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Ep 059: We Get To Celebrate
Episode 598th February 2022 • Dissecting Success • Theresa Lambert and Blair Kaplan Venables
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Ready to give yourself a hit of extra motivation? Start celebrating it all. No matter how big or small! Tune in as Blair and Theresa chat about all things celebration, the why, the what, the how. 

About the Hosts:

Blair Kaplan Venables is an expert in social media marketing and the president of Blair Kaplan Communications, a British Columbia-based PR agency. As a pioneer in the industry, she brings more than a decade of experience to her clients, which includes global wellness, entertainment, and lifestyle brands. Blair has helped her customers grow their followers into the tens of thousands in just one month, win integrative marketing awards, and more. She has spoken on national stages and her expertise has been featured in media outlets including CBC Radio, CEOWORLD Magazine, She Owns It, and Thrive Global. Blair is also the #1 best-selling author of Pulsing Through My Veins: Raw and Real Stories from an Entrepreneur. When she’s not working on the board for her local chamber of commerce, you can find Blair growing the “I Am Resilient Project,” an online community where users share their stories of overcoming life’s most difficult moments. 

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. Her mission is “ To make business easy so that your life can be more FULL!”. Theresa supports ambitious Women Entrepreneurs and Coaches to redefine success with elegance and create the Impact, Income and Freedom they desire in Business and in Life. In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success. Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.


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Blair Kaplan Venables:

Ever wonder what success actually means? How do you get it? And how do you keep it?

Theresa Lambert:

We all want it yet sometimes it feels only some of us get to have it.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Hi, Teresa and Blair here we are to badass entrepreneurs, best selling authors, coaches and business mentors, who have had success, felt success, questioned our own success and reclaimed it. Let's be real for a hot minute. 2020 has been a roller coaster ride, and many of us to start to wonder if they'll lose the things that made them successful. So we got curious, Ron real about what success is truly about?

Theresa Lambert:

Can you put it in a box?

Blair Kaplan Venables:

How can you get it?

Theresa Lambert:

Can people take it away? Or are you the one with the power?

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Does it mean the same to all of us? Or are we the ones that create it?

Theresa Lambert:

From PGA golf pros to doctors, CEOs, entrepreneurs and spiritual mentors. We get together to meet with successful people from around the globe to dissect success for vibrant conversations and interviews. Make sure you click the subscribe button on the app store because each week we will drop a new episode to bust through the myths around success and dissect its true meaning. Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of dissecting success. My name is Teresa Lambert. I'm here with Blair Kaplan, Venables, your co hosts and just lovely day, we're gonna talk about celebration.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Love praying Good. Good. Doo doo, doo, doo doo.

Theresa Lambert:

