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Ep. 89 - Pet Health Part 2: How to Heal Them
Episode 893rd June 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Unlocking Optimal Health: The Ultimate Guide to Your Pet's Well-being | Reality of Health Podcast

Welcome to the Reality of Health Podcast! In today's episode, we delve into pet health with a focus on why your pets get sick and how to support their well-being. We discuss the importance of a species-specific raw food diet for carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores, and the drawbacks of conventional pet foods like kibble and canned food. Learn why a holistic veterinarian might be a better choice and discover the shocking statistics on pet food recalls and contaminants. We'll also cover beneficial supplements like MSM, tips for natural parasite control, and the impact of household stress and toxins on your pets. Finally, we'll touch on the significance of chiropractic care and acupuncture for pets, and why vaccines and a carbohydrate-rich diet may be major contributors to pet illnesses. Join us for an insightful discussion on keeping your furry friends healthy and happy. Don’t forget to follow, subscribe, and like!

00:00 Introduction to Pet Health

00:15 Understanding Animal Diets

01:20 The Role of Veterinarians

03:10 The Truth About Pet Food Recalls

05:15 Transitioning to a Raw Food Diet

05:59 Feeding Guidelines for Dogs

07:16 Feeding Guidelines for Cats

09:26 Addressing Pet Health Issues

13:15 The Impact of Household Toxins

15:41 Common Pet Health Problems

18:14 The Role of Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals

19:09 Alternative Therapies for Pets

20:09 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast.

Today, we're talking about pet health. Part two. This is why your dog or cat or animal gets sick and how you can help that situation.

Let's get right into it. your animal is either a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. Carnivore eats only animal stuff. Herbivores eat only plants. And omnivores eat. Well, everything.

Have you ever seen. Any animal in the entire animal kingdom ever cook their food. You ever seen in the entire animal kingdom. Uh, an animal open, a bag or open a can of food. You ever seen a dog run into a corn field and mall that corn cob and eat so many he passes out like a lion after a feast on a water Buffalo. Nope.

You've never seen that. You ever seen a cow kill a chicken and eat it?

Have you ever seen out in nature, a pet restaurant? Well, that would be the same thing as your dinner table.

Unless you're eating a raw food diet. You should not be giving those scraps to your dog or cat. I know it makes you feel good. And. You give him a little treat from something you're eating. But that adds up to poor health.

Let's start with, should you even have a conventional veterinarian in the first place? Or should you have a holistic veterinarian? Obviously, you know what I'm going to say?

Conventional. Are going to be anti raw food diet. Even some holistic vets might be as well. My suggestion is find a holistic veterinarian who believes in a raw food diet, consistent with the animal that you have as a pet, that is a species specific diet.

Here's the issue. Veterinary medicine has some of the worst performing medicines in all of the healing world. We all think my veterinarian loves my animal and they must be a veterinarian because they love animals. That may have been true when they wanted to become a veterinarian. Then when they do, they realize the day after day monotonous task of trying to heal all day, every day pain and suffering.

It takes a toll on you.

And then the money starts coming in from all the pharmaceutical drugs that they can administer, like the anti parasitical yearly garbage that they feed your animal.

Your pet only has parasites because it's eating garbage food. So it needs the parasites to help digest and get rid of all the toxins and the garbage from the garbage food.

Veterinary medicine is extremely lucrative.

From surgeries to drugs, to cancer therapies and diabetes and arthritis and all that stuff.

It goes on and on and on.

The powers that be say, you should feed your pets, canned food or kibble. Because they're safer from bacteria and they're properly designed for the right nutrition for your animal.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

But Erik.

Nope. I'm going to stop you right there. It's not.

Check this out. Last 10 years, 98% of the recalls for salmonella we're from kibble. You don't know what kibble is it's the dried food you feed your pets.


