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A Community for Awakening Spiritualists & Explore What’s Coming With Pamela Downes
Episode 6515th June 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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Unlocking Your Inner Potential with Pamela Downes

In this insightful episode of the You World Order podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Pamela Downes, an incredible transformation coach who is passionate about guiding individuals to discover their true potential. Pamela specializes in helping people break free from limiting beliefs and step fully into their authentic selves. She offers a fresh perspective on how we can all embrace change and live a more fulfilling, purposeful life.

Embracing Change to Uncover Your True Self

Pamela opens up about the importance of change and how it’s not something to fear, but rather an essential part of personal growth. Many people resist change, clinging to comfort zones, but as Pamela explains, it's only when we embrace change that we can begin to unlock the powerful potential within ourselves.

"People often fear the unknown, but that's where the magic happens," she says. Pamela encourages her clients to view change as an opportunity, not a setback. She believes that life’s most profound transformations occur when we stop resisting and start accepting what’s next.

Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

A central theme in our discussion is the concept of limiting beliefs—those negative stories we tell ourselves that keep us stuck in old patterns. Pamela explains that these beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or even childhood conditioning. They create barriers that prevent us from pursuing our true desires and living authentically.

Pamela helps her clients identify these limiting beliefs, confront them, and replace them with empowering thoughts. "It’s all about shifting your mindset and seeing the possibilities instead of the obstacles," she notes.

Taking Small, Powerful Steps Toward Transformation

While massive change can feel overwhelming, Pamela emphasizes the power of taking small, actionable steps. Instead of focusing on the end goal, she encourages her clients to break their journey down into manageable pieces.

She shares a few practical tips that anyone can implement:

  • Start with Awareness: Recognize where you’re holding yourself back.
  • Shift Your Mindset: Replace negative self-talk with affirmations of empowerment.
  • Take Action: Even the smallest steps can lead to significant transformation.

The Power of Authenticity

Living authentically is at the heart of Pamela’s message. She believes that when we align with our true selves—rather than conforming to societal expectations—we experience more joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

Pamela explains, "So many of us are living by someone else's script. But when we take the time to connect with who we truly are, that's when life really starts to feel meaningful."

Final Thoughts

Pamela Downes’ wisdom and practical approach to transformation serve as a powerful reminder that change is not only possible but necessary for growth. By breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing our authentic selves, we open the door to a life filled with purpose and possibility.

If you’re ready to step into your own transformation and embrace the changes life throws at you, listen to the full episode of You World Order with Pamela Downes for more insights and actionable tips.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Pamela Downes, the visionary behind Spirit calling. Pamela founded Spirit calling to help guide people through their spiritual awakening. The spirit calling online community offers classes and tools to heal the body, mind and spirit.


Welcome to the show, Pamela. I'm so excited to chat with you today.


Thank you.


Me too. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for inviting me. I'm looking forward to our conversation.


Yeah, me too. We were talking a little bit before we started recording about the energy of today, which as we're recording this is in June.


Yes, we are mid June, yeah.


Have to let people know.


Mid June.


And I'm feeling it today is just like.


Felt like I was in this quagmire and it just. It's like suddenly there was a breakthrough and things are starting to click and.


I feel it too. Yeah, I feel it too. And we had of every month. We have a conscious community connection circle call inside of our community and we we do like a little check in and it's so fascinating to see people going through the same experiences in their life like incredible the same exact experiences.


And I find, you know, I'm not surprised by that anymore. Of course, because we're all so connected in our spiritual communities, all of us. That's yours. Mine and everyone who's listening.


We're all on a healing journey and we're all elevating and helping to elevate consciousness on the planet. And so we're connected so incredibly to everything and everyone and and elevated in that way. And I'm I did notice last evening through till right now till we got on to the phone call.


There was like a burst or a surge of energy. There was almost like a break, a breaking free of sorts and ignition. I had a friend in England that texted me out of the blue and said I've been feeling like I've been stuck. I was in the mud. I didn't know what direction I'm supposed to go in. I just sat in in tense, intense.


Intense, profound healing work most of this morning and I came out of it and I feel clarity. I feel like I know what I'm supposed to do. There were so many revelations, so much understanding. I came. I got another text like that later this afternoon, someone last evening said that. So we see these ebbs and flows. Of course we we all feel them because we're feeling the energy of the planet. We're feeling the energy of everyone else.


The feeling the dynamics of our world and world events.


Conversations that are happening, but I do feel like things are coming to a head, so to speak, and there's I think a breakthrough for all of us in the spiritual community who are leading and healing and serving. They're going to be really elevated very quickly, very quickly.


And we're ready for it, don't you think? Don't you feel like we've been ready for?


That's what we've been building up for.


Yeah, this whole year and and partly last year too, but it.




