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Wednesday Woo: From Fear to Freedom - The Art of Creating Your Own Reality
Episode 5323rd October 2024 • Choosing Happy • Heather Masters
00:00:00 00:12:04

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Heather Masters explores the dynamic relationship between our thoughts and the realities we create in this engaging podcast episode.

The episode challenges the traditional view of reality as a fixed state, proposing instead that it is a fluid construct influenced by our perceptions and beliefs.

Heather stresses that where our focus goes, energy flows, leading to the manifestation of our desires. She presents the idea that even in moments of uncertainty—like waiting for a visa—our attitudes and responses can dramatically alter outcomes.

By sharing relatable stories, she illustrates the importance of aligning our energy with our goals, suggesting that a passionate yet relaxed approach can often yield the best results.

The episode serves as a reminder that while we cannot control every aspect of our lives, we can control our responses and the energy we bring to our intentions. This empowering perspective encourages listeners to take charge of their lives, recognizing that by changing their thoughts, they can change their reality.


  • Creating your own reality involves acknowledging your personal responsibility in shaping your experiences.
  • The belief that everything happens for you empowers you to respond positively to challenges.
  • Your focus and internal dialogue act like a magnet, attracting what you concentrate on.
  • Letting go of the 'how' while maintaining passion can align opportunities to your desires.
  • Self-belief is essential for success, allowing you to achieve extraordinary things in life.
  • Understanding the true purpose behind your desires can lead to unexpected and better outcomes.

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Heather Masters

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  • Headspace

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Heather Masters:

Hello and welcome to Wednesday Woo.

Heather Masters:

I'm Heather Masters.

Heather Masters:

And today I've been thinking about how we create our own reality and how controversial that thought is for people.

Heather Masters:

And I truly believe I create my own reality and that I take personal responsibility for it.

Heather Masters:

There are things in my life that show up and, you know, how can I possibly create that?

Heather Masters:

Maybe the thought, but it's also very much about how you respond to what shows up.

Heather Masters:

And by taking on the belief that everything's happening for you and that in some way you create your reality, even if you take it on, you know, just try it on.

Heather Masters:

It's about empowering yourself, because with that belief, you have that knowing that you have the power to get out of any situation that you're in.

Heather Masters:

And I, you know, I know that there are potentially exceptions to this rule.

Heather Masters:

I'm not going to say it's 100% of the time, but I think in, in general terms, there are situations that we kind of create an unconscious level for ourselves and that we can, you know, we do have a choice over when sometimes we don't think we do.

Heather Masters:

So creating your own reality is a powerful concept, and it is rooted in the belief that our thoughts, our emotions, what we focus on, significantly shapes our experience.

Heather Masters:

You know, where your focus goes, the energy flows.

Heather Masters:

And this suggests that reality is not merely a fixed state, but it's a fluid construct influenced by our perceptions, our beliefs, our focus.

Heather Masters:

If you know something, then you kind of make it happen.

Heather Masters:

I mean, I'm sure we've all had this experience where there's something we've really wanted to do, and we've kind of decided at some level that irrespective of what happens, we are going to do it, whether it's attend a concert or a football match.

Heather Masters:

No matter what happens in our lives, we decide that we're going to make it happen.

Heather Masters:

And we do.

Heather Masters:

That's because of that.

Heather Masters:

Not just the belief or the knowing, but it's that whole energy, alignment and focus that this is what we're going to achieve.

Heather Masters:

And with that amount of passion and desire and belief behind it, we tend to achieve it.

Heather Masters:

And things line up to help us achieve it as well.

Heather Masters:

But there's also this magical thing of having that passion and desire but letting go and knowing that you don't have to push, because if it's meant to be, it's all going to line up and happen.

Heather Masters:

in January of, I think it was:

Heather Masters:

And I wasn't able to go get my visa for India until I think it was about the 23 December.

Heather Masters:

And when I went to the visa office, there was a huge queue and they were basically saying that it took 14 days to get the visa to you.

Heather Masters:

And I'm thinking, well, you know, maybe it's not going to happen.

Heather Masters:

Maybe it's not meant to be.

Heather Masters:

But I had traveled to get the visa.

Heather Masters:

I'd gone to Manchester and I thought, well, you know, I may as well ask.

Heather Masters:

Anyway, so I waited in the queue and I watched all of these individuals get angry, get frustrated.

Heather Masters:

And when it was my turn, I just.

Heather Masters:

I just got to the front of the queue and said, is it actually worth me applying?

Heather Masters:

And for whatever reason, they said they would fast track it through.

Heather Masters:

Maybe it was because I wasn't angry, maybe it wasn't.

Heather Masters:

You know, I was willing to acknowledge that it was my responsibility to have gotten there earlier if I could have, to make sure that I met all the criteria to get the visa.

