catalyst at that time.


And so that's how Kundalini business coaching was born, was through my background in years of teaching people, marketing, building businesses, holistic, thriving online in your body, and really knowing that there was a bigger calling for me.


So over the last five years, it's been putting 1ft in front of the other, following my vision to really help spiritual entrepreneurs, visionaries, mystics, healers, people who are really excited about building a business from their heart's gift, going online and thriving.


And so I'm really excited to be here today because I think there's a lot of different avenues that we can take, whether that be retreats, in person stuff, VIP days, or if you're wanting to do online coaching, group facilitation, one on one, or even going as big as creating a huge live event, like as she rises, you really can have it all.


And sometimes it is really hard and you will want to give up and you will want to throw in the towel at times.


And you just have to come back to that vision of why you do what you do, why it's important that you follow this path.


And if you have that nudge inside of you, that you are made for more, that there is a pivot that you want to make, that you are feeling stretched beyond anything that you've ever experienced and you're afraid, lean in and trust that.


You have to be able to trust that.


So many good nuggets, and I think how you share about just the universe showing up for you and you getting the sign, it's like it doesn't get quieter, it just gets bigger and bigger.


And it does end up being like an injury or an illness or a really rock bottom moment.


And it doesn't always have to, but if you ignore it, it's inevitable.


And luckily, that just reminds us, like, leading and living from the heart is that we are being guided and we can trust those sweet little whispers that come along and they're going to scare us and they're going to be uncomfortable and it's not going to be easy.


But as you mentioned, it's like, how can we lean into that?


Which is why mentorship is so supportive that it's like, yeah, this is your direction.


And yes, you can hold the duality of what if it doesn't?


And what if it does.


And that's why those of us that have those deep desires to change the world are actually making and building movements.


And there's a couple of things that I really love about your movement.


That as she rises, and how you created this huge event and brought so many people together.


And it wasn't just online, but it was like, how can I take what I've built online and bring people together?


And the sisterhood and the real life connection.


I got goosebumps.


That can come from really taking that vision, not just from the computer screen, but how can we bring this and really move people?


Because, as you mentioned, Kundalini is an energy.


And it's fascinating because when Kundalini first came into my life, I was in Bali, I went to a class, and I was like, who would do, like, I hate this, and I wanted to leave, I wanted to run.


It was like, why am I doing this so many times?


I remember the first time I did it, I was like, is this a cult?


And also, why are we.


What are we doing?


I'm like, I want to move my body.


Embarrassed that I was even doing it.


It was terrible.


And then I had a C section, and for some reason, as you mentioned Kundalini was like, it's time do Kundalini.


And it was so fascinating because what it did for me was it moved the anger and sadness that I had from childhood up and out.


And I was like, why am I so angry?


And I was like, oh, this isn't about Imani.


This is healing the C section, but healing the trauma that came before.


And now I fell in love with Kundalini.


So it's like that thing that you hate the most and then you fall in love with it because you just weren't ready for it yet.


I think that's like online business happens, too for us healers and coaches and mystics that are like, no, this is about in person things.


The online world is another teacher for us to the capacity to really have an impact so much.


I always say that the thing that you have the most resistance to is the thing that has the capacity to have the most impact in your life always.


What are you resisting?


What do you resist the most but does not stop showing up?


That is the exact thing that you should be leaning into, the person that.


You become as you do.




You can't even fathom it, right?


It's like, that's the growth edge and tools that we have to move in and lean into that.


Something that I would love to hear is where and how did your vision go from like, yes, I'm going to be an online coach.


I'm going to do Kundalini, I'm going to do business, but now I'm going to do an in person event and take this online movement into a room.


Like an actual room.




It's so crazy online compared to an in person experience and even more specifically, an in person event of this size.


I had no idea what I was walking into when I bit that project off and we started building it out, I was like, I am so new here.


It was huge.


And so I think even that in itself is something worth talking about on here.


You are never going to be ready.


And the capacity for the things that you are not ready for continues to get bigger and bigger and bigger.


It's not like we cross this threshold once of, I'm not ready, but I'm going to do it anyways and I'm going to learn and then it's going to be easy from there on out.


