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Discovering The Leader In You
22nd February 2023 • Push to be More • Matt Edmundson
00:00:00 01:04:02

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A lot of people never reach their potential because they don't know how to find that leader inside them. In today's episode of Push To Be More, Erin Meads shares her secrets to discovering her superpowers and becoming the best possible version of herself.

Here's some of the great stuff that we cover in this show:

  • Erin regrets that children today have less freedom and innocence than she did in her childhood. She is mindful to create an environment for her own child that isn't based on fear so they can grow up feeling secure and lead a successful adult life.
  • Erin has recently begun to understand the importance of understanding her strengths, blind spots, and internal motivations. She always had an inquisitive nature as a kid and it has been reignited in recent years. Her questioning helps her create solutions for long-term cures instead of quick fixes or bandaids.
  • Erin took tests such as Myers Briggs and HBDI to gain insight into her strengths. She encourages people to look at these results with an open mind in order to understand how they affect them personally. As a leader, she emphasizes the importance of talking about self-awareness on a daily basis in order to support each other within teams or groups.
  • Erin shares an example of coaching a nurse who was making decisions based on fear instead of what she wanted to move towards positively. She suggested that companies should focus on leading with positive actions towards desired outcomes instead of trying to avoid negative ones.
  • To recharge her batteries Erin does Pilates which allows her to switch off from technology for some time; getting out in nature also helps with this process. As well as these activities Erin uses an app to help turn the brain off at night and listens to podcasts or meditates.



Erin has spent over 20 years working in Healthcare. Spending her first few years working as a Registered Nurse travelling across New Zealand and Australia, the ‘itch’ to make a greater impact for people’s experiences in health care led her down the path of working in leadership roles from her mid 20’s… humbling, challenging and rewarding!

In recent years, after a few surprising life events, Erin has been on a journey to really understand who she is. This has enabled her to further expand her skills and lean into her superpowers for how she best leads and supports teams and individuals in their workplaces.

Erin thrives on supporting organisations, individuals and teams through change and creating opportunities where others may see obstacles. Having years of experience leading and working across multiple organisations in Healthcare, Erin has had to navigate many ‘glass walls’ to continue her pursuit of achieving impactful results that focuses on ‘the cure not the band aid’.

Erin is also a wife, mother to a very special little boy and step mum. She loves a great coffee, pilates and is hugely passionate about all things sunscreen!


For complete show notes, transcript and links to our guest, check out our website:


Erin Meads:

If you're in a leadership position in, any organization and

Erin Meads:

often, we will all, all of us have, we have self-limiting beliefs.

Erin Meads:

So if maybe something, could be, I'm not good at, I don't feel good

Erin Meads:

enough or But if, how, if you're not aware of it, that self-awareness,

Erin Meads:

then that projects into how you might then support and lead your team.

Erin Meads:

​ Matt Edmundson: Welcome to Push to Be

Erin Meads:

This is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work

Erin Meads:

and to help us do just that.

Erin Meads:

I am chatting with the beautiful, the talented, uh, Erin Meads, uh, all the

Erin Meads:

way from the other side of the planet.

Erin Meads:

She is in sunny New Zealand right now.

Erin Meads:

Uh, and we're gonna talk about what she do, uh, what she does to push through,

Erin Meads:

uh, how she recharges her batteries, uh, and where she sees growth and being more.

Erin Meads:

Now, the show notes and transcript from our conversation, uh, will

Erin Meads:

be available on our website.

Erin Meads:

Push to be

Erin Meads:

Also, on our website, you can sign up for our newsletter and each

Erin Meads:

week we will email you the links along with the notes from the show.

Erin Meads:

Auto automagically direct your inbox and it's totally free.

Erin Meads:

So make sure you sign up for that.

Erin Meads:

Now this episode is brought to you by the incredible Aurion Media, which

Erin Meads:

helps entrepreneurs and business leaders like you, like me, set up

Erin Meads:

and run their own successful podcast.

Erin Meads:

Erin, you know what I have found running my own podcast to be really.

Erin Meads:

Really rewarding.

Erin Meads:

It opens doors to amazing people.

Erin Meads:

Like nothing I have ever seen.

Erin Meads:

I've built networks, made friends, and had a platform to champion my customers,

Erin Meads:

my team, and my suppliers and my friends actually, which is always nice.

Erin Meads:

Uh, I think just about any entrepreneur and business leader should have

Erin Meads:

a podcast because it's had such a huge impact on my own business.

Erin Meads:

I am a fanboy of that.

Erin Meads:

There is no doubt.

Erin Meads:

Now, of course, this sounds great in theory, but in reality there

Erin Meads:

is the whole problem of setup, distribution, getting the tech

Erin Meads:

right, knowing what the right podcast strategy is, who you get on the show.

Erin Meads:

I mean, the list goes on.

Erin Meads:

You see, I love talking.

Erin Meads:

I know sounds, you know, like really.

Erin Meads:

Uh, but I do, I love to talk, uh, but I don't really enjoy all the

Erin Meads:

other stuff if I'm honest with you.

Erin Meads:

So aurion media takes that all off my plate.

Erin Meads:

I get to do what I'm good at, and they brilliantly take care of the rest.

Erin Meads:

So if you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business,

Erin Meads:

do connect with them at

Erin Meads:

That's A U R I O N media dot com.

Erin Meads:

Uh, there's a lot more information there.

Erin Meads:

We will of course link to them on our podcast website as well.

Erin Meads:

And they'll also be a link to Aurion Media in the show notes which no doubt

Erin Meads:

you have now signed up to by email Because you know, why would you not?

Erin Meads:

Okay, let's crack on.

Erin Meads:

Let me tell you about this week's amazing guest.

Erin Meads:

Erin has spent over 20 years working in healthcare, spending her first few years

Erin Meads:

working as a registered nurse, traveling across New Zealand and Australia.

Erin Meads:

The itch to make a greater impact for people's experiences in healthcare

Erin Meads:

led her down the path of working in leadership roles from her mid

Erin Meads:

twenties, which was humbling, challenging, and of course rewarding.

Erin Meads:

As we all know.

Erin Meads:

Now, in recent years, after a few surprising life events,

Erin Meads:

sorry, I don't mean to laugh.

Erin Meads:

I know what she's talking about..

Erin Meads:

Erin has been on a journey to really understand who she is, and this has

Erin Meads:

enabled her to further expand her skills and lean into her superpowers for

Erin Meads:

how she best leads and supports teams and individuals in their workplaces.

Erin Meads:

Erin thrives on supporting organizations, individuals, and teams through

Erin Meads:

change and creating opportunities where others may see obstacles.

Erin Meads:

Having years of experience leading and working across multiple organizations

Erin Meads:

in healthcare, Erin has had to navigate many glass walls, which I

Erin Meads:

think is the understatement of the year, uh, to continue her pursuit

Erin Meads:

of achieving impactful results that focus on the cure and not the bandaid.

Erin Meads:

Erin, is, is also, if that's not enough, uh, a wife, a mom to a very

Erin Meads:

special little boy and also a stepmom.

Erin Meads:

Uh, she loves coffee, uh, Pilates, and is hugely passionate

Erin Meads:

about all things sunscreens.

Erin Meads:

And, uh, your, is that sunscreen or coffee?

Erin Meads:

You are flashing across the screen there.

Erin Meads:

It's coffee.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

It's the thing.

Erin Meads:

It's the thing.

Erin Meads:

It is.

Erin Meads:

Welcome to the podcast.

Erin Meads:

Great to have you here.

Erin Meads:

Thank you for having me.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, no problem.

Erin Meads:

Thank you for having me.

Erin Meads:

I like, I like the word automagically.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a great word.

Matt Edmundson:

I wish I could claim, uh, that I invented that word, but I think I read

Matt Edmundson:

it somewhere, uh, on somebody's website.

Matt Edmundson:

Thought that's a, that's a very clever word.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Erin Meads:

It would be nice if you could just kind of say

Erin Meads:

that, you know, I don't know.

Erin Meads:

Board meeting.

Erin Meads:

It just, just automatically, that's how I'm gonna do it.

Erin Meads:

maybe that's what I should call my next company.

Erin Meads:

Uh, automagically.

Erin Meads:

, Matt Edmundson: yes, I'm sure.

Erin Meads:

Actually, I dunno.

Erin Meads:

Well, yeah, I'm sure somebody's registered

Erin Meads:

Uh, so I, I'll check it out later, see if it's still there.

Erin Meads:

You're gonna have to check it out.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. And if it isn't, I'll register it and then just put a photo of me on there smiling.

Erin Meads:

I used to do this thing.