Yes, celebration celebration of, you know, not just big things. But also, most importantly, the little things, the small milestones, the things that get done, the brief steps that we take, I find, especially in business, but I think it's relevant for all of us. No matter if you're in business, if you're working for yourself, if you're working for someone else in your career in your personal life. Celebration gets forgotten so often. And we actually just had a box a message from one of our brilliant clients who thanked us for reminding her to drop her celebrations in our celebration fret that we have going on for momentum. Cool, we have a Fred, where we have all the celebration, so you can see the accumulation of celebration. That rhymes I like that. Um, and so we can all celebrate each other and and be pumped for each other. And there was something so powerful about it. But she she said, No, I really appreciate accountability. And when I was writing it, in the Fred, I realized how much that was to celebrate. I realized how much that was to celebrate. And that is such a powerful statement. But also, I think it's so relevant to this topic. Because we often are just seeing what's not lacking, we often just seeing what we haven't accomplished. And we undermine all these amazing, incredible things that have actually happened. And so celebration is a big deal.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Okay, so I think I just want to share something because I would say that I've only started the celebration journey over the last couple of years probably mostly since you know, you being in my life Theresa, like I like to celebrate but used to be like Let's pop the bottles Let's go party, my life is different. And now we've redefined what celebration is and as we know success isn't the destination it's actually the journey like success is the path is not the path to success. And it's funny because um since working with you I've realized other things in my life that you know we do so I celebrate and whatnot. And it's just really funny because I'm part of this group this health group and there was a cleanse and they do a cleanse a different type of cleanse every month, and I've been part of this group off and on for years. And I hate cleanses like, I just usually it just not for me, but this time I thought you know what, this cleanse looks doable. It's 10 days it's like food. It's not like it's special. It's cutting out a lot of stuff but like it was making like these beautiful rice and tofu dishes like things I would eat normally. So for me I was like okay, I'll do it. I'll do it and let's like let's let's just see how long I can go and so I did not last 10 days and I did order some cookie dough blizzards mid cleanse, because I'm human. But on the Friday they also do a wind thread. And my when that Friday the cleanse started Monday was I'm still on the cleanse. I'm still on. Yeah, I'm still on the cleanse. It wasn't a huge win. It wasn't like I just made it million dollars. I was proud of myself that I got my shit together went grocery shopping like didn't even use Instacart I physically went to the grocery store picked up all the ingredients for these like very fun, exotic, I think exotic recipes and I think exotic cuz it's not like Kraft dinner you know what am I like goat cheese and try new smoothie recipes and try new bowl recipes and like started eating sauerkraut. Holy shit. I love sauerkraut. Oh my god. Oh grown. I like apple cider vinegar and just like made a new dressing. I was like, why am I buying salad dressing? It's so easy to make it with tahini, garlic, and lemon. And it's delicious. I know. I'm like why am I spending money on salad dressing when I could just make my own and it was it was very beneficial. Did I last 10 days no like cookie dough blizzards ended up back in my life. Because you know, I'm human. And but anyways, I just want to share that like you don't just need to celebrate business wins. I said it wasn't like a huge like, Oh, I lost 10 pounds. I don't know, like I I don't know how much I didn't do it for weight loss. I did it because I needed to get back in the habit of eating healthy and not ordering food every day, and learn new recipes. And the fact that I celebrated I was still on it, to me was a huge win.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. And you know one thing that I'm going to bring in and Episode One, for those of you who haven't listened to Episode One, which is the title is you can't put success in a box. But you can put success in a pineapple. Listen to Episode One, if you've not listened. This was the first episode we've ever recorded more than a year ago now. Incredible. And we were talking about the BRAC Bank, which is this pineapple, that I have a pineapple vase. And it holds all of my successes. And this is actually how bland I had an experience together where I was coaching black chili, which was so fun. And I shared with this tool that I use around getting clear on your accomplishments and writing down this list and really honoring it. And so the Brockbank has become a bit of a fun for Blair and I and we gift bread banks to all of our momentum clients. And I also gift dumb to some of my other clients in my life, which is amazing. I just love gifting brag bags. That's my thing. That's become a thing recently. And the reason why I'm bringing this up is because something that I thought of a few years ago when I was still at the hotel. And I was really burnt out. I found it really hard to find things to celebrate. And so I started to really honor the small things to your point. So some of the things that went into my brag Bang was had a green smoothie today. And I celebrated having a smoothie or like, yeah, just like, like little things like had something big happen. And I didn't freak out. And I would like celebrate, like just my wins, celebrating leaving the office at like a reasonable time. Like, you know, sometimes we don't think about these things, but they are so big, right? Like you can celebrate drinking enough water in a day. Celebrating making one better choice for yourself today. Like it's it's not always that big thing. And I don't know what your thoughts is on this. But what I found too, is that in the online world to and in the online space, it's very much in the coaching space, there's a lot on like we share results that clients are getting, and a lot of these results are on money. And I love when I get to share money wins with my clients, but do so many more wins that happened that are not that and you know, the money is a results, or a positive effect of all the steps you've been taking. So that's why I love celebrating the steps, right? Because we get so obsessed with it having to be $1 sign or something. So you know, big O specific and and it doesn't have to be that and that's kind of liberating.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

