Artwork for podcast The Online Hustle with Jake Hower
Using Facebook Ads To Drive Traffic with Justin Brooke
Episode 2430th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

This is episode 24 of the multimedia marketing show.

Jake Hower:

Today's episode, we're speaking with Justin Brooke from Pixel

Jake Hower:

Track and I Am Scalable.

Jake Hower:

Let's get stuck into that interview.

Jake Hower:

Right away.

Jake Hower:

Justin, how are you?

Jake Hower:

I'm good,

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

How are

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Oh, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Now I must say, Justin, I think I come across you through somebody in my

Jake Hower:

network and I found you on Facebook.

Jake Hower:

And I have to say that I needed to get you on this show because every single post

Jake Hower:

that I saw on Facebook that you popped out there was just absolutely awesome.

Jake Hower:

So there's so much information in there.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So for our listeners, your main focus of course, is around traffic generation.

Jake Hower:

How about you give our listeners a little bit of a history about you and what has

Jake Hower:

brought you to where you are right now?

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, so there's a couple of stories you know that

Justin Brooke:

make up my whole past or my career getting started in this industry the

Justin Brooke:

short version Is that back in 2005?

Justin Brooke:

I got started didn't make any money at all for two years 2007 I landed an internship

Justin Brooke:

with russell brunson And went out there worked with him for 30 days for free and

Justin Brooke:

my job out there was to He, he has this.

Justin Brooke:

This marketing library he spent over a quarter million dollars buying like

Justin Brooke:

every course there is every book and video Just everything and my job was

Justin Brooke:

to go through these courses and write reviews so that he could Create an

Justin Brooke:

affiliate review website out of them and he called it zubi the newbie.

Justin Brooke:

I Technically was zubi the newbie even though it was modeled after him and

Justin Brooke:

everything But I was the one writing those reviews going through those courses and

Justin Brooke:

I was the newbie Practicing them all.

Justin Brooke:

So anyways, I got like an education of a lifetime and When I came out of that,

Justin Brooke:

I was still broke I mean I had a website I took what I learned in there I only

Justin Brooke:

had 60 to my name and I took that from half of my electric bill I paid half

Justin Brooke:

the electric bill took 60 started a pathetic little Google AdWords campaign

Justin Brooke:

2 a day selling a 35 video course.

Justin Brooke:

And my first month I made 150 bucks, paid back the electric bill, rolled the

Justin Brooke:

money back in long story short, doubled my money every single month for 12 for

Justin Brooke:

11 or 12 months or something like that.

Justin Brooke:

I had a six figure business at the end of the year.

Justin Brooke:

For me, it was learning from a mentor, from a millionaire who'd already done

Justin Brooke:

it, but really traffic, buying traffic changed my life, and so that's why,

Justin Brooke:

that's my focus, that's what I teach, it's what I do it's what I Thank you.

Justin Brooke:

I live like I read and watch and do this stuff all day, every day.

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:

I think what was interesting for me is that you have, I guess you

Jake Hower:

could say a hand in a lot of different markets, but it seems to be that you were

Jake Hower:

initially almost like a blogger of types.

Jake Hower:

I'd imagine.

Jake Hower:


Justin Brooke:

I would definitely call myself a blogger.

Justin Brooke:

It's one of my main I do a lot of paid traffic for my clients

Justin Brooke:

and that's like what I sell.

Justin Brooke:

It's also what I teach, but how I make the most money is actually

Justin Brooke:

through content marketing, through my blogging and social media.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So your focus now is mainly around traffic.

Jake Hower:

How about you just give us some perspective of your company now and

Jake Hower:

how it's broken up and how most of your money is made for your clients.

Jake Hower:


Justin Brooke:

So what I realized, I had A real hard time in 2010.

Justin Brooke:

I just made a couple of bad decisions in a row and then, they didn't pan out

Justin Brooke:

I took some risks and they didn't pan out and ended up not having anything.

Justin Brooke:

I had no income stream I was making six figures for three years before

Justin Brooke:

that and had no income stream And then had to rebuild it on what I really

Justin Brooke:

realized was that One the information marketing industry had changed And

Justin Brooke:

because now there was youtube and there was a blog post about everything.

Justin Brooke:

There's a tutorial about everything.

Justin Brooke:

There's wiki how so the information marketing industry had changed and

Justin Brooke:

I had put all my eggs into that basket I said that was never going

Justin Brooke:

to happen again So services was easy for me to get some money going again.