Salmonella is actually kind of uncommon for cats and dogs. Also in the last 10 years, they've recalled. 327 million, 100,000 pounds of pet food. Let that sink in. 327 million pounds. And out of all, that only 0.6% was from my raw food company. Check this out not only was kibble responsible for 98% of bacteria but rod was only responsible for 1.2% in these recalls.

The next largest was excess or insufficient vitamin or mineral content. The can food was the worst at 92% and kibble was seven and a half percent, but guess what? Raw was only 0.0, zero 9%. That's what you call really good.

Did you know, they find foreign objects in your, uh, Pet food. Oh yeah they find all kinds of stuff. And guess what canned food was responsible for 98%. They only found foreign objects in 1.7% of raw products. How about mold? Well, kibble was responsible for 30%.

Or how about pentobarbital? Well, that was in canned food at 100%. Zero in raw food. By the way.

Do you know what that's used for? It's used to euthanize an animal. The question begs. Why would that be in there? I think, you know, why.

Guess what the most prevalent source for salmonella poisoning for children is. That would be touching dry dog food.

Oh, yes. They did a three-year study on it and figured out that was the case.

So it all starts with a species specific diet. Always first thing to do. Here's what they should eat. But first I will say start it slow

if they've been on conventional food, there's no hurry. Take it slow. Start adding little bits at a time until all that other conventional food is totally gone. I mean, you don't need to take months or anything. It should just only be a couple of weeks. You were animal we'll adjust. Believe me. It will just like you would.

Food should be kept frozen. And then you bring it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator about, you know, 24 hours before you're going to give it to them. You just keep doing that cycling. super simple.

Unless you're buying fresh each day.

You should probably end up freezing it.

So dogs. Well, they should have raw meat.

And it can be just about any meat I might add. I just wouldn't do poultry.

But I would do venison. Or elk or goat or anything like that, those unusual animals you don't really think about. They can eat bones. Especially organs. Or all that scraps from like when you were making food.

They can eat all that stuff. Like when you're trimmings that you wouldn't cook her eat. It's to gristly and.

Tendons and ligament and skin and stuff, they can eat that. They love it.

Plus you can get tons of that type of stuff from the butcher or even the grocery store or online. There's meat and butchering companies that sell all kinds of scraps and organs and stuff for your animal. Very very inexpensive. You're not buying the cuts that you would eat. But your dog totally loves it. And of course my favorite thing to give a dog is eggs. Given the whole egg with the shell or crack it open and put it on their food or just. Put it in a ball and let them just eat. As many eggs as they want. They love raw eggs.

You can give them. As many as you want.

Most dogs will eat the shell. So just put the whole thing in there.

Erik. I don't have a dog. I got a cat. Well, it's kind of the same thing with a few different nuances, so they should also be consuming. organs. Absolutely. organs. Then they can have meat. Just about any meat. Whatever they like. They can do things like. elk and. All that stuff as well. Salmon for sure.

Or all fish. Pretty much any fish, but they seem to like the fattier fish. Trout. That kind of thing. But don't do the farm raised stuff. It's not good for you or them. And yes, you can give them eggs as well in any way that they'll eat them Or whatever way they want them. You could also do raw dairy. Absolutely raw dairy.

But just a quick touch note on the whole meat thing for cats, you know, they do like that gaminess so goat and elk. And anything like venison and, you know, animals like that. Whatever you have access to or can get they'll eat pretty much anything, but. They don't really seem to go a lot into the beef world. Uh, maybe they would some of the organs, but generally speaking the meat, they liked the gamey stuff. You can do fresh poultry. Not the junk you get at the store has to be really fresh. Something from somebody, you know, you just slaughtered the animal, then they can eat it. Or put in the freezer and they can eat it later.

Not going to get into all the other types of pets you might have, but I'll just throw this one out there. If you have farm animals, you should not be giving them food that they would not eat in the wild, just because animals will eat something doesn't mean that they should. Same with you and me.

Now you can give them fermented foods like sauerkraut or yogurt. If your animal can handle any of those, you know, start small amounts and increase a little bit. That is something that you can do. Animals will sometimes eat the stomachs out of whatever their kill is and there's going to probably be.