I'm hearing this in other communities as well, not just the spiritual communities, because there there aren't like tangent communities out there that are looking at things that are going on linguistically, say and and they're coming up with these same things. It's like we're building towards a head.


It's gonna be really significant and.


And things are going to shift and it's coming really soon like in July and it, you know, they're not saying it's going to be good, it's going to be bad. It's just there's shifts of energy and, you know, the good, bad label doesn't really serve anybody it. It's just different.


Work now, right?


It's going to be different and everybody experiences slightly differently.




Yeah, that's the way I felt when 2020 was coming.




I had this surge. I had this feeling like this build up through the end of the year. This build up and I kept saying I don't know what's coming because I started shifting and waking. I was waking up for forever, but my all of my Claires opened up and my channeling started after 2019 in November. And like in a big way in 2020.


And so it was that it was my work. It was what I was gonna about to experience. But it was the planet. It was everything that was happening. So it's the same. That's exactly how I'm I'm feeling right now.


That there's an anticipation of sorts for something bigger and.


I have permissions. I get downloads. I've had visions. I sort of know what's coming. So and I've been wondering and what and when is it coming? When is it coming? And and it's it's it's gonna come to a head and July is gonna be a big month that opens things up right before the fall. Yeah for sure.


That's what I've been hearing too. It's just like July is going to be significant. And I was like you. It was like 2019 I started.




Mm-hmm. Yeah.




I started waking up and it's not, you know. You think. Oh, yeah. Suddenly you're just waking up, but it's a process. It's not like one day you're just like there. You you it it kind of builds and it.


Oh yeah.




There's there's things that go on with you physically and emotionally, and I just like.


With relationships, because you're suddenly not and it is that it is the sudden thing. You are suddenly not who you used to be.




Exactly, yeah.


But the process of not being that person anymore, that's what takes time. And I love your your spirit calling community and that it provides a place for people that are waking up to talk with other people that are different parts of the path, not necessarily.


Cerberus yet?


Correct. Yeah, Jill, exactly. I mean that's that's exactly right. I mean, I always say I started my journey in 20/12/2008 and with the recession.


I was starting to have questions before that I was starting to wonder who God was. Why, if God is love, how will God judge me when I die? How will I have? I believe, eternal life is my gift. I I started just breaking these boundaries, breaking these boundaries. Now I'm hearing these conversations from people on podcast.


This now I'm hearing people ask these questions now.


And so there was a surge of us, and before us even of us, waking up to start our healing journey to fall into our work, to be able to support the masses that are coming next. And I always say that there's knockdowns, I call them that happen in our life, that shift us upside down, open our perspective, show us our world.


In a new way, show us our reality in a new way. Show us ourselves. The people that are in our life, the things that we're doing in a new way and suddenly like you.


Said you're not the same person that you are. You can't be. So the people that were in your life, the the things you did in your life, they don't fall into alignment anymore. So you're on this journey of who am I? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be with? What do I want to talk about? What do I want to experience? What I want to learn. And so that's why community is so important because.


When I was waking up, I didn't have a community.


I didn't really have anyone that I could share my ideas with and my big questions and my crazy ideas and you know, I would, I would get judged or I would be called Woo Woo or crazy or all the things. It's not our world today. Our world today is talking about, you know, other worlds and other beings and other dimensions and frequencies and.


You know Joe Dispenser coming out with his source that's going to be now well recognized and and accepted.


It there's a shift that's happening. And so I had a I had a vision. I was woken up in the middle of the night and I was told Spirit calling. I was told Spirit calling and I got up and I wrote it down. And in the morning I bought the domain and I didn't understand what it was. And then through about a year after I had done.


Alaska and all of my Claires had opened and I started receiving guidance.


I kept hearing you're to build a portal. You're to build a portal for humankind. There's going to be a glass ceiling that breaks.


And people are not gonna know who they are, what they believed in, what their world is. And they need a place to land. They need a safe place to land. And I was like a portal for humanity. OK. And really, literally, till I was like, what is that? How can I do that?


And I I had another vision about a year later.


And I saw these little Angel wings falling down on the screen of an iPhone, and I got up and I sketched them and boom, boom, boom, boom. It all opened up in my mind, and I understood it was all the same thing. And I created spirit calling. We launched in January. And it's a beautiful place. So you can write down what you're experiencing. You can talk about your visions. You can talk about your questions.


You can talk about aliens, you can talk about Reiki, you can talk about energy. You could talk about the bumps in the night while you're sleepy. You could talk about anything you want.


And there are people there who have experienced it. Understand what you're going through or need to hear about it because they're about to experience it.


It's, you know, it's a safe place to grow and share and we're like a family. So like you are creating a new place for people to learn. That's what I'm creating a place for people to learn in a safe space. Yeah, it's imperative.


With other people that are.