Justin Brooke:

And then I said, I've got to have a software because I believe that

Justin Brooke:

tools are, everybody, there's plenty of information out there, but now

Justin Brooke:

everybody needs something to do with this information, so they need tools.

Justin Brooke:

And then they also, some people just don't want to do it

Justin Brooke:

themselves, so they need services.

Justin Brooke:

So I said, all right, I'm going to service the traffic industry.

Justin Brooke:

Cause that's what I know best.

Justin Brooke:

I'm going to have a tool.

Justin Brooke:

I'm going to have a training.

Justin Brooke:

And I'm going to have a service that way, like these decisions that I made

Justin Brooke:

in the past will never hurt me again.

Justin Brooke:

And it's taken me a long time to manage all three parts of

Justin Brooke:

that and get them all going.

Justin Brooke:

And some of them are still coming online, but that's how our business works.

Justin Brooke:

We have a tool, a training and a service.

Justin Brooke:

The service right now pays like 80% of the

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:

Now with the traffic buying that you're doing for a lot of your

Jake Hower:

customers, what is generally the goal?

Jake Hower:

Is the goal most cases sales?

Jake Hower:

Are you trying to help with lead generation for them?

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, everybody always wants sales.

Justin Brooke:

It's all about ROI.

Justin Brooke:

I believe that there's a lot more out there.

Justin Brooke:

There's a lot more than just ROI and sales.

Justin Brooke:

In marketing and that's a whole nother conversation and we can talk about that if

Justin Brooke:

you want, but Yeah, most people at sales some people it's leads but at the end of

Justin Brooke:

the day You know if they're paying for traffic and i'm not making them more than

Justin Brooke:

they're paying Then they're not happy.

Justin Brooke:

So my job is to make sure that they're making more

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

No worries.

Jake Hower:

Justin, most of our listeners out there.

Jake Hower:

So luckily our listener listening in right now is always asking

Jake Hower:

about how can I get more leads?

Jake Hower:

How can I generate more customers for my business?

Jake Hower:

So what I'd love to do in this interview is to run through a couple of different

Jake Hower:

strategies that you are currently seeing that are working really well

Jake Hower:

for yourself and also for your clients.

Jake Hower:

How does that sound?

Jake Hower:

All right, cool.

Jake Hower:

Let's start briefly with a look at some of the free traffic sources.

Jake Hower:

So what are the top free traffic sources that you see

Justin Brooke:

for me?

Justin Brooke:

I think the top free traffic source is guest blogging and not just guest

Justin Brooke:

blogging, but content syndication period.

Justin Brooke:

So I believe that guest blogging is just a form of content syndication.

Justin Brooke:

Your content is being syndicated on somebody else's blog, but you could also.

Justin Brooke:

Put it up on SlideShare, you could put it up on was it Scribd or DocStock?

Justin Brooke:

You can put it up on YouTube.

Justin Brooke:

So just taking what your content is, and I think a lot of people focus on

Justin Brooke:

content all on their own website because it's I made this, I want to hoard it.

Justin Brooke:

But really, the way you get people to your website is by having

Justin Brooke:

content all over the web that brings people back to your website.

Justin Brooke:

I don't focus a lot on creating content for my website.

Justin Brooke:

I focus a lot on creating content that's out there in the world that

Justin Brooke:

drives people back to my website.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's really interesting.

Jake Hower:

I think one of the best examples of this in action to me is the music industry.

Jake Hower:

Now you look at records and iTunes and people consuming music, that's

Jake Hower:

essentially traffic generation for what most artists these days make their most

Jake Hower:

money from, and that's their touring.

Jake Hower:

So that's their live events.

Jake Hower:

And I think that's a really good example of this strategy in action.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

There's tons and tons of marketplaces and there's tons of content channels

Justin Brooke:

out there and there's just gobs and gobs of traffic at these places.

Justin Brooke:

If you look up the traffic for SlideShare and YouTube and, all these other content

Justin Brooke:

places, their traffic is astronomical.

Justin Brooke:

And it's free for you to dive in there and start corralling these

Justin Brooke:

people back over to your website.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, now a couple of episodes ago, we had clay

Jake Hower:

Collins on from lead pages and we

Justin Brooke:

spoke about a genius.

Jake Hower:

He is.

Jake Hower:

Oh, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

And I guess, would that be then?

Jake Hower:

Therefore, what you say landing pages is how you capture the traffic once

Jake Hower:

you've driven them back to your site.

Justin Brooke:

That's one use of a landing page.