Grasses or plants of some kind in there and they will eat that.

Now as far as adding things into their life for health or to correct a condition. So let's get into some of these. So the first thing that I would add would be M S M. Stands for methylsulfonyl methane.

Pretty cool stuff. It's natural pain reliever. Natural. Anti-inflammatory. And because it's sulfur. It's pro healing. And pro regenerative.

Depending on the size of your animal. Let's say you start out with 500 milligrams or like little less than a quarter teaspoon of powder. Add it to the food. Every day. For a few days and then start doubling that amount every few days, you'll start see them getting really good. Their energy is going to change.

Everything gets better movement bowels, their skin rashes go away. yeast infections, go away. Anything pretty much anything that they have starts to go away.

You can't give too much of it to them. There's no such thing as overdosing on MSM. I've seen crazy healing situations with animals and MSM.

Even large. Animal veterinary medicine. You know, like they do for cows and horses and stuff. They at MSM right away when an animal is sick. They buy it in huge quantities and just start adding it to the feed.

So if they have something like joint issues, the MSM will help right away with pain and inflammation. You could also increase things like.

Tendons and ligaments from, you know, fresh of course from animals or like any of the cartilage type. Cuts of meat.

Or even you can get an inexpensive collagen supplement and just add the powder into their food. Like gelatin. Gelatin is cheap. You can buy it anywhere, buy it online. The store unflavored of course. Sprinkle it in their food or actually make them gelatin. Cut those into cubes or whatever shape you want.

And that could be used as a treat, even though it's tasteless. Dogs and cats don't well, dogs don't care. cats care about a lot of things. Dogs don't care. They just want to know you gave them something and they'll just eat it down.

So why are your dogs and cats sick?

Well first starts with vaccines. Then the drugs, then a sedentary lifestyle, probably tons of carbohydrates in their food. Cause most.

Pet food is just vegetables and carbs and grains and potatoes and things like that. That they should not be eating. Probably a little amount of sunlight or contact with the earth. You don't get outside enough. They're not laying in the grass and playing in the forest and all that kind of thing. But guess what?

The one that you wouldn't think. Is stress from you. And your household. You see your stress level is mirrored in your animal. They are a direct reflection of what happens in your life. So if you're happy, they're happy. You know how, when you get happy and you talk to your dog or cat really happy and makes them happy.

That's what they want. If you yell or talk down to a dog. He knows it.

So that underlying stress in the household where everybody's stressed out and everybody's mean, or there's just a lot of bad things going on animals know it, that's how they can sense things like. Diseases in people. They can tell by the EMF frequencies, they can tell by the mood. They can tell in so many ways, plus they absolutely can smell it.

Basically, what I'm saying is sometimes your animal's health is not even the food and everything else going on.

It could be the household or from you.

The other big one that nobody thinks about. Is toxicity in your home. Just like the toxins are not good for you. They're not good for your pet. Clean up those toxins in your home could be actually the solution to your pets, ill health.

They're everywhere. Even your dog bed. That's probably made out of plastic because it's polyester and then there's a foam. Or inside you've got non-organic materials like polyester.

You know, fill and stuff like that. Why not go to like a cotton organic cotton cover or like a wool cover something natural base. With feathers in there or anything filled. Inside a. Shape for a dog bed. That is a natural substance. You can do things like buckwheat. Or rice or any of these kinds of things. Now you're not subjecting your pet to tons of plastic emanating from that bed.

Never. Give them tap water. It's just as unhealthy for them as it is for you.

And why do we give them dog treats? I mean.

When your kid does something good, you don't just pull out of your pocket, a wheat biscuit and throw it at your kid. Do you.

And why are they wheat biscuits? How about something like. Homemade beef jerky, which is ridiculously easy to make. Or like any other kind of dehydrated animal type food scraps, whatever. Or how about just no treats? How about that?