Erin Meads:

It's not there anymore.

Erin Meads:

I do, I do wanna point this out, but I used to have this, uh,

Erin Meads:

this, uh, long going debate with a very, very good friend of mine.

Erin Meads:

Uh, called Dave, and Dave and I would, whenever we'd see each other, would

Erin Meads:

argue, who was God's favorite, right?

Erin Meads:

And I would say to Dave, no, I'm God's favorite.

Erin Meads:

And he'd go, no, no, I'm God's favorite.

Erin Meads:

And it was just this long running joke.

Erin Meads:

And then if anything good happened in life, I'd just say See cuz

Erin Meads:

I'm God's favorite and not you.

Erin Meads:

And it was just one of those things that just went on for years and it got,

Erin Meads:

it got a bit ridiculous at one point.

Erin Meads:

Um, I went and bought the domain name, and I, I put a, I

Erin Meads:

just put a simple website on that domain.

Erin Meads:

And all it all, it didn't have any words, it just had one picture of me.

Erin Meads:

So when you went to, there's this photo of me,

Erin Meads:

it's not there anymore.

Erin Meads:

I do wanna point that out.

Erin Meads:

And so one day I was having a conversation with Dave and I said to him, I said, Dave,

Erin Meads:

honestly, I think you should Google it.

Erin Meads:

Who is God's favorite?

Erin Meads:

And so he Googled it, and of course, God's favorite comes up as the top ranking.

Erin Meads:

And I said, whoa, let's click on the website and see what happens.

Erin Meads:

And then all he saw was this picture of me on the website.

Erin Meads:

I was like, I win cuz you know, Google says I am God's favorite.

Erin Meads:

So, uh, I dunno why I went off on that rabbithole.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So now, uh, it's evening for me, it's morning for you.

Erin Meads:

If you're watching this on video, there's very much a dark vibe and a light vibe

Erin Meads:

going on on the two sides of the screen.

Erin Meads:

So you're in New Zealand?

Erin Meads:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Erin Meads:

You're in New Zealand, right?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Are you born and Bred Kiwi?

Erin Meads:

Born and bred Kiwi.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I, um, yes, grew up in a beautiful part of New Zealand.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, so bay of plenty, small coastal town where the beach was, my backyard.

Erin Meads:

So very, very lucky.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh wow.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Jealous already.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm not gonna lie.

Matt Edmundson:

. Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So did a bit of traveling.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, but yeah, have always come, come back to NZ now living in, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

Auckland, which is very rare, well, the largest city, but it's pretty

Matt Edmundson:

small to the rest of the world.

Matt Edmundson:

It's so, uh, you know, running our population is,

Matt Edmundson:

is not huge in nz, but yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

So living up in Auckland, um, at the moment where we work and play.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, no, fantastic.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And so when you grow up in New Zealand where the beach

Matt Edmundson:

was, your back garden, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

What was that like?

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, was it, was it as idyllic as it sounds?

Erin Meads:

You know, I think it, it was, it really was.

Erin Meads:

You know, I think it's, I think things have changed a lot now though.

Erin Meads:

Um, you go home and it's not, not quite the same with the backyard and you know,

Erin Meads:

there's all these things called health and safety that schools and the things that

Erin Meads:

you used to be able to do and go and, you know, crawl into drain pipes and things.

Erin Meads:

You even the tramps isn't it these days, you know, it's,

Erin Meads:

um, all of those things, but.

Erin Meads:

, you know, I think it, I think it created a really good grounding, um, in terms of,

Erin Meads:

yeah, the, the people that I was around, it wasn't, you know, or everyone has their

Erin Meads:

own little obstacles and as they navigate the world growing up as we, we all do.

Erin Meads:

But, um, I went to a, I went to school in another part of New Zealand, um,

Erin Meads:

and so experienced boarding school.

Erin Meads:

Oh, wow.

Erin Meads:

So, yeah, so that was a very interesting journey.

Erin Meads:

But it, you know, they all, um, create layers of, I think different types of

Erin Meads:

resilience and, um, yeah, I think shape you to, to sort of then how you present

Erin Meads:

yourself in the world as you grow up.

Matt Edmundson:

You, you grow up in, in this beautiful place in, in

Matt Edmundson:

New Zealand and you, you go through these different schools and you,

Matt Edmundson:

and, and, and quite rightly you have said things are very different now.

Matt Edmundson:

And they are.

Matt Edmundson:

And we all look back to our childhood, childhood and go, man, we, we

Matt Edmundson:

wouldn't get away with half the things that we did when we were kids.

Matt Edmundson:

Now you just wouldn't.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And so I know as a parent, uh, to when my kids, my kids are a little bit

Matt Edmundson:

older than, than your, your youngster, uh, a lot older than your youngster.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and I remember, I remember sort of looking at them as they

Matt Edmundson:

were growing up thinking, oh, when I was a kid, I'll do this.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm kind of a little bit disappointed they can't do that anymore.

Matt Edmundson:

So is there's something from your childhood that you kind of,

Matt Edmundson:

you kind of regret that maybe your, uh, young boy can't do?

Erin Meads:

I think it's the, I think kids grow up now with less feelings of freedom.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. And when I mean freedom, I mean that, that real childlike innocence

Erin Meads:

that you, you know, you can kind of, you go and walk down the street

Erin Meads:

and no one's kind of worried about

Erin Meads:

This sounds really terrible.

Erin Meads:

I had parents that cared.

Erin Meads:

But, you know, you would, you would, as a child, I remember there was these fences

Erin Meads:

that, you know, we all went along the, the, the neighbors kind of properties.

Erin Meads:

Cause we lived right next to the beach, literally.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. Um, and so there were these fences that just went for, you

Erin Meads:

know, multiple houses down.

Erin Meads:

So you'd walk on these fences, wooden nails, poking out of half of them,

Erin Meads:

but you'd spend your afternoon, you know, wandering, uh, yeah.

Erin Meads:

And playing.

Erin Meads:

And, and I think that isn't quite so easy unless you are living in

Erin Meads:

quite a, you know, small bespoke community or very rurally.

Erin Meads:

Um, would you let your four or five year old do that?

Erin Meads:

And so I think that, Feeling of, you know, I, I'm really mindful around, um, trying

Erin Meads:

to create an environment where it's not kind of fear-based because, you know,

Erin Meads:

otherwise that then has a, I think a huge impact of then how people sort of grow up

Erin Meads:

and, and lead, lead in their adult life.

Erin Meads:

So yeah, that, that just, that pure innocence, you know?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And, and you're totally right.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, I, the same way I, I would roam the fields for hours.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, you'd go in the mor you'd leave the house in the morning and

Matt Edmundson:

come back for food at lunch and then clear off again until dinnertime.

Matt Edmundson:

Pretty much.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

We didn't have mobile phones, you know, it was just, we got back when

Matt Edmundson:

we got back as, as long as it was sort of roughly the right time.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't think I even had a watch at that point.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

It was just whenever we thought the sun was in a certain place in

Matt Edmundson:

the sky, uh, and it was, and we would just get lost in the fields.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, we had a lot of fields around where I grew up, farmer's,

Matt Edmundson:

fields, woods, and stuff like that.

Matt Edmundson:

And it was just, It was wonderful.

Matt Edmundson:

But you, you're right.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I, that was one of the things that our kids didn't have.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And I don't know whether, I mean, it'll be interesting.

Erin Meads:

I think there's some obviously very extremely creative

Erin Meads:

young people coming through.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

But I don't know, sort of, you know, you touched on the technology part and that's

Erin Meads:

something I'm gonna have to navigate.

Erin Meads:

I've navigated it with two stepdaughters, but it's already changing, you know?

Erin Meads:

And so it's how you kind of navigate that line of wanting to sort of create

Erin Meads:

an environment where that's not the bend and end or, but also they're

Erin Meads:

making sure they've got the skillset that they're gonna need actually in the

Erin Meads:

adult world, where, you know, in the digital age, where you, you really do,

Erin Meads:

yeah, you need to know how to do stuff.

Erin Meads:

Um, otherwise you've found like Googling away.

Erin Meads:

So it's all, all of those sort of complexities I think that we didn't have.

Erin Meads:

But, um, I read something actually, . I was watching something the other day

Erin Meads:

and there was a, I think there was a parent that was asking about that,

Erin Meads:

you know, I don't know who it was.

Erin Meads:

Anyway, it's obviously someone in technology mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, um, who, and she said, how do I protect my, my teenage daughter?

Erin Meads:

I think it was from the, you know, what's going on in social media kind of world?