very liberating. And I think what we should talk about a bit before we go on is like why celebrating is so important or why you achieve that win. So like staying on that cleanse for five days or having that green smoothie or like finishing your like huge to do list or landing that client whatever it is that celebration bigger, small when you acknowledge that it's something that you accomplished. Like you told me when I I went to one of your workshops before you and I became friends and one of the things that you taught and this was years ago I still do and When I make checklists I make like I have a weekly list like every day has a list. And then each day, like, as the day goes on, I have a post it note, I keep updating it like I don't know. But you told me that, what you should do is you put a circle beside the item on your list. And when you finish it, you color in the circle. And it has a lot to do with when you accomplish something, when you want to celebrate something. And what happens is your brain releases are like there's dopamine, and not cortisol, that's for stress. What's dopamine and help me out here share it, oh, I had that in my tip of my tongue, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips. And the so I, anytime I want to celebrate something, I feel super jazzed about a big or small. Like, I know that that serotonin dopamine hits coming. And for me, even with my to do list, if I finish something, and I realize it's not on my list, I'll write it on my list and then color in my circle. But like, that's a little thing, like, you know, like, sometimes a win could be something like, I folded laundry, and you can share it on social media. And you know what other people out there are struggling with stuff like that, too. And they're like, Wow, I'm not alone. And then they see that and they can celebrate you, hey, I'm in the same boat as you. But what we do in like, I guess switch it to a business sense is we have the celebration thread, we did it with cohort one we did with Cohort Two. You and I are very big about celebrating all the time. Like we have a when Teresa and I text and Voxer and Instagram, we basically just talk in every method of communication, even like ham radio and messenger pigeon. And we're always celebrating like, if I something exciting happens. I know Teresa's gonna be jazzed for me and I share it with her. And sometimes I put it on social media. But sometimes I want to wait till everything comes to fruition, but I always share it with Teresa because she gets it and she shares those really exciting things with me landing new clients cool opportunities, like finishing that thing that has like been a thorn in my paw, whatever it might be personal and business. But these Facebook threads we've had going. Some of these winds are super epic, like landing in Forbes or getting their meditation on Insight Timer, or even just nailing their Instagram bio like that.

Theresa Lambert:

selling out their entire offer without vidi trying.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Oh, that was the best. Yes, one of our one of our momenteel. She's She like built this program decided she was like, Yeah, I don't know. And she forgot to take the page down, and it sold out. So she was super jazzed. And it actually changed her whole perspective on everything. And I think what's really cool is, there's so many ways to celebrate, like, if you do something you're proud of, or you finish something, you can put it on social media that everyone can celebrate with you. You know, put it in your story, put it in your feed. You know, maybe you don't feel like doing that maybe you share it with your group of friends in a group text or your family. But don't keep it to yourself because you need you need to celebrate you and something that really I really loved. And Teresa's inspired me is because she's amazing is every time she does a launch. So she works really hard on the launch and launches she buys herself fresh flowers. And I've started doing something similar, because I don't like going to the grocery store. Like I don't really like shopping like I like I like just having what I need. And since moving to Kamloops, I discovered the joy of Instacart, where there's an app or website, you literally just like order groceries. And they show up in like the hour or whatever. And it's brilliant because I don't have to look at each aisle I know exactly what I want, especially if I have a recipe and following. But then my husband is like Larry, you have to leave the house. So I went to the grocery store and got ingredients before trying a new recipe. But to celebrate going out in public to the grocery store, I bought myself a fresh bouquet of flowers. And I decided anytime I go to the grocery store, mom is coming home with some brand new florals.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. I love that. And you know, this is just a thing, right? Like it's all this little stuff. And oh my god, you shared so many important things that in the laughs like, I don't know how long you were talking. And I was fascinated and listening story. But like I think the thing we have to recognize, oh, we get to recognize not have to we get to and if you don't want to it's okay to you don't have to you get to is that we, you know very life doesn't move forward. That much. On the days we're more motivated. Right? Like the days where we wake up and we're like, Go motivated, like things just flow and those days are epic. But what I've really recognized over the years is it's how we show up during the times or on the days when we're not that motivated or when things don't go that well. Especially an artist partnership, there have been a lot of times where it just felt like nothing was working, because you couldn't see it. And it's tough. Like, let's just call it what it is. It is tough. It is tough sometimes. And especially if you're in the beginning stages of your business, and you're not super established, right? Like, there's a lot to learn, there's a lot going on, and I see this, but this celebration piece, to be able to take yourself through a day. And to still pick things that you get to celebrate like to still be like, today was hot. Today wasn't the block for the POC, right? Like maybe you had to have a tough conversation. Maybe you showed up all excited to sell something and nobody bought it like, shit happens, people like it happens. And the thing is when you still get to the end of the day, or even throughout the day, and you're like actually celebrating myself for showing up celebrating myself for going to the grocery store. What happens with this whole thing on dopamine, and the coloring of the boxes is is big. But what happens is, it actually motivates you to do another thing, like it actually helps motivate us to keep going. Especially through the times when it's not all smooth sailing, because what I found is that when things are in the role, you know, when you have that momentum, and like, you know, we've been talking a lot about momentum, it's what we named our program, but business momentum, you and I use that term all the time. Like we talk about it all the time. Like I like even I would say things like I'm feeling like I'm having momentum or like, like things are moving forward, right? Like when we have that we have periods where we're in flow, right where you're like surfing on and you're surfing that wave, and you're like, ooh, shits happening momentum, right. And then you have times where you paddle to get back up on the wave, but to celebrate the paddling, to celebrate yourself to do the hard work sometimes to get back up on the wave and then be like, whoo, right? Like, that is where the magic happens. And celebration helps us carry us through these times. And that is why celebrating is even more so important. When things in your mind when things aren't all that rosy or that aren't going well. So celebrate everything. And what are we going to? Sorry, I will say the flower thing? Oh, yeah, the reason why I buy flowers on the day I drop branding for my launches, not the day somebody drops in, I still celebrate that. But I actually acknowledged the fact that I'm sure like, for me, it's an acknowledging of the fact that I'm walking my path and that I'm putting my vision together. That is what I celebrate.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