On the same journey, I yeah, I I truly believe as.


As a species, we're all connected. Yeah. I mean, there's there's just no doubt in my mind about that, but there's.


It's like.


If, if all of humanity is one body, there are people that function as like different organs in the body and it's nice to collect with, you know, the other organs matching the organs that match yours.




Yeah, absolutely. And you find those?






You find them and like some by by by coming to your podcast or by somehow hearing me on a podcast. If you're supposed to be on this journey of expanding your consciousness, which is elevating and growing your soul and your understanding of love, that is all of our purpose on this planet. That's why we come here.


To expand yourself and to learn love. Then you will you know, stump belong to the right things at the right time.


And you will find the right person that's at, you know, at the same place as you that somehow has the perfect thing to tell you at the right time. Right. And that's how it happens. Yeah. Yeah, it's exciting.


And it it is that the whole universe is.


Got your back.


You know, all you have to do is.


Imagine it. And that reality can be created for you, and there are.


Beings around us all the time trying to talk to us and you're not when you're when you're not really aware of it or you're not slowing down enough, you miss it.


Yes, absolutely. Because they're there. There might be a moment and anybody who's listening can tap into now your memories.


There most definitely everyone has a moment in their life that they can remember when they wished they listened.


When they wished they'd listened, it could have just been turned left instead of right. It could have been. I wish I chose this job, and not that there's a moment that your soul is trying to come to the forefront. It could be your inner and divine guidance. It could be a deceased loved ones. It can be an angelic guide. It could be.




Guides intuiting you constantly because they're all there. They're like your little, you know, your little squad behind you, trying to cheer you on to make better and higher choices each step of your life. And if you can remember, I mean, I remember some, if you can remember them them, then you're able to tap into that divine space.


We all have it. No one is uniquely different than another. We all have it. We are all the same. We are born with Claire, senses we are born with the Pineal Glen. We are born with a soul, body and a physical body. We are not just this physical body that we see in front of each other. I'm looking at you. You look at me.


We have a whole energy pack running our body that is divine energy that's connected to everything and all that is.


Here, this planet and all the others, right in this unipotent universe. I mean, it's magical and amazing at the same time, but we live a three-dimensional reality.


And so we live on planet Earth right now. That's where we chose to come and live at this particular time in this in.


Nation and at this time on the planet we came for the great event and we are here to see a show. We bought the tickets. Maybe baby we are here.


We pay that price of admission.


Yes, we do. Seriously. Yep.


And it it's not just.


When when we?


Talk about awakening and finding your purpose. It is not about you personally, it's about the collective. It's real.


About collaboration, collaboration is like the word for the year, for me anyway. It's just like everybody I meet. It's like you got something. Connect some connection going on and and that helps in in this other area and it just it makes everything kind of move and and.


It does.


But again, it's not just for individuals, it's for everybody. We need you to wake up. We need you to step out and and take a chance and listen to that. That inner guide cause there's something in inside of you that's telling you this is what you're meant to do.


It's true, it's about.


Really true I every I'm going to find it and I can share it with you. But every Wednesday when we have our conscious community circle, I asked the community members to submit a question to the Great Council of Light. That's who I channel and it was about. It was about exactly this and I'll find it before we get off. It says, oh, here it is. It says.


One of the messages or one of the questions was during this pivotal.


Left is the energy more aligned with working with ourselves within or Co creating with an outward focus for humanity, and the guide said for us to continue to move forward with the advancements of your community, your planet, and each other. For you are everyday working towards advancements in spirit.


When you are working in that field of consciousness and in that energy with your centers focused in the direction of peace and love, because when you are outwardly focused on humanity, you are giving from within yourself.


If you're not depleting, but rather extending your energy out towards others in the way we've spoken about before, extensions of light towards your sphere of influence, that's us and catapulting yourself into focused intentions together when you are working only on your own pursuits, you are limiting the advancements of the world as a whole.


It is always better to work outwards and extend yourself for with that extension you are multiplying your range and extension of yourself within different frequencies and dimensions through all time and space boomeranging your.


Yourself many times over in the direction of your soul's purpose, boomeranging. I mean that to me is like it's so cool, right?


So she was pleased with that answer.


And the thing about a boomerang it it goes out, but it comes back.






Because out of them come back.


No. Yep, I can see it.


Yeah. Isn't that beautiful? Yeah.


That is so beautiful. I love that a lot.


Yeah, me too.


So you guys meet once a week, once a month.


Yeah. So we have, we have different events every week and we're basically like a spiritual Facebook. There's different groups within the community. There's a feed, there's an activity feed. So you can post anything.


One. And then we have a live meeting room, which is almost kind of like the zoom room where anyone can meet anyone at any time and have conversations and they can meet for coffee. They can meet to just talk about different events or after events, but it's a special place. It really is a special place and I love connecting because every month I channel a message or the month.