Erin Meads:

And they were like, well, you can do, you know, you can have all these, you know,

Erin Meads:

protective mechanisms and you can be, you know, near them when they're on the

Erin Meads:

phone all the time and all these things.

Erin Meads:

But actually that's really not going to, that's the bandaid, right?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

At the end of the day, it's, that's not gonna do much.

Erin Meads:

But, um, or you need to create and instill, you know, the confidence

Erin Meads:

and the self-belief mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

and within your daughter, and that's what's gonna help see them through.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

So, which I thought, yeah, that's quite telling.

Erin Meads:

Which we all need to do more of.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And as adults say, I'm a great believer that there's a lot more in that space that

Erin Meads:

we need to, um, we need to be looking at.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, I totally agree.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, I have a daughter, she's, uh, going up to 16 and I'm aware that on

Matt Edmundson:

social media she sees, and, you know, between social media and TV and all

Matt Edmundson:

that sort of stuff, she sees what one, I think it's two to 3000 images

Matt Edmundson:

a day of what people think women should be and do and act and behave.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And, um, . I can't stop that.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, I suppose I could, I could not have the internet in the house.

Matt Edmundson:

She'll find a way because that's what kids do.

Matt Edmundson:

That's right.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and, and you're right.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not, it's not stopping that it's, my mum didn't come with me

Matt Edmundson:

down the fields when I was a kid.

Matt Edmundson:

Do, you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

She just taught me how to, how to handle whatever I was gonna come across.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think, I think you're right.

Matt Edmundson:

I think there's like, how do you teach your, your daughter to be resilient with

Matt Edmundson:

social media, for example, I think is probably one of the topics of the day.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And even your son, you know, I I, I don't think it's peculiar to, to girls at all.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's, um, no, a hundred percent not, it's both, it's both

Matt Edmundson:

sides of the table now, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And so you've got to, um, you've gotta build that resilience in them.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And what's, and what's real and what's not, and all those sort of things.

Erin Meads:

And I think there's some really good, you know, I think that's starting

Erin Meads:

to get exposed a lot more now, um, particularly around filtering and all

Erin Meads:

the, you know, effects that happens.

Erin Meads:

But I think even just.

Erin Meads:

, you know, that that repeated exposure to, you know, this is somebody's snapshot and

Erin Meads:

it's usually the highlights, um mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

. And so, you know, how do you support 'em in that way that you know, that

Erin Meads:

this is the reality of, you know, real life and that's ups and downs and, and

Erin Meads:

all the, you know, things in between.

Erin Meads:

And also just connecting on a different level.

Erin Meads:

So yeah, you know, digital's great, but actually how, you know, do you

Erin Meads:

engage face-to-face or how do you engage and have a real conversation

Erin Meads:

with people or, you know, go into the shop and all those things.

Erin Meads:

Makes you sound really old.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm, how old am I right now?

Matt Edmundson:

Um, . Yeah, it's true.

Matt Edmundson:

It's an interesting one, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And actually, I mean, you're in the healthcare sector, right?

Matt Edmundson:

And actually this is becoming a healthcare issue, uh, amongst teens is the, the

Matt Edmundson:

mental illness that comes out of this social media nightmare in some respects

Matt Edmundson:

that we're, we're in the midst of.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And also as well, just I guess what, how people wanna engage in healthcare

Erin Meads:

now and what that looks like.

Erin Meads:

And that's changed, I mean, over, particularly over

Erin Meads:

the last couple of years.

Erin Meads:

You know, it is, it's had to change, um, rapidly.

Erin Meads:

And I think posi, that's, that's been a positive thing.

Erin Meads:

But, you know, we have to now navigate what that looks like in terms of making

Erin Meads:

sure people have the right access and um, you know, how do they wanna

Erin Meads:

engage and what does that look like?

Erin Meads:

And that's not necessarily always, you know, in a clinic and in person.

Erin Meads:

And so I think there's some really positive things that are coming out of it.

Erin Meads:

Yeah, yeah.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

But yeah, you've got master all that and it's all the fun stuff.

Matt Edmundson:

It's all, and this is what we get excited about, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, this is all the, all the interesting stuff.

Matt Edmundson:

So, so the show's called say again?

Erin Meads:

It creates the what if.

Erin Meads:

And I think that's, that's always the, it can create fear in a lot of people,

Erin Meads:

but I think if you've got a mind of thinking, yeah, but I'm quite a why

Erin Meads:

person and so, um, , which my people that know me well will understand that, and

Erin Meads:

I'm that, but that's kind of how I've led always, you know, I'm very curious.

Erin Meads:

And so, although it can be uber frustrating at times, and so I always

Erin Meads:

tell my team like I'm a why person and it's not because I just, I'm

Erin Meads:

being nosy or I don't trust you.

Erin Meads:

Um, but you know, I think as you continue down that why path, you

Erin Meads:

start to really, that's where the good stuff, you know, that you can

Erin Meads:

actually really influence lies.

Erin Meads:

And quite often we focus on the bandaid, the easy stuff, or it's

Erin Meads:

not, we'll just layer this on, but you just end up with piles of stuff.

Erin Meads:

Um, dunno where, where we started there, but I'm ask why

Erin Meads:

? Matt Edmundson: No, no.

Erin Meads:

So you're, it's interesting.

Erin Meads:

So I, it's interesting you've called yourself a, a why person as in, you know,

Erin Meads:

you ask why a lot, almost like a kid does.

Erin Meads:

Just why, why, why, why, why?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

So when did you, I'm, I'm always intrigued when I, I speak to people

Erin Meads:

and they have these sort of statements which says I'm a why person.

Erin Meads:

Um, is that something that you've always known?

Erin Meads:

Was there a point where you kind of went, no, this is kind of how I'm wired.

Erin Meads:

Was there sort of this point of revelation, the Damascus

Erin Meads:

road experience, if you like?

Erin Meads:

I, um, it's really interesting cause the la you know, obviously the

Erin Meads:

last couple of years I have really started to understand the importance.

Erin Meads:

I think particularly, no actually it's for everyone.

Erin Meads:

And I think I was thinking about it the other night.

Erin Meads:

We need to do way more in this space.

Erin Meads:

And I think it could, there's a lot of opportunity but.

Erin Meads:

really starting to understand how you show up mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

and where your strengths are, where they might come from as well.

Erin Meads:

And, and I think also, you know, being able to lean into that, but also knowing

Erin Meads:

your blind spots and being really super aware of the internal stuff of,

Erin Meads:

of why that might show up as well.

Erin Meads:

Um, so no, I was kind of always that kid at school, you know, even on the reports

Erin Meads:

and I was used to drive the teachers mad cause like she just, she sort like,

Erin Meads:

but why does two plus two equal let's, I was talking to my best friend the

Erin Meads:

other day who've been friends for years.

Erin Meads:

And she was like, you are always, you know, that kid that like,

Erin Meads:

but why does two plus two equal four I don't I need to know.

Erin Meads:

Um, and so I, I think, and, but I, I think then it kind of dampened down for a while.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, I think for a lot of reasons, but really starting to come back

Erin Meads:

actually it's a real strength.

Erin Meads:

Um, because.

Erin Meads:

it does enable you to, yeah.

Erin Meads:

Start to really try and find and create solutions and opportunities

Erin Meads:

that are always attempting to get to that sort of, that cure.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

of the bandaid.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So why, why do you think it's, why do you think it's important that we learn how

Matt Edmundson:

we show up to use your, your terminology?

Matt Edmundson:

What, what led you to over the last few years, to, to, to realize

Matt Edmundson:

that this was an important, and I, I agree with you by the way.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm not being, uh, disagreeing.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no, I'm just really curious.

Matt Edmundson:

What's led you to that, that conclusion?

Matt Edmundson:

What happened?

Erin Meads:

Yeah, so I think, you know, I think when you are, you're young and

Erin Meads:

you're, you're, but I'm still young, but um, You know, maybe that sense

Erin Meads:

of naivety and you know, you've got a goal and that's where you want to head.

Erin Meads:

And so I had quickly kind of discovered actually I can really,

Erin Meads:

I can control what, how I show up to work every day as a nurse.

Erin Meads:

And I love this and I love my patients and I love the team, but I, you know,

Erin Meads:

there's an itch and I want to do more.

Erin Meads:

And I'm, interested in how do I create, a better experience, for a wider network of

Erin Meads:

people that I, you know, that I work with.

Erin Meads:

And so within that, that took me down a quickly into sort of quite senior

Erin Meads:

leadership positions in healthcare.

Erin Meads:

And I, I landed myself in an organization where I think that was, it was, it

Erin Meads:

was an interesting experience because it was, at that point I kind of,

Erin Meads:

um, was exposed to maybe the way different organizations operate.