Justin Brooke:

Probably one of the most popular uses of a landing page is to capture that

Justin Brooke:

traffic so that you can follow up with them to me a landing page is just you

Justin Brooke:

know the page that the person lands on after they click your ad and your

Justin Brooke:

ad could be a blog post or a podcast or whatever it may be where they land.

Justin Brooke:


Jake Hower:

Okay I'm just thinking of the questions that are no doubt our

Jake Hower:

listeners has in their mind right now.

Jake Hower:

And one of them around guest posting to me, guest posting or

Jake Hower:

writing in general is hard to do.

Jake Hower:

Do you have some sort of system that you use to actually produce content

Justin Brooke:

like that?

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, I'm going to steal Marcus Sheridan's.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

It's great.

Justin Brooke:

It's simple.

Justin Brooke:

It's easy.

Justin Brooke:

It's I've been doing something like it for years, but he just,

Justin Brooke:

wrapped it up in a better package.

Justin Brooke:

What I would, what I used to do is I would go and scour like Yahoo

Justin Brooke:

answers or any of the answer sites.

Justin Brooke:

And I would look for what questions people are asking about my topic.

Justin Brooke:

So if I'm in, the, root beer niche, and I'm talking about root beer.

Justin Brooke:

I'm going to go and look up what are all the questions people have about root beer?

Justin Brooke:

Because I can guarantee you people are typing the question, the full question

Justin Brooke:

into Google, trying to look for an answer.

Justin Brooke:

And it's so much easier to rank.

Justin Brooke:

For a full question than it is for a one or two word keyword.

Justin Brooke:

And you could just start ranking for a lot of these questions

Justin Brooke:

over and over again, easy.

Justin Brooke:

And then you'll pull those people into your website, and it'll go to other pages.

Justin Brooke:

Marcus Sheridan system is come up with 52 questions that your market has.

Justin Brooke:

Now you have an entire year's worth of weekly blog posts, just answering the

Justin Brooke:

question, Do your research about that question, find out what the good answer

Justin Brooke:

is, and then create a blog post that answers that question, provides resources

Justin Brooke:

to it, links, tools, whatever, and just, make sure that blog post is the best

Justin Brooke:

answer on the web for that question.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's excellent.

Jake Hower:

And that's really fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Listen Justin doesn't actually know, but Marcus was on episode.

Jake Hower:

23 here.

Jake Hower:

So you can go back and listen in detail to that particular strategy he uses.

Jake Hower:

Oh yeah,

Justin Brooke:

he probably already

Jake Hower:

talked about it.

Jake Hower:

Oh, I absolutely agree with you, Justin, it's a great strategy and it's so

Jake Hower:

easy to come up with content that way.

Jake Hower:

Now let's look at a couple of other forms of free traffic.

Jake Hower:

On a previous episode of Marketing Concaso with Michelle McPherson, you detailed

Jake Hower:

a number of different strategies that you see are working well for you now.

Jake Hower:

Let's have a look at one in particular, membership sites.

Jake Hower:

And how do you use membership sites to build your list?

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

I think I know what you're talking about here.

Justin Brooke:

We have, I call this the invisible squeeze page and what it is a lot of

Justin Brooke:

times, and there's a lot of markets out there where asking for an email

Justin Brooke:

address actually doesn't work very well.

Justin Brooke:

If you look at the survival prepper market, They don't want to be

Justin Brooke:

giving out their information.

Justin Brooke:

They don't want to be letting people know that they are a prepper hoarding

Justin Brooke:

all this food and gold and whatever.

Justin Brooke:

There's other markets out there as well where they're really sensitive.

Justin Brooke:

So what we do instead is we just say, here, this is a free membership site.

Justin Brooke:

And all you have to do is enter your email, create a

Justin Brooke:

password, and you'll have access.

Justin Brooke:

What did they do?

Justin Brooke:

They just entered their email address and now you have them to

Justin Brooke:

be able to follow up with them.

Justin Brooke:

So it's just, it's basically a squeeze page.

Justin Brooke:

I mean on a squeeze page, you're offering a piece of content

Justin Brooke:

in exchange for their email.

Justin Brooke:

The only real difference in a membership site is you call it something

Justin Brooke:

different and you add a password.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, and why do you think that works?

Justin Brooke:

It's just positioned differently.

Justin Brooke:

It sounds different.

Justin Brooke:

It's less gimmicky.

Justin Brooke:

I think it's less about hanging a carrot in front of somebody's

Justin Brooke:

face Forcing them to give you the email where I think the membership

Justin Brooke:

site for the perspective Is that?