It's training your body and your mind and your nervous system and your team and your body and your business and your family and everything to say, like, at least once or twice a year, I am going to scare the shit out of myself, do something so big that does not make sense, throw myself into it, and I'm going to learn so much about myself and my business and my vision.


Like, oh, my gosh, it's going to blow my mind when we're on the other side.


But I'm willing to figure it out and I'm willing to mess it up and I'm willing to be new.


So I think that was a big piece of it.


So I spent a couple of years in the online space building out this business, multiple million dollar business, in just a couple of years, which has been such a blessing.


And the women in this community just continue to blow my mind every single day.


And I'm so freaking grateful for this movement and where we are all going.


And it felt like the next perfect evolution to do a live event.


So it was a couple of years ago and it was a full moon.


My husband had the kids off somewhere, and I was, like, drinking cacao and I was dancing under this full moon and having a full moon moment as we do as moms, when you get seven minutes to yourself, you're like, I'm going to jam an entire year of rituals and becoming into a minute.


So that's what I was doing and so loud and so clear that I just dropped to my journal and I started writing.


And at the top it said Shockti revolution.


And I was like, I don't even know what the hell that means, but that's what's coming through, so we're going to write it.


And there was, like, names of speakers and lights and fire dancers and all of this stuff that came through, the decor, the vibe, what it is.


And I was like, holy shit, this is a full blown live event.


Like, who am I to run a live event?


I am not Tony Robbins.


This is insane.


I'm just like, I'm a mom of three from a small town in Canada who went online and it just felt so big and it felt so.


It was.


There was, again, that thing in the bottom of my belly that was like, this is it.


This is the juice.


This is the thing.


And so we started planning it.


That was in 2020.


We all know what happened in 2020.


So we had a little postponing moment by moment.


I mean, two years of postponing.


And then last year, we knew that it was the year.


So we started planning in November of 2022, locked in our venue for 350 people.


We launched it in January 2023, and we had our first as she rises live event last year, and it was phenomenal.


Beyond words.


I cannot even tell you how beautiful of an event it was.


But I think for so many of us, why the live event?


And even if you're not thinking, like, hundreds of people in a room, even if it's a retreat with ten or twelve or 15 women or something on a smaller scale, you just have to look at your business and the people who are in your space.


That's your community, that's your people.


That's your heartbeat.


And bringing multiple people together in a community for like minded values.


You have so many of the same dreams, the same vision, the same desires, the same wants, the same struggles, the same, like, oh, my God, am I alone in this?


This is the worst thing ever.


And then you have ten other people who are like, me too, me too, me too.


And you're like, oh, okay, so everyone else has gone through it now.


I'm normal and I can do anything, and I am unstoppable.


I knew that with the size of our community and just the things that were happening, that it was time to get together and laugh together and dance together and freaking hug each other.


For the first time in years, I have, like, no words.


It's just so cool.


And to know that this vision had downloaded through you before.


COVID and so the anticipation, that love, that you want to see them again, and you're separated again.


And it's building, and it's building, and it's building.


And to be able to hold that vision in the void, you bet.


And it was also really scary, because this was one of, like, no one was running live events last year.


We're starting to see lots of them coming up again.


No one was doing them in 2022, like, nobody, because we were worried about the contracts and things getting shut down.


And we've seen how fast things got shut down and people not getting reimbursed for contracts and things.


And events of this size are like, at least six figures, multiple six figures, to actually facilitate and put these events on.


And you foot that money before ticket sales start coming in.




So it was scary.


There was so much fear, my friends, in my body, so much doubt, external doubt, my own self doubt, that I just had to walk with the fear.


I had to make hard, fast decisions, and I had to hold faith that our community was going to come together and pull this thing off.


And we did.




And I loved what you said about doing something that scares you every single year, that just swipes the rug right out from underneath of your feet, and how that gives you the capacity to hold more.


And how you mentioned walking with fear, because even if we do all these things, it doesn't mean that fear doesn't exist.


It's like having the fear and doing it anyway.


And for someone like you, nervous system regulation, what does that mean to you?


What did you do in those experience where you're like, oh, my God, what am I doing with the treat?


It's thousands of dollars.


With an event, it's hundreds and thousands of dollars.