Erin Meads:

And they're certainly not the same and.

Erin Meads:

. You know, I think that's where you have to really start to know

Erin Meads:

and go, how is this starting?

Erin Meads:

How is this reacting to my values?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

and how I show up and my integrity.

Erin Meads:

And it was really starting to push on that, um, to the point where it's

Erin Meads:

like, I don't know, I don't know if I want to, if this is what it is.

Erin Meads:

Is this what leadership is?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I, I dunno if I wanna be part of it.

Erin Meads:

And, and it was a really interesting sort of crossroads because I, you

Erin Meads:

know, we, we talk about the busyness and I think it's an area we don't

Erin Meads:

talk a lot about though in terms of these kind of internal pools that

Erin Meads:

some of us, you know, we've all, none.

Erin Meads:

It's not all as like social media.

Erin Meads:

It's not always the highs.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

But we don't talk a lot about the lows.

Erin Meads:

And I think, that can be really tricky when you've got younger leaders

Erin Meads:

trying to navigate, their way forward.

Erin Meads:

Because they may not have necessarily seen the more tricky and complex parts.

Erin Meads:

So yeah, I kind of was at those crossroads and I went, you know, I,

Erin Meads:

I could maybe just kind of leave.

Erin Meads:

I could open the florist, I don't know.

Erin Meads:

Um, or you know, what do I want to do?

Erin Meads:

But I dunno if this is it, this is not how I want to lead.

Erin Meads:

This isn't, this isn't me.

Erin Meads:

Um, and so yeah, I removed myself from that situation and that was really,

Erin Meads:

really challenging cuz that went against, um, you know, it's like this was what

Erin Meads:

was expected and that was the role.

Erin Meads:

And, um, and so I quickly kind of went, maybe not, maybe not mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, but you had to then really be, um, take a really good step inwards to be

Erin Meads:

able to reflect and go, what's just happened, the situation, and how do

Erin Meads:

I now learn and move forward with it?

Erin Meads:

Um, mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

in a way better space.

Erin Meads:

And so I can, you know, how do I better show up in the world?

Erin Meads:

So I think that was sort of the catalyst of really starting to explore, um, you

Erin Meads:

know, how different leadership styles and different organizations and culture.

Erin Meads:

Um, and it's something that gets banded around, you know, culture and

Erin Meads:

employee experience, but there's, I think there's an ownership of

Erin Meads:

how we, we show up, you know?

Erin Meads:

And if you're in a leadership position in, any organization and often.

Erin Meads:

, we will all, all of us have, we have self-limiting beliefs.

Erin Meads:

So if maybe something, could be, I'm not good at, I don't feel good

Erin Meads:

enough or But if, how, if you're not aware of it, that self-awareness,

Erin Meads:

then that projects into how you might then support and lead your team.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And then on the other end of that, you've got team members who quite

Erin Meads:

often, particularly in I think, industries like healthcare, where in

Erin Meads:

lawyers, they're employed into a role, but actually there's human behind it.

Erin Meads:

And although we need them to do the job, they've all got different strengths.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And they've all got different ways of operating.

Erin Meads:

And so quite often that, you know, problem child or the one who you know,

Erin Meads:

isn't quite, you know, fitting the mould, it's like, how, how do we support

Erin Meads:

them and how do we understand how we can best lead into their strengths or

Erin Meads:

the way that they just see the world.

Erin Meads:

And it's also different . And so , the more we, I think we just have such, it's,

Erin Meads:

it's just such an interesting area, um, that we can, we can do a lot more in.

Erin Meads:

And I think that's gonna produce a lot better outcomes

Erin Meads:

for businesses, for people.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Uh, it changes the conversation, right?

Erin Meads:

Changes the conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

So what sort of things, what sort of things did you

Matt Edmundson:

do, um, or do you do with either the teams you did or with yourself

Matt Edmundson:

to get that sort of self-awareness?

Matt Edmundson:

Because, um, my experiences, everyone talks about self-awareness

Matt Edmundson:

and people think they know a little bit about themselves.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, but actually, Yeah, do you really?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so it's, you take the sort of the quizzes and the tests and the, you

Matt Edmundson:

know, and they come back, you know, the, my Myers Briggs or whatever, and people

Matt Edmundson:

al are always surprised by the results.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Am I really like, you're like, yes, you are really, like, so I'm kind of curious,

Matt Edmundson:

Erin, what sort of things have you done yourself to sort of draw that out so

Matt Edmundson:

you understand it clearly for yourself?

Erin Meads:

Yeah, I mean, it's interesting, right?

Erin Meads:

Because I think when I, I've done a few, I think like one of my, I think

Erin Meads:

it was H B D I or something, but, um, for me it was re it was actually

Erin Meads:

really rewarding And because I looked at it and I was like, my God, that's,

Erin Meads:

that's why I struggle in this space.

Erin Meads:

Like, that's why, cuz I've gotten like none of it, you know, like,

Erin Meads:

I way you prefer to play in kind of this area of my strength and.

Erin Meads:

As I started to sort of delve into different areas, and you can take what

Erin Meads:

you kind of want from, from them as well.

Erin Meads:

And I think it's not saying this is who you are, and it can change in a, you

Erin Meads:

know, over time, but I think it, if you look at it with an open mind, you go,

Erin Meads:

okay, what, how does this affect me?

Erin Meads:

And how does this impact me?

Erin Meads:

And where are my strengths and what do I enjoy?

Erin Meads:

If you are leading, you know, or turning up to work or you're trying

Erin Meads:

to lead your team or without sort of being aware of that, I think that's

Erin Meads:

where you, I always say, if you're not in alignment, then that's where

Erin Meads:

that real tension can sit internally.

Erin Meads:

It just doesn't feel like you're in flow.

Erin Meads:

Um, and so with our, like we had one, we had, I had a team

Erin Meads:

and we had gone through it.

Erin Meads:

Um, and we'd, we'd gone through one of them and so we talked

Erin Meads:

about it, but as a leader, I.

Erin Meads:

We kept talking about it.

Erin Meads:

It wasn't the thing that you did once in a nice, good session and everyone

Erin Meads:

talked about it and then that was it.

Erin Meads:

And you never, it was like, how then do we navigate challenges, projects,

Erin Meads:

team meetings, you know, how do we show up and support each other?

Erin Meads:

And I would quite often, you know, go in and say, I'm really struggling with this.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

because I'm not in this space, but you've got a massive, can you please help me?

Erin Meads:

And so it's starting to have those conversations on a daily basis.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And I think the more that we can do that, then the more people

Erin Meads:

also feel safe in order to, to sort of show up that way as well.

Matt Edmundson:

So what was some of the surprising things and that you

Matt Edmundson:

discovered about yourself in all of this?

Erin Meads:

Uh, so, uh, look, you know, it was interesting actually.

Erin Meads:

There was some, my, in my intuition is very strong and, um, . And I've always

Erin Meads:

kind of thought that, but you know, I think it kind of showed that I really,

Erin Meads:

really like to play in that why space.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. And that's where it started to sort of connect.

Erin Meads:

It was like my intuition.

Erin Meads:

I like the why.

Erin Meads:

Um, but also there's not a lot, there wasn't a lot of

Erin Meads:

green, like the, the sit down.

Erin Meads:

This is why I, my inbox looks terrible.

Erin Meads:

, I'm the person that no matter how I start, it always ends

Erin Meads:

up just being a bit of a mess.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. Um, but it's the way that it works for me and actually trying to have it

Erin Meads:

beautiful with all the different tabs is, um, it's just never gonna work.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I, it's just not quite where I am.

Erin Meads:

And I had, um, I had somebody else that I was actually supporting at

Erin Meads:

the time who was in my team, and, um, the person who came in to facilitate

Erin Meads:

it said, now she's the opposite.

Erin Meads:

So when you go back and you look at her desk and you know you're gonna have all

Erin Meads:

the files, and, and it was, I walked, I walked back in, it was a shared office.

Erin Meads:

And it was just chalk and cheese.

Erin Meads:

So here was my office and my desk with papers everywhere at my inbox and mess.

Erin Meads:

But very managed and hers was just the complete opposite.

Erin Meads:

Everything color coordinated and filed.

Erin Meads:

So my responsibility was how do I best support her?

Erin Meads:

You know, that's, you know, and, and we talked about it and I

Erin Meads:

think there's so many great things that come from conversation.

Erin Meads:

That's a very true, so many great things, , that come from

Erin Meads:

conversation with an awareness.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

an awareness as well and, and owning it.