Justin Brooke:

That it has more value, it's you know, you're gonna get all this

Justin Brooke:

stuff inside And all you have to do is become a member for free

Jake Hower:

Yeah, and how much information do you think you'd

Jake Hower:

need to put in a membership site?

Jake Hower:

I can probably answer that myself.

Jake Hower:

In fact, really you've just got to answer your value proposition on your sales page

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, that's it really but I mean i've done one with

Justin Brooke:

as little as four videos in there.

Justin Brooke:

It was about a An hour's worth of content and then there was just a bunch of links

Justin Brooke:

and resources and you got to make sure that when they get in there, they're

Justin Brooke:

not, they're happy, they like what they

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Now, and these, I guess they sound complicated, but they're

Jake Hower:

actually very easy to set up.

Jake Hower:

WordPress natively allows you to password protect pages, and

Jake Hower:

that would be the simplest.

Jake Hower:

Version of a membership site, just having someone sign up to

Jake Hower:

your email list and have the first autoresponder email going back to

Jake Hower:

them with the password for that page.

Justin Brooke:

I've even done it simpler than that.

Justin Brooke:

I don't want to say that I, like I manipulate people, but people in general

Justin Brooke:

sometimes they can be a little clueless.

Justin Brooke:

So I've created forms in Aweber.

Justin Brooke:

Where it says, email, password, confirm password and, name, and then,

Justin Brooke:

hit enter to submit, and then it just takes them to the page, but there was

Justin Brooke:

actually no membership or whatever.

Justin Brooke:

They just filled out my opt in form, and now I've taken them to the page.

Justin Brooke:

Now, every email they get after that, it's Send them back to that thing that

Justin Brooke:

looks like a membership site, but it's really just, page out there on the web.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

I think that's important to understand that because we don't want to complicate

Jake Hower:

it for at least that we want them to know that it is actually easy to

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

And they are a member of something, they're a member of this.

Justin Brooke:

This group of people.

Jake Hower:

Oh, no doubt.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And as you say, I think this is the key.

Jake Hower:

As long as you're delivering value, in my opinion, above and beyond what you

Jake Hower:

actually promise, that's all you need to

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

If you're collecting their emails and sell them off to some spammer and then

Justin Brooke:

you're only delivering half a piece of content and trying to force them

Justin Brooke:

into a sale, then like this whole technique doesn't work, but if you're

Justin Brooke:

trying to provide value to people's lives and you're doing everything.

Justin Brooke:

Ethically and legally, then this is all good stuff.

Justin Brooke:

It just helps you do it easier.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

I want to look at one more source of free traffic before we look

Jake Hower:

at some of the paid sources.

Jake Hower:

So this one is another one that you spoke on this same

Jake Hower:

episode of Marketing Conqueso.

Jake Hower:

And it's using software to build a list.

Jake Hower:

Now we've seen this done, Clay did this fantastically well with the welcome gates.

Jake Hower:

And I believe you're doing something similar with

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

No, not anymore.

Justin Brooke:

We used to have a free trial.

Justin Brooke:

But we're not doing the free trial anymore just because it

Justin Brooke:

was getting abused too often.

Justin Brooke:

But what I think that people can do a lot easier is there is a ton Of free

Justin Brooke:

software out there on the web that people don't know about I know guys who have

Justin Brooke:

built a hundred thousand subscriber lists just Saying, enter your email to

Justin Brooke:

get this plug in for your blog, and they just went and found a plug in that was

Justin Brooke:

out there in the WordPress, extensions or whatever that thing is called, where

Justin Brooke:

there's all the plug ins that you can search for, but they just went and found

Justin Brooke:

a cool plug in that was, not really talked about very often, but did a cool

Justin Brooke:

little feature, and they just said, enter your name and email, and I'll give you

Justin Brooke:

this plug in, they just link over to the plug in directory, And yeah, these

Justin Brooke:

guys have built huge lists off of that.

Justin Brooke:

Or you can develop your own plugin.

Justin Brooke:

It only costs you a couple hundred dollars to get a plugin developed.

Justin Brooke:

You don't need something that is WP wishlist to develop a plugin.

Justin Brooke:

You can develop a very simple plugin like Michelle McPherson.

Justin Brooke:

She created one that just, whenever you would roll over an image, it would

Justin Brooke:

give you the option to pin that image.

Justin Brooke:

And just a very simple little easy plugin.