For the.


Me and in our conscious community circles, we'll kind of break down the message and everyone will say, well, this is what it meant to me. And this word stuck out to me. And isn't that interesting? What do you think that word means? The word last night was yoke.


Because they use the word. I know it's cool and the explanations of what that meant to these different people. It was fascinating. So I like like, like you said, I am.


An artist and a musician. That's what I did before I. I mean, I still do it, but I'm a branding marketing firm. I have another business and collaboration is what I love to do. So being and speaking and doing this with others is what the guides are saying. It's their highest and best. I love being in that frequency.


It's it's wonderful. It's like playing music, you know?


Yes, I like, I like it.




Humanity to an orchestra and everybody is a different instrument and everybody has their own frequency and they add to the Symphony that is life and it's so beautiful when people are standing up there and playing their note really clear, I think.




My peers.


When we start trying to be all things to all people, or we're trying to be the best at like things that were, we weren't gifted at, which was the model for a long time. It's like you have to fit in this box and your parents said you were going to be XY and Z, so you better just go get your college.




Degree and be XY or Z.


Actually, that's Wednesday.


And and that wasn't who you are. That wasn't who you were meant to be, and it's not going to serve. It's not going to serve humanity. And your your note is going to be really muddied when you're you're playing your instrument. It's always going to be a struggle and you're just not going to.


You're not going to shine in the way you're designed to shine, and we were all designed to shine in a specific way, and when you find that purpose, it just is like.




Yeah, it's magical. Yeah. You're you're you're singing. It's true. I always felt like I was stupid growing up. I I wasn't like everyone else. I didn't understand. You know, I was good at music. I was good at art. I wasn't college material. I wasn't until I found art school. And even then, and I was like, what am I supposed to do with this? And I?


I sort of fell into it. I was guided. I chose. That was one of the first times I had to use my my inner guidance. And I tapped in. I didn't know what.


I was doing.


And you know, when you're with people that are good at what they do that are similar to you, much like the community, you thrive.


You thrive because you understand your worth. You understand your value, you understand your your unique talents and abilities, and you're able to extend them and resonate in them and make them more powerful. And that's why it's so beautiful now with the shift that's happening on the planet and all of the soul workers and energy workers and whatever.


You want to call yourself. We're all connecting with technology.


All across the whole entire world, I talked with people. I had a podcast with someone in Japan. Like, it's amazing. You know what we can do now and how we can spread our word and spread the word spread, spread our lights, spread our gifts.


Yeah, yeah.




I love that.


We are so international and it doesn't doesn't matter where you are, you can. You can. We can all meet in this space that doesn't even exist. Yes, right, right.


And we wouldn't just pass on the street.


But you can.


Pass in space and in time, and in this energy dimension, because that's all this is, is an energy dimension with people.


Home all over it is there's never been a better time to be alive and right now for that very purpose that, yeah, the people that are supposed to be drawn together are being drawn together and.


Yeah, it's tremendous. I know it makes it makes me cry too, because Justin, the four years that I have been on the other side of this ayawaska journey, thank you for sharing that in your motions. Everything's happened very fast. It's happened very, very quickly. Four years has gone by in the blink of an eye.


Just gonna make you cry.


Very emotional.


It's like and the shifts.


With, when you're living on purpose, when you're serving on purpose and to anyone who's not feeling fulfilled and they don't, they're not resonating. They're starting to wake up. They don't resonate with their partner. They don't resonate with their friends. They don't resonate with their work. They don't even resonate with their food, their or maybe the clothes and the and the past time that you kept, you're having your.


Spiritual awakening you are having. You're knocked down. What's a knock up now? But you are having it. You are having it and it's OK.


Because you're not alone. You are not alone. What you are doing is blossoming into something new and new version of yourself.


And everything is about to shift in the most magnificent and most beautiful way ever. And part of what happens is you have to go through that, right, that metamorphosis process and and and you're breaking away all the things that don't worry. I don't resonate with religion. I don't resonate with these these family members anymore. I do like this person and that person I'm having these conversations. Get rid of them. I want new conversations.


I want new music. I want new everything then then you're able to say OK, I've got. I've got this new life that I've created.


The biggest things are the hardest. Things are the largest soul pieces for you to work on. That's like your work. That's your relationships, like your marriage, whatever. And when you have to really face, what am I spending most of my days doing? What is the work that I'm bringing forth in the world? Do I do? I. Am I working on purpose? Is it? Is it fulfilling?


Like you are literally stepping into your soul's purpose and that's a process and that you you definitely need community for that. You definitely need community for that because it's a journey. Yeah, totally.


And you need to.


Expend your resources towards.


Being part of whatever it is that you're supposed to be part of and not not panic about.




Will there be enough? There will always be enough.






