Artwork for podcast Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD
Nourishment: Empaths Energy Update April 2022 22-27 Human Design Gates
Episode 4024th April 2022 • Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD • Raven Scott
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" I trust the obstacle is the way."

Nourishment meaning: Energy update April 2022 and Cosmic Energy Forecast looking at the Human Design Gates

Today I share the energy forecast for April 22-27 2022

Here are some key moments:

Did you know that Human Design Gates rotate around and activate our being just like the astrological planets?

New Moon on April 30 in Taurus and is a Solar Eclipse. Nourish yourself and use it to break unhealthy, toxic, narcissistic relationships in your life.

The Sun in Gate 27 : Responsibility in the Sacral Center is a Taurus Zodiac.

The Earth in Gate 28: Struggle in the Spleen Center is a Scorpio Zodiac.

Ask yourself what are you life is worth Living for? that could be as simple as feeling the sun on your face at the moment.

Allow that to motivate you to grow, and move out of your pain cycle from the narcissist, or emotional abuse, or self sabotage you are in right now. Harness the energy this week and rise up to shine your unique light again!

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Empath Energy Forecast 4/22-27 Nourishment



Welcomed with Raven Scott show where you regain your sparkle back after narcissist abuse.

I'm so excited to share with you. This week's forecast. It really is all about nourishment and an a pull up my notes here. So if you see me looking away from your eyeballs, I'm just looking at my notes to make sure I have all of the information accurate. And before I pull up those notes, let's do our subscriber

challenge. Are you ready? All right. So if you're new here, hit the subscribe button on the count of three. If you are already subscribed, hit the like button and everyone, when you're finished type in the comments below done. All right. Ready?

th of:

ll, which is good because it [:

You find yourself enjoying every word that you hear, or every word you. Taking a bath taking a little bit more time on yourself. This is the beauty of tourist season. So a big thing to think about and notice. The new moon in a solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. I wanted to tell you about this before it happened and before our next, update, because I think it's really important to start thinking about your relationships now while the solar eclipse energy can be really derailing, , because it's in Taurus, it's not going to be that scattered.

It's not going to be that, scattered feeling because it's in the steadfast Taurus Zodiac. So this allows you to move through this transit with ease and steadfastness. I can't think of another better word than steadfast. Just think of a very slow calm trodding bull. So this is an ideal time to start making big plans

for your future. And for being productive, especially when it comes to making money, because Taurus is all about resources, food, finances, the Earth tilling the Earth. And also this is energy that can help you. Eclipses, any eclipse really can un earth things, big emotions like Pluto does and help you end unhealthy relationships.

that can help you if you're [:

And that's written by Sophie Saint Thomas, I pulled it from the Allure astrology. So this eclipse is steady like I wrote. Um, and it really Taurus is ruled by the abundant planet, Venus. Venus loves all things sensual. So imagine yourself taking an hour long shower, those of you who have Taurus in your Sun that's you for sure.

So make sure to combat any eclipse triggered stress by indulging in the self-care the soaking of the baths, treating yourself to face masks and getting plenty of sleep. Do meditation practices reflect out in nature, lay in the grass. Ground yourself in nature, go to a tree, touch it, ask it, reflect inward and love and hold yourself.

Remember your soul is on a journey, so we're never going to really ever get to the finish line. So enjoy the process. So when we get to the gates in astrology, like I said, the Sun is in gate 27 this week. So this gate is called Responsibility and in the I Ching, it is called nourishment. So this gate is in the sacral center.

So if you look in your chart to find it, go to that sacral center, which is a square right



So I want to ask you before we get to the affirmations for this gate. Is how can you take action to impact others, nourishment needs around you? And or maybe those who have are refugees in Ukraine. Now I'm going to kind of skip to a bit of a commercial break here, and it's really not even to sell anything. The war in Ukraine is still roaring.