Justin Brooke:

And now she has something that she can offer on a squeeze page and people

Justin Brooke:

will opt in for a tool a lot more often than they will opt in for a piece of

Justin Brooke:

information or a free report, free video.

Justin Brooke:

Everybody's doing free report, free video, but when you can say, free tool that

Justin Brooke:

like actually does something for you.

Justin Brooke:

It's a much higher perceived value.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's really interesting.

Jake Hower:

I've never actually thought of the fact that you can just be linking to free

Jake Hower:

software, but it makes a lot of sense.

Jake Hower:

And as you say, you have essentially become the curator and the quality

Jake Hower:

controller of these good plugins.

Jake Hower:

So it makes a lot of sense.

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, it all comes down to like our job, whether

Justin Brooke:

you're an affiliate, a blogger.

Justin Brooke:

Whatever I believe that our job is to be a problem solver, you know There's

Justin Brooke:

people out there on the web that have a problem and they're looking for

Justin Brooke:

a solution And whether you sell a software or whether you're a blogger

Justin Brooke:

or whether you're an affiliate whatever your job is to say Hey, I have I know

Justin Brooke:

what problem you're going through.

Justin Brooke:

I know the solution Here's how to get it You know, if you're a blogger, you're

Justin Brooke:

here's how to get it is a blog post.

Justin Brooke:

You're just telling them, here's how to solve this problem.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

All right, Justin, let's move up at you now and look at some of the

Jake Hower:

different paid traffic sources.

Jake Hower:

And now rather than confuse our listeners, I want to really hone in

Jake Hower:

on where they're going to let's really 80 20 this and let's hone in on the

Jake Hower:

number one or number two strategies for generating paid traffic at the moment.

Jake Hower:

So where are you seeing the best results at the moment?

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

I would say Facebook, but there's places, that work better for different things.

Justin Brooke:

If it's a dating offer using plenty of fish, they have a great advertising

Justin Brooke:

network over there at plenty of fish.

Justin Brooke:

It's ads.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

There's certain I like to call them like ponds, you know that you would go

Justin Brooke:

fishing in There's certain ponds out there where you can catch a special type of

Justin Brooke:

fish, but overall Facebook has half the world's people on it and they're spending

Justin Brooke:

half the day on there So it's a pretty good place to start and there's so many

Justin Brooke:

targeting options today That it's just amazing, you know what you can do on there

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Okay, cool.

Jake Hower:

Then let's look at Facebook in particular.

Jake Hower:

Now I do a little bit of Facebook advertising myself and

Jake Hower:

I can certainly generate likes and I can generate comments.

Jake Hower:

But what I struggle to really generate is clicks through on a lot of my ads.

Jake Hower:

What's your specialty with Facebook?

Jake Hower:

Are you driving clicks and sales?

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, we're driving.

Justin Brooke:

I have to drive sales.

Justin Brooke:

If I don't drive sales, then my clients fire me.

Justin Brooke:

And what we do is.

Justin Brooke:

A lot of times in the very beginning, I'm trying to figure

Justin Brooke:

out how to word this the right way.

Justin Brooke:

So there, there's not even the greatest advertisers in history have a home

Justin Brooke:

run the first time they create an ad.

Justin Brooke:

It happens every once in a while.

Justin Brooke:

If you're good and you know what you're doing and you're really

Justin Brooke:

studying the market, it happens.

Justin Brooke:

But for the most part, what you do is you create your hypothesis.

Justin Brooke:

It's your best guess at what you think people will respond to.

Justin Brooke:

And so what we do is we put a lot of guesses up there.

Justin Brooke:

We think, this angle, these are the things that people are going to respond to.

Justin Brooke:

And then we let the data.

Justin Brooke:

Tell us whether or not that's true So we you know put our best guesses up

Justin Brooke:

there Let the traffic run for a little while and then we go back and look at

Justin Brooke:

the data and say okay Which of these ads got the most clicks which of them

Justin Brooke:

got the most sales because sometimes the one that got the most clicks Just was

Justin Brooke:

generating a lot of curiosity We got a lot of buyers So we go and we look at

Justin Brooke:

the data and then the data tells us this is what makes people respond Then we cut

Justin Brooke:

off the other stuff and just keep that

Jake Hower:

Yeah now, that to me sounds like it's pretty important, the data.

Jake Hower:

So how do you track how well your ads are going?

Justin Brooke:

There's a lot of software out there.

Justin Brooke:

Google Analytics, PixelTrack, HyperTracker.

Justin Brooke:

There's so many things out there.