Your dog has fleas. Or prone to fleas. You can use what's called diatomaceous earth. It's microscopic organisms from the ocean. Super super small. Anything that walks or gets near him, basically just slices and cuts them. So they die. You can use it in, around your house for ants or fleas and all kinds of things.

So you're going to sprinkle it on the coat, rub it in, mix it in, you know, brush it in or you could mix it with some water or.

Which Hazel extract. Put in a spritzer, spritz, their coat, rub it in that kind on a thing. Totally awesome. Completely natural works. Fantastic. Just make sure it's food grade. For ticks. There's tons of recipes online that you can mix with witch, Hazel, like essential oils, that kind of thing. And put it all over the dog and it helps you can look those up.

Number one issue that most veterinarians see is ear problems.

Not a lot of airflow in there for those floppy eared animals.

But I'll tell you. It's from too much carbohydrate and sugar in the diet. Most yeast infections. On humans or animals is from too much carbs or sugar.

Why would that be Erik? Well, Yeast eat. Sugar. That's their food. If there's no food, the yeast. Starved. Or they just don't exist.

You can also use witch Hazel right in their ears. Or essential oils or even apple cider vinegar, just a few drops, you know, rub it in a few times a day for a week or two usually clears up most things. But remember it's there for a reason it's to clean out a situation. Which is usually the poor diet and toxins and such.

That's why skin issues and rashes. Are just toxins coming out of the body and then you get a reaction on your skin. It's just all part of the same matrix. You're putting garbage in the garbage has to come out. it's usually not an external thing. Rarely it's external where you put something on your skin and it caused a rash.

When your dog or cat. Or animal is eating a diet that species specific, you won't get things like that. Unless there's something actually in the environment or in the water they're drinking. Or the brand of food you're buying or something somehow is incorporating poison into the animal. And the animal has to get it out.

I know of one story. There's a dog park. And all the dogs kept getting sick. They all thought the dogs. We're infecting all the other dogs. It was a mass dog. Infection thing going on until they finally looked into it and found out. There's a watering hole there and all the dogs drink from it and the water had poisons in it because that. Dog park was built on top of an old chemical facility.

See. This is how most things work. It's not, you got me sick or the dog got another dog sick, or the kid came home and got me sick. There's usually something else. You just got to find it.

I digress. Let's go back first. You got to get it out through the bowels and urine. Then, if you can't get it out of there, you're going to push it out through your skin or your eyes or your ears.

So usually you can clear up just about any skin problem that they have with just the diet change and getting rid of stuff in their life that they shouldn't be.

Dealing with.

If your animal has a chronic issue and you've changed that diet done all these other things, and it's still not going away. It's probably.

From getting vaccines. Animals do not need vaccines whatsoever. Just like humans. They build up and can cause issues either right away or more likely later on in life, they get all kinds of diseases. Number one reason why dogs get cancers because of the vaccines. Second reason is a carbohydrate rich diet, a non-specific diet to their species. Third reason is any of the pharmaceutical drugs that conventional docs give to your pets?

They won't need those drugs and stuff.

If they're on their specific diet.

That's why there's parasites, they're there to clean up dead and dying tissue or heavy metals or poisons. Because. They're not on their proper diet.

Well, one of the best things you can do for your pets is to take them to a pet chiropractor every so often. Yes, they do exist and they actually are miracle workers. The other thing you can do is acupuncture. If you remember I've said in part one animals and children respond really well to just about any modality, better than actually people. That are older.

Then of course. For a fat animal. It's 100% due to the diet. Has nothing to do with how much activity the pet gets. Movement for your animal is good, but it doesn't have anything to do with their weight. If you want to fatten up a cow for slaughter, you feed it. grains. If you want to fatten up your dog or cat feed it, grains. And vegetables and all kinds of that carbohydrate and sugar stuff.

Many of those treats are loaded with sugar.

Go to a species specific diet and they'll lose weight. 📍 Just like that.

That's it for today. Please consider following or subscribing and liking and all that other stuff. Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves. I'm out.




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