I love that you practice what you preach. And I know our listeners. And, you know, they're maybe thinking, Wow, that's great. But like, what if I can't afford to buy flowers? Or what if like, I don't know what to celebrate? Like, should we give some ideas on like, milestones to celebrate? And other ways to celebrate? Because I know, we've even had a conversation recently with one of our clients about ways to celebrate in there, like we already I already do all that, like what could I do that's different. And, you know, there's things that I have in my life that were celebrations that have become rituals, you know, things also we need to be very clear on is like, you don't need to earn it, you need to celebrate it and rest, for example, you shouldn't celebrate by resting resting shouldn't be earned. We all deserve rest. So I think you have to figure out what belongs in your life all the time. And then what can you celebrate? And how are you going to do that? You don't necessarily just spend money every time you do and it doesn't need to be something that happens every couple months. It could be once a week, it could like however you want to do it like there are no parameters. But like, I think before we kind of go into this and I really want to know like what Theresa has to say cuz she's an expert. But the one thing that I can't really stand and I see on social media is when people feel like they have to like earn rest. They have to earn rest. I work so hard now I get rest. It's like no, no, you need rest, like rest is really important. So first of all, if you feel like you're someone who needs to earn the rest, like oh, I earned this day off. I really earned this vacation. No, like, it should just be part of your life. Rest is so important. That's where the magic happens. So maybe that's a whole nother conversation. Yeah, okay, so Theresa, tell me Let's, let's let's thawed shower.

Theresa Lambert:

Let's not shower. Okay, so let's talk I feel like I'm about to go into like Okay, so like yes, I fu nny, maybe it's like a YouTube show. You and I have pretty electric like dance. Yeah. Okay,

Blair Kaplan Venables:

well let's let's just like talk about some some things that people can celebrate like maybe it's something as simple as like finishing everything on your to do list for the day.

Theresa Lambert:

Oh, yeah, showering.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Showering. I have a lot of hair. That's it's a bit like Sorry, hair washing, hair washing. hair washing.

Theresa Lambert:

I just loved that you were like, oh, showering. And I was like,

Blair Kaplan Venables:

I mean, like, I take two baths today.

Theresa Lambert:

But you know, but I was thinking because I think where you were going with ways to celebrate Right? Like you you want to

Blair Kaplan Venables:

know like, I want to know, like, I want to celebrate the fact that I washed my, my my lion's mane. Yeah.

Theresa Lambert:

Can we talk that because I have like, like, one, one little strain of your hair on one side of your head is like equivalent to everything I have on my I work with my hairdresser on making sure that I don't lose more hair because it's fitting on one side. And so yeah, I don't have that problem.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

So she we don't celebrate when she washes her hair because it does not take as long as when I wash my hair. Okay, back on track. How about you give us some ideas of things to celebrate?

Theresa Lambert:

I think so celebrate. Oh my god. Okay, well, things I celebrate, I celebrate working out. Okay, I celebrate when I've done a workout for sure. Because that's a big one going outside and Windows. That can be a celebration. I celebrate when I launched new programs at the beginning of a launch. And I mean, I always like sell and talk about things all the time and through sustainable ways of doing that by launching for me is really just an experience that you take somebody on for a few weeks, and you focus on one particular topic around an offer that's coming up. But so when I dropped branding, when I dropped the graphic for that, that I've designed and like so much work has gone in already. I celebrate that. So I actually just celebrate that milestone, because it's just to, you know, sign off off moving forward. What else do I celebrate?

