A quick review of all 8 Your Money Multiplier Episodes to help you take positive action.
Quote for the episode: "If we take even positive action on one of these eight relevant episode topics, you're better than you were before. And you should feel proud if you do that."
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Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Voiceover Audio:podcast, the only podcast dedicated to making life more
Voiceover Audio:enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics
Voiceover Audio:that tend to weigh on us, stress us out and distract our focus
Voiceover Audio:from simply enjoying life.
Joseph Okaly:Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Joseph Okaly:podcast. This is our series two, "Your Money Multiplier" series
Joseph Okaly:recap. We really covered a lot so far this season- from
Joseph Okaly:bonuses, to stock options, to standardizing a regular income,
Joseph Okaly:to even a five minute cash flow calculation. So there's really a
Joseph Okaly:lot of valuable, actionable information. But at the same
Joseph Okaly:time, it's kind of easy to be overwhelmed by it if we let it.
Joseph Okaly:If we take even positive action on one of these eight relevant
Joseph Okaly:episode topics, you're better than you were before. And you
Joseph Okaly:should feel proud if you do that. We also want to make sure
Joseph Okaly:we're remembering the goal; remove anxiety and financial
Joseph Okaly:worry so we can focus our energy on what matters most- enjoying
Joseph Okaly:more living with family and friends. Get your legal
Joseph Okaly:documents out of the way- less worry. Know you're saving what
Joseph Okaly:you should be every month- less worry. So be proud of these
Joseph Okaly:steps as you take them. You're making life more enjoyable than
Joseph Okaly:for you, and by a natural consequence, for your loved ones
Joseph Okaly:as well. It's not just for yourself- if you get to spend
Joseph Okaly:more time with your kids, that makes your kids happy too.
Joseph Okaly:Lastly, stay tuned to the end, as we're going to be releasing
Joseph Okaly:the focus of the next series to come which takes us in kind of a
Joseph Okaly:different direction. And I'm really excited to share that
Joseph Okaly:with you too.
Joseph Okaly:So without further ado, get together with your spouse, and
Joseph Okaly:let's start reviewing. Number one- bonuses aren't free money.
Joseph Okaly:So the first most important thing to take from this episode
Joseph Okaly:is that it kind of borrows the title "Bonuses Are Not Free
Joseph Okaly:Money", you need to plan for what you want to do with the
Joseph Okaly:funds ahead of time. The second thing to take from this episode
Joseph Okaly:is if you do treat it as free money and spend it, you're
Joseph Okaly:actually hurting yourself in two distinct ways. One is obvious-
Joseph Okaly:you have less saved. But two- you're also getting accustomed
Joseph Okaly:to living on more, which means now we also have to replace more
Joseph Okaly:long term. The third thing to take from this episode is you do
Joseph Okaly:not have to save all of it as part of your plan. Any portion
Joseph Okaly:benefits you in those same two ways that we just covered. Any
Joseph Okaly:portion that you save, obviously, you'll have bigger
Joseph Okaly:accounts down the road, and two, you're accustomed to living on
Joseph Okaly:less because of that, so there's less to replace long term.
Joseph Okaly:The second episode we covered was vacation accounts, it was
Joseph Okaly:called "Live It Up! Vacation Accounts." The first thing that
Joseph Okaly:you should be taking from this episode is segmenting your
Joseph Okaly:vacation specific money can give you a much higher likelihood of
Joseph Okaly:having and taking that vacation you otherwise would maybe not
Joseph Okaly:have taken. The second thing to take from this episode is you
Joseph Okaly:have different places you can save every month to accomplish
Joseph Okaly:this. The bank account option is very easy and straightforward.