When you're doing, when you're doing what you're supposed to be doing.


It's like.


It just flows I I.




Don't explain it better than that, but.


It does.


Yeah, it's a great way to explain it. And I I often say, Jill like.


You have a love affair with every single choice that you have. Every single choice that you have.


You make it with love or you make it with fear. You make it with love, you're going to see the positive direction that it takes you. You're going to see the evidence of that fruitful, loving choice. You make it in fear.


And you're gonna watch yourself having to make that choice over and over and over and over again, right? It's not gonna. It's not gonna serve you. It's not. It's not your highest number. Best now. So when? And I just told someone in my community yesterday who's who was afraid. Who deals with fear and she has a lot of mental health issues too. But I I I really believe that she is a.


Or anybody.


Super spiritualist. That is just trying to break out.


Of her shell. She's young and I told her I said OK. So now you're facing fear and love. You're facing a big time. So I want you to face them. Look at them. Put them down in front of you. Evaluate them. What is? What is going to happen if I make this choice? Out of if out of fear.


What is going to happen if I if I put that fear aside, what are the things that could happen if I do that and you gotta do it? You got to push through. It's it's in four years. I just talked about. I have combated so much fear.


Because I had to start doing it to understand how positive it will change my life, how the positive experiences will change my life, and I'll get more of those experiences. I'll get more abundance. I'll get more alignments, I'll get get more synchronicities. I'll get more, more, more. But you have to push through it.


To be able to see it, to continue to do it right and that's that's it's hard work, but it's valuable work.


It's really valuable.


It is really valuable and it to me it starts with taking your thoughts captive. You have to know what you're thinking about and you have to know that your thoughts generate feelings in your body.




Our thoughts are what drive our emotions and our emotions are what drive like everything else that we do. And if you're thinking, if you're thinking in fear, if you're vibrating on that low frequency.


See, you're gonna your brain because this is what our brains are designed to do. They're going to look for things. It's going to look for things to confirm.


Your fears, and it's going to keep you down in that spot. And the only way to break out of it is to just.


Keep telling yourself something positive.




Finding the positive thing in every situation.


That it's going to spring up because your brain is designed to keep you safe and to keep you safe is to keep you in that same spot, so it'll say.


What? Well, what?


If this, what if that and you have to like consciously say, well, what if this?


Yeah, yeah. You know, maybe you have to put sticky notes all over your house or right on your mirrors and, you know, dry erase markers or any surface you can find that you know, no, this is this is the truth that I.




Choose to accept this is the truth.


I choose to have as my reality and you can choose whatever you want to be your reality.


Reality is what you create.


You are the creator of your reality.




And the the more that you do that, the more your brain is going to start looking for things to confirm that because that's what it does. It just looks for things to confirm. And then when you're grateful for the little tiniest.




Thing that's proving that you you were right, I was right. This is really gonna work.


You have evidence of evidence. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just channeled a course that I'm completing that will be offered soon, and it's basically for, you know, people say, oh, frequency.


You have.


Come on. Now. That's well, you should see the comments on on my YouTube shorts. It's hysterical. And I'm like, if you're not understanding that we're all living, breathing frequency. We're vibrating beings. Like you're the one who who really needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Like you are. You have just been, you know, not understanding everything.


But science.


It's science, it's science based quantum physics. And but the the channel, the course that I received is basically it's like elementary level, it's experiential, they want you to go back.


And remember, a memory in childhood? That's the happiest you've ever experienced. Sit in that. What does that feel like? Feel the vibration of that. And then they make you go through these different times of your life so that you can understand that you are frequency. You can feel it. There's tangible evidence there. And the more that your.


Your frequency is at a certain place. Well, now you can feel what that feels like. So then you can start. You can start, you know, assigning it a number and a scale, and then you're able to bring in more of the higher frequency experiences. You'll be able to bring in more of what you want because you can understand it.


If you don't understand it, you don't know how that works, and a lot of the times you know, people listen to Abraham Hicks or I know I did when I started waking up and you start to understand, you're the creator of your reality. You are the manifestor, you're the generator. You're creating your reality and there's there's like, you know, experiences and things you can do. But if you're not experiencing those sorts of people and those conversations.


You have no idea.


You really have no idea. You think that life is happening to you?


You know.


That it's that you're not in control of it, yes.


It's the whole tune worth it too, that you know what you have one tuning fork and you bring another one that's not vibrating near it and it'll start vibrating at that same frequency. And you know, we used to say you can't walk by a mud puddle or walk through a mud puddle and not get dirty. Well, it's the same with people. If you're around people that are always.


You know.


Doom and gloom and this and that. And you know, in that lower vibration, you're going to feel that too. And so often we don't stop and feel, we just, you know, go through life. But your body is feeling all the time. And if you can slow down enough and realize that a need to be around.




