It's episode71.
In this episode, Dave shares a thought or two on becoming more comfortable with your emotions and developing a sense of emotional fearlessness. Dave is also joined by Gary Hosey, an Emotional Intelligence coach and expert with years of experience helping individuals, teams and leaders develop their understanding and skills in this area. A really valuable insight into how we can learn to not only harness our emotions to achieve our goals but also to find joy and a richness in experiencing the more fully.
Gary Hosey's journey started with emotional dysfunction: his family didn't practice self-awareness around feelings, moods, emotions, and their impact on us and how we relate to other people, the skills we now understand as the game-changer emotional intelligence or EQ.
In 1999 he embarked on an EQ adventure in his personal and professional life, and in 2003 became EQ-i 2.0 certified. He's now worked with over 7000 leaders from over 100 global organisations as a coach and trainer.
David Algeo is a Restless Midlifer, searching for answers and adventure. His mission is to help other like minded midlifers reshape their weight, health and life - reaguining a zest for adventure for midlife and beyond.
Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, are rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.
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