Joseph Okaly:Just push money every month to a bank account, and that's your
Joseph Okaly:vacation specific bank account. The other option, though, is if
Joseph Okaly:you have a general investment account that is already built up
Joseph Okaly:to some degree, you can instead save this monthly vacation
Joseph Okaly:amount into that general investment account. And saving
Joseph Okaly:the funds here, the additional potential advantage is if you
Joseph Okaly:wind up having enough money on the side anyway to cover the
Joseph Okaly:vacation, now there's more in the investment account than
Joseph Okaly:there otherwise would be. And now this money can build up for
Joseph Okaly:a bigger vacation, a house, or just earlier retirement,
Joseph Okaly:whatever the goal might be. But you're putting yourself in a
Joseph Okaly:position to potentially have more saved for yourself long
Joseph Okaly:term.
Joseph Okaly:The third episode we covered was called "Just Get An Umbrella
Joseph Okaly:Policy Already". The first thing to recognize from this episode,
Joseph Okaly:excuse me, is that your standard coverage that you have from a
Joseph Okaly:liability perspective, so if people sue you resulting from an
Joseph Okaly:auto or home related lawsuit, may not be enough to cover what
Joseph Okaly:you need. The second point though is, thankfully, it's very
Joseph Okaly:easy and very cost effective to double or even triple this
Joseph Okaly:coverage to better protect you. So remember the general
Joseph Okaly:protection mindset. We want to make sure we're always insuring
Joseph Okaly:against the catastrophic, which could derail everything you have
Joseph Okaly:worked for. That's what we want to at least at a minimum make
Joseph Okaly:sure that we're protecting.
Joseph Okaly:The fourth episode we covered was "36%: The Golden Cash Flow
Joseph Okaly:Ratio". This is probably my favorite episode this season
Joseph Okaly:because it is so easy for anybody to incorporate and take
Joseph Okaly:some level of positive action off of. The first point that you
Joseph Okaly:want to remember here is to rethink the goal when it comes
Joseph Okaly:to scary words like budgeting. The goal is not to account for
Joseph Okaly:every single penny; it's to make sure you're saving a good amount
Joseph Okaly:towards yourself and keeping within your means. That's it-
Joseph Okaly:save toward yourself, keep within your means. That's a lot
Joseph Okaly:easier than accounting for where every single little penny goes
Joseph Okaly:month to month for an entire year, years on end- not a
Joseph Okaly:sustainable way of doing it. Second, use that 36% ratio that
Joseph Okaly:we provided to you to quickly get an idea of where you stand.
Joseph Okaly:Gross, or pre tax income, times 36%, minus those expenses that
Joseph Okaly:are specific to you, so things that you have but other people
Joseph Okaly:may not have. Again remember the 64% covers all the groceries,
Joseph Okaly:the taxes, all the stuff that you and everybody else in
Joseph Okaly:America has. And so when you get to that end, gross pre-tax
Joseph Okaly:income minus those expenses specific to you, minus any
Joseph Okaly:savings that you might be making, you're done and you have
Joseph Okaly:a starting point. You have an amount where you feel like okay,
Joseph Okaly:this is probably what most families should have as an
Joseph Okaly:excess, or what most families may be having a little bit of a
Joseph Okaly:deficit if my numbers aren't coming out, but you have
Joseph Okaly:something to go off of in about five minutes time. The last part
Joseph Okaly:of this is take action. Make a conscious choice to now do
Joseph Okaly:something with that extra savings, or to take actions to
Joseph Okaly:balance your cash flow. Saving at the expense of mounting
Joseph Okaly:credit card debt is kind of like swimming backwards. So we don't
Joseph Okaly:want to be doing that.
Joseph Okaly:Next episode, "Stocks Lead, Don't Follow". Anybody who has
Joseph Okaly:any kind of investment whatsoever could probably
Joseph Okaly:benefit from this episode here. We want to first understand that
Joseph Okaly:the stock market is a leading indicator. And that uncertainty
Joseph Okaly:is what often drives the vast majority of the volatile times.
Joseph Okaly:Less uncertainty usually means less volatility. Second, once
Joseph Okaly:you see the market went down or is going up, there's a good
Joseph Okaly:chance that it may be already too late to act. When there are
Joseph Okaly:a lot of waves again, we don't want to try jumping on a
Joseph Okaly:different boat. If you touch your investments and miss time
Joseph Okaly:when you take money out or go back in, you could very well
Joseph Okaly:wind up with significantly less than if you were patient and
Joseph Okaly:just did not touch it at all.