Erin Meads:

Um, and saying, I'm not always gonna get it right, but then

Erin Meads:

let's start to have this dialogue.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. Um, and how can I best support you, particularly if there's areas

Erin Meads:

that maybe aren't my strength and you might need support on.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

So, I mean, it's, it's great.

Matt Edmundson:

I think when you say, again,

Erin Meads:

I'm passionate about, it's an area I'm very passionate about.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, um, yeah, I don't know.

Erin Meads:

I just always, I think what would organizations look like and what would,

Erin Meads:

if we, if we delved into it a bit more, um, I, yeah, I think it's very rewarding.

Erin Meads:

Cause I think it can really change even, you know, you might have people

Erin Meads:

I've worked, you know, obviously in healthcare, a lot of doctors, um, and,

Erin Meads:

you know, some of them quite challenging.

Erin Meads:

But often when you, if you have a self, if you have an awareness

Erin Meads:

yourself as a leader mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, I think you can start to look at it and go, actually, some of

Erin Meads:

this is this, they're projecting stuff here that is actually a

Erin Meads:

real internal struggle for them.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So how do we best support them?

Erin Meads:

Otherwise, this is just gonna end really badly for them and

Erin Meads:

actually for the organization.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Um, so I, I just, yeah, it's, it's a really, really rewarding aspect, I think.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

No, it's, it's very true.

Matt Edmundson:

I think know thyself isn't, it's a very, it's, it's a very easy thing to say.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a very difficult thing to do, uh, to, to really know yourself and

Matt Edmundson:

to understand why you are the way you are and how you react and respond,

Matt Edmundson:

you know, and it, and, and what, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

And what you should, uh, leave alone as a strength and what you

Matt Edmundson:

should actually work on and change.

Matt Edmundson:

Because there are things, believe it or not, I think people should probably

Matt Edmundson:

change, uh, you know, and it, and it's understand, it's understanding, I

Matt Edmundson:

suppose, where the, the boundaries and borders lie with all of those things.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Because, and the goalposts are always moving, aren't they?

Matt Edmundson:


Erin Meads:

They are.

Erin Meads:

And I think also, you know, like I, I was actually coaching

Erin Meads:

someone, a nurse the other day.

Erin Meads:

and, um, and so we are, we're going through cuz she just kind

Erin Meads:

of wanted to work out where, what, what, what does her path look like?

Erin Meads:

What are the options?

Erin Meads:

Anyway, so we, we were doing a session and it was really interesting cause we started

Erin Meads:

having a conversation around, you know, it was like, where's this coming from?

Erin Meads:

Like, where's the, like you've decided now this is, you know, you

Erin Meads:

wanna make a plan to move forward, whereas, but what's the pull?

Erin Meads:

Um, and so we worked through that and I, you know, we, we started

Erin Meads:

to unravel, I guess that the, the actions that she was about to take

Erin Meads:

were coming from a place of fear.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So it was, I, I'm worried about this.

Erin Meads:

So in order to try and avoid this, I'm going to do this action.

Erin Meads:

You know, I'm gonna go and be, you know, I'm gonna go and study this masters.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Where it was actually, we were like, you know, so we worked

Erin Meads:

through it was like, you know, lean into what you wanna move towards.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, um, versus trying to avoid.

Erin Meads:

And I think even in companies, we do this a lot, we don't want that to happen.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

so we'll quickly do, you know, this action to try and avoid it.

Erin Meads:

But actually what are we serve us, I think our company and our team a lot better if

Erin Meads:

we can lead with what are the things we're wanting to move forward to positively.

Erin Meads:

Like, this is what we're wanting achieve, not, yeah, we're gonna do

Erin Meads:

this because we're trying to avoid.

Erin Meads:

Um, and it quickly changed the dialogue for her.

Erin Meads:

So now she's going away and being busy doing, um, her

Erin Meads:

homework in a way different area than where she started from.

Erin Meads:

But, um, but you know, it, it gave that permission I think, to be, you

Erin Meads:

know, for her to, to inquire a little bit more about herself as well.

Erin Meads:

And yeah, where do her strengths lie?

Matt Edmundson:

That's a really powerful point.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, what's driving it?

Matt Edmundson:

And for that lady, it was fear, uh, and especially at the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, the great winter of discontent.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

As they're calling it, aren't they?

Matt Edmundson:

It's, it's, um, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

Crazy times in which we live.

Matt Edmundson:

I worldwide recession, illegal war.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, the whole year, you could list a whole bunch of things.

Matt Edmundson:

It should not be happening right now.

Matt Edmundson:

And I, I think that's causing people to make decisions, uh, based on fear.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so how did you, how did, how do you, how did you help that nurse understand

Matt Edmundson:

that that's where that decision was coming from and therefore maybe reframing it and

Matt Edmundson:

looking at life through a different lens?

Erin Meads:

Um, so, you know, I, I think, and no, I know

Erin Meads:

this, it, it's a journey, right?

Erin Meads:

It's a, so this started after, you know, A couple of life events along the way.

Erin Meads:

One being, you know, their organization of mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, why am I, why I felt so torturous, you know, in this

Erin Meads:

company where, where I should've

Matt Edmundson:

never a good feeling

Erin Meads:

been thriving?

Erin Meads:

And it's like, what?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

You know?

Erin Meads:

Um, and so you quickly, if you, you, you can start to, that can really dampen

Erin Meads:

your confidence, what's wrong with me?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

You know, and so I think that took a, you know, a lot of reflection and, and

Erin Meads:

starting to really look inwards around.

Erin Meads:

And so self-development.

Erin Meads:

Um, so I've done a lot of reading and, you know, I had a coach and,

Erin Meads:

um, I had more than one coach.

Erin Meads:

And, you know, and starting to really navigate, I wanna be, you

Erin Meads:

know, if I wanna thrive, you know, how do I then start creating actions

Erin Meads:

that are gonna build to that?

Erin Meads:

And then how can I use those to, to move forward and, and support

Erin Meads:

others and, and lead others.

Erin Meads:

So I think that coupled with when you maybe have.

Erin Meads:

uh, you know, I then had the, my son mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

. Um, and so that created a, a kind of a different reality mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

. And, and so you, you start to reflect on that and say, how,

Erin Meads:

how do I now move forward?

Erin Meads:

Again, I'm a different person.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, um, you know, pre pre Harry or and post Harry and.

Erin Meads:

And so I think through that and really starting to, as I said, um, understand the

Erin Meads:

superpowers and leaning into it and going, okay, well th this is how I best show up.

Erin Meads:

Like, this is how I can support and, and utilize my skills and experience.

Erin Meads:

Um, and I think the more that you can look inwards the more you can start to,

Erin Meads:

project how you want to, show up in the world, but it's gotta start internally.

Erin Meads:

. Mm.

Erin Meads:

And firstly, there's gotta be a desire.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

It's gotta be a desire to, it's like being hungry and being curious

Erin Meads:

and we can, I guess you can go through life, but it's not that fun.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Of either one feeling really just not in flow.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And I know it sounds very like, you know, whimsy, but if you don't feel

Erin Meads:

in flow, it's just things feel hard.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, um, or you take things on.

Erin Meads:

Like, I, I was asked to do a piece of work a few weeks ago

Erin Meads:

and I was like, I just, I Mm.

Erin Meads:

You know, I could, but I dunno if that's, you know, so we actually talked

Erin Meads:

about, I was like, this is, this is what I can, you know, this is how I

Erin Meads:

can best support this piece of work.

Erin Meads:

But I would need a team, um, you know, around that has these types of

Erin Meads:

different, you know, attributes that I, I don't, and that's totally okay.

Erin Meads:

So I think, um, the more we can see that it's not singular,

Erin Meads:

um, as well takes a team.

Erin Meads:

. And, and in order to build that team effectively, you've kind of gotta know

Erin Meads:

what are the blocks that you need Yeah.

Erin Meads:

Within that team.

Erin Meads:

So it comes back to

Matt Edmundson:

No, I like that.

Matt Edmundson:

I like that.

Matt Edmundson:

So you are, it's you and you are Right.

Matt Edmundson:

You know no mind.

Matt Edmundson:

And bringing the experts.

Matt Edmundson:

Well, yeah, that's true.

Matt Edmundson:

You do.

Matt Edmundson:

You go get the experts, you go get the, Hey, what was it?

Matt Edmundson:

Andrew Carnegie said his epitaph he wanted to read here lies a man that

Matt Edmundson:

knew how to employ people better than him or something like that.

Matt Edmundson:

And it was, yeah, it's that kind of mentality, which says actually, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

and actually one of the things as human beings is we, we know, I think

Matt Edmundson:

intuitively what we're rubbish at, as, as you know, self-esteem is probably

Matt Edmundson:

an all time low in a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so yes, I, I'm, I'm rubbish at this.

