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Ep 218: Why You Shouldn't Take Business Personally with Dallas Gordon
28th September 2022 • Journey To Mastery • Elzie D. Flenard III
00:00:00 00:04:53

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As a business owner, it can be easy to take things personally. After all, your business is a reflection of you and your hard work. However, b2b founders need to remember that their businesses are just that - businesses. They are not personal projects or extensions of themselves. This is an important distinction to make, because it can help you to separate your personal life from your business life. When you take things too personally, it can lead to bad decision-making and conflict within the company. It can also make it difficult to let go of the business if it isn't successful. On the other hand, if you keep things professional, you'll be able to make better decisions and create a more successful company.

Episode Highlight:

03:28 Instead of them realizing that this is not a launch, this is just a test, this is an opportunity for me to learn and do better next time. This is not me, they walk away feeling like it's me that they don't want and so they just keep trying to fix themselves and repair themselves over and over again thinking people don't want them, but I feel like on the product side, it's more direct because if I decide I'm going to sell computers or something, and you don't like the brand of computers that I sell, so you don't buy from me. That's your business. I'm not taking it personally at all. I'm like, oh, they just didn't want the computer. It's not me they didn't want.

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