And millions of people have fled their towns and their homes in search of safety. This is near and dear to my heart because my husband was also a refugee and a different war. And it's really just, it's so impactful on the whole family for years to come. It really becomes a generational trauma There is a special fundraiser for this month of April that supports chefs for Ukraine. You can use the word and search the hashtag chefs for Ukraine. So to kind of take a look into it further, but this year, Captivate, who is the host of my podcast. They are partners with Pod chaser, which is a third party pod casting review site.

on Pod chaser. During April,:

st up to a thousand dollars. [:

It is super easy to get involved, just search for my podcast and Empath and the Narcissist on Pod chaser. Make sure you verify your account. Give us a five-star rating and write a comment about the whole podcast or one episode in particular. It's very cool. You can leave a personal message.

Pertaining to, specific podcasts. So you can review the whole podcast and each episode, and every time you submit a review, they donate 25 cents. Show how much you loved the show and then click save.

So then every time I replied to a review, a donation is doubled 50 cents. So never has there ever been a better time to share the love with your favorite podcasters? Not just me as many as you can. Let's raise money and food for so many still fleeing, Ukraine, and that are homeless and it really shows support.

And this is a beautiful, incredibly hard felt warming resource base. Donation and comforting, cause it's perfectly aligned with the Taurus season. So if you're looking for a donation and a cause to contribute to please do so as many podcasts as you want to and can review as many episodes that we have up on Pod chaser, leave a review.


What do you need to do to empower them and yourself? Where do you need to focus your energy on to fulfill your goals and manifestation? Are you dependent on approval? Are you doing what you are for pure love and joy or versus for recognition? What new rituals could you start to better take care of yourself?

And I'll get to the, affirmations after I go over the Earth in gate 28. So the Earth in gate 28, this is called Struggle in the I Ching it's Preponderance of the Great, and it is located in the spleen center.

This gate contains the fear that life has no meaning at all. And the struggle to discover what the meaning of life is. You may encounter feeling that life is not fair, and you will be caught up in comparing yourself in the imposter syndrome to others around you.

And others may seem to have an easier life, a more abundant life. But if you're living life, according to your type's strategy, you will encounter the correct struggle for you to grow stronger and you'll enjoy it. Actually, you'll get a nice high from the struggle and overcoming it. So are you pushing or are you forcing manifestation?

le and reflecting and taking [:

If you're a reflector, good questions.

journal prompts for this gate is what in your life is worth living for? Is this a fight worth? The energy? Ask your authority style. Is it emotional authority and waiting your whole cycle till you find a quiet time? Is it your gut where you ask it? Yes or no. Is it a spleen where you need to know right away and don't toil over it in your head?

Or is it the self projected authority where you have to talk to wise counsel and talk it out? Ask your authority. Is this adventure for me? Or not serving my higher calling to finding inspiration. Are you aligned with your higher self or are you operating within your ego? Really great. Journaling prompts and questions for you with the gate this week in gate 28.

Now I also want to talk about Mercury being in gate 23, because as the Capricorn moon connects with mercury in Taurus and the nodes of fate, meaning the North Node and the south node, which are in, Taurus and Scorpio. This cosmic climate will act as a portal between you and the spiritual planes, opening you to guidance from beyond the veil, meaning your spirit guides and all of that.

All the veil, the sick veil. 3d dimension. Think of like thick, like hot humid air is going to be thin enough that we can really connect easily with our Spirit guides, with the Divine, with a Source, with our Higher selves, our Inner child, our healed ancestors to give us guidance.

us to give us guidance, but [:

This literally means evolution, right? This is the gate in the throat that determines its evolution change. Foundational change. Is real, this is a real game changing type of a gate, and it's similar to Pluto's energy where it wants to blow it all up, heal it, and then put it back together properly. And this is the power where evolution lies.

So the throat, like I said, is the center of manifestation, without words, without communication, for change or ideas or actions. With correct timing, nothing would manifest. So it's important though, the correct timing of this innovation to be recognized, the words of gate 23 can change the world all.