Matt Edmundson:

It's very hard, I think, for people.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, to say, actually this is what I am really good at.

Matt Edmundson:

These are my superpowers.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Especially, and I, I, I, I think, I do think this is a,

Matt Edmundson:

a, a, a sex thing as well.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's harder for women, especially because they've

Matt Edmundson:

been downtrodden for so long.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, there's that whole, yep.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and so I think the fact that you can sit here and you can say, these

Matt Edmundson:

are my superpowers with a smile on your face, and a, and a confidence in

Matt Edmundson:

your step is actually quite remarkable because I don't think many people can.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

It's, it's a work in progress.

Erin Meads:

And what's that whole saying?

Erin Meads:

You fake it till you make it?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I think, I think it's, you know, it's interesting because, you know, this,

Erin Meads:

I had another client and that was, that was the first thing, like I was

Erin Meads:

coaching her and she said, um, she was like, oh no, but I don't have

Erin Meads:

the, I don't have the confidence.

Erin Meads:

Like I couldn't do that.

Erin Meads:

I was like, you know, you, that whole thing around woman, I said to her,

Erin Meads:

you know, women versus men, they've always, they've talked about job

Erin Meads:

descriptions, you know, or adverts.

Erin Meads:

But yeah, they, a female will go, oh yeah, I can do that.

Erin Meads:

Oh no, I can't do that.

Erin Meads:

I won't apply, I won't apply for the role.

Erin Meads:

Whereas a male is more inclined to go, ah, no, maybe I could do that.

Erin Meads:

Yeah, of course I'll apply.

Erin Meads:

And so I, I do think it's, um, it, it's, it's not an easy thing,

Erin Meads:

but I think the more, if I think, well, how, how do I best add value?

Erin Meads:

And I wanna add value in how I can contribute to the world.

Erin Meads:

It's not so, it's not about me, you know, it's, for me,

Erin Meads:

it's always my why is greater.

Erin Meads:

It's about, you know, supporting and helping others.

Erin Meads:

But, um, so I think, I think you just, the more that you can sort of

Erin Meads:

start to understand that, then you know how you can best contribute.

Erin Meads:

And I think the other thing as well is the interesting, we talk a lot

Erin Meads:

around what are our strengths in terms of our, our technical ability.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Um, but it's all the other stuff as well that I think really

Erin Meads:

is where the magic happens.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, you're right.

Matt Edmundson:

It's, um, and, and it's easy.

Matt Edmundson:

It's easy, I think, or easier to say, uh, where, where your competence lies.

Matt Edmundson:

In other words, you can, it's easier to say, yeah, I am really

Matt Edmundson:

good at using a word processor.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm really good with Google sheets or I'm really good at, you know, teaching

Matt Edmundson:

kids, uh, that are age five or six.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And that's the, that's the skill, that's the competency.

Matt Edmundson:

Whereas it's, it's a little bit more difficult with the softer stuff to say,

Matt Edmundson:

I'm really good at being empathetic, or I'm really good at, at, at, um, at, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

you know, intuition or, or whatever it is.

Matt Edmundson:

Those, those softer things, which are actually much harder.

Matt Edmundson:

Cause they were never graded at school.

Matt Edmundson:

They were never actually celebrated at school.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So, no, uh, it becomes much harder to, to understand where your

Matt Edmundson:

strengths in those softer skills lies.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, yes.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm, this is what I'm picking up from you, Erin.

Matt Edmundson:

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Erin Meads:

No, I, it it is.

Erin Meads:

And I think that's where you, you know, that if you do the work, and I think

Erin Meads:

organizations as well, and that's what I'm saying, it's, you know, I, I was

Erin Meads:

talking to somebody the other day, I was like, yeah, it's, you know, we've got

Erin Meads:

50 nurse, we had 50 nurses in this team.

Erin Meads:

And I was like, yes, their technical ability is, is this, you know,

Erin Meads:

and we need them to do this.

Erin Meads:

But actually, you know, a lot of them are struggling.

Erin Meads:

Um, and for different reasons and at different times.

Erin Meads:

And I think if we, we often in, in organizations as well, we, we

Erin Meads:

focus on the leadership team or the management team, but actually how

Erin Meads:

else can we contribute to this work, to the, to the front line workforce?

Erin Meads:

And I think enabling them to also know, it also puts the accountability

Erin Meads:

as well back on the inside.

Erin Meads:

This is a two way conversation now, um, around supporting you and

Erin Meads:

then also then, you know, where are your blind spots so we can I the

Erin Meads:

shift from a culture perspective.

Erin Meads:

And I just think actually quality of life,

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, you know, um, which doesn't start in the end from the nine to five.

Erin Meads:

And so I think it creates a really different dialogue, um,

Erin Meads:

within with, with, with people.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

We all seems, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, totally.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and dialogue apparent.

Matt Edmundson:

It is what you said earlier, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Conversations are important.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, just actually having the conversation are, this is very important.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, it is.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and a lot of people don't have them, uh, especially in the, in the

Matt Edmundson:

culture in which we live at the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like, no, I'm not gonna, I don't wanna just, I don't wanna talk to

Matt Edmundson:

someone who has things differently to me.

Matt Edmundson:

I just want to ignore them or shout louder than them or cancel them.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and it's, it's a really sad state of affairs, I think.

Matt Edmundson:

So, Erin, listen, you are working in healthcare.

Matt Edmundson:

You are a, a mom to a fairly new child.

Matt Edmundson:

You've, uh, you've gone on this, this sort of journey of, uh, enlightenment for want

Matt Edmundson:

better expression without getting too zen.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

It's, um, it, it, it, there's obviously a lot that's going on inside your head.

Matt Edmundson:

You're working hard.

Matt Edmundson:

You are balancing all these duties, stepmom, mom, wife, business

Matt Edmundson:

coach, leader, Erin Meads as a person, throw 'em all in the mix.

Matt Edmundson:

How do you, how do you fill your tank?

Matt Edmundson:

What, um, what do you do to, to do that or recharge your batteries

Matt Edmundson:

is, you know, another way of asking the same question, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:


Erin Meads:

Uh, well I'm, Pilates is my happy place.

Erin Meads:

So I think exercise, you know,

Matt Edmundson:

Pilates and coffee,

Erin Meads:

uh, pilates and coffee.

Erin Meads:

Haven't quite worked out how you can drink coffee lying down and doing Pilates.

Erin Meads:

That would be nice.

Erin Meads:

Um, so yeah, I mean, I think, I think it's really important to create.

Erin Meads:

You know, and I, self-care has not been high on the list and Absolutely.

Erin Meads:

You know, previously, and I can see that it, the impact that it can have on mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, just how you show up.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

So I think it's really super important of understanding, you know?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

How do you recharge and Yeah.

Erin Meads:

For me, definitely Pilates, it gives me like I'm, and I don't

Erin Meads:

think it's the Pilates, it's the fact that I'm booking in time.

Erin Meads:

That thing is for me mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, and like, you're switching off, you're away from technology and mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, um, you know, moving your body, which they know is good, good for us.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So that is definitely one thing.

Erin Meads:

Um, getting out in nature.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, like, as we just talked about, I think, you know, we're spending a lot

Erin Meads:

of time on screens and technology, so how do we, um, you know how so can me,

Erin Meads:

it's getting out in nature as well.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

and I, and I'm not a great switcher offer at night, so I've started

Erin Meads:

to, I downloaded an app to try and kind of switch the brain off.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So back to technology, isn't that 360?

Erin Meads:

Um, to just to listen to different things, podcasts and, and actually

Erin Meads:

for me, that's really relaxing.

Erin Meads:

It's just, um, it's good for the brain, good for the soul.

Erin Meads:

Um, and, and meditation, which all also sounds really zen but it's not.

Erin Meads:

It's, um, like, I don't know.

Erin Meads:

There's something about trying to still the mind.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Which I'm not great at.

Erin Meads:

Everyone talks about the monkey mind of lots of things, but work in progress.

Matt Edmundson:

there's a great phrase, um, which is used, uh, in the vegan

Matt Edmundson:

community an awful lot, which says pro uh, focus on progress, not perfection.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and that's what, that's what you're talking about, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

The sort of the work in progress.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like, and this is where I'm at right now, you know, this

Matt Edmundson:

is the sort of point in life..

Erin Meads:

So, and I think also just trying to be more in the moment mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

as well.

Erin Meads:

Like, it's so easy to get, you know, what, worried a hundred percent.

Erin Meads:

We're all worried about different things for different reasons,

Erin Meads:

um, for the future, definitely.