And that capacity is bigger.




So how did you practice and what did you use to hold the vision to keep the nervous system from going into fight or flight?


Yeah, totally.


I think I'll say this, too.


The response in our body is the same when we do our first retreat and having a $3,000 investment or a 30,000 or $100,000 investment, depending on where you're at in your business, it's all going to feel stretchy, and it all feels scary.


And sometimes the doubts have nothing to do with the money.


It's like, what if nobody shows up?


Or what if I have one person at my event?


What if one person comes to my retreat?


Oh, my God, now I have to run a retreat with one person.


How fucking embarrassing.


Do you know what I mean?


We have all these thoughts that start to get really loud, and it's walking with fear and making a choice to move in your business and move fast.


And I think that it's so easy to look at people in the industry and compare ourselves and go like, why am I not where they are?


When is my big break going to happen?


And my question for you would be like, when was the last time that you did something that felt so insane, so scary, so over the top, that it's like, this does not even make sense.


But I'm willing to put it all on the line for me.


For me and for us.


When was the last time that you did that?


If it was three years ago, that's probably why you're still stuck in the same place that you were.


So how does one regulate and do all the things?


So, number one, I would say really good planning.


Really good planning.


Do not wait for the last minute to get your ducks in a row.


If that means hiring a team, if that means hiring a mentor who runs retreats or runs live events, or getting an event coordinator or taking a course, taking a program, go do it.


Do yourself the favor, getting ahead of the game.


Educate yourself.


Allow yourself to become.


Be a student, number one, but also become an expert as you go along.


Be new.


Be okay with being new, be okay with being like, I have no idea what I'm doing here, but the dream is so big and I want it so bad.


And I remember when I first started planning this event, I was like, casey, step number one, get an event coordinator, because, Casey, have no idea what you're doing.


And I remember getting on with that event coordinator, and there was parts of me that felt so embarrassed that I was like, I have no idea what I'm doing here.


I have no idea.


I have a vision, and I have a huge freaking heart, and here's what I want, and here's my vision, and here's who's coming.


And there was absolutely parts of me that were like, you sound crazy.


These people probably think that, what are you doing?


So know that that's really normal and that we are all new when we start doing things that we've never done before.


So that would be, step number one, hire a team, get the help, get the mentor, plan properly, get ahead of the game, so that you can start to feel more confident and competent in the craft of building whatever it is that you're doing, whether it's the retreat, the VIP day, or a huge live event.


Number two, the nervous system.


Let's talk about the nervous system for a second.


So I think people, because of the conversation that's happening in the industry, people think that being cool, calm, collected, and having a regulated nervous system is the goal.


That is not the goal of our nervous system.


The goal of our nervous system is to have a flexible nervous system.


What does that mean?


We are supposed to go into fight or flight.


We are supposed to go into freeze and retreat.


That's how we rest and digest in our body.


And it's how we have elevated, expansive experiences.


So, yes, a triggered nervous system.


Fear, fight or flight.


Oh, my gosh.


I'm not safe here.


I'm being chased by a bear.


It's also what we experience when we have euphoric, excited moments of big things are happening.




We are in massive fight or flight.


When we are in childbirth, orgasms, fight or flight experience.


So it's not that we're not supposed to experience that.


We have to have the flexibility to go.


I understand that I am experiencing high euphoria and I need to bring my heart rate back down.


I need to come back into my body.


So when we're doing something like a live event, don't think for a second that when I signed the contract at the venue that I wasn't, like, flying way off the handle.


We are sweaty, we are heart racing.


We have a dry mouth.


We are going to have a panic and fall on the floor.


I need to like, oh, my God, what is happening?


You guys know exactly what I'm talking about.


Let that be in your body.


Let that level of excitement happen.


I'm trying to run from that, like, oh, my gosh.


This is the most euphoric, exciting experience in my life.


Then after experiencing that for like a day, let yourself be in it.


That's when I have to go back to my practices.




Huge for regulating my nervous system.


I do it every day.


Kundalini is directly related to your actual vagal nerve, your nervous system.


When we chant, when we do breath work, when we do certain postures and poses inside of kundalini, it's activating the parasympathetic nervous system.


