Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Transforming Data Into Revenue w/SSB's Steve Hank
Episode 4372nd February 2022 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:30:47

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Every industry has to make money. It sounds obvious, but because of the prestige of working in sports, it is easy to forget that real time, effort, and strategy are essential to generating revenue. While selling tickets, signing television deals, and obtaining sponsors remain a key component of bringing in money, especially at the professional and collegiate levels, the methods of creating revenue streams have diversified dramatically over the last few years.

Our guest for this episode of the WorkInSports Podcast is SSB’s Steve Hank, who serves as the company’s Executive VP/Chief Commercial Officer.

Hank spent over 14 years in college athletics, with 12 years as Arizona State University’s Associate Athletic Director and two as the University of Texas’ Chief Revenue Officer/Sr. Associate AD. He helped strategize new ways for those athletic departments to maximize revenue. He joins VP of Content and Engaged Learning Brian Clapp to discuss:

  • SSB’s business model and priorities
  • What drove him towards data analytics to improve revenue
  • The impact of technology on SSB’s data collection




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