Justin Brooke:

What's most important is that you think about what you

Justin Brooke:

need out of a tracking tool.

Justin Brooke:

Do you need something that's going to be super comprehensive, is going to

Justin Brooke:

show you everything, is going to be...

Justin Brooke:

You'll have lots of support and lots of plugins and stuff like that.

Justin Brooke:

Or do you need something that's really fast, lightweight, and simple.

Justin Brooke:

You got to think about what you need out of a tool and then go

Justin Brooke:

find the tool that fits you best.

Justin Brooke:

Don't like, Oh everybody says use Google analytics.

Justin Brooke:

So therefore I should use Google analytics for some people.

Justin Brooke:

Google analytics is like it's like using a chainsaw to shave your face.

Justin Brooke:

It's just too powerful of a tool for the job where sometimes you need

Justin Brooke:

something that's really easy and simple.

Justin Brooke:

So there's a lot out there different sides.

Justin Brooke:

That's the best advice I can give though.

Justin Brooke:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

I'd like to a little bit deeper on that.

Jake Hower:

I know personally, Google analytics can get quite complex and I know for

Jake Hower:

a lot of our listeners, it's going to be, it will be a roadblock having

Jake Hower:

to track with Google analytics.

Jake Hower:

Let's look at the simple side of things.

Jake Hower:

What's the best way to keep it nice and simple, but still accurate.

Justin Brooke:

I'm going to be a little biased because, at my tool, Pixeltrack.

Justin Brooke:

com that's our angle is we believe, I believe, and I built it for

Justin Brooke:

myself to be honest, so whether nobody else uses it in the world,

Justin Brooke:

I use it myself every single day.

Justin Brooke:

We've driven over a million clicks through it.

Justin Brooke:

And what I wanted was I realized that I wasn't tracking and split testing

Justin Brooke:

as much as I should be because the tools that I were using We're so hard

Justin Brooke:

and complicated to use that I was just like, Oh, I want to, but then it's

Justin Brooke:

going to take me an hour to do this.

Justin Brooke:

And I got to read this book before.

Justin Brooke:

And so I never would do it.

Justin Brooke:

I was like, I need something that is just quick and simple and easy.

Justin Brooke:

And I can whip up a split test in two minutes, or I can just grab

Justin Brooke:

a tracking link and be on my way.

Justin Brooke:

And so I built that tool and I've spent probably about 12, 000 at this

Justin Brooke:

point tweaking and building it and, making it just how I want it to be.

Justin Brooke:

It started out like it was just going to be a couple hundred

Justin Brooke:

bucks, but we're tens of thousands of dollars into this thing now.

Justin Brooke:

And I do believe it's the easiest, simplest tool to use.

Jake Hower:

That sounds fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Now, can you run us through how it works?

Justin Brooke:

Yeah, sure.

Justin Brooke:

So when you log in, there's only one button.

Justin Brooke:

I thought that was important.

Justin Brooke:

And now there's other things that you can click on, but there's only

Justin Brooke:

one button and it says new campaign.

Justin Brooke:

And when you click new campaign, there's three options.

Justin Brooke:

You can either create a quick quick tracking link, which webpage.

Justin Brooke:

Creates a redirect that will start counting the clicks and then gives you a

Justin Brooke:

code to place on your conversion page So if you were tracking how many opt ins you

Justin Brooke:

are getting you'd put the conversion code on your opt in Confirmation page and you'd

Justin Brooke:

use the link to start sending your ads and now you know the pixel track tracking link

Justin Brooke:

Will start counting all the clicks and then as people go to your page and opt in

Justin Brooke:

then the code says hey a person converted.

Justin Brooke:

And so it starts counting how many conversions.

Justin Brooke:

And if you're doing a sale, you can put in how much each sale is worth for you.

Justin Brooke:

And it'll start counting your EPC.

Justin Brooke:

And that's really important to me because how you make money with traffic how

Justin Brooke:

profit is created, like at a scientific level is your EPC is your earnings per

Justin Brooke:

click, how much you're earning on average.

Justin Brooke:

Per click that you get to your website and then you pay at a cost per click CPC

Justin Brooke:

So if you're paying You know 25 cent CPC And you're earning on average a 50 cent

Justin Brooke:

CPC, then you're making money and your job sometimes in the beginning Your CPC

Justin Brooke:

is higher than your EPC But your job is to do things on your landing page and in

Justin Brooke:

your sales funnel to increase your EPC and then you're going to do things inside

Justin Brooke:

the ad network like you'll create new ads and test different markets and different

Justin Brooke:

pictures and that lowers your CPC and as you lower the CPC and increase the EPC.