So it's using our own body tools to down regulate the body.


So having tools like that leaning on my team, take a day.


If you've had a huge euphoric day, maybe it was your first ten k month, maybe you launched your retreat, you booked the venue, it's the day after your retreat.


You had a huge experience.


What does your body need to have rest, to have integration, to have galibration.


So I think that's a big part of it.


I think that we're afraid of fight or flight because that equals burnout.


That's not true.


It's when we stay in fight or flight for too long, the limiting beliefs have set in.


The anxiety has set in.


The not good enoughness has set in.


And we are still in a high anxiety state or a high activated state.


But we get to regulate.


We get to do big things, expand our capacity, go really big, have the high highs and then have the tools.


So that's number two.


Number one, team, educate yourself.


Number two, nervous system regulation.


Get in your body.


Stay in your body.


And number three is like, prepare for when shit hits the fan.


Because it does.


Nothing is going to go your way.


Nothing is going to go your way.


It's no different than your wedding.


It's no different than creating a beautiful birth plan.


It's no different.


You go and prepare.


You prepare yourself so that your own nervous system feels good.


And then when things don't go your way, it doesn't mean that it's not going to be absolutely perfect.


And people have no idea where the hiccups were.


And it's just holding yourself through it when it gets hard.




And I love how you bring up when shit hits the fan.


Because in yogic philosophy, it's called Leela.


Be prepared for when shit hits the fan, which means having team and having practices and being prepared, because it's inevitable.


Like, we're human, and it's like we're going to feel all the arrays of motion, and instead of trying to overcome doubt, fear, scarcity, whatever the emotion is, it's like how to work with that and know that an emotion is an energy in motion.


And thank goodness for practices like kundalini or dance or yoga, or whatever it is that gets you into the zone is like you're moving it through and accepting it to be there.


And when you were speaking, what I was hearing that just popped into my mind is like, it's the story we tell ourselves about the emotion or about the feeling or about what's happening, that we get stuck in the thought process rather than being in the energy and the process of it.


Yeah, you bet.


If you're in your thoughts, you're not in your body.




And if you're not in your body, you're going to burn out.


You're going to experience all of the things.


So Neuro somatics is also something that I teach.


I teach a lot on Kundalini, but I also teach neurosymatics.


I have a certification program that is Kundalini and Neuro somatics.


It's like a six month program.


But neurosymatics, what that means is like the language that your mind and your body are speaking to one another.


So that you have the thoughts in your mind and then you have emotions and sensations in the body.


If you are having a lot of overwhelming thoughts, you are not in the body.


And the body, when we're in the body, is where we can regulate.


It's where we have intuition.


It's where we feel alignment.


It's where we take action.


So when we're not in the body, we are disconnected from feelings.


All feelings, good feelings, bad feelings, happy feelings, fear feelings, all the feelings that we are supposed to experience as a human.


We are disconnected from internal guidance.


Your sacred yes, your sacred no.


What is meant for you?


Where do you need to be?


Saying no and setting better boundaries, completely cut off from that.


When we are dysregulated because we're not in our body, we have cut off creative thinking faculties in the brain.


We have cut off logical thinking faculties.


You are in straight survival.


So the thoughts that start happening in the brain when we are in our head are like pure survival mechanism thoughts.


So now you're trying to build a business.


You are a visionary.


You're trying to go big.


You're doing things that people have never done before.


You're a trailblazer.


You're working with people.


Like, you're seeing a picture bigger than anything, but your whole brain in your body is like, bitch, we are just trying to keep you alive.


That's it.


And so now you've got internal conflict.


That's why you feel anxiety.


That's why you feel overwhelmed.


That's why you feel sad, depressed, irritated, frustrated.


It's not working.


I'm doing everything and it's not working.


How many times, as entrepreneurs do we say that?


When I hear that, it tells me you are not in your body.


You're not in your body because when you're in your body, you can differentiate between what thoughts are mine, what thoughts are not mine, and the ones that are not mine.


What are we going to do about it so that it stops sabotaging my success?


Yeah, it's self sabotage, right?


It's like we put so much pressure on ourselves when we're in our head and the stories that we tell ourselves.


Yeah, it's not even anything like worth being shaming ourselves over.