If all of those things are aligned in their correct timing in the invitation, in the recognition, it can change the world. or at least it can change the world of the person whom you're speaking to. If the gate 23 waits for the right timing, the words are perceived as genius. If not, and you're impatient, then the words will be seen as freakish and ineffective.

al mutation of the intuitive [:

Mercury in Taurus, square Saturn in Aquarius. So it's really about the devils are in the details. Remember, Taurus is very slow moving. Saturn is the planet of responsibility. Aquarius is the, unique beating to their own drum for the collective and for the group, very group minded of like, we are all unique.

We are all here part of the puzzle pieces to put together. So it's a beautiful, energy. So the devil is in the details during this frustrating aspects. Squares are frustrating. Squares are not easy, creating a day of obstacles and delays, pay close attention to every detail, to avoid further issues and having to backtrack, which I'm sure I'm going to be having to do with mercury retrograde and my natal chart.

April 24th. Again. The same day, Mercury in Taurus is also sextiling Neptune in Pisces. This is a soothing aspect. So that's really great to hear that it's a perfect for relaxation, healing and boosting intuition. Spiritual messages can arrive through meditation and dreams. Remember, the veil is then this week, the same day, Venus in Aries is sextile Saturn in Aquarius.

This is a happy. Harmonious aspect that is ideal for reaching agreements and negating deals that are beneficial to everyone involved

decisions about our future. [:

I trust in my inner authority to know exactly what to do when faced with challenges. I take care of myself and then others. So my energy is strong. I am grateful for my divinely planned journey that forms diamonds from coal. This is the struggle gate 28 affirmation. And moving forward another gate, 28 affirmation.

I am smart. And know what struggle is worth my time. I am fully on fire to tackle any obstacle meant for me to grow from. I wait with grace to be asked to share the divine vision. I hold. Can you guess what gate that is for gate 23? The Mercury communication is in that perfect timing.

And that [:

Right now. You feel like this neglected grapevine, you appear dead outside with no motivation to go on and you're ready to give up, give up on hope, life and yourself. You've been kept in toxic soil with bugs, eating at your roots by someone who is a parasite, but there is a tiny glimpse of hope if, and when you choose to remove yourself from the toxic soil and plant yourself in sunlight and fertile soil watering and feeding yourself through self-worth practices, you start to sprout a leaf and then.

And then another, then all of a sudden you've transformed into a fruit bearing, great vine providing sustenance to others.

All of these affirmations will be posted throughout this week on my Instagram page at Raven Scott show, as well as my Twitter at Raven Scott show. I truly appreciate all of you being here and watching and posting in the comments, what was your favorite part about this week's energy forecast? What struck you? What resonated?

you have money relationship [:

And what does that mean? I know for me, it relates to, I have a hard time expressing to my loved ones, what my needs are. I don't know if that's my Mercury retrograde in my chart, my Libra, where I don't want to express and be overly selfish. Whatever it is empaths,. I know we all have this problem. It's important to express your needs and that relates to money.

So it's important to share with people. If you have an offering that you aren't talking about, share it and talk about it. Start to express it. So people know it's there. So for me, I express that I have the one-on-one readings of the human design chart available on my website.

Raven for slash offerings. My book is always available for purchase on Amazon that's empath and the narcissist, a healing guide for people pleasers. And the last thing that I'm excited to get prepared and launched soon. Stay tuned for this. I'm creating my own, library of meditations courses on human design to get to know yourself more intimately, to understand your chart more thoroughly, as well as narcissist abuse, coaching videos that I'll be uploading to this new website.

So I'm excited to build it this week, get it launched and out there and available for you to gain the support the community and the resources you need. To shine your light, bright into the world and sparkle after narcissist abuse. So remember everyone keep your unique light shine.


we're broken. It's tragic. We're not all elastic, but maybe there's magic. Believe you could have, if, and I know of sadness.



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