People that are vibrating at the frequency for the most part, I mean nobody is like.


Sitting on that mountain top.


In the in the highest state, yeah, levitating right yet yet maybe after July. But.


Elevating levitating, it's elevating, right, right.


Right now we all have, you know, the ebbs and flows of life. But if you know what that feels like, if you've gotten into that place and you can talk to other people who can express, yeah, I've been there. I know what it feels.


Like and I, I strive to be in that that space and I want to be around other people that are that way so we can all kind of like get that vibration going. Even this conversation with you. I have felt my vibration like elevate to to the the place that feels yummy to me and.






I like to.




To like to be in. Yeah, but.


It it has to do with community and it it. Yes you can get there alone but usually.




It's better if you get there with others.


With others, yes. And I'll tell you, my brother is going through a major, major experience right now in his life.


And his perspective is shifting. There's healing. There's traumatic soul level healing happening in my family right now. It's incredible. My brother, who you know, says that he's he's had different experiences throughout his life, but he's never really dove into learning more about it.


He told me he said I was laying in bed and I had this love frequency. Now the the the term love frequency doesn't come out of my brother's mouth and it's and it's very accurate statement. It's it is a low frequency. It is the highest frequency there is. I've experienced it many times. It's amazing. And he said I was in bed because he was scared. He's he was dying.


Literally and low frequency came and just enveloped his whole entire body.


Me and he felt it and it's it's wiggles and shivers and it vibrates up your spine in the back like all your hairs go and you're just you're in the space of divine, beautiful love energy. And then it goes. You can ask your guides for that.


They want nothing more than to have that experience with you. You can, and it's tremendous. You can ask them to intuit you with guidance. You can ask them to let you experience vibration. Let them let you feel them being.


Near you. Let let them be evidence of them near you, and they will do it. If you you have to be open to receiving it. There's an openness in your heart that once sits that allows it. That is open to it. So all of these things are available to you.


It's all up to you.


Entirely up to you, yeah.


I have John in the unit.


Horns. Sometimes I get to pet the.


Unicorns. That's awesome. I love that.


It's absolute, but there's times you know when I'm just like that. Thanks. I just need to peppy unicorns and know that it's gonna be OK. And and we'll just go up at the unicorns.


No it doesn't.




Awesome. I have the Great Council of Light and they they they'll come in anytime I want them to and.


They constantly are trying to adjust my neck and my, my, my body, my channel, my vessel so that I can receive information more fluidly, more easily. So they love it when I'm when I just stop and, like, let them work on me, which I'm always doing 100 things at the same time. But they are, they are just so excited to support.


Us through this time on planet Earth and.


Their whole their whole intention is to give us loving, supportive messages and to help us understand what's happening.


Right now I'm giving messages frequently every week and then every month a big one. But I know and I've always seen since I started having my visions, that I will be transmitting visions of what's happening in the world of global events, global updates. And I just signed a contract with the Ethereal network, which is a really cool new spiritual platform that's going to be streaming.


All kinds of cool spiritual stuff.


And so I know that I'm going to be transmitting messages there. And you know other dimensions, other frequencies, other beings, we're all brothers and sisters and we're we just happen to be here on this planet at this time having this experience. And they want to support and help us. You know, they really do sell unicorns.


Or whatever they are, they are, they are existing. You just don't see them. But in the three-dimensional reality, you know, you just don't. Mm-hmm.


Yeah, yeah.


Yeah. Thanks. I I think there may be a time when some of this stuff starts phasing in and people will see more of these things. I'm I'm not.


Totally uncertain that it doesn't happen sometimes I've seen someone shape shift.




In front of me and.


It it was just a phase it it was like this, you know, first they were not then they were and then they were not. I have no this person and I've never spoken to them about what I saw. But I know what I saw. And so I think that we we may be coming into a.








A period of time where more of that will happen that you will see things that exist.




We haven't been.


In a in a.




Vibrational situation where we could actually see it.


Oh yeah. I mean, I could talk for hours about this.


And your your, your U world order. I can talk about the other one and why it exists and why certain people are in control and why they look a certain way. Because they're more easily, easily controllable and why other ones are suppressed because they're.




And there's, there's just so much to it that yes, you're right, the frequency of the planet is shifting. People are not getting bogged down with food and manipulation and news, and all people are seeking, and they want to know more. They're not just walking one foot in front of the other anymore, like sheeple.


They are breaking out and they are learning to live and understand for themselves and that's when we say consciousness is shifting. Yeah. It's shifting in the big way.


And are the veil is the.


Meaning and I've had visions of other of other worlds coming. I've seen a whole sky filled with ships in a brand awareness campaign saying, hey, we're here. We're not striking you. We're not hurting you. We have the best intentions. You know everything you've learned and heard and seen in movies and TV's and all the news that's pumped out. That's not real.