It's literally your body just trying to keep you alive and well.


And we are so maladapted in that way or underdeveloped in that way as humans that our poor little brain has no idea the difference between fear in your business and fear from 1000 years ago.


And I know I'm preaching to the choir on this is not new, but I think that we genuinely forget that your body is afraid that you are going to get hurt.


And that's where those thoughts are coming from.


So there's lots of different beautiful tools that you can use, like yoga, kundalini, of course, hypnosis, tapping, movement, dance, different somatic embodiment techniques.


There's so many different avenues, but pick one to heal and build a relationship with your body.


Being in your body, recognizing when you are in a fight or flight response to something, what are you going to do about it?


Yeah, and it's like having your go to.


Everyone has a different space or place to go to.


But I love this conversation because it's like when we can create a business from the heart, it's like you just get so into what you're doing and when those emotions come up, it's like, thank you, body, for keeping me safe.


I appreciate you.


And can you step to the side?


Because I got a vision to see into the future.


And it's like that joy and passion keeps us going, and I'm never going to forget when you said, do something that scares you because I heard this.


Do something every day that scares you, but do something every day that you literally feel like you can't hold it, but have the support to that vision that downloads and drops through.


And, yeah, I think you just have a really beautiful way of bringing a vision to your business and your brand and into in person retreats and events.


And it's so unique for me to be in your world because I've been following you for a while now, and it's the Kundalini that you integrate, but also it's just like the heart that you bring forward and through as a mother, which blows my mind, as I was telling you before, we got on the capacity to hold not just your business and all of your clients, but three human beings that everyone listening, these aren't like babies, these are little mini adults.


You have children, right?


I see so many women in the world, in our industry that have children like babies, like toddlers and five, six.


But your kids are grown and they have, like you were saying, they're in dance and you have a full time job.


And do you want to talk a little bit about how holding the business and holding, raising your kids, how old are they?


Yeah, this is such a good conversation.


So they are four, seven and twelve.


I do say that's funny when people are like, oh, yes, I have an eight month old baby.


I'm like, wait, that is not, you have no idea, mompreneur.


I'm like, you wait till your kids are like seven and twelve.


Now you're a mompreneur because you have two full time jobs.


And it is crazy.


Also, I'm on the spectrum of I have a preteen and I have a toddler.


So I feel like I've got 1ft, kind of in two different lives, which is even more hard because they have different needs and they have different struggles.


And I have one having a tantrum and a breakdown because the marker dried up and that's like the end of the world because the marker is dry and it's not working.


And then I have one who is experiencing real hormones and real emotions, turning into a young woman and navigating communication and friendships, and it's just two completely different things.


So in a day, I play the role of me, Gayz, the sovereign woman who's like a human all on my own.


I'm a wife, I'm a CEO of a large company, and I play toddler mom.


And then I'm like preteen mom.


It's crazy.


Honestly, it's wild.


I know that I'm watching and witnessing you from the outside.


And I know because I know the difference of a twelve year old and a two year old.


And I'm just like the capacity to hold those differences.


I feel like it really stretches and expands you.


And I think that being a heart centered like Kundalini practitioner gives you all of the tools.


So if you're listening, just knowing that there are tools to hold it, and you can hold whatever it is that you desire when you use those tools on a regular basis and having support from someone else to hold those visions for you, because I know you are heavily invested into your studentship, which is something that I talk about here since the day one I started the podcast.


It's like being the student first, and then everything that you grow and evolve into is because of what you've learned.


And then taking those gifts and those skills and sharing them with your community, that's growing and evolving as well.


Yeah, totally.


And you know what I think the biggest thing is with being a mom of a twelve year old is that that part of being a mom is triggering.


That's the difference.


When you have a toddler, you are rarely triggered, you're just tired when you have children.


And even my seven year old, now I have three daughters.


Send Oprah, Jesus, Dr.


Phil, send your girl some help.


But what I find with those two is they're building their own unique individuality and their personality.


And with that, there's a lot of things that my inner child, or even more specifically my inner teenager, gets super triggered by.


So a lot of the inner work that I am doing.