Joseph Okaly:Next episode, probably the least fun to go through, but the most
Joseph Okaly:important in many respects- "The Seven Year Task- Legal Docs".
Joseph Okaly:First thing that you want to remember from this episode here
Joseph Okaly:is if you don't have anything yet, forgive yourself, it's
Joseph Okaly:fine, you're definitely not alone. Second, there are three
Joseph Okaly:documents which are all provided together generally as part of
Joseph Okaly:the process- will, power of attorney, and living will with a
Joseph Okaly:medical directive. Third, take one small step of action to put
Joseph Okaly:yourself in motion towards this today. Remember the family
Joseph Okaly:member that would win an argument in getting custody of
Joseph Okaly:your children in a court, may likely not be the one you would
Joseph Okaly:actually consciously choose to raise your kids, if God forbid
Joseph Okaly:something happened to you.
Joseph Okaly:Next episode here, episode eight, "Make Irregular Income?
Joseph Okaly:Have Regular Pay". So for anybody out there that is an
Joseph Okaly:entrepreneur, or self employed, or gets a lot of variable
Joseph Okaly:income, this is really a great episode for you. First want to
Joseph Okaly:make sure that we acknowledge that irregular income is
Joseph Okaly:definitely more challenging. And it is a problem that needs to be
Joseph Okaly:handled a little bit differently than people that get regular pay
Joseph Okaly:month after month. How we handle this is we set up two buckets.
Joseph Okaly:One, you have your all income bucket- receives all the income
Joseph Okaly:from the various income accounts, commissions, bonuses,
Joseph Okaly:what that might be. So that's bucket one. And then this bucket
Joseph Okaly:pushes money every month to your spending bucket, or bucket two.
Joseph Okaly:The same exact amount comes every month to handle all those
Joseph Okaly:groceries, cell phone, mortgage, all those things that are
Joseph Okaly:essentially the same every month that you need to do. The last
Joseph Okaly:part of this is make sure you just take enough time to
Joseph Okaly:calculate how much you actually need to live on each month, so
Joseph Okaly:that you can obviously set the transfer up accordingly to be
Joseph Okaly:able to match what your monthly expenses might be. Last part of
Joseph Okaly:this process, make sure to look regularly, either quarterly or
Joseph Okaly:annually, for the amount that may be building up in your all
Joseph Okaly:income account to hopefully invest a sizeable portion
Joseph Okaly:towards yourself, but also on any other specific goals or
Joseph Okaly:expense items that you might have.
Joseph Okaly:This brings us to our last and definitely most confusing
Joseph Okaly:episode, or confusing topic overall, and that was "Stock
Joseph Okaly:Option Mayhem!". These things are confusing for everyone,
Joseph Okaly:definitely not just you. The two main elements that we want to
Joseph Okaly:remember whether you have RSUs, or stock options, or stock
Joseph Okaly:purchase plans, is that you need to make a decision when it comes
Joseph Okaly:to taxes and concentration. Taxes should be planned for.
Joseph Okaly:RSUs, restricted stock, will automatically be taxed upon
Joseph Okaly:vesting. Stock options and purchase plans, you have more
Joseph Okaly:control on when the tax is realized. The concentration
Joseph Okaly:element- RSUs are easier to emotionally diversify out of
Joseph Okaly:because they force you to realize the tax upon vesting.
Joseph Okaly:Selling isn't tax unfriendly after that, they're already
Joseph Okaly:fully taxable. So you might as well sell out of those, and
Joseph Okaly:reinvest into something that's a little bit more spread out and
Joseph Okaly:diversified. The other two can be more tempting to hold on to
Joseph Okaly:much longer, the stock options and the stock purchase plan. But
Joseph Okaly:always remember, you are paying tax on some of the gain whenever
Joseph Okaly:it may occur, you are still keeping most of it. Individual
Joseph Okaly:companies always pose a real risk tied to how that one
Joseph Okaly:company does or is perceived to do. Example that we use in the
Joseph Okaly:episode- if a CEO has a personal scandal, that company has its
Joseph Okaly:stock go down, despite really not being too different than it
Joseph Okaly:was yesterday than it is today. So always something to keep in
Joseph Okaly:mind.