Justin Brooke:

That gap in the middle is your ROI, your profit.

Justin Brooke:

As that gap expands, that's how you make more and more money.

Justin Brooke:

And that's the name of the game.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So I've just got a couple of technical questions to satisfy my own interests.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, one

Justin Brooke:

second before we get into that, I just want to finish what

Justin Brooke:

the other three buttons are in there.

Justin Brooke:

So there was quick tracking, which is just, a redirect

Justin Brooke:

link and tracks conversions.

Justin Brooke:

And then there's a funnel tracking one where if you have like upsells

Justin Brooke:

and downsells, it'll track.

Justin Brooke:

You know your lead your front end your upsell your down sell and so you can

Justin Brooke:

put multiple tracking codes in place And then you'll see you know your conversions

Justin Brooke:

across and then there's a split testing button Where it just lets you have like up

Justin Brooke:

to five different links and it'll rotate those links out for you And so you can

Justin Brooke:

create one page duplicate the page with a different headline Put both pages in

Justin Brooke:

there and then you're off and running you can create a split test in two minutes

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So not only then tracking the source of the traffic, you're also

Jake Hower:

tracking the actual page as well.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That's good.

Jake Hower:

So that one thing I wanted to satisfy my own curiosity was creating a campaign.

Jake Hower:

Can you have multiple links or traffic sources for that one campaign

Jake Hower:

with that one piece of tracking

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

Yeah, you could.

Justin Brooke:

I believe that every ad should have its own link.

Justin Brooke:

And and I consider everything an ad.

Justin Brooke:

A different blog post, a different email.

Justin Brooke:

And when you do that, then you have granular level data that

Justin Brooke:

says, this email versus this email.

Justin Brooke:

You can see it, I had nine conversions from here, and

Justin Brooke:

three conversions from here.

Justin Brooke:

Therefore, this one worked better when you start using the

Justin Brooke:

same link for multiple sources.

Justin Brooke:

Now you can't tell which source was actually a higher performing source.

Justin Brooke:


Jake Hower:

So I probably wasn't as clear there.

Jake Hower:

So the tracking code for each of these links, do you get a unique

Jake Hower:

piece of tracking code for every link?

Jake Hower:

Or is it just the one piece of tracking code and you can have multiple links?

Justin Brooke:

Currently it's a different piece of tracking code for

Justin Brooke:

every link, but In, I think it's next month, the, we'll have a global pixel.

Justin Brooke:

And that will mean you can have just one code on the page and lots of links.

Justin Brooke:

Because right now, it's getting where a lot of people have to

Justin Brooke:

put a lot of different codes.

Justin Brooke:

And it's cumbersome, but that'll be fixed next month.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Jake Hower:

That sounds great.

Jake Hower:

And I don't want this to sound like an ad, but you have a 1 test

Jake Hower:

drive of PixelTrack, I believe.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

There's a dollar trial.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's go back and look at Facebook.

Jake Hower:

One thing I think I struggle with is working at your audience.

Jake Hower:

What are the top things you can suggest to people in choosing

Jake Hower:

the right audience or targeting the right audience with Facebook?

Justin Brooke:

With Facebook, targeting the right audience?

Justin Brooke:

That's a good question.

Justin Brooke:

One, I would tell you to get a book.

Justin Brooke:

There's a book out there called Killer Facebook Ads by Marty...

Justin Brooke:

Oh, man.

Justin Brooke:

I think it's Weinstein.

Justin Brooke:

God, I hope I got his name right.

Justin Brooke:

But it's called killer Facebook ads.

Justin Brooke:

Anyways, this book is really good.

Justin Brooke:

It goes in depth.

Justin Brooke:

I'm only gonna be able to tell you about five minutes worth of tricks

Justin Brooke:

and tips, but that book really goes in depth on that subject.

Justin Brooke:

Basically what I do is I look for a couple of categories

Justin Brooke:

and some of the easy ones are.

Justin Brooke:

So what is the broad category?

Justin Brooke:

So if we're looking at bloggers, if i'm trying to target bloggers Okay.

Justin Brooke:

What books do they read?

Justin Brooke:

And that'll be one campaign and then what fan pages might they be

Justin Brooke:

a fan of and that'll be another campaign What software do they use?

Justin Brooke:

That'll be another campaign What celebrities or gurus do they follow?

Justin Brooke:

That'll be another campaign.