Yeah, it's nervous system regulation as a mom, and it's having really good boundaries and it's having proper systems and structures in my business and the support in my business that I can hold all this stuff.


But it's also the inner work that I have to do, that shadowy shit that we don't want to look at.


My own inner child healing and my own therapeutic experience where I work through, where anger lives in my body, and where fear lives in my body, where shame and guilt and not enoughness and unworthiness, let's just call it out, we all experience that, my friends, where that lives in my body, it is my responsibility to work with that, to honor that, to begin to build a relationship with those parts of myself.


So I am not taking that and projecting it onto my children.


And I think this is really a great conversation for entrepreneurs also, because a lot of times, whether we know this or not, a lot of the things that we do inside of our business, and maybe even becoming an entrepreneur in the first place, is a secondary trauma response.


So the need to hustle, the need for validation, the need for a launch to work and work really well, those are responses to trauma that we have, that is living inside of the body.


So the more I begin to work with my internal need for validation, worthiness, perfectionism, people pleasing, it affects me as a woman, it also affects my business, how I coach, how I lead, how I lead a team, how I show up and do this work that I'm called to do.


It also impacts how I am as a mom.


And so the dynamic of your self healing and the work that you do is going to affect the success, holistic success of every area of your life, as a mom, as a partner, as a sister, as a friend, as a coach, as a mentor, as a healer, as a guide, as a team leader.


Like, holy shit, we wear so many hats.


And it all starts with you.


It all starts with you.


Conversation ended.




I love the quote.


It's like you don't see the world as it is.


You see the world as you are.


And it's like, the more that you work on getting in to know yourself, it's like self identity.


And instead of pointing outside, it's like, how can you look inside and see where this is rising within you?


And I think that business is a beautiful mirror.


Being a mother is a beautiful mirror.


It's like life is the mirror and this is the work.




Being an entrepreneur and being a mom will show you all your shadowy shit.


Like right now.


That's what makes an entrepreneur so hard.


It's like, oh, my God, I just wanted to speak on stages and make lots of money and serve epic humans.


I didn't want to look at all of this uncomfortable stuff and it's like, oh, my gosh, lean into the uncomfortable stuff.


Make it sexy, make it curious, make it exciting.


Work with people who.


That is their zone of genius.


Work with the hypnotherapists, take the yoga.


Work with mentors like myself.


Work with mentors like you.


Get in the room with people and work through that stuff.


And I promise it will ten x your results, not because you hired someone, but because of what they help you move through at ten x speed.


Guys, I will be the first to tell you that you do not need a coach or a mentor to be successful or quote unquote, be in integrity.


That is not what I'm saying.


But what I will say is I have never, ever in the last five years in my business, gone a day without one on one mentorship, being in a mastermind, being in group programs, learning from the best of the best, not in necessarily the industry, but in where I want to go and who I want to be and what I want to learn.


Is it marketing and business?


I hire the best in marketing and business.


Is it embodiment?


I hire the people who inspire me in that wheelhouse.


Parenting, same thing.


Get yourself in the rooms with people who are doing what you want to be doing and who you want to become.


It's going to catapult your experience, your belief in yourself, your ability to hold yourself when it gets really hard.


We do that in community.


We don't do that.


And even Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins, like all of the best of the best, they have coaches.


We don't need heavily met.


But it's like you're learning, you're learning, you're learning.


And it's like to have someone to hold you, it's like, I think about it like the insurance policy.


It's like I don't hire a mentor because I need them anymore.


I learned those simple, easy steps of business.


The business strategy is so easy, but it's like the stuff that comes up while you're working on it.


I was actually last night just like, I'm going to do theta healing.


I have a lot of past stuff coming up.


I think I need to move something in the subconscious that I don't know is there, and I'm not sure yet.


Let's bring it to the surface.


And so it's like choosing where you want to study and what you want.


To grow through it.


And while you were speaking, I was thinking about yoga used to be like the long term process every single day.


And then you think about ayahuasca or mushrooms or something.


That's quick.


And then I was like, actually just start a business or have a child.


And there you go.


The fast growth happens.


And I think, I don't know what I would do being a mother if I didn't have other mothers to lean on because mothership is so hard.


And I think about in entrepreneurship, it's the same way.