Erin Meads:

But, um, you know, and I think having a small person, keeps you kind of grounded.

Erin Meads:

And so it's, yeah.

Erin Meads:

How do you, it's seeing the world through their eyes is just fascinating.

Erin Meads:

And I think you can learn a lot from just getting down to

Erin Meads:

their level and exploring Yeah.

Erin Meads:

and being in the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, that's very true.

Matt Edmundson:

And, and bringing it back to technology.

Matt Edmundson:

I think technology has a habit of robbing you from being in the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

So you'll see a couple in the restaurant having a meal, both of them are on

Matt Edmundson:

their phones, you know, Instagramming about the meal that they're eating.

Matt Edmundson:

Or you'll be in front of a beautiful waterfall and you're so busy trying to

Matt Edmundson:

find the perfect camera angle that you just forget just to stop and look Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

And take it in.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And so that, that sort of doing life in the moment and being in the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

I think is one of the great things that technology is sort of, robbed is probably

Matt Edmundson:

the wrong phrase, but as we've allowed technology to take from us, uh, yeah, that

Matt Edmundson:

would be maybe a way that I would put it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Um, so yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

I, I, I like that.

Matt Edmundson:

I like that.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, where do you see, where do you see the next few years going for you?

Matt Edmundson:

What do you wanna grow in and develop into?

Erin Meads:

Well, I've definitely said next year I just went some of the downs.

Erin Meads:

I, next year is definitely the year of discovery.

Erin Meads:

Um, so there's, you know, I definitely want to continue down the path of

Erin Meads:

being able to and what that looks like.

Erin Meads:

I, and I think that's the exciting thing about life is that you can build

Erin Meads:

and create, and it doesn't quite work.

Erin Meads:

You just do a bit of a 180, um, however, you know, continuing or

Erin Meads:

actually starting to focus more into, uh, working with peoples and teams

Erin Meads:

and organizations, um, around sort of this area with around strengths and

Erin Meads:

culture and, you know, interactions and, and all the really fun, fun stuff.

Erin Meads:

Um, because I think that I just, yeah, there's just so

Erin Meads:

many positive aspects of it.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, so wanting to do it a lot more work in that space.

Erin Meads:

Um, and that's really exciting.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

So with that, you then, you know, grow your own skillset as well.

Erin Meads:

And so definitely next year, um, have, you know, put myself on a few courses as well.

Erin Meads:

And I'm always a fan of learning and, um, , so, and I, you know, I

Erin Meads:

don't know after that, who knows?

Erin Meads:

I think it's, I think, yeah, there's, and there's a couple of

Erin Meads:

other projects in the pipeline.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Um, so.

Erin Meads:

No, that's just, which is, which is exciting too.

Erin Meads:

But I, I think, um, yeah, probably over the next five years is

Erin Meads:

starting to, yeah, how that looks.

Erin Meads:

Um, I can't tell you much, but it will.

Erin Meads:

Yeah, it's definitely adventure I'm looking forward to.

Matt Edmundson:

It's really interesting, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Cuz you are, as I'm asking you the question, your eyes are going up

Matt Edmundson:

and you know, to the corner and you are, think you're seeing things

Matt Edmundson:

in your head and you're using phrases like, it's an adventure.

Matt Edmundson:

It's something that I'm looking forward to.

Matt Edmundson:

It's exciting.

Matt Edmundson:

And that's actually a bit at the same time you go, I dunno what it is.

Matt Edmundson:

But that in itself is such a powerful blessing for want of a better expression.

Matt Edmundson:

The actual, the ability to conceive and think about a future with hope and

Matt Edmundson:

with excitement and with, with sort of like a passion and a momentum, if you

Matt Edmundson:

like, I think is quite, is quite lovely.

Matt Edmundson:

So it's quite nice to hear you.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't need all the answers, but it's quite nice to hear you talk

Matt Edmundson:

about it in, in, in those sort of, and with that framework, if you like.

Erin Meads:

Yeah, I mean, I think, I think otherwise, you know, you can, oh

Erin Meads:

look, I, and, and I think that's where I've become more particular around some

Erin Meads:

of the work that I've taken on in terms of, you know, cause I am sitting in a,

Erin Meads:

in a consulting space, so that gives me flexibility to, um, you know, I'm working

Erin Meads:

with multiple people and organizations.

Erin Meads:

And so I think it's starting to be, you know, really particular around going,

Erin Meads:

well actually if, if I take this on, then that doesn't create space for this mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

. Um, and so, you know how, and, and I'm, you know, really upfront with people

Erin Meads:

now if they do ask a piece of work, I just had a client and so I put some

Erin Meads:

of the strengths on like, about me.

Erin Meads:

Like, this is what you, you know, this is what you get.

Erin Meads:

Um, and so it creates that dialogue.

Erin Meads:

But yeah.

Erin Meads:

. It's, it's a very, I'm, I'm also super aware that it's a privileged

Erin Meads:

position to kind of be in mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

. And so, um, you know, treating that with the, the TLC and the care that

Erin Meads:

it should, because yeah, I know that there's, you know, for others

Erin Meads:

it's, it's not quite so, Easy.

Erin Meads:


Matt Edmundson:

well, what we'll do, Erin, is we'll get you back

Matt Edmundson:

onto the podcast in a few years time and find out what's going on.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's really interesting, the conversation . So it has now got to

Matt Edmundson:

the time of the podcast, which I know you have been looking forward to.

Matt Edmundson:

This is the, uh, question box time dun dun dun.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you are, uh, listening to the podcast rather than watching

Matt Edmundson:

it, I've just held up a box of, uh, questions, uh, to the screen.

Matt Edmundson:

And this is where I take out the cards with the questions on, uh, and I, I

Matt Edmundson:

sort of ruffle through them and at some point Erin will say to me, stop.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and wherever we stop, that's gonna be the question that comes next.

Matt Edmundson:

I dunno what it'll be.

Matt Edmundson:

I've not read through all of these questions.

Matt Edmundson:

I've only read some of them.

Matt Edmundson:

I do take out the inappropriate questions, , uh, uh, but we will go through the

Matt Edmundson:

questions, uh, and we will say, stop 'em.

Matt Edmundson:

That will be the next question.

Matt Edmundson:

So Erin, over to you.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, stop.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, getting quite close to the end there.

Matt Edmundson:

So, um, I'm nervous.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

It's uh, it's one of those, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

So are you ready for your question?

Erin Meads:

Oh, okay.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Um, let me show you the question as I read it out.

Matt Edmundson:

Can incompatibility ever be a strength in a relationship?

Matt Edmundson:

That's actually quite a good question for you.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's

Erin Meads:

Mm, yes.

Erin Meads:

I'm gonna say yes.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

It can be, the reason for that is because I think, well, it de

Erin Meads:

it depends . So I think there can be areas of incompatibility.

Erin Meads:

So if it's completely just not working, then maybe no.

Erin Meads:

But I think, um, yes, because one, you need a bit of yin and yang.

Erin Meads:

So if you think it's kind of, ah, I don't know, it's a, it could be an interest or.

Erin Meads:

Just the way that maybe somebody does something and it's different

Erin Meads:

to you, then yeah, that creates a little bit of tension.

Erin Meads:

But it can be also a positive thing of, um, it's boring otherwise if

Erin Meads:

you, if you the same completely.

Erin Meads:

But I think also it can, it can ch like challenge you in different

Erin Meads:

ways and make again mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

how do you react and respond to that situation where it might

Erin Meads:

not be incompatible, it's just actually it's a different person.

Erin Meads:

We're all unique and so they're saying they're gonna have their own stuff and

Erin Meads:

then that's the reason why they show up or that's something that interests them.

Erin Meads:

So how can you respond to the situation differently?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

. So I think it creates an opportunity to, um, to appreciate differences.

Matt Edmundson:

And it sounds very good, Erin, what you're saying, and I'm not

Matt Edmundson:

disagreeing with you, I just think it's, it's one of those things that is a lot

Matt Edmundson:

easier said than done because, well, I'm hundred percent, it's, it's one of

Matt Edmundson:

those where actually to understand where we're incompatible usually means we have

Matt Edmundson:

a very strong difference of opinion.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Or a different strength of idea.

Matt Edmundson:

So for me to still be okay with that, uh, despite my strong belief otherwise,

Matt Edmundson:

can actually make me very, very insecure.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

It becomes quite problematic, doesn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And so, uh, I, I hear what you're saying, but on the other hand, I'm like,

Matt Edmundson:

I wonder if this is the main reason, which is cited for divorce, for example.

Matt Edmundson:

We were just incompatible.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and you're kind of like, yeah,

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

And I think it depends what it is, right?