Joseph Okaly:And there you have it, take some time to review all of these
Joseph Okaly:important areas. And if you can make one positive change, then
Joseph Okaly:you're one step farther along in having life be more enjoyable to
Joseph Okaly:you. If you can absorb and implement all these items,
Joseph Okaly:that's fantastic. I am so happy to be able to provide this to
Joseph Okaly:you. One more person that's able to provide more for themselves,
Joseph Okaly:add more enjoyment to their life, I'm perfectly good with
Joseph Okaly:that. It is overwhelming, though, if you have questions or
Joseph Okaly:you just want someone to help get all this stuff in order for
Joseph Okaly:you so you know exactly where you're going, what path you're
Joseph Okaly:on- head on over to our website at www . enjoy more 30s .com.
Joseph Okaly:That's enjoy more three zero s .com. And click the 'Ask Joe' to
Joseph Okaly:connect and we'd be happy to help in any way that we can.
Joseph Okaly:Overall, as always, thanks for tuning in going through the end
Joseph Okaly:of the series here with us. If you enjoyed this episode, please
Joseph Okaly:make sure to click follow and review us on Apple podcasts or
Joseph Okaly:wherever you listen. There are literally millions of young
Joseph Okaly:American families out there, I'm trying to reach and help just
Joseph Okaly:like you. Finally, as promised, I want to make sure I announced
Joseph Okaly:the topic for the next series, or the focus of the next series.
Joseph Okaly:The next series is going to be entitled, "Your Parent's Money
Joseph Okaly:Mindset". So this is something that is very well in line to
Joseph Okaly:affect you down the road, even though you may not even know it.
Joseph Okaly:We're going to help you bridge that gap when it comes to money
Joseph Okaly:and the conversations around it with your parents. How to make
Joseph Okaly:sure that they're taken care of, their health care and long term
Joseph Okaly:care concerns, how inheriting assets can affect you, the taxes
Joseph Okaly:and the responsibilities that come with it. There are a lot of
Joseph Okaly:really great topics in an area, if it's not properly under
Joseph Okaly:control, can cause huge issues for you and for them, which
Joseph Okaly:definitely makes life way less enjoyable. There's just so much
Joseph Okaly:out there that could impact them. And it's going to hit you
Joseph Okaly:one way or another if there is a problem, so you might as well be
Joseph Okaly:educated on it ahead of time. And if you can talk to them
Joseph Okaly:ahead of time, which we're going to cover and try to help you
Joseph Okaly:bring up better ways to have these conversations, then this
Joseph Okaly:is something that you can head off ahead of time for yourself,
Joseph Okaly:but also possibly improve the situation of your parents ahead
Joseph Okaly:of time as well. So really excited to go through that
Joseph Okaly:because it's something that is, again, not really discussed
Joseph Okaly:enough when it comes to the younger generation of what's
Joseph Okaly:coming their way, or just even how to handle it if they know
Joseph Okaly:it's coming. So as always, thanks so much for joining me
Joseph Okaly:today. I'm really, really looking forward to connecting
Joseph Okaly:with you again soon in this upcoming "Your Parent's Money
Joseph Okaly:Mindset" series to come.
Voiceover Audio:The conversations on this show are
Voiceover Audio:Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes
Voiceover Audio:only. They do not constitute accounting, legal, tax or other
Voiceover Audio:professional advice for your specific situation. You should
Voiceover Audio:always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,
Voiceover Audio:accountant, lawyer or other professional before acting upon
Voiceover Audio:any content or information found here first. Joseph is affiliated
Voiceover Audio:with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office
Voiceover Audio:of TFS securities Inc and TFS advisory services, an SEC
Voiceover Audio:registered investment advisor member FINRA/SIPC.