It's like you're going up and down, up and up, down, and you don't want to do that alone because otherwise that leads to depression, burnout, sadness, like feeling alone and.


Yeah, you really said it all starts with you.


Oh, my God.


I knew when I was going to have you on this podcast, you would be here for so long.


I think we could keep going.


It's just a wealth of knowledge on the you, the inner growth that it takes to hold being a mother, being a business owner, changing the world.


Thank you so much for being here.


Yeah, thank you so much for having me.


And guys, if you still have us in your ears, I want you to know that you can have it all.


And sometimes it will feel like a lot.


And sometimes it will feel like, is this worth it?


That is normal.


To question your ability, to question your capability, to question your capacity, to question your vision, to question.


That's what we are meant to do.


We are meant to question everything.


And I'm here to tell you that just keep going.


You will create a life where in a couple of years from now, you're going to look back and go, holy shit, I created that.


I did that.


I created that.


Same as motherhood, right?


It's like you look at your babies when you're sleeping and you're like, holy shit, I created that.


What is happening?


There are so many times a day where I look around and I'm like, whoa, where did all these people come from?


Like, my kitchen table.


I'm like, I don't know.


I blinked, and all of a sudden there's four extra humans in my house.


This is crazy.


And I think your business is like that, too.


You're going to wake up one day and you're like, it's working.


Everything worked out.


And I have the team, and I have the financial flow, and I'm doing things that I could have only ever dreamed of.


And you're going to go, how the hell did I get here?


Like, holy shit, this is awesome.


But just like motherhood, you also are going to go, I know exactly how I got here.


I fought to be here.


And the good times and the beautiful things will absolutely outweigh the hard things.


But do not try and bypass the hard things or think that they're not going to happen, because that's all part of it.


It molds us into who we have to become to hold the things that we want to have.




And for those of you that are listening, be sure to take a screenshot.


Tag us on Instagram, share your biggest takeaway.


And where can they go and find you?


Where do you play the most?


And how can they continue to follow along on your journey?




So come hang with me on Instagram.


I live that.


Instagram is my fave.


It is such a playful platform.


Please come and find me there.


I am Casey Vallard.


Let me know that you listened to this episode.


I'd love to know what you guys loved about the episode.


And I want to get to know you guys.


I think it's such an intimate thing too.


When people are listening to a podcast, it's very intimate.


You've had someone in your ear for the last hour.


So for me, I'm like, I need to know who you guys are.


I want to get to know you if you're still sitting here.


So definitely come to Instagram.


I have the Empower Project radio podcast.


If you want to come and learn more about neurosomatics and Kundalini.


And of course, please grab your ticket for the as she rises live event in September this year in Montreal, Canada, hundreds of entrepreneurial women coming together for two full days.


We have epic speaker lineup, we have two leadership panels, we have workshops, collaboration.


We have everything from somatics and embodiment to really high level business trainings, marketing, branding, sales, all of the things that you would ever need to grow a thriving, soul led business.


Like years of coaching jampacked into two days.


I promise you will leave with a toolkit that is going to help you hit your first six figure year.


It's going to be amazing.


Then on the Saturday night we have the higher self embodiment party, which is by far my favorite part, where you come dressed up as your highest self.


And we have a somatic embodiment DJ and we have mocktails.


And basically you just get to embody your most expanded highest self with some of the best friends that you will ever meet in your life.


So it is a vibe.


I'm sure you guys will throw the link to that in the show notes as well.


But I hope that I get to meet you in person in Montreal this year and just sweep you off your feet in the best way.


All right, I'm going to post that in the show notes, but after this I'm going to go check out the details.


Maybe we can grab our tickets and go to Montreal together.


I've never been to Canada, so anyone interested in going send me like it.


Is the coolest city.


I'm not from there, but it's on the other side of Canada from where I am.


But we are choosing to do the event there because the city is so cool.


It is like the european city of Canada.


It is one of the oldest cities in Canada.


It has so much culture and art.


Like, it's just such a neat space.


If you're going to come to Canada is a really cool city to check out anyway.


And what better way than a complete business write off?


Let's go.


Oh, my gosh.


Thank you, Casey.


Bye, everyone.


To Montreal we go.





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