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Well, we celebrate goals like you and I set goals like if we sell this many programs, we're going to do this if we sell this many we're going to do this. So like if you have like if you're launching something or you want a certain amount of clients, you know, set some goals and then how you're going to celebrate. So, you know, I think before we go on I want to know like when you

Theresa Lambert:

go when I need to go for dinner.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Oh yeah, well, let's the roads kind of disappeared during

Theresa Lambert:

the apocalypse. Figure out how to get into the same place. But we have to Yeah, we have to celebrate and have so we're going we're going

Blair Kaplan Venables:

for a nice dinner. So how do you celebrate when you do a workout or go outside? Like what are those ways that you celebrate?

Theresa Lambert:

So I think this is where I VD find celebration for me becomes a very like personal thing and so for me sometimes celebration is as easy as just like sitting with my cup of tea on my sofa hanging out with my cat and just having a moment of acknowledgement with myself. celebrating something like acknowledging it all how long extra long bath or maybe putting some flower petals in my bath.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Usually I like like

Theresa Lambert:

having a super like relaxing day. That's a form of celebration for me to you know, like really consciously having like a day where I just I call it pottering around.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Love it. You know what, Teresa? That's great, because you got me thinking about like, something I think because I I really like to celebrate myself and the things I accomplished that it becomes so second nature that I don't brand it or identify it or label it as celebrating. But for example, I do a lot of personal and professional development. And I'm doing a lot of healing and I believe all three of those things go hand in hand 100% and anytime I do an intensive healing or workshop, whatever, I always end up after that booking myself some form of self care in the way of like a trip to the spa or like renting a vacation rental by the ocean. Or you know, just treating myself to something that's good for my soul so I can decompress reintegrate and also celebrate that I took that step to move the needle forward and to heal and become a better version of me. myself.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. And that's so important, you know? Wow, that feels really good. And you know the other thing that I want to add here, and that is something I actually you inspired me to do. So celebration for me used to be involving alcohol, I would celebrate by and I still sometimes will say, I will get myself a very nice bottle of wine rather than the same bottle than I always get right, like, something like that. But one thing that really inspired me to look for different ways to celebrate and not not connecting celebration with drinking right away is because you've just celebrated for years sober. We also have somebody in our cohort who's who's also on that journey, which is incredible. And it's really made me more aware of the fact that I, I was often like thinking of celebration, a class of Rosae seems like the way to celebrate. And so it's actually opened up ways of celebrating differently. So whether it's the flowers, or the hot bath, or you know, having that nice cup of tea, or even buying myself a fancy tea somewhere, right, like going into a tea shop and buying expensive, teeters some amazing tea out there. I love tea. I'm a tea fanatic. Maybe one day we'll have a tea party, and you can come


who knows only if we could wear fancy floppy hats.

Theresa Lambert:

I love it. So anyways, you inspired me to to also really think more creatively when it comes to celebrating and what we do. And sometimes it's just as simple as doing something a little different than you usually do it. And consider that your celebration, just to anchor in whatever it is that you're celebrating, right like just to anchor in that moment. Because those moments are so potent.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

It just dropped in a celebration is an acknowledgement, right? It's not necessarily a party. So even if you're like, heavy routine, and you accomplish something, and you're going to pour that cup of tea anyways. It's about labeling it, that acknowledgement like poof, and you you know, like you just said like, it's just about enjoying that cup of tea or whatever you choose to do. But I think really celebration isn't an embellishment about how fucking awesome you are and that you just did something. And you deserve to stop and acknowledge it because it is all a mental game this whole life we're living. It's all in our heads on how we live it. Right? And so the words you say to yourself matter, and they are so important. So how are you moving through your day? What lists are you creating? What tasks? Are you adding to your list? And crossing out once you've accomplished it? How are you acknowledging your accomplishments and celebrating it? Are you sharing it on social media? Are you sharing it with your friends? Are you part of any groups and sharing it on your win threads? Do you celebrate it once a week or every time it happens? Right? Um, you know, I see people sharing their wins on social media all the time, because that's the space I plan. I share my gratitude and you know what, sometimes my gratitude includes my wins and that's my way of celebrating is it makes it to my top three things I'm grateful for from that day. There's no wrong answers here, people but me and Teresa, Teresa and I two peas in a pod here would be in tea. We want to invite you to celebrate your wins. Acknowledge your wins, because you're fucking awesome. You deserve it. Let's let that dopamine flow and fly and pumped through your veins or brains or wherever dopamine goes, I need to look at a science book or something. A book I need to Google dopamine. That's what's gonna happen after this. But thank you for tuning in to another episode of dissecting success. I want to celebrate you for taking the time to be here with us.




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