Justin Brooke:

And so that's how I break it up.

Justin Brooke:

And sometimes in the beginning, just to like test and see if things are working,

Justin Brooke:

I'll just go create one campaign that has all those targets in there, all

Justin Brooke:

the books, all the media sources, fan pages, software, all that stuff in one.

Justin Brooke:

And then just see, I'll drive like a hundred, 200 worth of traffic and just see

Justin Brooke:

if any sales happen, if any leads happen.

Justin Brooke:

And if none do, then, great, I didn't have to do all the work of creating

Justin Brooke:

lots of different campaigns and lots of different tracking links.

Justin Brooke:

And, I didn't have to work so hard, but if I do see that there's some sales happen

Justin Brooke:

some leads happen now, I'll start breaking it down and getting really targeted with

Justin Brooke:

it because the more targeted you are, the better your ads are going to work

Justin Brooke:

because it's going to be more relevant.

Justin Brooke:

And then the, Okay.

Justin Brooke:

The more you'll be able to track the conversions and remove wasted spend.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That sounds fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Now, with your audience size, as you reduce the audience size, do

Jake Hower:

clicks generally go up in cost?

Justin Brooke:

Not really.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

There's different audiences and the more targeted you try and get, the more

Justin Brooke:

Facebook makes you pay and sometimes, the less they make you pay because

Justin Brooke:

it's, a really small audience or...

Justin Brooke:

It's just something that's not very competitive, but for the most

Justin Brooke:

part, the cost of your clicks is dependent on your CTR, how well

Justin Brooke:

people are clicking on your ad.

Justin Brooke:

If a lot of people are clicking your ad, then your cost per click will go down

Justin Brooke:

because Facebook likes a guy who is paying 20 cents per click, but getting 100 clicks

Justin Brooke:

versus somebody who's paying a dollar per click and only getting two clicks.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:


Jake Hower:

makes sense.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's look at the location.

Jake Hower:

Cause there are so many different locations.

Jake Hower:

You can have your ad appear now.

Jake Hower:

What's working right now in terms of location of the

Justin Brooke:

ads, sponsored stories work really well.

Justin Brooke:

And, just for anybody who's listening and, might be a little bit newer.

Justin Brooke:

If you use power editor, there's two ways to create a Facebook ad.

Justin Brooke:

There's the web.

Justin Brooke:

Interface, which is what most people are familiar with.

Justin Brooke:

You log into Facebook and do it through the Internet through that screen.

Justin Brooke:

But there's also the power editor and the power editor.

Justin Brooke:

You have to be using the Google Chrome browser.

Justin Brooke:

When you use that, you're able to pinpoint, whether you want your ads to.

Justin Brooke:

Show up on mobile devices or all devices whether you want them to show up on

Justin Brooke:

the side or in the news feed If you want to be a sponsored post of this,

Justin Brooke:

there's just a lot of different options But you know the premium real estate

Justin Brooke:

is in the news feed and the way you get in the newsfeed is through sponsored

Justin Brooke:

posts and promoted posts is another one.

Justin Brooke:

And then with mobile, there is no sidebar.

Justin Brooke:

So when you're targeting your ads to mobile, then You know, they're

Justin Brooke:

showing up in the news feed for them.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

That's all great information.

Jake Hower:

Justin, you've been so generous with your, both your time and the

Jake Hower:

information you've shared today.

Jake Hower:

Where can our listeners find out more

Justin Brooke:

about you?

Justin Brooke:

We've got a blog where I blog about traffic.

Justin Brooke:

I call it this ain't your mama's traffic blog.

Justin Brooke:

We it's over at I am scalable.

Justin Brooke:

That's I M S C A L A B L E dot com forward slash blog.

Justin Brooke:

And there's a bunch of articles there already.

Justin Brooke:

Check it out.

Justin Brooke:

There's stuff on, how to measure your ROI on Facebook and how to get

Justin Brooke:

more conversions and stuff like that.

Justin Brooke:

And then on Facebook, just go to strategist

Justin Brooke:

and I try to put a daily tip up

Jake Hower:

there and they're all amazing . So I do, I highly recommend same.

Jake Hower:

Thanks both the blog and certainly Facebook as well.

Jake Hower:

Alright, Justin, thank you very much for coming on today.

Jake Hower:

I really appreciate it.

Jake Hower:

I've got a lot out of it listener certainly will as

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:

Thanks for giving me the chance to reach more people, man.

Justin Brooke:

Thank you.

Justin Brooke:


Justin Brooke:





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