You are us. We are you. And there's certain laws. They've been here. Yeah. There's certain laws of the universe. And there's certain rules and you know, it's it's interesting. I don't know if you've ever heard of Elizabeth. April. She's oh, you need to. I'll. I'll send you her. Her YouTube. She talks to the Galactic Federation. And there's lots of communication.


There, and I mean they're, you know, it's it's all angelic beings. It's they're all intertwined. It's all connected and it's just about like where are you on your journey and how much can you absorb and.


You know, there's a lot to be learned. There's a lot to be seen.


But I'll tell you, I could be at a corporate function. I could be at a dinner party.


People are having conversations. It's not just with my spiritual friends. It's everywhere I am. I have a business I am constantly doing business development. I am meeting people constantly. I'm in the corporate space.


That's what it's coming up at. My lunch is like it's coming up. People are talking about spirituality. People are talking about other beings and other worlds. People are talking about control and the people want to be in charge of their thoughts and their bodies and their decisions. And I think that that's.


You know that's called, I don't know.


It's it's experience.


Having a life he called.


It's called what we were innately brought here to experience and and who we are as sovereign beings and.


I enjoy all of it. I'd love having conversations about it so.


I think if you look back at at some of the things that have happened in his.


History. You can see hints of that this isn't new. This isn't like it didn't just happen a couple of years ago. It's been going on. If you listen to Admiral Byrd and his talks about what's happening in the center of the earth, there's like, whole civilization.




In there.




That, you know, we're we're programmed to think that there's the Earth exists in a certain way and and that we're the only things here and the world revolves around us but.


That just simply.


Defies logic.


Is it true? Yeah.


And I was watching a TV show. It was a while ago, but it was the.


The gate the Gates movie is about.


I forget what it's called.


The ancient gates were the you could the aliens could portal in and they could portal out, and there was one episode.


I could see it was a movie. Do you know what I'm talking about?


No, but it sounds fascinating.


It it was a military project and they could. They went through these gates and the gates were portals into other places, and the aliens would come to our planet as well. And they they were talking. They were. One episode was about them.




Talking about a TV show where they were talking about.




Something gates about these gates was a TV show talking about a TV show talking about doing what they were doing on the TV show, which kind of was like a wing. Like, this is reality. This is what is really going on. This like Stargate, that's what it's called.




That's reality.




Stargate. OK, well, now I'm going to have to watch that, cause I sounds like something I would like to watch, but it's true. I I say I say this all the time and.


Everything is backwards day, so everything that you think is real isn't.


It's the only way to explain it all. All the rules, all the regulations, all of the history, all of the structures, all of the financial institutions, everything, it's all backwards day. It's all not like it's these are all created to keep us into submission, to keep us into debt, to keep our our vibrations.


Slow to keep us worried. I mean, my kids didn't even graduate high school yet. I'm getting.


Get a card. You know things in the mail from them to like. Get them started. Get them in. You're born and you're given a number. You were nothing but collateral to a note. That is a debt to another part of the world. And so we don't. If you think about it, it's crazy. And there's this very there's a small, small, small percentage of people that rule the entire planet.


Religious organization.


And it has been that way for a very long time. And there's, you know, when you go back to the originator of beings that created our species on this planet.


There's lots of. There's lots to be found out, and if you've ever heard of Billy Carson, Billy Carson's been on Joe Rogan. Now. I mean, things are becoming mainstream. Things are being discussed.


They can have comments and say, you know, I gotta get my my gotta roll my joints for this one. This is gonna be a great show, but they're watching it.


Let them watch it. Let them let something inside of their mind go.




I thought that I've had that thought. I heard something like that or I or then they'll go on their merry way and see something that strikes them. But that's that's a, you know, not so much spiritual. But that's mainstream. That is consciousness shifting that that is perspective opening.


That are that, that those are people who are we didn't have these opportunities before with media, with the Internet to spread.


Information the way that we do now and it's it's.




Just explore ideas and and.


It's amazing.




Concepts that you know a lot of people have, there's just like all these sparks out there, but when they're just a single spark, it's really hard.


To get any traction with it. But when you have somebody like Joe Rogan who's standing out there saying, hey, let's talk.




Does it have to be true or not true? It just doesn't matter. Truth is subjective. It really is. There is no absolute even things that we think are absolute really aren't.


He's so well versed now.


And that's why when they talk about.


You know, Christ consciousness and the return of Jesus Christ and and and all of that stuff. It's Christ consciousness. It's the return of love and understanding and collaboration and collective community and sharing gifts and telepathic communication and free energy and all the things that we had in these past civilizations. That's what it is. It's not a physical man coming back or or spiritual being.


Coming back and so to set, so to speak, it is consciousness shifting is returned to love.


