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Are You in the Coaching Closet? Get Visible & Attract Dreamy Coaching Clients
Episode 98th May 2024 • Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business • Leanne Sia
00:00:00 00:12:30

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Are you a coach stuck in the coaching closet, struggling to attract coaching clients? In today's episode, I'm diving deep into what's holding you back from shining bright in your coaching business and doing what you were meant to do in this world. If you've been whispering about your coaching services to just a few people, it's time to shout it from the rooftops! 

I'll be sharing real talk on why staying hidden in the coaching closet is costing you big time and how stepping into your big-deal energy can transform your business. We'll tackle those pesky fears of failure, inadequacy, and uncertainty head-on. Plus, I've got actionable steps that will have you owning your coach identity like a rock star. So, are you ready to break free and make an impact while doing what you love? Tune in, get inspired, and let's get you out of that coaching closet and into the spotlight where you belong!

Topics covered on Get Out of Coaching Closet & Attract Coaching Clients:

  1. What does it mean to be in the "coaching closet"?
  2. How can you tell if you're not fully owning your identity as a coach?
  3. How can sharing your coaching journey help you attract coaching clients?
  4. What can you do right now to break free from the coaching closet and step into your "big deal energy"?

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Resources from this episode:


"Not being visible and not coming out of the coaching closet is costing you your business." - Leanne Sia



[00:00:21] Let's do this!


[00:00:50] And yes, this is a thing. Because trying to bring clients into your orbit when you're in the coaching closet is going to be pretty bloody difficult. So I'm going to tell you [00:01:00] exactly what being in the coaching closet is, the types of people who tend to get stuck in the closet, and how the hell you can get out of it today and stretch your funky coaching stuff.


[00:01:39] Are you doing this darling? Or, maybe you're fully owning being a coach amongst your coaching buddies, the people you've trained with, etc, or your business besties, but in front of your old mates or colleagues, you're still the person you were before you were a coach. Are you doing this, [00:02:00] darling? Or, maybe you're comfortable telling people that you're a coach online and you're showing up on social media, etc.


[00:02:24] So essentially, being in the coaching closet is where you haven't really told everyone what you do. [00:02:30] Yeah, you might have whispered it to a few select people, but on the whole, you're holding back from owning your new identity as a Rockstar coach. And I'm guessing that you might have even had pretty high expectations from telling the five people that you told that you were a coach, and be disappointed that you're not fully booked yet.


[00:03:12] And I know. That can feel scary and we're going to go into that into a moment. But what I need you to know is that the reality is that you need to tell a lot of people. I mean, no, not just a lot of people. You need to tell everyone who you are and what you do if you want to turn [00:03:30] your coaching gig into a business and not just a hobby.


[00:03:44] I just want to save you a hell of a lot of time and say, put yourself out there. Don't be selective. Just blanket everyone, okay? Tell everyone that you're a coach. So let's check if you're in the coaching closet. If I was to ask you to tell every one [00:04:00] of your contacts in your phone what you do, how would you feel? Would you feel proud? Would you feel excited?


[00:04:28] And that isn't going to bring [00:04:30] clients into your orbit. So I want you to think about why you're feeling this cringe or this reluctance. And I'm guessing that it's because you're worrying what other people think. And that is such an old chestnut, isn't it? And I bet the people that you're imagining judging you and laughing at you is the people that you went to school with that you don't even actually give a fuck about now.


[00:05:11] And in some circles, being a coach can make people want to eye roll. I get that. But they're not your people. So don't hold back on being visible for your business because you're seeking their approval. Those people don't matter to your business. They're not going to buy from you anyway. Don't try and convince [00:05:30] them and don't let these people keep you small.


[00:05:57] I've seen what it can do and so have you, so don't feel [00:06:00] ick about it, okay? You chose to be a coach for a reason. Own it, babes, because if you can't own it, then your potential clients are never going to have any confidence in you. So if you've realized that you're in the closet, you might want to know why you're in it.


[00:06:35] tends to be for people whose identity has been their job title. So it can be really hard to let go of that. To let go of something that was so rigid with tight parameters of how you're meant to act out in the world. To like go from that to being a coach. It's like, wow, can I really do that? Can I really say that?


[00:07:19] And when it comes to being visible and showing up as ourselves and saying, look at me, it can really feel ick. It can really bring up [00:07:30] feelings of big, big fears. And these fears tend to be categorized into three areas. And they are a fear of failure, a fear of being inadequate, and a fear of uncertainty, meaning like whether or not you can cope with being visible.


[00:08:09] So we're going to feel these fears of failure, inadequacy, and uncertainty, and we're going to do it anyway. We're going to do it scared, okay, because not being visible and not coming out of the coaching closet is costing you your business. It's costing you the opportunity to vibe with your ideal clients.


[00:08:50] And it's costing you the opportunity to fulfill all of your potential. And on my watch, you are fulfilling your potential. It's what I'm on this [00:09:00] earth to do. So now you know, if you're in the coaching closet, why you might be in the coaching closet and why you need to open the bloody door and get yourself out of that closet ASAP, and this is how we're going to do it.


[00:09:35] Okay, I'm going to repeat that in case you weren't listening. Are you going to let fear hold you back from all of the success that you're meant to have by staying in the closet? Or are you going to turn things up a fucking notch? If you answered yes, then I want you to show your commitment to your business by taking action today and now would be good to be honest.


[00:10:20] I love to get up, have a dance, have a sing, and I'll even do some journaling or tapping. If I can't do anything, the very minimum I will do is to put that [00:10:30] song on. If I'm doing something particularly stretchy, I'll have a look at my testimonials on my client love page or listen to some voice notes from my clients that really resonate on the life changing transformations that I have helped people to achieve.


[00:11:15] But today is the day that I'm going to put a line in the sand, or put a flag up, or whatever you want to say and really own who I am and what I do because I know that there are people out there that need my help, that want change and I want to [00:11:30] help them. Don't be afraid to sing your own praises. This is not the time to be all meek and modest.


[00:11:59] It is [00:12:00] safe for you to come out of the coaching closet. I love you so much. I'll see you in the next video. It's been an absolute pleasure having you listen and thank you so much for tuning in. Come and say hello to me on Instagram at underscore Leanne Sia underscore. Head to leannesia. com if you want the show notes and if you are ready to build your rockstar coaching business sooner rather than later, come and do my one darling.





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