Erin Meads:

And you, and I think that's the difference between this is it's values based and

Erin Meads:

like, and knowing your values and just knowing that that's just not something

Erin Meads:

that you, you know, will leave a stray.

Erin Meads:

And so that's okay cuz that's holding your own boundaries and your own values.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

But I think, um, there's lots of things that can be, you know, differences

Erin Meads:

of opinion where it's not re it's not quite values based mm-hmm.

Erin Meads:

, but it also could be how we just show up in the world as well.

Erin Meads:

And so, knowing our blind spots, knowing their blind spots, and

Erin Meads:

is it, is it really incompatible?

Erin Meads:

I guess that's, that's where I always challenge it that too, but

Erin Meads:

it totally depends on the context.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no, it does.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not, it's not actually a very straightforward question to answer.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's a really interesting question to ponder because I, I, I have

Matt Edmundson:

been married coming up to 25 years now.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and.

Matt Edmundson:

I love being married.

Matt Edmundson:

My wife's amazing, and she's had to put up with a lot living with me.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm not gonna lie.

Matt Edmundson:

She's, she's an incredible lady.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and you, you come and people say to you, why you've been married 25 years.

Matt Edmundson:

You run your own business.

Matt Edmundson:

You, how, how do you do that?

Matt Edmundson:

And you're like, well, it's hard work, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

You, you have to, you have to lay aside certain, certain rights that you feel

Matt Edmundson:

like you should probably have, um, and actually recognize that actually

Matt Edmundson:

there are strengths and weaknesses you all bring to this relationship.

Matt Edmundson:

, is that incompatibility?

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just that sort of recognizing that actually we don't gel on

Matt Edmundson:

everything and we're okay with that.

Matt Edmundson:

And we sort of, we work, we work life around that.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, it's, it's, but, I feel like we could go on and on

Matt Edmundson:

about this question all night.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a very good question.

Matt Edmundson:

We could, uh, box of question box.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

A very good question from the question box.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, it was a very good question.

Matt Edmundson:

You can go and ask it.

Matt Edmundson:

There are some more, there are some great questions in that box.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, some of which were just, uh, plain inappropriate.

Matt Edmundson:

But anyway, uh, we won't go there.

Matt Edmundson:

So, uh, Erin, let me ask you another question then.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, as you know, this show is sponsored by Aurion Media, which

Matt Edmundson:

specializes in, uh, helping folks set up and run their own, uh, podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

So imagine that you have your own podcast, uh, Erin's sort of chats kind of thing.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and you get to interview people on your show, past, present, future

Matt Edmundson:

people that have impacted your life.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm really curious who's on your guest list and why?

Matt Edmundson:

And there's that why question?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, why?

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I, Hmm.

Erin Meads:

I would definitely, Simon Sinek would be one.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

He actually would.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

It's not because of the circle of why.

Erin Meads:

That's the golden circle.

Matt Edmundson:

The golden circle,

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I just think he's, I think he's had an interesting journey.

Erin Meads:

I think, you know, he's, he is, contributed a lot into the sort of,

Erin Meads:

and and leadership ends and he just, I re I find he's just super interesting.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I really, really admire his work and, um, taken a lot from that as

Erin Meads:

well as Patrick Lencioni actually.

Erin Meads:

So I absolutely have him as well.

Erin Meads:

Um, I would have.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

Uh, I could have a whole, can I have a list or just one?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, sure.

Matt Edmundson:

You go for it.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, don't let me interrupt.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Erin Meads:

Who else?

Erin Meads:

Uh, I, I would actually, if I could go back in time, like, you

Erin Meads:

know, obviously not here anymore, but both my grandparents actually.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

I just, I don't know, you know, there's always that thing, isn't it?

Erin Meads:

Of the things that you wish you'd kind of gone, been able to go back and chew

Erin Meads:

the fat of the younger selves as well.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:

, um, and lessons learned.

Erin Meads:

So we have both of them on.

Erin Meads:

Um, and oh, there's plenty.

Erin Meads:


Erin Meads:


Matt Edmundson:

Oh, well, obviously given, I'd expect nothing less.

Matt Edmundson:

Erin to be, I'd probably be the first person I would've thought.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Oh, it's brilliant, brilliant.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it's um, it's one of those, isn't it?

Erin Meads:

And I think it's, I love people from all walks,

Erin Meads:

you know, I just think everybody has something to contribute.

Matt Edmundson:

Everyone's got a story and I genuinely believe that you can.

Matt Edmundson:

They really do.

Matt Edmundson:

You can all, I think just about anybody on the planet would

Matt Edmundson:

make a good guest for a podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

And you, as long as you know how to get that story out of them, um, granted, I

Matt Edmundson:

know there are exceptions to the rules.

Matt Edmundson:

Please don't write in and tell me that I was wrong because they're

Matt Edmundson:

an exception to, I, I know.

Matt Edmundson:

But most times, um, most times there are interesting people

Matt Edmundson:

who have interesting stories.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, especially, I'm really, I love talking to people that think differently

Matt Edmundson:

to me or have a different opinion to me.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and like you, I'm really curious as to why they think what they think.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, not because I'm trying to prove them wrong necessarily, but

Matt Edmundson:

I'm just trying to understand why did they get to where they got to?

Matt Edmundson:

Because it helps me understand where I got to, where I got to.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think the podcast is, is a great way to do that.

Matt Edmundson:

So why don't you set up, uh, Erin chats, uh, dot com, uh, automagically.

Matt Edmundson:

Then um, then yeah, I'll definitely be a guest.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, uh, and I'll, I'll, I'll I'll, me and Simon, uh, Sinek yes, will be on.

Matt Edmundson:

Patrick Lencioni will be on.

Matt Edmundson:

No problem.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

. , that's awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Erin listen, it is been an absolute treat chat with you.

Matt Edmundson:

The time has gone by incredibly quickly, as it always does when we converse.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, if people listening to the show wanna reach out, wanna connect with

Matt Edmundson:

you, what is the best way to do that?

Erin Meads:

That would be LinkedIn.

Erin Meads:

So easy to reach out Erin Meads on LinkedIn.

Erin Meads:

You'll find me.

Erin Meads:

I think I'm the only one in New Zealand.

Matt Edmundson:

The only Erin Meads in New Zealand.

Erin Meads:

The only Erin Meads in New Zealand.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh wow.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Well we will of course also link to Erin in the show notes, which, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

you can get along for free along with the transcript on our website.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, or of course if you're signed up to the newsletter, then

Matt Edmundson:

it'll be winging its way to your inbox.

Matt Edmundson:

Erin, thank you so much for being with us.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, loved it, loved it, loved it.

Matt Edmundson:

You're an absolute legend.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and it's great to hear about your journey.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, no, it's awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Thanks for being on.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and thanks for coming back again in a few years time to

Matt Edmundson:

tell us how the journey has gone.

Erin Meads:

Hold me to that, give me accountability.

Matt Edmundson:

absolutely, absolutely positively lutely.

Matt Edmundson:

So there you have it.

Matt Edmundson:

Another fantastic conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

Huge thanks again to Erin for joining me today.

Matt Edmundson:

And also a big shout out to today's show sponsor Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

If you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your

Matt Edmundson:

business, which I probably think it is, but that's just my opinion, uh, do

Matt Edmundson:

connect with them at

Matt Edmundson:

That's A U R I O N media dot com.

Matt Edmundson:

We will of course link to them, uh, on the podcast website

Matt Edmundson:

and in the show notes as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, be sure to follow, push to be more wherever you get your podcast from because

Matt Edmundson:

we have more great conversations lined up and I don't want you to miss any of them.

Matt Edmundson:

And in case no one has told you yet today, you are awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes you are.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just a burden you have to bear.

Matt Edmundson:

Erin has to bear it.

Matt Edmundson:

I have to bear it.

Matt Edmundson:

You've gotta bear it as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, Push to Be More is produced by Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

You can find our entire archive of episodes on your favorite podcast app.

Matt Edmundson:

The team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Beynon, Josh Catchpole,

Matt Edmundson:

Estella Robin and Tim Johnson.

Matt Edmundson:

Our theme music was written by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, if you

Matt Edmundson:

would like to read the transcript or show notes, head over to the website,

Matt Edmundson: where you can if you haven't done so already, uh, sign up for

Matt Edmundson:

the weekly newsletter and get all of this good stuff automagically in your inbox.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, yes, that's it from me.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it from Erin.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much for joining us.

Matt Edmundson:

Have a fantastic week.

Matt Edmundson:

I will see you next time.

Matt Edmundson:

Bye for now.




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