Is returned to love, and when people have been indoctrinated into religion and not against religion, I'm just merely stating a point and I have first hand experience. My mother is Catholic. I was raised Catholic. My mom can't understand that that, you know, religions are false or made-up or constrictive or, you know, funneling us into.


A bounded book of Ideology and where You cannot think for yourself and you have to think within the bounds of it. She can't understand that. I don't believe that Jesus had to die to save me and give me a eternal life. She thinks Riki is.


You know she thinks Reiki is. She was scared of it. But my my grandmother, they were in a charismatic group and they laid on hands. And my mom, they laid, they did a lady that was Reiki and we were just in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital with my brother. And there's a Reiki pamphlet sitting there. I mean, you know, and my mom, I said, look, mom, they have Reiki here.


Which kind?


It's interesting, it's it's interesting, but.


I think the whole breaking free of religion is is happening kind of at warp speed at the moment it's and I think once the big revelation happens.


You know your your posters of the alien spaceships. It it it's gonna like.


Tip the rest of that over.




It it.


Religion hasn't really served humanity all that well.


It it, it ended up getting like.


Combined into a a little.


That's a very small pool.




It's a control, it's control.


When control when religion wasn't working anymore, social media controlled everyone like you know, it's. But I I have seen.


I can't explain it. People are searching for faith. They're searching right now for something to believe in, and they're talking about religion because they don't know how to put it in till they don't. How to talk about, they don't know what words to use. They don't know how it exists. But like, you know, famous podcasters like Sean.


And he's a Navy SEAL who's had I was listening to him. I love listening to people on their awakening stories. There was Angel numbers that he was seeing, like he'd never seen them before. And then there was a text out of the blue from somebody who knew something that he was thinking. That hurts. Like he's that's that's the universe.


That is, that like interconnectedness, that is, you know.


It's not religion, but he's finding faith in that. And so that's giving him some something closer to love. You know, it's it's, it's something they're seeking. People are feeling lost. And I've been told so many times.


That people are going to come to the portal like that, it's going to be like a container shop or cup of sand. They're just going to suddenly appear there because there's gonna be something that happens. It just rocks, rocks everybody's world. So I know sort of what that could be because I've had visions of it. And, you know, there's World War.


Three talks and there's all kinds of things that are on the on the table now that are being thrown around very haphazardly.


So we don't know what's coming. We don't know what's coming, but we do know that there's a shift in perspective perspective and there's a shift in understand.


COVID it COVID made everyone's sorry. Somehow have compassion, empathy, right. And a different level of, you know, all kinds of things happen in COVID, I know. But the positives of it were people had a new perspective. What am I doing with my life? What am I doing with my work? What am I doing? I'm spending time with family.


Those sorts of things.


So that was, yeah.


What's important?


We became a lot more clear and we all had to stop for a little while and slow down and listen instead of the constant business. I think it really backfired on them. If it was, if it was a planned attack.




Yes, yes.


And I say that.




It it didn't have the IT didn't get give them the result that they were hoping for.


I think it was, yes.


And that's all I'll say about that. All right, Pamela. So people can find your community. Where?


And please.


Yeah, they can find us at and we welcome everyone with open arms. You could be anywhere in your in your faith journey anywhere in your spiritual journey. It doesn't matter where you are.


It's a safe place for you to come. You get seven days free or you can just come in. You can join all the events. You can have the curated sound healings. You can have course work and resource library and.


All kinds of stuff to try and test out, and then I'm also on YouTube and spare calling live the call.


I put a podcast out called Live the call where I interview people who are living and working in their sole purpose, which is really cool. And then we have I have a new course coming out which I'm really excited but but the big thing right now is this new show called divine Wisdom on the ethereal network. It's ETHEREAL


And there's lots of cool people with lots of cool shows. It's going to be a new sort of elevated consciousness streaming.


Platform where you can learn.


So I'm really excited to be a part of that. That happened like overnight, you know, it's cool.


Do you?


That's connected to Roku.


Yep, it's going to be connected to.




To to all of them, fire, TV and and all the things. Yeah. Yeah. So go check that out.


You can just.


Yeah, definitely gonna do that. So this has been an amazing conversation.


Almost an hour.


Thank you.


Is it really? That's awesome. See what I mean? How fast it.


Goes. So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation?


I know.


I hope that they know that they are not alone.


Because you don't have to be alone. There's options for you.


Because being alone, you can be scared. You can be worried. You don't know what you're doing. You don't have anyone to talk to. You fall in within yourself, and your receipt, and you don't have to be alone. You can expand. You can experience. You can find love. You can find a better life. You can find your soul's purpose by joining community. So I hope that everyone who's listening can.


If they're feeling alone, they know they have an option.


Awesome. Thanks for joining me.


You're welcome. Jill. Thank you so much for having me.



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