Heather Masters:

So I'd kind of let it go.

Heather Masters:

I really wanted it to happen.

Heather Masters:

I kind of knew on an unconscious level that it would happen, but I didn't know how.

Heather Masters:

So I let go of the how and I let go.

Heather Masters:

I also embraced the possibility that it wouldn't happen without any massive attachment or anger or frustration to it.

Heather Masters:

And I think that's got something to do with the way that we create our reality as well, in terms of the way we want to create it.

Heather Masters:

I think what we focus on, in my experience, definitely can create your reality.

Heather Masters:

So as I say, the India example.

Heather Masters:

But even on a day to day basis, focusing on what I don't want generally brings it around.

Heather Masters:

So it's that taking responsibility and recognizing where you're putting your energy and focus and what you're drawing towards you.

Heather Masters:

If you think of yourself like a magnet, what you're creating for yourself just by your focus, by your internal dialogue, what you say to yourself, whether you're fearful, whether you're, you know, self criticizing, whether you're fearful of something happening, because what you focus on in fear, you actually kind of create.

Heather Masters:

And for instance, if you want to create an income and you're desperate for that income, the energy that is behind being desperate for that income isn't the focus on getting the money, because if you knew you were going to get it, you wouldn't have that, that negative energy behind it.

Heather Masters:

The focus is on lack at an unconscious level.

Heather Masters:

That's where the fear comes in.

Heather Masters:

So if you're focusing on something in fear or stress or anxiety, and you really don't want to be doing that because you're going to attract the very thing that you fear.

Heather Masters:

So it's checking in with the energy of that focus as well.

Heather Masters:

So when you have a belief, and, you know, if you study anyone who is really, really successful, it's their self belief.

Heather Masters:

And then knowing that they can achieve what they want.

Heather Masters:

And sometimes that comes across as arrogance.

Heather Masters:

I've mentioned this before, if you look at grant Cardone, for instance, it comes across as arrogance.

Heather Masters:

But it's that level of knowing and self belief that allows you to achieve extraordinary things.

Heather Masters:

And if you want something, it's about putting that passion, desire, positive beliefs and thoughts, and kind of knowing that it's for you and understanding that it's for you at all levels.

Heather Masters:

So looking at it emotionally, psychologically, what's environmentally, the impact will be on how it will affect your family, your friends, how it will create good for you in terms of for your highest good and for the highest good of others.

Heather Masters:

It also means that you're taking responsibility for taking the actions that will make it happen.

Heather Masters:

And often those inspired actions that come up to manifest something might not be logical and they might be out of your comfort zone.

Heather Masters:

And it's the willing to accept that other people might criticise you, you might get resistance from others, that you might be overwhelmed with the size of the goal that you're attracting.

Heather Masters:

And you might have to step up into being that version of yourself that can allow and can handle that vision of what you wanting to manifest.

Heather Masters:

And it's also looking at what's the ultimate purpose.

Heather Masters:

So I've mentioned this before.

Heather Masters:

So, for instance, if it's money, what is the money for?

Heather Masters:

And if it's for a car, what is the car for?

Heather Masters:

So you get really to the root of what it's actually going to give you.

Heather Masters:

Because sometimes if we focus on the root of what we want, the actual thing we want, it can happen in many different ways than we first think about.

Heather Masters:

So, for instance, if we want a reliable car so we can get to work in the morning, you know, maybe a ride share might turn up with someone, a new partner or whatever, something unusual might happen and be a better result than we could ever have dreamed of for ourselves.

Heather Masters:

So, embracing the belief that you create your own reality through personal responsibility is both a challenge, but it is an advantage because it puts you in an empowering state.

Heather Masters:

It invites you to step into your own power while also requiring you some introspection and courage around what you've manifested so far.

Heather Masters:

And if you meet resistance or you're meeting fear or anxiety, then remembering that that's really not the energy you want to use to manifest.

Heather Masters:

And remember the journey of recreating your own reality begins with the simple act of choosing and empowering beliefs and choosing empowering beliefs about yourself and about the outcome that align with the life you wish to manifest.

Heather Masters:

So I hope this has been helpful today.

Heather Masters:

Please do like, share, and subscribe.

Heather Masters:

And thank you for joining me on this episode of Wednesday.

Heather Masters:


Heather Masters:

Embrace your power, take responsibility, and let's begin to create the life that we've always wanted.

Heather Masters:

And I'll see you again on Friday for our next video on Friday features.

Heather Masters:

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this week's episode.

Heather Masters:

If you enjoyed it or think it would be valuable to others, please do share.

Heather Masters:

And if you really enjoyed it, please leave me a review.

Heather Masters:

It really helps.

Heather Masters:

The podcast.

Heather Masters:

All of the links are in the show notes and I look forward to seeing you next week on the choosing Happy podcast.




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